La ricerca si sviluppa nell’ambito del fenomeno migratorio, analizzato a partire dalle trasformazioni vissute dalle famiglie migranti pakistane e dalle interrogazioni che accompagnano il mio lavoro clinico nei servizi socio-educativi. