ZINATO, Susanna
ZINATO, Susanna
"Choked by a kind of brightness": Travelling Transculturally into Leila Aboulela's Narrative of Faith
2024-01-01 Zinato, Susanna
"Dare mother, when are you coming home?": from the epic of abjection to the lyric of ordinariness in Bessie Head's A Question of Power
2013-01-01 Zinato, Susanna
"Guardate il capolavoro, non la cornice - e non le facce di quelli che guardano la cornice"
2021-01-01 Zinato, Susanna
2013-01-01 Zinato, Susanna; Pes, Annalisa
"Justifying Leibniz, or the Infinite Patience of Reasoning"
2016-01-01 Zinato, Susanna
"La preziosa e inattuale eredità del professor Nabokov"
2022-01-01 Zinato, Susanna
"Miss Brill, o 'La signorina col volpino': Katherine Mansfield, Cechov e ... Nabokov"
2021-01-01 Zinato, Susanna
"Screaming silence: language and fear in Janet Frame's short fiction"
2006-01-01 Zinato, Susanna
Appartenere diversamente all' isola-che-c'è: Maurice di E.M. Forster
2020-01-01 Zinato, Susanna
Arranging Res and Things in Restoration Times: Wilkins's Noah's Ark Sabotaged on the Comic Stage
2010-01-01 Zinato, Susanna
Burnet's Heterobiography of John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester
2008-01-01 Zinato, Susanna
Confluenze intertestuali. In onore di Angelo Righetti
2012-01-01 Pes, Annalisa; Zinato, Susanna
Cursing the Fathers' Curse: A Tragic Reading of White Shame in J.M. Coetzee's In the Heart of the Country and Age of Iron
2019-01-01 Zinato, Susanna
Ethan Frome di Edith Wharton: l'entropia del desiderio inarticolato
2000-01-01 Zinato, Susanna
Ex-centric writing. Essays on madness in postcolonial fiction
2013-01-01 Zinato, Susanna; Pes, Annalisa
I will not praise that purpose not to sell: retorica e metaretorica nel sonetto 21 di W. Shakespeare
2004-01-01 Zinato, Susanna
Il corpo/testo senza gloria di John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester
2012-01-01 Zinato, Susanna
2010-01-01 Zinato, Susanna
La Bildung del mostro in "Frankenstein" di Mary Shelley
2022-01-01 Zinato, Susanna
La retorica blasfema di John Vanbrugh
1997-01-01 Zinato, Susanna