Materiali per una sociologia del libro: senso, rappresentazioni e significati simbolici del libro nella tarda modernità Alla luce delle possibilità offerte dalle innovazioni tecnologiche dell’era digitale, in grado di proporre nuove soluzioni per la scrittura e la lettura e quindi di introdurre mutamenti per quanto attiene i meccanismi ed i comportamenti che presiedono alla pratica del leggere e scrivere, obiettivo della ricerca è comprendere se nel libro cartaceo tradizionale – tecnologia della parola che diviene oggetto culturale e materiale insieme – si ravvisi ancora oggi, nella vita quotidiana, un senso, quali siano le sue rappresentazioni e i significati simbolici in particolare in quest’epoca tardo-moderna che non riesce ad affrancarsi completamente da alcuni di quei processi culturali e sociali della modernità che dichiara di voler lasciare, e che, pertanto, si trova invischiata tra un passato che non è più e un futuro che non è ancora. Obiettivo ultimo quindi è dire se nel presente si sia fuori dalla civiltà del libro o meno, provando a comprendere, in particolare, se ancora oggi l’oggetto libro possa continuare ad essere guardato come un contenitore (nella tesi si prova a suggerire un luogo) in cui riversare e conservare non solo “saperi e conoscenze” ma anche “memoria e tradizioni”, e quindi significati condivisi da un’intera società; comprendere se nell’epoca attuale il libro è occasione per intessere relazioni e dare forma a rappresentazioni simboliche, assumendo inoltre un ruolo decisivo sia per la costruzione dell’identità individuale sia per quella dell’identità sociale. Questi gli obiettivi posti a fondamento della ricerca empirica, cui precede una riflessione teorica che, per meglio introdurre tali questioni, si propone di mettere in luce come, storicamente, l’avvicendarsi dei cambiamenti circa le diverse forme di oralità e scrittura assunte nelle distinte civiltà abbia comportato alcune trasformazioni culturali e sociali in particolare per ciò che concerne tre diverse questioni: le rivoluzioni del sensorio nel passaggio epocale tra le società orali-aurali e quelle successive all’invenzione della scrittura; l’invenzione del libro a stampa come propulsore per l’avvio dell’epoca moderna; il ruolo della scrittura, e più nello specifico del libro, per il senso della memoria individuale e collettiva. La tesi, nel suo complesso, può essere letta seguendo tre direttrici: 1. materialità dell’oggetto tradizionale e dei potenziali sostituti (ponendo lo sguardo sul senso attribuito al supporto); 2. funzionalità dell’oggetto (ponendo lo sguardo sul senso attribuito al valore d’uso, al valore simbolico di scambio e al valore sacrale); 3. corporeità agita sull’oggetto (ponendo lo sguardo sul senso attribuito alla dimensione sensoriale). I guadagni maggiormente degni di nota trattano i seguenti argomenti: - il senso del libro oggi è ancora fortemente radicato nella vita quotidiana; in particolare poiché strettamente connesso con gli aspetti sensoriali promossi dal supporto cartaceo che si ritiene, quantomeno allo stato attuale, ancora ineguagliato dai supporti digitali. Come a dire: il libro tiene, perché, e ancor più, tiene la carta; - gli intervistati, riferendo delle questioni che ruotano attorno al senso del libro, fanno emergere come significativo il concetto di “ambivalenza”: in particolare per quanto attiene la tematica specifica sulla sacralità dell’oggetto, l’individuazione dei vantaggi o, rovesciati di segno, degli svantaggi offerti dai supporti digitali e multimediali rispetto al libro; il concetto di maggiore veridicità, reale o presunta, dei contenuti pubblicati su carta e controllati dal circuito tradizionale di produzione; la problematizzazione della questione inerente democratizzazione e partecipazione offerte dalla rete; la questione se il libro contribuisca o meno a dare prestigio sociale. - intorno all’oggetto permane un’aura sacrale, non tanto per ciò che attiene i suoi contenuti quanto poiché assume aspetti di feticcio in conseguenza dell’“impronta personale” che su di esso è possibile tracciare (aspetti strettamente legati alla corporeità e quindi, ancora una volta, alla sensorialità implicata); - ad oggi i nuovi supporti digitali non vengono creduti necessariamente più sicuri per la salvaguardia dei contenuti; anche la fruizione di contenuti digitali, ove praticata, resta in misura significativa vincolata al passaggio alla carta – attraverso la stampa – che consente maggiore leggibilità e possibilità di personalizzazione. A conclusione dell’analisi dei testi, in particolare in base ai comportamenti agiti e dichiarati dagli intervistati, si riferisce di tre distinte modalità comportamentali (ed i nuclei di idee da cui muovono), riferibili seguendo la specifica direttrice legata al grado di rilevanza attribuito agli aspetti sensoriali nel dire del senso del libro: (A) modalità “appassionata”, (B) modalità “possibilista”, (C) modalità “indifferente”. In generale la ricerca empirica porta a concludere che oggi il senso del libro spesso è associato all’idea che esso sia la tessera di un puzzle più grande, in cui l’esperienza si amplifica, in cui si avvia un percorso di senso che non finisce nella sua lettura, ma prosegue nella fruizione di immagini, suoni, filmati e musica scaricabili altrove; autosufficiente ancora per molti aspetti, tassello centrale da cui muovere per attaccare tutti gli altri, è innegabile che però da solo non possa più comporre il disegno definitivo della realtà contemporanea. È così che oggi, questa la risposta che si crede di aver guadagnato, pur non essendo più nella civiltà moderna del libro, non si è ancora a pieno titolo nella civiltà post-moderna del libro digitalizzato.
