PASINI, Margherita
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 13.696
NA - Nord America 6.217
AS - Asia 4.085
AF - Africa 179
OC - Oceania 148
SA - Sud America 86
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 14
Totale 24.425
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.033
IT - Italia 5.520
GB - Regno Unito 3.531
CN - Cina 2.238
FR - Francia 1.209
SG - Singapore 940
RU - Federazione Russa 688
DE - Germania 598
SE - Svezia 540
IE - Irlanda 533
FI - Finlandia 337
CA - Canada 170
NL - Olanda 142
UA - Ucraina 141
AU - Australia 138
TR - Turchia 124
KR - Corea 117
ID - Indonesia 81
HK - Hong Kong 80
BE - Belgio 79
IN - India 75
CH - Svizzera 68
JP - Giappone 61
TW - Taiwan 59
VN - Vietnam 53
IR - Iran 51
AT - Austria 47
ZA - Sudafrica 46
BR - Brasile 45
PT - Portogallo 44
PH - Filippine 42
IL - Israele 37
ES - Italia 33
NO - Norvegia 29
MY - Malesia 28
RO - Romania 25
BG - Bulgaria 24
MA - Marocco 22
TG - Togo 22
HU - Ungheria 20
CM - Camerun 19
CL - Cile 18
PK - Pakistan 16
EG - Egitto 15
PL - Polonia 14
TH - Thailandia 14
DK - Danimarca 12
GR - Grecia 12
SA - Arabia Saudita 12
MX - Messico 11
DZ - Algeria 10
EU - Europa 10
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 10
CO - Colombia 9
LU - Lussemburgo 9
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 7
CI - Costa d'Avorio 7
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 7
LK - Sri Lanka 7
NG - Nigeria 7
TN - Tunisia 6
BD - Bangladesh 5
HR - Croazia 5
KZ - Kazakistan 5
MD - Moldavia 5
AR - Argentina 4
EC - Ecuador 4
MN - Mongolia 4
NP - Nepal 4
PE - Perù 4
RE - Reunion 4
CY - Cipro 3
EE - Estonia 3
GA - Gabon 3
IQ - Iraq 3
LT - Lituania 3
MG - Madagascar 3
PS - Palestinian Territory 3
RS - Serbia 3
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 3
AM - Armenia 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
BF - Burkina Faso 2
BO - Bolivia 2
BY - Bielorussia 2
JE - Jersey 2
KG - Kirghizistan 2
KH - Cambogia 2
LV - Lettonia 2
QA - Qatar 2
SC - Seychelles 2
SI - Slovenia 2
SM - San Marino 2
TZ - Tanzania 2
XK - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.XK??? 2
ZW - Zimbabwe 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AF - Afghanistan, Repubblica islamica di 1
AL - Albania 1
Totale 24.409
Città #
Southend 3.110
Chandler 885
Jacksonville 836
Singapore 759
Verona 544
Ashburn 517
Dublin 517
Ann Arbor 390
Milan 349
Rome 323
Woodbridge 300
Beijing 298
Houston 268
Jinan 249
Nanjing 196
Lawrence 189
Princeton 189
Wilmington 169
Shenyang 167
Padova 155
Florence 140
Bari 102
Helsinki 102
Tianjin 96
Hebei 94
Boardman 83
Naples 82
Changsha 76
Bologna 73
Sindelfingen 73
Turin 73
Nanchang 71
Zhengzhou 66
Palermo 65
Haikou 64
Hangzhou 61
Ningbo 61
Taizhou 60
New York 59
Seattle 53
Brussels 52
Lancaster 51
Brescia 48
Taiyuan 47
Redwood City 46
Elora 45
Jiaxing 45
Pescara 45
Guangzhou 44
Perugia 44
Jakarta 43
Los Angeles 41
Paris 40
Vicenza 40
Fairfield 39
Falls Church 36
Toronto 36
Trento 36
Vienna 36
Venice 35
Amsterdam 34
Fuzhou 34
Redmond 34
San Francisco 34
Genoa 33
Tokyo 33
Lanzhou 31
Cagliari 30
Catania 30
Melbourne 30
Dallas 29
Norwalk 29
Dong Ket 28
Moscow 28
London 27
Montreal 27
Chicago 26
Seongbuk-gu 26
Johannesburg 24
Perth 24
Seoul 24
Tel Aviv 24
Brisbane 23
Shanghai 23
Lomé 22
Romola 21
Santa Clara 21
Burgas 20
Hong Kong 19
Newark 19
Parma 19
Frankfurt am Main 18
Mantova 18
Pisa 18
Savannah 18
Berlin 17
Brighton 17
Clearwater 17
Düsseldorf 17
Livorno 17
Totale 13.796
Nome #
Il ruolo delle emozioni morali nella prestazione accademica 2.455
How does Psychological Restoration Work in Children? An Exploratory Study 522
The italian version of the pro-environmental Behaviours scale (pebs): validation process and a Practical application 421
Light, restorativeness, and performance in the workplace 352
Achievement goals as antecedents of achievement emotions: The 3 X 2 achievement goal model as a framework for learning environments design 310
Emozioni di riuscita: specificità del setting 300
Environmental Psychology and Participatory Interior Design: a case study 289
Attitudine imprenditoriale e misura psicometrica: il TAI (Test di Attitudine Imprenditoriale) 273
Una scala per la misura della restorativeness dei luoghi 272
Psychology of programming: The role of creativity, empathy and systemizing 265
The assessment of motivation for technology-based learning environments: The Italian version of the Achievement Goal Questionnaire-Revised 257
Learning through Technology 253
On-line assessment of pride and shame: Relationships with cognitive dimensions in university students 250
The Validity of the Short UK Health and Safety Executive Stress Indicator Tool For the Assessment of the Psychosocial Work Environment in Italy 249
