Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 3.770
NA - Nord America 2.893
AS - Asia 813
OC - Oceania 19
SA - Sud America 6
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
AF - Africa 2
Totale 7.506
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.869
IT - Italia 1.202
GB - Regno Unito 1.104
CN - Cina 712
SE - Svezia 330
FR - Francia 307
IE - Irlanda 258
DE - Germania 192
FI - Finlandia 178
UA - Ucraina 86
VN - Vietnam 38
ES - Italia 22
BE - Belgio 21
AU - Australia 18
CA - Canada 17
NL - Olanda 14
RU - Federazione Russa 11
KR - Corea 9
IN - India 8
SG - Singapore 8
MX - Messico 7
TR - Turchia 7
CH - Svizzera 6
PL - Polonia 6
AM - Armenia 5
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 5
IR - Iran 5
JP - Giappone 5
NO - Norvegia 5
HK - Hong Kong 4
BR - Brasile 3
HR - Croazia 3
LV - Lettonia 3
PT - Portogallo 3
RO - Romania 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
AL - Albania 2
EU - Europa 2
IL - Israele 2
MY - Malesia 2
PE - Perù 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AT - Austria 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
CL - Cile 1
GR - Grecia 1
ID - Indonesia 1
IS - Islanda 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LT - Lituania 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
OM - Oman 1
RS - Serbia 1
SI - Slovenia 1
SL - Sierra Leone 1
TH - Thailandia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 7.506
Città #
Southend 1.036
Chandler 565
Jacksonville 472
Ann Arbor 255
Dublin 254
Verona 203
Ashburn 191
Woodbridge 160
Beijing 127
Lawrence 98
Princeton 98
Wilmington 72
Houston 68
Jinan 67
Nanjing 67
Shenyang 65
New York 64
Milan 63
Sindelfingen 53
Napoli 51
Helsinki 48
Rome 45
Hebei 41
Redmond 35
Tianjin 31
Bologna 29
Padova 29
Changsha 27
Haikou 26
Zhengzhou 26
Dong Ket 24
Nanchang 22
Washington 22
Brussels 21
Redwood City 20
Ningbo 19
Hangzhou 18
Boardman 17
Norwalk 15
Seattle 15
Cagliari 14
Cattolica 14
Guangzhou 14
Palermo 14
Taizhou 14
Jiaxing 13
San Francisco 12
Taiyuan 12
Toronto 11
Fuzhou 10
Los Angeles 10
Chicago 9
Torino 9
Turin 9
Canberra 8
Lancaster 8
Lanzhou 8
Modena 8
Paris 8
Seoul 8
Tappahannock 8
Civitavecchia 7
Fairfield 7
Brescia 6
Cassino 6
Dallas 6
Dearborn 6
Dongguan 6
Madrid 6
Trento 6
Vicenza 6
Bari 5
Chions 5
Jesi 5
Tombolo 5
Trieste 5
Yerevan 5
Amsterdam 4
Barcelona 4
Berlin 4
Busto Arsizio 4
Genova 4
Lainate 4
Naples 4
Pozza 4
Qingdao 4
Ravenna 4
Rimini 4
Riva 4
Romainville 4
San Diego 4
San Giovanni Lupatoto 4
Santiago de Compostela 4
Treviso 4
Udine 4
Atlanta 3
Brno 3
Cambridge 3
Capurso 3
Carpi 3
Totale 4.959
Nome #
L’INTERAZIONE MEDICO-PAZIENTE NELLA MEDICINA GENERALE.Definizione di un modello descrittivo dell’intervista medica e delle variabili che contribuiscono al riconoscimento del disagio emotivo nel contesto della medicina generale. 534
Utilizzo della versione italiana della CBCL: prospettive e problemi metodologici. 197
Competenze per comunicare con i pazienti 197
INvolvement of breast CAncer patients during oncological consultations: a multicentre randomised controlled trial--the INCA study protocol. 127
L'approccio centrato sul paziente: dalla medicina generale alla psichiatria 123
Communication skills in psychiatry residents. How do they handle patient concerns? An application of sequence analysis to interviews with simulated patients 114
Fratelli sani di bambini disabili: stili di funzionamento familiare e possibili indicatori di rischio di evoluzione psicopatologica 114
Effect of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on Weight Loss and the Acceptance of Body Image in Breast Cancer Patients. In: Abstracts of the IPOS 15th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology. November 4-8, 2013. Rotterdam, The Netherlands 113
Aspetti impliciti e comunicazione non verbale nella relazione con la persona anziana 112
The handling of patient cues and expressed emotions in psychiatric interviews after a communication skills training 103
Informare il malato. Strategie comunicative 100
La conduzione dell’intervista medica secondo l’approccio “centrato sul paziente 99
L’interazione medico-paziente: sistemi di analisi a confronto 96
The Recall of Information After First Oncological Consultations in Female Patients With Breast Cancer. 94
Biopsychosocial model of resilience in young adults with multiple sclerosis (BPS-ARMS): an observational study protocol exploring psychological reactions early after diagnosis 93
Il Verona-Medical Interview Classification System/Patient (VR-MICS/P). Presentazione dello strumento e studio di attendibilità 92
Insegnare l’approccio biopsicosociale nella conduzione dell’intervista medica prima di insegnare a riconoscere i disturbi emotivi 91
The English version of the Verona Medical Interview Classification System (VR-MICS): an assessment of its reliability and a comparative cross-cultural test of its validity 89
Valutare il grado di coinvolgimento del paziente durante una visita: la versione italiana dello strumento OPTION. 89
Asking questions during breast cancer consultations: Does being alone or being accompanied make a difference? 88
