CHESINI, Giuseppina
CHESINI, Giuseppina
Bridging the funding gap. New financing instruments for companies in Italy.
2015-01-01 Giaretta, Elisa; Chesini, Giuseppina
Changes in the Ownership structure of Stock Exchanges: from demutualisation to self-listing
2001-01-01 Chesini, Giuseppina
Clearing Houses in Europe: a financial market infrastructure in evolution.
2010-01-01 Chesini, Giuseppina
Clearing Houses in Europe: the impact of competition on business models and fee structures
2010-01-01 Chesini, Giuseppina
Credit Risk Regulation and Assessment Evolution,
2001-01-01 Chesini, Giuseppina
Does deposit insurance increase moral hazard in banks? The case of the Australian Financial Claim Scheme .
2015-01-01 Chesini, Giuseppina
Does Private equity investment positively impact on firm performance and on the growth of a local economy?
2012-01-01 Chesini, Giuseppina; Giaretta, Elisa
From demutualisation to denationalisation: new challenges for stock exchanges
2007-01-01 Chesini, Giuseppina
L'evoluzione dei prezzi dei servizi di trading e post trading nell'Unione Europea. Alcune evidenze empiriche sulle strutture di pricing dei principali operatori
2009-01-01 DE CRESCENZO, Veronica; Chesini, Giuseppina
L'evoluzione dei prezzi dei servizi di trading e post trading nell'Unione Europea. Alcune evidenze empiriche sulle strutture di pricing dei principali operatori
2009-01-01 DE CRESCENZO, Veronica; Chesini, Giuseppina
Regulating High-Frequency Trading: An examination of European, U.S. and Australian Equity Market Structures
2013-01-01 Chesini, Giuseppina; Giaretta, Elisa
Reliable Deposit-Guarantee Schemes: analysis of the characteristics that increase depositor confidence and their effects on market discipline.
2015-01-01 Chesini, Giuseppina; Giaretta, Elisa
The impact of digitalization on the profitability of large US banks.
2019-01-01 Giaretta, E.; Chesini, G.
The impact of private equity on economic performance and employment growth
2012-01-01 Chesini, Giuseppina; Giaretta, Elisa
The main drivers of the stock exchange consolidation process. The growing importance of creating value
2008-01-01 Chesini, Giuseppina
The pricing policies of the major trading venues
2012-01-01 Chesini, Giuseppina
The quality of European equity markets. Reflections and empirical evidence on the pricing structures of the major trading venues
2011-01-01 Chesini, Giuseppina
Towards a Pan European Deposit Guarantee Scheme. How bank riskiness is relevant in the scheme?
2014-01-01 Chesini, Giuseppina; Giaretta, Elisa
Towards a pan-European deposit guarantee scheme. How bank riskiness is relevant in the scheme?
2014-01-01 Chesini, Giuseppina; Giaretta, Elisa
What makes depositors feel safe? Analyses of deposit guarantee scheme in the European Union
2014-01-01 Giaretta, Elisa; Chesini, Giuseppina