La Negligenza Spaziale Unilaterale (NSU) è una sindrome comune dopo l’ictus, in cui i pazienti falliscono nel riportare o rispondere o nell’essere coscienti di stimoli presentati in una specifica porzione dello spazio (Heilman & Valenstein , 1979; Kwon et al , 2012). Negli ultimi 60 anni sono state proposte più di 18 diverse tecniche di riabilitazione per alleviare o ridurre la Negligenza Spaziale Unilaterale (Luauté et al, 2006 ; Ogourtsova et al , 2010), le quali hanno dimostrato avere un’efficacia molto limitata. La tesi è costituita da due progetti che studiano due diversi tipi di tecniche di riabilitazione per l’NSU in pazienti neurologici. Entrambe queste tecniche non richiedono ai pazienti di imparare nuove strategie e apportare modifiche comportamentali, ma utilizzano invece un approccio restitutivo, con l'obiettivo di ripristinare direttamente il danno cognitivo. Il Progetto 1 studia l’Eye Patching, una tecnica che induce i pazienti a rivolgere l'attenzione verso nell'emispazio di sinistra eliminando completamente le informazioni afferenti dall'emispazio ipsilesionale e aumentando la salienza della porzione sinistra del campo visivo. Scopo di questo progetto è quello di fare una revisione della letteratura sugli effetti dell’Eye Patching nell’NSU post-ictus al fine di esprimere delle raccomandazioni basate sull’evidenza a chi si occupa di riabilitazione dopo lesione cerebrale. Il Progetto 2 studia un nuovo protocollo basato sulla consegna di ricompense e quindi su un rinforzo selettivo per specifiche posizioni dello spazio all’interno dell’emicampo di sinistra in compiti di attenzione visuo-spaziale, un tipo di manipolazione che non è mai stata utilizzata prima nel contesto riabilitativo. Obiettivo di questo progetto è quello di verificare se, in pazienti con NSU la manipolazione di ricompense associate alla selezione attentiva di target in compiti attentivi visuo-spaziali può aiutare a ridurre l’NSU stesso. Osservazioni (Mesulam, 1985) suggeriscono che fattori motivazionali possono infatti influenzare l'attenzione spaziale in pazienti con NSU, in modo tale che le omissioni eseguite nello spazio di sinistra in compiti di cancellazione possono essere ridotte se i pazienti cercano stimoli associati ad un’alta ricompensa (per esempio monete) e sono state promesse ricompense monetarie per ogni target selezionato (Malhotra et al. , 2013). Studi su soggetti sani hanno dimostrato che il dispiegamento di attenzione selettiva visiva può essere influenzato anche attraverso la somministrazione di ricompense monetarie come feedback alle prestazioni (Della Libera & Chelazzi , 2006; Della Libera & Chelazzi , 2009; Della Libera et al , 2011; Chelazzi et al. , 2013), in modo che gli stimoli che hanno condotto a premi più elevati quando selezionati nel passato possono attrarre l'attenzione in modo più potente rispetto ad altri stimoli associati a ricompense meno gratificanti. Inoltre risultati molto recenti suggeriscono che in soggetti giovani sani effetti simili possono essere trovati all'interno dell’attenzione spaziale, ovvero l'attenzione può essere influenzata con più forza verso posizioni spaziali che, quando selezionate in passato hanno portato a risultati più gratificanti. Lo scopo di questo studio è da un lato di esaminare se effetti simili possono essere trovati negli anziani, dall'altro verificare se un trattamento attentivo con risposte gratificanti sbilanciate per stimoli target posizionati nell’emicampo controlesionale può alleviare i sintomi dell’NSU in pazienti cerebrolesi. Tale constatazione aprirebbe la strada allo sviluppo di tecniche riabilitative innovative su base restitutiva. Come prerequisito allo sviluppo di un protocollo su pazienti con NSU, ho cercato di indagare gli effetti di ricompense sull’attenzione visuo-spaziale in soggetti sani anziani. Ho sviluppato un protocollo sperimentale costituito da due analoghi paradigmi di ricerca visiva: uno utilizzato come test , l'altro come trattamento. Durante il trattamento sono state consegnate diverse entità di ricompense monetarie per ogni corretta selezione di stimoli target che appaiono in diverse posizioni spaziali all'interno di un display. In particolare premi più alti erano più frequentemente associati a stimoli target che figuravano nell’emicampo di sinistra (di solito deficitario in pazienti con neglect). Il protocollo comprende 2 valutazioni all'inizio, tre trattamenti consecutivi nei tre giorni successivi, un’altra valutazione 4 giorni dopo la fine del trattamento e un ultimo test di follow-up dopo 1 settimana. Sono stati inclusi nello studio principale diciotto soggetti sani (età media = 59.22) e cinque pazienti (età media = 66.33) con NSU in seguito a lesione cerebrale destra. I principali risultati indicano che in tutti i soggetti e i pazienti le performance risultano migliorate dopo il trattamento; inoltre le analisi delle performance del gruppo di soggetti sani hanno rivelato che la scansione attenzionale dello spazio è risultata significativamente modificata dal trattamento. Il miglioramento è stato maggiore per la rilevazione e identificazione degli stimoli target visualizzati nell’emicampo di sinistra che era stato selettivamente rinforzato, rispetto a quelli mostrati nell’emicampo di destra, confermando il ruolo delle ricompense nel modulare la distribuzione attenzionale (Della Libera & Chelazzi 2009; Della Libera et al., 2011; Anderson et al., 2011a, 2011b ; Chelazzi et al. , in fase di revisione). È interessante notare come i risultati hanno rivelato che, diversamente da quanto osservato da Chelazzi e collaboratori (in fase di revisione), qui il beneficio legato alla ricompensa è diffuso in tutte le posizioni all'interno del emicampo di sinistra e non si limita alle posizioni specifiche che erano associate a ricompense più alte. I risultati sui pazienti con neglect hanno concluso che i pazienti con un NSU troppo grave o troppo lieve non vedono miglioramenti con questo specifico protocollo di trattamento poiché il training risulta troppo difficile per i primi e troppo semplice per i secondi. I risultati invece dei restanti pazienti, che sono sufficientemente in grado di eseguire questo trattamento e di riceverne i benefici, sono incoraggianti e fanno sperare che questo protocollo può essere usato come una nuova tecnica di tipo restitutivo per la riabilitazione dell’NSU. Sulla base dei risultati ottenuti, non è ancora possibile stabilire con certezza l'efficacia di una di queste tecniche, l’Eye Patching ed il protocollo basato sull’accumulo di ricompense, poiché c'è ancora un’estrema variabilità degli effetti, probabilmente dovuta a diversi motivi, tra cui la sede della lesione, il tempo trascorso dall’ictus e le differenze interindividuali. Entrambi gli strumenti sembrano comunque molto promettenti nella riabilitazione di pazienti con neglect in tutte le fasi di malattia e nella pratica clinica in generale. Sono comunque necessari futuri studi su popolazioni di pazienti più ampie per determinare pienamente la loro efficacia, il grado in cui i loro effetti possono essere generalizzati, così come la loro durata a lungo termine.
Hemispatial neglect is a common syndrome after stroke in which patients fail to report or respond or be aware of stimuli presented in a portion of space (Heilman & Valenstein, 1979; Kwon et al., 2012). Over the past 60 years more than 18 different rehabilitation techniques have been put forward to alleviate or reduce unilateral hemispatial neglect (Luauté et al., 2006; Ogourtsova et al., 2010), all of which have been shown to have a very limited efficacy. The thesis is carried out of two projects which study two different types of rehabilitation techniques for neglect deficits in neurological patients. Both these techniques do not require patients to learn new strategies and make behavioural adjustments. Instead, they employ a restitutive approach, with the aim to directly alter the cognitive impairment, by addressing the underlying neural circuits. The Project 1 studies Eye Patching, a technique that induces patients to turn attention towards the left hemispace, by completely eliminating afferent information from the ipsilesional hemispace and increasing the salience of the left portion of the visual field. Aim of this project is to review the literature on the effects of the Eye Patching in post-stroke hemispatial neglect in order to convey evidence-based practice recommendations to clinicians in stroke rehabilitation. The Project 2 studies a new protocol based on reward delivery that allows a selective reinforcement of locations within the left hemifield achieved through the a delivery of rewarding feedbacks on performance in tasks involving visual spatial attention, a type of manipulation that has never been used before within the rehabilitative context. Goal of this project is to test whether in neglect patients after stroke, the manipulation of rewards associated with the attentional selection of targets in a visuo-spatial attention task would help to reduce their spatial impairment. Observations (Mesulam, 1985) suggest that motivational factors may also influence spatial attention in neglect patients, such that left space omissions in a cancellation task can be reduced if patients search for highly valued objects (i.e., pictures of coins) and were promised monetary reward in turn for each found target (Malhotra et al., 2013). Studies on healthy subjects demonstrated that the deployment of visual selective attention can be biased through the administration of monetary rewards as feedbacks on performance (Della Libera & Chelazzi, 2006; Della Libera & Chelazzi, 2009; Della Libera et al., 2011; Chelazzi et al., 2013), so that objects that have led to higher rewards when attentionally selected in the past can attract attention more powerfully with respect to other, less rewarding, items. Moreover, very recent results suggest that in young healthy subjects similar effects can be found within the spatial domain, so that attention might be drawn more powerfully towards spatial locations that when selected in the past have led to more rewarding outcomes. The aim of this study is on one hand to examine whether similar effects can be found in older adults, on the other to test whether an attentional training with unbalanced rewarding feedbacks for targets found in the controlesional hemifield might alleviate neglect symptoms in brain damaged patients. Such finding would pave the way to the development of groundbreaking rehabilitative techniques, with restorative bases. As a pre-requisite to the development of the protocol to be delivered to neglect patients, I aimed at exploring whether the deployment of visuo-spatial attention could be affected by reward delivery in a population of healthy older subjects. I developed an experimental protocol made up of two similar visual search paradigms: one used as a test, the other as a training. During training, varying amounts of monetary rewards were delivered in turn for the correct detection of target stimuli appearing in different spatial locations within the visual display. In particular, higher rewards were more frequently associated to targets appearing in the left hemifield (usually associated with attentional disorders in neglect patients). The protocol comprised 2 test sessions at the beginning of the experimental protocol, three consecutive training sessions in the three subsequent days, a second test session 4 days after the end of training, and a follow-up test 1 week later. Eighteen healthy subjects (mean age=59.22) and five patients (mean age=66.33) with hemispatial neglect after right hemisphere stroke have been included in the main study. The main findings indicate that in all subjects, both healthy and brain damaged, task performance improved after training. Moreover, analyses of performance in the group of healthy subjects revealed that the attentional scanning of the visual display was significantly altered by training. The improvement was greater for the detection and identification of target stimuli shown on the left hemifield, that had been selectively reinforced, with respect to those shown on the right, confirming the role of reward contingencies in modulating attentional deployment (Della Libera & Chelazzi, 2009; Della Libera et al., 2011; Anderson et al., 2011a, 2011b; Chelazzi et al., under review). Interestingly, the findings revealed that, differently from what observed by Chelazzi and colleagues (under review), here the reward-related benefit was quite spread across all positions within the highly rewarded hemifield, and were not confined to the specific stimulus locations that were associated with the reward unbalances. The results on neglect patients concluded that patients with a too serious or too soft impairment do not show improvements in this specific training protocol, because it might be too difficult for the first and too simple for the latter. The results instead from the remaining patients, who are sufficiently preserved to successfully execute training and receive benefits are encouraging, and give hope that this protocol can be used at large as a new type of restitutive technique for neglect rehabilitation. On the basis of the results obtained, it is not possible yet to establish with certainty the effectiveness of either of these techniques, Eye Patching and the protocol based on the reward, because there is still an extreme variability of the effects, probably due to a number of reasons, including the location of the lesion, the time from stroke and interindividual differences. Both instruments, however, seem very promisings in the rehabilitation of neglect patients in all phases of stroke and in clinical practice in general. Future studies in larger patients population will be necessary to fully determine their efficacy, the degree to which their effects can generalize across different testing methods, as well as their durability in the long term.
