Scalco, Andrea
Scalco, Andrea
A Simulation of Householders’ Recycling Attitudes Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior
2015-01-01 Ceschi, Andrea; Dorofeeva, Ksenia; Sartori, Riccardo; Dickert, Stephan; Scalco, Andrea
Agent-Based Modeling Method: New Linkage of Computer Science and Organizational Psychology
2015-01-01 Charkhabi, Morteza; Scalco, Andrea; Ceschi, Andrea
Compassion and Prosocial Behavior. Is it Possible to Simulate them Virtually?
2015-01-01 Ceschi, Andrea; Scalco, Andrea; Dickert, Stephan; Sartori, Riccardo
Differences between entrepreneurs and managers in large organizations: An implementation of a theoretical Multi-Agent Model on overconfidence results
2014-01-01 Sartori, Riccardo; Ceschi, Andrea; Scalco, Andrea
Emotional intelligence and need for…
2015-01-01 Scalco, Andrea; Sartori, Riccardo; Nicolini, Valentina
Exploring selfish versus altruistic behaviors in the ultimatum game with an Agent-Based Model
2015-01-01 Scalco, Andrea; Ceschi, Andrea; Sartori, Riccardo; Enrico, Rubaltelli
Exploring the relationship between individual differences and work perceptions on trainers involved into a regional training project
2015-01-01 Scalco, Andrea; Perini, Marco; Pentassuglia, Monica; Caputo, Beniamino
Maternity leave and return to work. How teachers change their professional attitudes after the childbirth
2014-01-01 Ceschi, Andrea; Scalco, Andrea; Sartori, Riccardo; Vittoria, Sergio
Nudges for waste management: An ABM to predict the recycling behavior.
2016-01-01 Ceschi, Andrea; Dickert, S.; Sartori, Riccardo; Scalco, Andrea; Costantini, Arianna
Personality Dimensions and Job Performance: A Study on 204 Italian Trade Agents
2015-01-01 Sartori, Riccardo; Costantini, Arianna; Ceschi, Andrea; Scalco, Andrea
Prospettive di carriera fra orientamento e decisioni. Un’indagine quali-quantitativa su 815 partecipanti di diversi istituti scolastici di secondo livello.
2016-01-01 Sartori, Riccardo; Costantini, Arianna; Ceschi, Andrea; Scalco, Andrea
The pursuit of happiness: A model of group formation
2017-01-01 Scalco, Andrea; Ceschi, Andrea; Sartori, Riccardo
Trait Emotional Intelligence: Modelling Individual Emotional Differences in Agent-Based Models
2015-01-01 Scalco, Andrea
Using a Multi-agent System to Simulate the Organizational Behaviour of Entrepreneurs and Managers
2015-01-01 Ceschi, Andrea; Scalco, Andrea; Sartori, Riccardo
Using an Agent-Based Model to Simulate Loss-aversion and Learning Behaviour among Investors
2015-01-01 Scalco, Andrea; Ceschi, Andrea; Rubaltelli, Enrico