"Positive" urine testing for Cannabis is associated with increased risk of traffic crashes
2018-01-01 Del Balzo, G; Gottardo, R; Mengozzi, S; Dorizzi, Rm; Bortolotti, F; Appolonova, S; Tagliaro, F.
"Tampering to Death": A Fatal Codeine Intoxication Due to a Homemade Purification of a Medical Formulation.
2017-01-01 Fais, P; Pigaiani, Nicola; Cecchetto, G; Montisci, M; Gottardo, R; Viel, G; Pascali, Jp; Tagliaro, F.
(On HPLC isolation and identification oh heroin and 6-monoacetylmor.) Letter to the Editors.
1989-01-01 Tagliaro, Franco; M., Marigo
A brief history of the alcohol biomarker CDT and its application in forensic medical expertise in road accident investigations
2023-01-01 Porpiglia, Nadia Maria; M Wielders, Joseph P; Tagliaro, Franco
A brief introduction to capillary electrophoresis
1998-01-01 Tagliaro, Franco; Manetto, G; Crivellente, F; Smith, Fp
A direct injection high-performance liquid chromatographic method with electrochemical detection for the determination of ethanol and methanol in plasma using an alcohol oxidase reactor
1991-01-01 Tagliaro, Franco; R., Dorizzi; S., Ghielmi; M., Marigo
A medieval case of digitalis poisoning: the sudden death of Cangrande della Scala, lord of verona (1291-1329)
2015-01-01 G., Fornaciari; V., Giuffra; Bortolotti, Federica; Gottardo, Rossella; S., Marvelli; M., Marchesini; S., Marinozzi; A., Fornaciari; G., Brocco; Tagliaro, Franco
A new method for the determination of ammonium in the vitreous humour based on capillary electrophoresis and its preliminary application in thanatochemistry
2019-01-01 Gottardo, R; PALACIO GUTIERREZ, Covadonga; Shestakova, Km; Moskaleva, Ne; Bortolotti, F; Tagliaro, F
A new sample treatment for asialo-Tf determination with capillary electrophoresis: an added value to the analysis of CDT
2018-01-01 Porpiglia, Nadia Maria; DE PALO, Elio Franco; Alexandrovich Savchuk, Sergey; Alexandrovna Appolonova, Svetlana; Bortolotti, Federica; Tagliaro, Franco
A novel high-throughput liquid chromatography assay for Carbohydrate-Deficient transferrin (CDT) based on flow-modulated isocratic elution and terbium-induced fluorescence
2021-01-01 Musile, Giacomo; Franco De Palo, Elio; Marco Dorizzi, Romolo; Shestakova, Kseniia; Appolonova, Svetlana; Tagliaro, Franco
A novel low-cost approach for the semi-quantitative analysis of carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)
2019-01-01 Musile, Giacomo; De Palo, Elio Franco; Savchuk, Sergey Alexandrovich; Shestakova, Ksenia; Bortolotti, Federica; Tagliaro, Franco
A preliminary assessment of the effect of PreCRTM DNA repair treatment on T mixture ratios in two person mixtures
2018-01-01 San Pietro, David; Tagliaro, Franco; Adamowicz, Michael S.
A sensitive and simple assay of saliva on stamps
1985-01-01 DE LEO, Domenico; Tagliaro, Franco; S., Maschio; M., Marigo
A simple and robust method for broad range screening of hair samples for drugs of abuse using a high-throughput UHPLC-Ion Trap MS instrument
2020-01-01 Musile, Giacomo; Mazzola, Mara; Shestakova, Ksenia; Savchuk, Sergey; Appolonova, Svetlana; Tagliaro, Franco
A simplified approach to capillary electrophoretic separation of polymerase chain reaction fragments of forensic interest
1998-01-01 Manetto, G; Crivellente, F; Tagliaro, Franco; Turrina, Stefania; Pascali, Vl
Advances in capillary electrophoresis
1998-01-01 Deyl, Z; Miksik, I; Tagliaro, Franco
Alcohol-associated traffic injuries in Verona territory: A nine-year survey
2021-01-01 Musile, Giacomo; Pigaiani, Nicola; Sorio, Daniela; Colombari, Michela; Bortolotti, Federica; Tagliaro, Franco
Alcol, droga, farmaci e sicurezza stradale
2000-01-01 S. D., Ferrara; S., Zancaner; G., Frison; R., Giorgetti; R., Snenghi; S., Maietti; F., Castagna; Tagliaro, Franco; L., Tedeschi
Analysis of carbohydrate-deficient transferrin: comparative evaluation of turbidimetric immunoassay, capillary zone electrophoresis, and HPLC.
2005-01-01 Bortolotti, Federica; DE PAOLI, Giorgia; Pascali, Jennifer; Trevisan, M. T.; Floreani, M.; Tagliaro, Franco
Analysis of drugs of forensic interest with Capillary Zone Electrophoresis / Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry based on the use of non-volatile buffers
2012-01-01 Gottardo, Rossella; Mikšík, I.; Aturki, Z.; Sorio, Daniela; Seri, Catia; Fanali, S.; Tagliaro, Franco