Fonte, Cristina
Hemispatial neglect is a common syndrome after stroke in which patients fail to report or respond or be aware of stimuli presented in a portion of space (Heilman & Valenstein, 1979; Kwon et al., 2012). Over the past 60 years more than 18 different rehabilitation techniques have been put forward to alleviate or reduce unilateral hemispatial neglect (Luauté et al., 2006; Ogourtsova et al., 2010), all of which have been shown to have a very limited efficacy. The thesis is carried out of two projects which study two different types of rehabilitation techniques for neglect deficits in neurological patients. Both these techniques do not require patients to learn new strategies and make behavioural adjustments. Instead, they employ a restitutive approach, with the aim to directly alter the cognitive impairment, by addressing the underlying neural circuits. The Project 1 studies Eye Patching, a technique that induces patients to turn attention towards the left hemispace, by completely eliminating afferent information from the ipsilesional hemispace and increasing the salience of the left portion of the visual field. Aim of this project is to review the literature on the effects of the Eye Patching in post-stroke hemispatial neglect in order to convey evidence-based practice recommendations to clinicians in stroke rehabilitation. The Project 2 studies a new protocol based on reward delivery that allows a selective reinforcement of locations within the left hemifield achieved through the a delivery of rewarding feedbacks on performance in tasks involving visual spatial attention, a type of manipulation that has never been used before within the rehabilitative context. Goal of this project is to test whether in neglect patients after stroke, the manipulation of rewards associated with the attentional selection of targets in a visuo-spatial attention task would help to reduce their spatial impairment. Observations (Mesulam, 1985) suggest that motivational factors may also influence spatial attention in neglect patients, such that left space omissions in a cancellation task can be reduced if patients search for highly valued objects (i.e., pictures of coins) and were promised monetary reward in turn for each found target (Malhotra et al., 2013). Studies on healthy subjects demonstrated that the deployment of visual selective attention can be biased through the administration of monetary rewards as feedbacks on performance (Della Libera & Chelazzi, 2006; Della Libera & Chelazzi, 2009; Della Libera et al., 2011; Chelazzi et al., 2013), so that objects that have led to higher rewards when attentionally selected in the past can attract attention more powerfully with respect to other, less rewarding, items. Moreover, very recent results suggest that in young healthy subjects similar effects can be found within the spatial domain, so that attention might be drawn more powerfully towards spatial locations that when selected in the past have led to more rewarding outcomes. The aim of this study is on one hand to examine whether similar effects can be found in older adults, on the other to test whether an attentional training with unbalanced rewarding feedbacks for targets found in the controlesional hemifield might alleviate neglect symptoms in brain damaged patients. Such finding would pave the way to the development of groundbreaking rehabilitative techniques, with restorative bases. As a pre-requisite to the development of the protocol to be delivered to neglect patients, I aimed at exploring whether the deployment of visuo-spatial attention could be affected by reward delivery in a population of healthy older subjects. I developed an experimental protocol made up of two similar visual search paradigms: one used as a test, the other as a training. During training, varying amounts of monetary rewards were delivered in turn for the correct detection of target stimuli appearing in different spatial locations within the visual display. In particular, higher rewards were more frequently associated to targets appearing in the left hemifield (usually associated with attentional disorders in neglect patients). The protocol comprised 2 test sessions at the beginning of the experimental protocol, three consecutive training sessions in the three subsequent days, a second test session 4 days after the end of training, and a follow-up test 1 week later. Eighteen healthy subjects (mean age=59.22) and five patients (mean age=66.33) with hemispatial neglect after right hemisphere stroke have been included in the main study. The main findings indicate that in all subjects, both healthy and brain damaged, task performance improved after training. Moreover, analyses of performance in the group of healthy subjects revealed that the attentional scanning of the visual display was significantly altered by training. The improvement was greater for the detection and identification of target stimuli shown on the left hemifield, that had been selectively reinforced, with respect to those shown on the right, confirming the role of reward contingencies in modulating attentional deployment (Della Libera & Chelazzi, 2009; Della Libera et al., 2011; Anderson et al., 2011a, 2011b; Chelazzi et al., under review). Interestingly, the findings revealed that, differently from what observed by Chelazzi and colleagues (under review), here the reward-related benefit was quite spread across all positions within the highly rewarded hemifield, and were not confined to the specific stimulus locations that were associated with the reward unbalances. The results on neglect patients concluded that patients with a too serious or too soft impairment do not show improvements in this specific training protocol, because it might be too difficult for the first and too simple for the latter. The results instead from the remaining patients, who are sufficiently preserved to successfully execute training and receive benefits are encouraging, and give hope that this protocol can be used at large as a new type of restitutive technique for neglect rehabilitation. On the basis of the results obtained, it is not possible yet to establish with certainty the effectiveness of either of these techniques, Eye Patching and the protocol based on the reward, because there is still an extreme variability of the effects, probably due to a number of reasons, including the location of the lesion, the time from stroke and interindividual differences. Both instruments, however, seem very promisings in the rehabilitation of neglect patients in all phases of stroke and in clinical practice in general. Future studies in larger patients population will be necessary to fully determine their efficacy, the degree to which their effects can generalize across different testing methods, as well as their durability in the long term.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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