Caratti, Stefano

Caratti, Stefano  


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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autore(i) File
Allele and haplotype diversity of X-chromosomal STRs in Ivory Coast. 1-gen-2011 Pasino, S; Caratti, Stefano; Del Pero, M; Santovito, A; Torre, C; Robino, C.
Amplification failure of the amelogenin gene (AMELX) caused by a primer binding site mutation. 1-gen-2009 Caratti, Stefano; Voglino, G; Cirigliano, V; Ghidini, A; Taulli, R; Torre, C; Robino, C.
Analysis of 11 tetrameric STRs in wild boars for forensic purposes. 1-gen-2010 Caratti, Stefano; Rossi, L; Sona, B; Origlia, S; Viara, S; Martano, G; Torre, C; Robino, C.
Are rapidly mutating Y-short tandem repeats useful to resolve a lineage? Expanding mutability data on distant male relationships 1-gen-2016 Turrina, Stefania; Caratti, Stefano; Ferrian, Melissa; DE LEO, Domenico
Conferma dell’effetto della formalina sulla determinazione del DNA-profile su tessuti fetali: le possibili insidie peritali. 1-gen-2013 Turrina, Stefania; Ferrian, Melissa; Caratti, Stefano; DE LEO, Domenico
Deletion and duplication at DYS448 and DYS626 loci: unexpected patterns within the AZFc region of the Y-chromosome 1-gen-2015 Turrina, Stefania; Caratti, Stefano; Ferrian, Melissa; DE LEO, Domenico
Evaluation of genetic parameters of 22 autosomal STR loci (PowerPlex® Fusion System) in a population sample from Northern Italy 1-gen-2014 Turrina, Stefania; Ferrian, Melissa; Caratti, Stefano; DE LEO, Domenico
Forensic application of a multiplex PCR system for the typing of pig STRs 1-gen-2008 C., Robino; S., Menegon; Caratti, Stefano; B., Sona; S., Gino; C., Torre
Haplotype data and mutation rates for the 23 Y-STR loci of PowerPlex® Y 23 System in a Northeast Italian population sample 1-gen-2015 Turrina, Stefania; Caratti, Stefano; Ferrian, Melissa; DE LEO, Domenico
Integration of the AmpFlSTR Identifiler PCR Amplification Kit with SRY-specific primers for gender identification 1-gen-2009 S., Inturri; C., Robino; S., Gino; Caratti, Stefano; C., Torre
Investigator HDplex markers: allele frequencies and mutational events in a North Italian population 1-gen-2015 Turrina, Stefania; Ferrian, Melissa; Caratti, Stefano; DE LEO, Domenico
Kinship analysis: assessment of related vs unrelated based on defined pedigrees 1-gen-2016 Turrina, Stefania; Ferrian, Melissa; Caratti, Stefano; Cosentino, Emanuela; DE LEO, Domenico
Subtyping of Y-chromosomal haplogroup E-M78 (E1b1b1a) by SNP assay and its forensic application. 1-gen-2009 Caratti, Stefano; Gino, S.; Torre, C.; Robino, C.