Antecedents of Achievement Emotions: Mixed-Device Assessment with Italian and Australian University Students 248
Achieving Diagnostic Expertise through Technology: A Cue Based Approach 242
The Use of Different Multiple Devices for an Ecological Assessment in Psychological Research: An Experience with a Daily Affect Assessment 241
A "light" application of Blended Extreme Apprenticeship in teaching Programming to Students of Mathematics 226
La base-rate fallacy nella categorizzazione di eventi sequenziali 221
“3 X 2 Achievement Goal Questionnaire”: uno studio esplorativo con studenti italiani 218
Measuring the restorative value of the environment: Contribution to the validation of the Italian version of the Perceived Restorativeness Scale(Misurare il valore rigenerativo dell’ambiente: contributo alla validazione della versione italiana della Perceived Restorativeness Scale) 214
Assessing connective understanding with visual and verbal Tasks. 209
Use of internet and wellbeing: A mixed-device survey 197
Emotions and inclusion in co-design at school: Let’s measure them 195
Predictors of performance in Programming: the moderating role of eXtreme Apprenticeship, sex and educational background 190
Emozioni e inclusione nel co-design a scuola 182
Emojis’ psychophysics: Measuring emotions in technology enhanced learning contexts 175
Pausa al lavoro, prestazione e sicurezza: la potenzialità rigenerativa dell’ambiente fisico 169
Quando, prima, perché: inferenze temporali e causali nei processi di comprensione del testo scritto 164
The usability of multiple devices for an ecological assessment in psychological research: Salience of reasons underlying usability 161
The Impact of Qualitative Job Insecurity on Safety Performance: The Moderating Role of Safety Climate 160
La motivation au travail et l’engagement. Analyse sur deux echantillons italiens 159
The Relationship between Leader-member exchange and Different Perceptions on Safety Climate in the Work Group 158
È più restorative un ambiente naturale o costruito? Uno studio sugli skyline urbani notturni 153
Compliance to eXtreme Apprenticeship in a programming course: Performance, achievement emotions, and self-efficacy 151
Factor Structure of the Italian version of Pro-Environmental Behaviour Scale (PEBS) 146
Tre brevi scale per misurare Restorativeness, Livability, Liveliness degli ambienti fisici: un confronto italia usa 145
A Three-Path Mediational Model to Explain the Job Insecurity-Emotional Exhaustion Relationship: Breach of Psychological Contract and Distributive Injustice as Intervening Variables 145
The Impact of Job Insecurity on Performance: only Negative Effects? Explaining the Nature of the Relationship with Overall Job Attitude as Mediator 144
Job Insecurity and Organizational Consequences: How Justice Moderates this Relationship 143
Insicurezza lavorativa e burnout come conseguenza: spiegare questa relazione attraverso i processi di scambio sociale 142
Profiles in Brain Type in Programming Performance for Non-vocational Courses 139
Physical environment and safety outcomes:the role of 'restorativeness' at the workplace 138
Biophilia in practice: Children perceive the restorative value of Nature and this improves performance in attention test. 137
Positive and Negative Affect over time: an application of Latent Class Growth Analysis (LCGA) and Growth Mixture Modeling (GMM) 137
Multilevel approach to organizational and group safety climate and safety performance: Co-workers as the missing link 136
A Preliminary Investigation on Computational Abilities in Secondary School 130
Achievement emotions in technology enhanced learning: Development and validation of self-report instruments in the italian context 129
Early training in programming: from high school to college 129
Work-related stress mediate the relationship between safety climate and safety performance. 126
Children’s emotions and quality of products in participatory game design 123
The impact of supervisor's safety profile on worker’s safety performance 123
Distance sujective et performance de sécurité dans des contextes multiculturels : le rôle de la modération dans le climat de sécurité 122
Achievement emotions and peer acceptance get together in game design at school 122
The challenge of learning to program: motivation and achievement emotions in an extreme apprenticeship experience 119
Usability of Virtual Environment for Emotional Well-Being 119
Restorative Value of Nature and Skylines in Daylight and After Dark 114
I comportamenti diretti alla ricerca del lavoro nella prospettiva teorica del “positive organizational behaviour” 113
Il rapporto tra precarietà quantitativa/qualitativa del lavoro e gli esiti negativi. Test longitudinale del Job Insecurity Integrated Model (JIIM) di Chirumbolo et al. 113
