Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.506
EU - Europa 2.345
AS - Asia 670
AF - Africa 15
OC - Oceania 13
SA - Sud America 6
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 5.558
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.490
GB - Regno Unito 750
CN - Cina 562
IT - Italia 449
SE - Svezia 322
FR - Francia 218
IE - Irlanda 192
DE - Germania 152
FI - Finlandia 140
VN - Vietnam 50
UA - Ucraina 37
BE - Belgio 28
AU - Australia 13
KR - Corea 13
NL - Olanda 13
CA - Canada 9
RU - Federazione Russa 9
IN - India 7
RO - Romania 7
ES - Italia 5
IR - Iran 5
JP - Giappone 5
NO - Norvegia 5
PL - Polonia 5
SD - Sudan 5
SG - Singapore 5
ZW - Zimbabwe 5
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
TR - Turchia 4
AT - Austria 3
HT - Haiti 3
MX - Messico 3
TH - Thailandia 3
BR - Brasile 2
EU - Europa 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
IL - Israele 2
LV - Lettonia 2
MA - Marocco 2
PH - Filippine 2
RS - Serbia 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AR - Argentina 1
CH - Svizzera 1
CL - Cile 1
CO - Colombia 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EG - Egitto 1
HU - Ungheria 1
ID - Indonesia 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
OM - Oman 1
PA - Panama 1
PE - Perù 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PT - Portogallo 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TM - Turkmenistan 1
TN - Tunisia 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 5.558
Città #
Southend 683
Chandler 542
Jacksonville 335
Ashburn 201
Ann Arbor 194
Woodbridge 194
Dublin 190
Verona 148
Beijing 97
Lawrence 77
Princeton 77
Houston 70
Wilmington 69
Nanjing 60
Jinan 59
Shenyang 44
New York 43
Helsinki 40
Redmond 39
Sindelfingen 35
Dong Ket 33
Hebei 31
Washington 30
Milan 29
Brussels 26
Los Angeles 24
Zhengzhou 23
Changsha 22
Boardman 21
Nanchang 21
Ningbo 20
Falls Church 19
Tianjin 16
Dearborn 15
Seattle 15
Taiyuan 14
Bologna 13
Jiaxing 13
Napoli 13
Norwalk 13
Seoul 13
Guangzhou 12
Haikou 12
Lanzhou 12
Taizhou 12
Redwood City 11
Lancaster 10
Rome 10
Düsseldorf 8
Fairfield 8
Tappahannock 8
Fuzhou 6
Hangzhou 6
Padova 6
San Diego 6
Groningen 5
Harare 5
Brescia 4
Bussolengo 4
Canberra 4
Dongguan 4
Frankfurt am Main 4
Laglio 4
Mirasole 4
Nave 4
Nogara 4
Palermo 4
San Martino Buon Albergo 4
Santiago de Compostela 4
Timisoara 4
Auburn Hills 3
Bangkok 3
Bovolone 3
Cambridge 3
Cattolica 3
Chicago 3
Dallas 3
Detroit 3
Leipzig 3
Melbourne 3
Mexico City 3
Murfreesboro 3
Oakville 3
Port-au-Prince 3
Pozza 3
San Francisco 3
Sant'Ambrogio di Valpolicella 3
Saronno 3
Shanghai 3
Staten Island 3
Trondheim 3
Turin 3
Vienna 3
Adelaide 2
Amsterdam 2
Atlanta 2
Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto 2
Belgrade 2
Bergen 2
Berlin 2
Totale 3.893
Nome #
INvolvement of breast CAncer patients during oncological consultations: a multicentre randomised controlled trial--the INCA study protocol. 127
L'approccio centrato sul paziente: dalla medicina generale alla psichiatria 123
A multi-element psychosocial intervention for early psychosis (GET UP PIANO TRIAL) conducted in a catchment area of 10 million inhabitants: study protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial. 117
Dialogo tra un medico e un paziente. Diagnosi del carcinoma di prostata 115
Communication skills in psychiatry residents. How do they handle patient concerns? An application of sequence analysis to interviews with simulated patients 114
Anche gli psichiatri hanno bisogno di migliorare le loro competenze comunicative? 109
What do people appreciate in physicians' communication? An international study with focus groups using videotaped medical consultations. 106
How patients want their doctor to communicate. A literature review on primary care patients' perspective. 104
The handling of patient cues and expressed emotions in psychiatric interviews after a communication skills training 103
Patient empowerment in risk management: a mixed-method study to explore mental health professionals' perspective 95
Le conoscenze e i bisogni informativi dei pazienti con diagnosi di schizofrenia esplorati attraverso il metodo dei focus group 94
Chronic graft versus host disease is associated with erectile dysfunction in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients: a single-center experience 94
Biopsychosocial model of resilience in young adults with multiple sclerosis (BPS-ARMS): an observational study protocol exploring psychological reactions early after diagnosis 93
The English version of the Verona Medical Interview Classification System (VR-MICS): an assessment of its reliability and a comparative cross-cultural test of its validity 89
