"Freeze, Miami Vice!": sull'adattamento lingua-culturale in italiano della prima stagione delle serie TV
2018-01-01 Corrizzato, Sara
"Specialized Discourses and ESP on the Web" - sezione monografica della rivista "IPERSTORIA: Testi, Letterature, Linguaggi"
2017-01-01 Facchinetti, Roberta; Corrizzato, Sara; Franceschi, Valeria
Adjusting Emotions/Linguistic Adaptation: Cinematic Multiperspectives on The Hours
2013-01-01 Goracci, Giada; Corrizzato, Sara
Audiovisual translation: compliments and insults in Spike Lee's Bamboozled.
2012-01-01 Corrizzato, Sara
Beyond the Borders: (De)constructing Genderlects in Higher Education Course Books
2015-01-01 Goracci, Giada; Corrizzato, Sara
Contemporary Songs and Traditional literature in the EFL Classroom
2013-01-01 Corrizzato, Sara
Corporate knowledge dissemination through digital storytelling: online discourse strategies in Italian agrifood product companies selling around the world
2021-01-01 Corrizzato, Sara
Digital Humanities e didattica della lingua straniera: riflessioni ed esperienze tra atenei a confronto
2024-01-01 Corrizzato, Sara; Franceschi, Valeria; Taronna, Annarita
Django, Stephen, e gli stereotipi sugli afroamericani
2013-01-01 Corrizzato, Sara
English for Nursing: The Importance of Developing Communicative Competences
2013-01-01 Goracci, Giada; Corrizzato, Sara
English Language Training Courses for Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers: a Project based on Innovative Approaches
2013-01-01 Goracci, Giada; Corrizzato, Sara
Foreign language acquisition in the case of d/Deaf learners: conceptualising compliments through original subtitles
2013-01-01 Corrizzato, Sara
Formazione insegnanti, World Englishes e English as a Lingua Franca: verso un approccio glottodidattico WE- e ELF-informed.
2016-01-01 Vettorel, Paola; Corrizzato, Sara
Fostering awareness of the pedagogical implications of World Englishes and ELF in teacher education in Italy.
2016-01-01 Vettorel, Paola; Corrizzato, Sara
From the Local to the International Market: a Linguistic Analysis of Italian Agri-food Products Promotional Discourse in the USA
2019-01-01 Corrizzato, Sara
Gamification: a motivating approach in English language teaching
2016-01-01 Goracci, Giada; Corrizzato, Sara
InterDiplo-Covid19 Corpus
2021-01-01 Cavalieri, S.; Corrizzato, S.; Facchinetti, R.
Italian Agri-Food Products Abroad: Word Formation Processes on Instagram
2023-01-01 Corrizzato, Sara
Italianizing Italy: dubbing Woody Allen's "to Rome with love"
2019-01-01 Franceschi, Valeria; Corrizzato, Sara
Knowledge Dissemination in the Long Nineteenth Century. European and Transatlantic Perception.
2018-01-01 Corrizzato, Sara