Toward Male Individualization with Rapidly Mutating Y-Chromosomal Short Tandem Repeats 1-gen-2014 Kaye N., Ballantyne; 1, ; 2, ‡ Arwin Ralf; 1, ‡ Rachid Aboukhalid; 3 Niaz M., Achakzai; 4 Maria J., Anjos; 5 Qasim, Ayub; 6 Joˇze, Balaˇzic; 7 Jack, Ballantyne; 8, ; 9 David J., Ballard; 10 Burkhard, Berger; 11 Cecilia, Bobillo; 12 Mehdi, Bouabdellah; 3 Helen, Burri; 13 Tomas, Capal; Caratti, Stefano; 15 Jorge C´, Ardenas; 16 Franc¸ois, Cartault; 17 Elizeu F., Carvalho; 18 Monica, Carvalho; 5 Baowen, Cheng; 19 Michael D., Coble; 20 David, Comas; 21 Daniel, Corach; 12 Maria E., D’Amato; 22 Sean, Davison; 22 Peter de, Knijff; 23 Maria Corazon A., De Ungria; 24 Ronny, Decorte; 25 Tadeusz, Dobosz; 26 Berit M., Dupuy; 27 Samir, Elmrghni; 28 Mateusz Gliwi, ´ nski; 29 Sara C., Gomes; 30 Laurens, Grol; 31 Cordula, Haas; 13 Erin, Hanson; 9 J¨urgen, Henke; 32 Lotte, Henke; 32 Fabiola Herrera, Rodr´ıguez; 33 Carolyn R., Hill; 20 Gunilla, Holmlund; 34, ; 35 Katsuya, Honda; 36 Uta Dorothee, Immel; 37 Shota, Inokuchi; 38 Mark A., Jobling; 39 Mahmoud, Kaddura; 28 Jong S., Kim; 40 Soon H., Kim; 41 Wook, Kim; 42 Turi E., King; 39 Eva, Klausriegler; 43 Daniel, Kling; 27 Lejla Kovaˇ cevi, ´ c; 44 Leda, Kovatsi; 45 Paweł, Krajewski; 46 Sergey, Kravchenko; 47 Maarten H. D., Larmuseau; 25 Eun Young, Lee; 48 Ruediger, Lessig; 37 Ludmila A., Livshits; 47 Damir Marjanovi, ´ c; 44 Marek, Minarik; 49 Natsuko, Mizuno; 38 Helena, Moreira; 50 Niels, Morling; 51 Meeta, Mukherjee; 52 Patrick, Munier; 17 Javaregowda, Nagaraju; 53, † Franz Neuhuber; 43 Shengjie, Nie; 54 Premlaphat, Nilasitsataporn; 55 Takeki, Nishi; 36 Hye H., Oh; 40 Jill, Olofsson; 51 Valerio, Onofri; 56 Jukka U., Palo; 57 Horolma, Pamjav; 58 Walther, Parson; 11, ; 59 Michal, Petlach; 49 Christopher, Phillips; 16 Rafal, Ploski; 60 Samayamantri P. R., Prasad; 53 Dragan, Primorac; 59, 61; 62 Gludhug A., Purnomo; 63 Josephine, Purps; 64 Hector Rangel, Villalobos; 65 Krzysztof, Re˛bała; 29 Budsaba, Rerkamnuaychoke; 66 Danel Rey, Gonzalez; 16 Carlo, Robino; 15 Lutz, Roewer; 64 Alexandra, Rosa; 30, ; 67 Antti, Sajantila; 57, ; 68 Andrea, Sala; 12 Jazelyn M., Salvador; 24 Paula, Sanz; 21 Cornelia, Schmitt; 69 Anil K., Sharma; 52 Dayse A., Silva; 18 Kyoung Jin, Shin; 48 Titia, Sijen; 31 Miriam, Sirker; 69 Daniela, Siva´kova´; 70 Vedrana Sˇ, Karo; 71 Carlos Solano, Matamoros; 72 Luis, Souto; 50 Vlastimil, Stenzl; 14 Herawati, Sudoyo; 63 Denise Syndercombe, Court; 10 Adriano, Tagliabracci; 56 Duncan, Taylor; 73 Andreas, Tillmar; 34, ; 35 Iosif S., Tsybovsky; 74 Chris Tyler, Smith; 6 Kristiaan J., van der Gaag; 23 Daniel, Vanek; 75, ; 76 Ant´ onia V¨, Olgyi; 58 Denise, Ward; 77 Patricia, Willemse; 23 Eric P. H., Yap; 78 Rita Y. Y., Yong; 78 Irena Zupaniˇc Pajni, ˇ. c.; 7, ; Manfred, Kayser1