Valutare il grado di coinvolgimento del paziente durante una visita: la versione italiana dello strumento OPTION. 89
La comunicazione della diagnosi di schizofrenia.Il punto di vista degli psichiatri raccolto attraverso il metodo dei focus group. 89
You only have one chance for a first impression! Impact of Patients' First Impression on the Global Quality Assessment of Doctors' Communication Approach 87
How to make the medical consultation more successful from a patient's perspective? Tips for doctors and patients from lay people in the United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands. 86
What patients want. 86
Training mental health providers in better communication with their patients 82
GULiVER--travelling into the heart of good doctor-patient communication from a patient perspective: study protocol of an international multicentre study. 81
A standardized approach to qualitative content analysis of focus group discussions from different countries 80
Information-giving sequences in general practice consultations 79
Come coinvolgere il paziente nelle decisioni che riguardano la salute. Strategie comunicative. 79
Humanization of care: key elements identified by patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers. a systematic review 79
Background theories and main systems of analysis of communication in cognitive-behavioral therapy 78
Erectile Dysfunction after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant: Results from a Single Center Experience 78
Shared decision making: the reliability of the OPTION scale in Italy. 77
The evaluation of training in patient-centred interviewing skills for psychiatric residents 76
How emotions emerge and are dealt with in first diagnostic consultations in psychiatry. 76
La formazione in competenze comunicative in Psichiatria. Il Verona COPSY-T 75
L'intervista psichiatrica come strumento di base per valutare l'esito delle cure 75
Development of the Verona coding definitions of emotional sequences to code health providers’ responses (VR-CoDES-P) to patient cues and concerns 75
Psychological and psychosomatic symptoms of second victims of adverse events: a systematic review and meta-analysis 72
"If you can't control the wind, adjust your sail": tips for post-pandemic benefit finding from young adults living with multiple sclerosis. A qualitative study 72
Attitudes of nursing home staff towards influenza vaccination: opinions and factors influencing hesitancy 71
Quality of doctor-patient communication through the eyes of the patient: variation according to the patient's educational level 71
Communication in Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy 70
Informative needs of Family members of breast cancer patients’ during a first oncological consultation 70
Come mettere a confronto le evidenze con i valori e le preferenze del malato 69
Insights for fostering resilience in young adults with multiple sclerosis in the aftermath of the COVID-19 emergency: an Italian survey 66
Come declinare le evidenze scientifiche all'interno della relazione con il paziente 65
Involving patients in decisions during psychiatric consultations 65
Coding patient emotional cues and concerns in medical consultations: The verona coding definitions of emotional sequences (VR-CoDES) 65
Does gender matter in doctor–patient communication during standard gynaecological consultations? An analysis using mixed methods 65
Emotional, cognitive and social factors of antimicrobial prescribing: can antimicrobial stewardship intervention be effective without addressing psycho-social factors? 65
A bio-psycho-social co-created intervention for young adults with multiple sclerosis (ESPRIMO): rationale and study protocol for a feasibility study 65
Training in communication skills for residents in psychiatry 64
Dealing with adverse events: a meta-analysis on second victims' coping strategies 62
Learner-centered interactive methods for improving communication skills. 60
Patient centred interviewing affects the quality of clinical reports? 59
Predicting patients' readmission: do clinicians outperform a statistical model? An exploratory study on clinical risk judgment in mental health 59
Le Mindfulness come strumento di valutazione dell'intervento formativo del terapista della neuro e psicomotricità dell’età evolutiva 58
Patient safety in the eyes of aspiring healthcare professionals: a systematic review of their attitudes 58
Promoting the psychological well-being of healthcare providers facing the burden of adverse events: a systematic review of second victim support resources 58
Efficacy of physical activity interventions on psychological outcomes in refugee, asylum seeker and migrant populations: a systematic review and meta-analysis 56