People-centred care: new research needs and methodsin doctor–patient communication. Challenges inmental health 87
Il ruolo della musicoterapia nel recupero del deficit uditivo. Un’indagine tra i professionisti che lavorano con bambini sordi e tra i fruitori. 86
Parole come immagine per dirigere il colloquio 85
Inter and intra individual variations in physicians’ verbal behaviour during primary care consultations. 84
La presentazione di problemi psico-sociali durante la consultazione in medicina generale 82
Patient cues and medical interwiewing in general practice. Examples of the application of sequential analysis 82
Training mental health providers in better communication with their patients 82
Decisional strategies for the attribution of emotional distress in primary care 80
Uno strumento per la valutazione dell'intervista medica nel contesto della medicina generale: il VR-MICS/D n(Verona Medical Interview Classification System/Doctor) 80
Affective communication during bad news consultation. Effect on analogue patients' heart rate variability and recall 80
Information-giving sequences in general practice consultations 79
Event-based categorical sequential analyses of the medical interview. A review 77
Shared decision making: the reliability of the OPTION scale in Italy. 77
The Information Needs of Italian Breast Cancer Patients During a First Oncological Consultation 77
The third meeting of the Verona Network on Sequence Analysis. Finding common grounds in defining Patient cues and concerns and the appropriateness of provider responses 76
The evaluation of training in patient-centred interviewing skills for psychiatric residents 76
How emotions emerge and are dealt with in first diagnostic consultations in psychiatry. 76
Development of the Verona coding definitions of emotional sequences to code health providers’ responses (VR-CoDES-P) to patient cues and concerns 75
The biopsychosocial domains and the functions of the medical interview in primary care: construct validity of the Verona Medical Interview Classification System 74
Strategie comunicative per motivare i pazienti a seguire i consigli del medico 74
Cues and concerns by patients in medical consultations: a literature review. 74
La comunicazione della diagnosi di tumore al paziente e ai familiari: linee guida. [Breaking cancer communication to the patient and the family: Guidelines] 72
Analisi epidemiologica delle difficoltà di calcolo al termine del primo ciclo della scuola elementare. 72
"If you can't control the wind, adjust your sail": tips for post-pandemic benefit finding from young adults living with multiple sclerosis. A qualitative study 72
Cardiovascular assessment of supportive doctor-patient communication using multi-scale and multi-lag analysis of heartbeat dynamics 71
Colorare di caldo la parola salutare 70
Il cambiamento e la sua descrizione... Come vi si introduce la spiegazione?. 70
Comunicare con la persona anziana 70
Characterization of doctor-patient communication using heartbeat nonlinear dynamics: A preliminary study using Lagged Poincaré Plots 70
Informative needs of Family members of breast cancer patients’ during a first oncological consultation 70
Patient expression of emotions and neurologist responses in first multiple sclerosis consultations 67
Involving patients in decisions during psychiatric consultations 65
Coding patient emotional cues and concerns in medical consultations: The verona coding definitions of emotional sequences (VR-CoDES) 65
Emotional, cognitive and social factors of antimicrobial prescribing: can antimicrobial stewardship intervention be effective without addressing psycho-social factors? 65
A bio-psycho-social co-created intervention for young adults with multiple sclerosis (ESPRIMO): rationale and study protocol for a feasibility study 65
Tecniche comunicative e rapporto medico-paziente: il problema della soddisfazione 64
VR-CoDES and patient-centeredness: the intersection points between a measure and a concept 64
Specchio o invenzione? Uomini e donne nella pubblicità di un settimanale italiano. 62
A theory based proposal to evaluate Patient-Centred Communication in medical consultations: the Verona Patient-centred Communication Evaluation scale (VR-COPE). 62
Rehabilitation and biomarkers of stroke recovery: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial 61
L’intervista medica in medicina generale 60
Differences in verbal behaviours of patients with and without emotional distress during primary care consultations 60
Analysing how negative emotions emerge and are addressed in veterinary consultations, using the Verona Coding Definitions of Emotional Sequences (VR-CoDES) 60
Adult mild encephalitis with reversible splenial lesion associated with delirious mania: a case report 60
Valutazione dello stile comunicativo dei medici di Medicina Generale. Confronto cross-nazionale mediante un nuovo strumento, il VR-MICS 57
Health-related quality of life and psychological features in post-stroke patients with chronic pain: a cross-sectional study in the neuro-rehabilitation context of care 57
Sequence analysis in multilevel models. A study on different sources of patient cues in medical consultations 56