Il benessere organizzativo tra giustizia e motivazione 112
Factorial structure of Safety Climate scales. A pilot study in Italian metal-mechanic sector 112
The role of the cognitive style in improving the learning to program 112
Subitizing e counting con una rete neurale. 108
Descrizione dei principali indicatori di qualità 106
The 3 X 2 achievement goal model for learning exam-relevant material: Links with emotions 106
An estimation of a nonlinear dynamic process using Latent Class extended Mixed Models: Affect profiles after terrorist attacks 106
Adaptation and psychometric properties of the Italian version of the Pro-Environmental Behaviours Scale (PEBS) 106
Gli strumenti di autovalutazione in psicologia 104
Three Kiwifruits a day keep the blues away? 104
Challenge, hindrance, and control: An analysis of primary and secondary appraisals’ role in the job insecurity-outcomes relationships 103
La soddisfazione del paziente nei diversi presidi e nei diversi reparti 101
The role of setting for university students’ achievement emotions 101
Est-il possible d’améliorer le climat de sécurité?Les premiers résultats d’une étude longitudinale réalisée dans le secteur métalurgique 101
Safety at Work: Two Different Moderating Models Considering Organisational Safety Climate and Job Insecurity 100
Acute physiological and psychological responses to exercise in indoor and outdoor environments in built and natural surroundings 99
New Technologies and Work-Related Outcomes: Exploring the Effects of Smart Working and Techno-Stress on Perceived Job Satisfaction and Performance. 99
Les stratégies de coping mises en place par les travailleurs de quelques entreprises du Nord Est de l'Italie dans des contextes de travail multiculturels 99
Multilevel Confirmatory Factor Analysis of a Safety Climate Questionnaire 99
How to Measure the Restorative Quality of Environments: The PRS-11 99
Attitudine imprenditoriale e misura psicometrica: il TAI 98
E' possibile migliorare il clima di sicurezza? I primi risultati di uno studio longitudinale realizzato nel settore metalmeccanico 98
A Mediational Model to Explain the Job Insecurity-Emotional Exhaustion Relationship: Breach of Psychological Contract and Distributive Injustice as Intervening Variables 97
Il clima di sicurezza come "leading indicator" per la prevenzione degli infortuni. Una sperimentazione nel settore metalmeccanico. 96
Can a brief immersion into a virtual natural environment change positively our mood? 95
Impatto emotivo degli attentati terroristici (Parigi 2015 e Bruxelles 2016) su studenti universitari italiani 94
Effetti dell’esposizione ad ambienti naturali sui processi attentivi: risultati preliminari di una meta-analisi. 94
Prove dìingresso e prestazione universitaria: una rete neurale per Scienze motorie 92
Factorial structure of Safety Climate scales: a pilot study. 92
The effect of a safety climate training on safety performance. A longitudinal study on the use of individual protective devises 92
An open-source estimation of latent class extended mixed models in R 92
Esplorando gli antecedenti del benessere e della performance dei volontari: uno studio empirico 92
Relevance of terrorism for Italian students not directly exposed to it: The affective impact of the 2015 Paris and the 2016 Brussels attacks 92
Il clima di sicurezza: un fattore strategico per la sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro 91
Can the Physical Environment Play a role on Workers’ Safety Outcomes? A Brief Commentary on Restorative Design at the Workplace 90
When Justice Works: Testing the Uncertainty Management Model among Italian employees”. 89
Perceived Restorativeness Scale–6: A Short Version of the Perceived Restorativeness Scale for Mixed (or Mobile) Devices 89
Test di attitudini o di conoscenza di contenuti specifici? Validità predittiva di diversi tipi di prove d'accesso all'Università 88
“Explaining the Relationship between Job Insecurity and Organizational Discretionary Behaviours: Breach of Psychological Contract and Organizational Justice as Mediators” 88
Totale 17.816
Categoria #
all - tutte 69.842
article - articoli 19.202
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 37.041
curatela - curatele 325
other - altro 815
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 12.459
Totale 139.684

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.132 0 0 0 0 0 0 162 203 144 176 156 291
2020/20212.783 309 446 222 293 251 280 106 174 144 117 226 215
2021/20222.711 278 613 98 132 133 107 86 146 152 145 263 558
2022/20234.051 322 244 333 554 326 789 152 290 431 163 291 156
2023/20244.504 192 211 363 394 429 417 485 519 143 379 560 412
2024/20253.916 611 551 578 1.119 534 449 74 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 24.850