Apprendere dagli errori - Un viaggio nella sicurezza del paziente attraverso storie di eventi avversi 54
Genesi, modulazione e impatto dell'evento avverso nella prospettiva psicologica 54
Is empowerment of female radiologists still needed? Findings of a systematic review 54
Quality of Communication from the Patient Perspective 53
PREPARE: PreoPerative Anxiety REduction. One-Year Feasibility RCT on a Brief Psychological Intervention for Pancreatic Cancer Patients Prior to Major Surgery 50
Psychological impact of Covid-19 pandemic on oncological patients: a survey in Northern Italy 50
Prevalence of depression in a cohort of 400 patients with pancreatic neoplasm attending day-hospital for major surgery. Role on depression of psycho-social functioning and clinical factors 49
Emotional intelligence as a mediator between attachment security and empathy in pre-clinical medical students: A multi-center cross-sectional study 49
What we have learned from two decades of epidemics and pandemics: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the psychological burden of frontline healthcare workers 48
Le tecniche comunicative nell’intervista psichiatrica 47
Mindful approach to University education 46
IPSICO survey on the psychological impact of COVID-19 on healthcare providers in obstetrics: a study design 46
How do lay people assess the quality of physicians' communicative responses to patients' emotional cues and concerns? An international multicentre study based on videotaped medical consultations. 45
La validazione di un intervento formativo in neuro e psicomotricità dell’età evolutiva 43
Empowering patients and supporting health care providers-new avenues for high quality care and safety 43
How patients would like to improve medical consultations: Insights from a multicentre European study 42
Which patient and doctor behaviours make a medical consultation more effective from a patient point of view. Results from a European multicentre study in 31 countries 42
Gli homework nei problemi di aggressività 41
e-ESPRIMO: An e-health biopsychosocial intervention for young adults with Multiple sclerosis and medium/high disability. Co-creation phase 38
Workplace violence in radiology: results of a systematic review 37
The psychological impact of COVID-19 on healthcare providers in obstetrics: a cross-sectional survey study 35
How do national cultures influence lay people's preferences toward doctors' style of communication? A comparison of 35 focus groups from an European cross national research 33
Training in communication and emotion handling skills for students attending medical school: Relationship with empathy, emotional intelligence, and attachment style 31
Effectiveness of a Mindful Compassion Care Program in reducing burnout and psychological distress amongst frontline hospital nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial 30
Promoting participatory research in chronicity: The ESPRIMO biopsychosocial intervention for young adults with multiple sclerosis 24
Preoperative anxiety in patients with pancreatic cancer: what contributes to anxiety levels in patients waiting for surgical intervention 17
null 15
A practical framework for academics to implement public engagement interventions and measure their impact 15
Risk perception and affective state on work exhaustion in obstetrics during the COVID-19 pandemic 15
[Patient centered approach: from general practice to psychiatry]. L'approccio centrato sul paziente: Dalla medicina generale alla psichiatria 13
The vase of flowers: a tale for preschool children on mothers’ chemotherapy side effects 6
The use of 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) in Ukrainian refugees: translation and validation study of the Ukrainian version 4
Screening second victims for emotional distress: assessment of the clinimetric properties of the WITHSTAND-PSY Questionnaire 4
Association between relational attitudes and a training in communication and emotion handling skills 2
Fostering quality of life in young adults living with multiple sclerosis: a pilot study of a co-created integrated intervention 1
Totale 5.671
Categoria #
all - tutte 18.220
article - articoli 15.080
book - libri 182
conference - conferenze 570
curatela - curatele 379
other - altro 571
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.438
Totale 36.440

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2018/201956 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 40
2019/2020581 76 21 4 61 51 74 39 49 29 69 38 70
2020/2021745 59 109 52 58 88 66 19 50 90 24 59 71
2021/2022722 55 176 8 131 28 22 21 45 19 28 38 151
2022/20231.515 105 163 131 276 139 313 44 91 168 19 44 22
2023/2024815 31 73 103 91 105 212 57 61 18 62 2 0
Totale 5.671