"QUARTILI", un Programma Automatico per il Test dei Quartili. Applicazioni con misure psicologiche. 56
Efficacy of physical activity interventions on psychological outcomes in refugee, asylum seeker and migrant populations: a systematic review and meta-analysis 56
Covid-19 and mental health in the obstetric population: a lesson from a case of puerperal psychosis 55
Focal cognitive impairment in mitochondrial encephalomyopathies: a neuropsychological and neuroimaging study 54
Factors related to the expression of emotions by early-stage breast cancer patients 54
Mindfulness-based interventions in the early phase of affective and non-affective psychoses 54
Valutazione dello stile comunicativo dei medici di Medicina Generale. Confronto cross-nazionale mediante un nuovo strumento, il VR-MICS in Progetto Nazionale Salute Mentale. 52
Assessment of nonverbal communication in clinical encounters: many methodological approaches, but no gold standard 52
Verona Coding Definitions of Emotional Sequences (VR-CoDES): Conceptual framework and future directions 52
A prospective observational cohort study on pharmacological habitus, headache-related disability and psychological profile in patients with chronic migraine undergoing onabotulinumtoxina prophylactic treatment 52
PREPARE: PreoPerative Anxiety REduction. One-Year Feasibility RCT on a Brief Psychological Intervention for Pancreatic Cancer Patients Prior to Major Surgery 50
Prevalence of depression in a cohort of 400 patients with pancreatic neoplasm attending day-hospital for major surgery. Role on depression of psycho-social functioning and clinical factors 49
Patients' autonomic activation during clinical interaction: a review of empirical studies 49
Emotional intelligence as a mediator between attachment security and empathy in pre-clinical medical students: A multi-center cross-sectional study 49
Empathy can make the difference. How? 48
Regulation of microRNAs in satellite cell renewal, muscle function, sarcopenia and the role of exercise 48
Employment status and information needs of patients with breast cancer: a multicentre cross-sectional study of first oncology consultations 48
Communication strategies to motivate patients to follow doctor's advice,Strategie comunicative per motivare i pazienti a seguire i consigli del medico 46
Exploring emotional distress, psychological traits and attitudes in patients with chronic migraine undergoing OnabotulinumtoxinA prophylaxis versus withdrawal treatment 46
IPSICO survey on the psychological impact of COVID-19 on healthcare providers in obstetrics: a study design 46
The fourth meeting of the Verona Network on Sequence Analysis. “Consensus finding on the appropriateness of provider responses to patient cues and concerns 45
Does being accompanied make a difference in communication during breast cancer consultations? Results from a multi-centered randomized controlled trial 45
How psychiatrist’s communication skills and patient’s diagnosis affect emotions disclosure during first diagnostic consultations 43
Il processo informativo ai familiari di pazienti ricoverati in terapia intensiva: casi critici e suggerimenti 40
Nonverbal Communication in Clinical Contexts 39
e-ESPRIMO: An e-health biopsychosocial intervention for young adults with Multiple sclerosis and medium/high disability. Co-creation phase 38
The psychological impact of COVID-19 on healthcare providers in obstetrics: a cross-sectional survey study 35
Effectiveness of a Mindful Compassion Care Program in reducing burnout and psychological distress amongst frontline hospital nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial 30
Training in communication and emotion handling skills for students attending medical school: Relationship with empathy, emotional intelligence, and attachment style 29
From research to clinical practice: a systematic review of the implementation of psychological interventions for chronic headache in adults 28
The prognostic role of fatigue, depression and anxiety on postoperative outcomes after pancreatectomy for pancreatic cancer. A prospective observational study (FAT-PRO study) 25
Promoting participatory research in chronicity: The ESPRIMO biopsychosocial intervention for young adults with multiple sclerosis 24
"INTEGRO INTEGRated Psychotherapeutic InterventiOn" on the management of chronic pain in patients with fbromyalgia: the role of the therapeutic relationship 23
Totale 7.475
Categoria #
all - tutte 23.085
article - articoli 20.011
book - libri 356
conference - conferenze 611
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 917
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.190
Totale 46.170

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2018/201957 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 37
2019/2020838 110 16 16 78 69 118 65 79 51 91 47 98
2020/20211.082 88 136 52 98 110 117 58 87 107 48 113 68
2021/2022854 91 193 6 88 48 17 26 45 29 27 57 227
2022/20231.835 132 166 165 317 149 403 51 86 212 33 78 43
2023/20241.048 43 83 124 141 155 202 79 101 17 100 3 0
Totale 7.632