A Bibliometric Analysis of the Scientific Literature on Biostimulants
2022-01-01 Corsi, S; Ruggeri, G; Zamboni, A; Bhakti, P; Espen, L; Ferrante, A; Noseda, M; Varanini, Z; Scarafoni, A
A mechanistic mathematical model for describing and predicting the dynamics of high‐affinity nitrate intake into roots of maize and other plant species
2023-01-01 Zanin, Laura; Tomasi, Nicola; Casagrande, Daniele; Danuso, Francesco; Buoso, Sara; Zamboni, Anita; Varanini, Zeno; Pinton, Roberto; Blanchini, Franco
A novel FePO4 nanosized fertilizer is as effective as triple superphosphate in sustaining the growth of cucumber plants
2024-01-01 Ciurli, Andrea; Giagnoni, Laura; Sega, Davide; Pastorelli, Roberta; Varanini, Zeno; Renella, Giancarlo; Zamboni, Anita
A novel P nanofertilizer has no impacts on soil microbial communities and soil microbial activity
2022-01-01 Ciurli, A; Giagnoni, L; Pastorelli, R; Sega, D; Zamboni, A; Renella, G; Varanini, Z
Acquisizione di nitrato e ammonio in radici di barbabietola da zucchero (Beta vulgaris L. var saccharifera): caratterizzazione cinetica ed effetti sull’accumulo di saccarosio
2006-01-01 Monte, R; Cesco, S; Pinton, R; Varanini, Zeno
Action of soil humic matter on plant roots, stimulation of ion uptake and effects on (Mg2++K+)ATPase activity
1987-01-01 Maggioni, A.; Varanini, Zeno; Nardi, S.; Pinton, R.
Analysis of wheat varieties by gliadin electrophoregrams. 1) Catalogue of electrophoregram formulas of 29 common wheat cultivars grown in Italy
1981-01-01 DAL BELIN PERUFFO, A.; Pallavicini, C.; Varanini, Zeno; Pogna, N. E.
Assorbimento di NO3- in radici di barbabietola da zucchero (Beta vulgaris L. var saccharifera): prima caratterizzazione
2002-01-01 Cesco, S.; Chiani, A.; Pinton, R.; Varanini, Zeno
Cadmium inhibits the induction of high-affinity nitrate uptake in maize (Zea mays L.) roots
2012-01-01 Cecilia, Rizzardo; Nicola, Tomasi; Rossella, Monte; Varanini, Zeno; Fabio F., Nocito; Stefano, Cesco; Roberto, Pinton
Caratterizzazione di suoli calcarei della pianura alluvionale del medio Shabelle (Somalia); II - aspetti chimico-nutrizionali
1988-01-01 Balley, O. A.; Bruno, V.; Varanini, Zeno; Pinton, R.; Maggioni, A.
Changes in physiological activities and root exudation profile of two grapevine rootstocks reveal common and specific strategies for Fe acquisition
2020-01-01 Marastoni, Laura; Lucini, Luigi; Miras-Moreno, Begoña; Trevisan, Marco; Sega, Davide; Zamboni, Anita; Varanini, Zeno
Changes in plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity during aeration of maize roots
1996-01-01 Pinton, R.; Poles, A.; Cesco, S.; Varanini, Zeno
Characterization of a potassium-stimulated ATPase in membrane fraction isolated from roots of grapevine seedlings
1988-01-01 Varanini, Zeno; Polettini, G.; Pinton, R.; Maggioni, A.
Chemical Characterization of a Collagen-Derived Protein Hydrolysate and Biostimulant Activity Assessment of Its Peptidic Components
2022-01-01 Ambrosini, Stefano; Prinsi, Bhakti; Zamboni, Anita; Espen, Luca; Zanzoni, Serena; Santi, Chiara; Varanini, Zeno; Pandolfini, Tiziana
Comparison of shoot development rate in etiolated seedlings of Ginkgo biloba and Cicer arietinum
1989-01-01 Polettini, G.; DE CARLI, M. E.; Mariani, P.; Rascio, N.; Varanini, Zeno; Pinton, R.; Maggioni, A.
Coumarin enhances nitrate uptake in maize roots through modulation of plasma membrane H+ -ATPase activity
2018-01-01 Lupini, A; Araniti, F; Mauceri, A; Princi, M P; Sorgonà, A; Sunseri, F; Varanini, Z; Abenavoli, M R
Development of Fe-deficiency responses in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) roots: involvement of plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity
2000-01-01 Dell'Orto, Md; Santi, S; DE NISI, S; Cesco, S; Varanini, Zeno; Zocchi, G; Pinton, R.
Early transcriptomic response to Fe supply in Fe-deficient tomato plants is strongly influenced by the nature of the chelating agent
2016-01-01 Zamboni, Anita; Zanin, Laura; Tomasi, Nicola; Avesani, Linda; Pinton, Roberto; Varanini, Zeno; Cesco, Stefano
Effect of NO3-, CL- and DIDS on H+-ATPase of plasma membrane vesicles isolated from corn roots
1995-01-01 Varanini, Zeno; DE BIASI, M. G.; Pinton, R.
Effect of soil humic substances on surface redox activity of oat roots
1995-01-01 Pinton, R.; Cesco, S.; Santi, S.; Varanini, Zeno