This comment analyses the noteworthy points of interpretation concerning EU competition law tackled by the present decision on preliminary ruling. Namely, the interpretative issues risen before the community judges revolve around the peculiar problem of the relationship between the illegality condition of a competitor affected by an anti-competitive exclusionary agreement and the evaluation of antitrust compatibility of the concertative conduct so carried out among the other market subjects. After a general presentation of the legal antitrust regime applicable to boycotts, this comment focuses on the admissibility of the so called illegality defence in the area of antitrust law: reassessing the argumentative steps of the legal reasoning adopted by the European Union supreme court, it is finally assumed that the (negative) solution rendered in the decision at hand could be substantially agreed with. In conclusion, this comment recalls the competition law principles reaffirmed with regard to the other intepretative questions dealt with by the sentence, which actually appear quite undisputed in the context of the well-established rules on antitrust responsibility of an undertaking for the participation of its employees in meetings with anti-competitive object.
Il presente commento analizza i punti salienti delle questioni interpretative in materia di diritto della concorrenza dell’Unione europea affrontate dalla sentenza in epigrafe in sede di rinvio pregiudiziale. Segnatamente, i dubbi ermeneutici sollevati innanzi ai giudici comunitari investono la peculiare problematica del rapporto tra la posizione d’illegalità operativa dell’impresa concorrente colpita da un accordo anticompetitivo escludente e la valutazione di compatibilità antitrust dell’intesa così realizzata tra gli altri soggetti di mercato. Dopo aver inquadrato generalmente il trattamento giuridico applicabile in sede di diritto della concorrenza alle fattispecie di boicottaggio, il presente commento si concentra sull’ammissibilità della cosiddetta illegality defence in campo antitrust: riesaminando i passaggi argomentativi del ragionamento giuridico effettuato dalla Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione europea, si giunge infine a confermare la sostanziale condivisibilità del responso (negativo) sancito tramite la sentenza in oggetto. In conclusione, il presente commento provvede a richiamare i principi di diritto antitrust ribaditi dalla pronuncia con riguardo alle ulteriori questioni interpretative trattate, peraltro alquanto pacifici nell’ambito della consolidata disciplina sulla responsabilità concorrenziale dell’impresa per la partecipazione dei suoi dipendenti a riunioni con oggetto anticompetitivo.
Boicottaggio concorrenziale concertato e autotutela privata antitrust al vaglio della Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione Europea
Calabrese Bernardo
This comment analyses the noteworthy points of interpretation concerning EU competition law tackled by the present decision on preliminary ruling. Namely, the interpretative issues risen before the community judges revolve around the peculiar problem of the relationship between the illegality condition of a competitor affected by an anti-competitive exclusionary agreement and the evaluation of antitrust compatibility of the concertative conduct so carried out among the other market subjects. After a general presentation of the legal antitrust regime applicable to boycotts, this comment focuses on the admissibility of the so called illegality defence in the area of antitrust law: reassessing the argumentative steps of the legal reasoning adopted by the European Union supreme court, it is finally assumed that the (negative) solution rendered in the decision at hand could be substantially agreed with. In conclusion, this comment recalls the competition law principles reaffirmed with regard to the other intepretative questions dealt with by the sentence, which actually appear quite undisputed in the context of the well-established rules on antitrust responsibility of an undertaking for the participation of its employees in meetings with anti-competitive object.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.