Material for a sociology of the book: sense, representations and symbolic meanings of the book in the late Modernity In the light of the possibilities offered by the technological innovations of the digital era, that propose new solutions for writing and reading introducing changes about dynamics and behaviours that concern the practice of reading and writing - the objective of this study is to understand if in the traditional paper book it is recognized still today, in the daily life, a sense, which are its representations and its symbolic meanings, in particular in this late modern age, that does not manage to get completely free of some of the cultural and social processes of the modernity that it affirms to want to get rid of. The final goal is therefore is to say if in the present time we are out from the civilization of the book or not, trying to comprehend, in particular, if today the object book can still be seen as an holder (in this thesis it is suggested a place) where to transfer and file not only “knowledge and learning”, but also “memory and traditions”, that is to say meanings shared by the whole society. Also, to understand if in the present age the book is occasion for creating relationships and giving shape to symbolic representations, playing therefore an important part both in the building of the individual and social identity. These are the main objectives at the basis of the empiric research, preceded by a theoretic consideration that, in order to better introduce this matter, tries to highlight how the historical changes about the different forms of orality and literacy assumed in the different civilizations have entailed some big cultural and social transformations, in particular about what concerns three different matters: first, the revolutions of the sensory in the epoch-making transit between the oral societies and the ones successive to the invention of writing. Secondly, the invention of the printed book as the launch engine for the beginning of the modern age. Finally, the role of writing, in particular of the book, in the sense of the individual and social memory. The thesis can be therefore read following three main guidelines: 1. Materiality of the traditional object and its potential substitutes (Highlighting the meaning attributed to the support); 2. Functionality of the object (Highlighting the meaning attributed to the fruition value, to the symbolic exchange value and to the sacral value); 3. Corporeity acted on the object (highlighting the meaning attributed to the sensorial dimension). The main results concern the following themes: - the sense of the book is still deep-rooted in daily life; particularly because strongly connected with the sensorial aspects promoted by the paper support that is currently considered not yet equalled by the digital supports. That is to say: the book lasts because the paper lasts. - The interviewed, referring to the matters around the sense of the book, remark the concept of “ambivalence”: in particular, for what concerns the specific subject of the sacrality of the object, the spotting of the advantages and disadvantages offered by the digital and multimedia supports compared to the book; the idea of the greater truthfulness, real or presumed, of the contents published on paper and controlled by the traditional production chain; the matter of democratization and participation offered by the net; the question if the book concurs to give social prestige as a status symbol. - Around the object “book” it remains a “sacral aura”, not only for its contents but also for its “fetish” aspect, consequently to the personal mark that it is possible to leave on it (aspects deeply connected to corporeity and therefore, once again, to the implied sensoriality); - To this day the new digital supports are not necessarily considered safer for the protection of the contents; also the use of digital contents, when practiced, remains significantly linked to the paper – through printing – that allows an easier way to read and personalize the text. As a conclusion of the analysis of the texts, in particular on the basis of the behaviours acted and declared by the interviewed, it is possible to indicate three different behavioural modalities, identified on the basis of the specific outline about the relevance degree assigned to the sensorial aspects talking about the sense of the book: (A) “passionate” modality, (B) “possibilist” modality, (C) “indifferent” modality. It can be affirmed that the general conclusion of the empiric study is that currently the sense of the book is often associated to the idea that it is a piece of a bigger jigsaw puzzle, where the experience is amplified, where it is possible to start a way of sense that does not concludes in the reading, but continues in the fruition of images, sounds, videos and music elsewhere. The book can be therefore said still self-sufficient for many aspects, central piece of the jigsaw puzzle linked to all the others, but at the same time it is undeniable that it cannot anymore compose by itself the definitive representation of the contemporary reality. This is why it is possible to affirm that the result of this essay is that, in the present day, even if not anymore in the modern civilization of the book, we are not yet completely and legitimately in the post-modern civilization of the digitized book.
Materiali per una sociologia del libro: senso, rappresentazioni e significati simbolici del libro nella tarda modernità
POZZI, Alessandra
Material for a sociology of the book: sense, representations and symbolic meanings of the book in the late Modernity In the light of the possibilities offered by the technological innovations of the digital era, that propose new solutions for writing and reading introducing changes about dynamics and behaviours that concern the practice of reading and writing - the objective of this study is to understand if in the traditional paper book it is recognized still today, in the daily life, a sense, which are its representations and its symbolic meanings, in particular in this late modern age, that does not manage to get completely free of some of the cultural and social processes of the modernity that it affirms to want to get rid of. The final goal is therefore is to say if in the present time we are out from the civilization of the book or not, trying to comprehend, in particular, if today the object book can still be seen as an holder (in this thesis it is suggested a place) where to transfer and file not only “knowledge and learning”, but also “memory and traditions”, that is to say meanings shared by the whole society. Also, to understand if in the present age the book is occasion for creating relationships and giving shape to symbolic representations, playing therefore an important part both in the building of the individual and social identity. These are the main objectives at the basis of the empiric research, preceded by a theoretic consideration that, in order to better introduce this matter, tries to highlight how the historical changes about the different forms of orality and literacy assumed in the different civilizations have entailed some big cultural and social transformations, in particular about what concerns three different matters: first, the revolutions of the sensory in the epoch-making transit between the oral societies and the ones successive to the invention of writing. Secondly, the invention of the printed book as the launch engine for the beginning of the modern age. Finally, the role of writing, in particular of the book, in the sense of the individual and social memory. The thesis can be therefore read following three main guidelines: 1. Materiality of the traditional object and its potential substitutes (Highlighting the meaning attributed to the support); 2. Functionality of the object (Highlighting the meaning attributed to the fruition value, to the symbolic exchange value and to the sacral value); 3. Corporeity acted on the object (highlighting the meaning attributed to the sensorial dimension). The main results concern the following themes: - the sense of the book is still deep-rooted in daily life; particularly because strongly connected with the sensorial aspects promoted by the paper support that is currently considered not yet equalled by the digital supports. That is to say: the book lasts because the paper lasts. - The interviewed, referring to the matters around the sense of the book, remark the concept of “ambivalence”: in particular, for what concerns the specific subject of the sacrality of the object, the spotting of the advantages and disadvantages offered by the digital and multimedia supports compared to the book; the idea of the greater truthfulness, real or presumed, of the contents published on paper and controlled by the traditional production chain; the matter of democratization and participation offered by the net; the question if the book concurs to give social prestige as a status symbol. - Around the object “book” it remains a “sacral aura”, not only for its contents but also for its “fetish” aspect, consequently to the personal mark that it is possible to leave on it (aspects deeply connected to corporeity and therefore, once again, to the implied sensoriality); - To this day the new digital supports are not necessarily considered safer for the protection of the contents; also the use of digital contents, when practiced, remains significantly linked to the paper – through printing – that allows an easier way to read and personalize the text. As a conclusion of the analysis of the texts, in particular on the basis of the behaviours acted and declared by the interviewed, it is possible to indicate three different behavioural modalities, identified on the basis of the specific outline about the relevance degree assigned to the sensorial aspects talking about the sense of the book: (A) “passionate” modality, (B) “possibilist” modality, (C) “indifferent” modality. It can be affirmed that the general conclusion of the empiric study is that currently the sense of the book is often associated to the idea that it is a piece of a bigger jigsaw puzzle, where the experience is amplified, where it is possible to start a way of sense that does not concludes in the reading, but continues in the fruition of images, sounds, videos and music elsewhere. The book can be therefore said still self-sufficient for many aspects, central piece of the jigsaw puzzle linked to all the others, but at the same time it is undeniable that it cannot anymore compose by itself the definitive representation of the contemporary reality. This is why it is possible to affirm that the result of this essay is that, in the present day, even if not anymore in the modern civilization of the book, we are not yet completely and legitimately in the post-modern civilization of the digitized book.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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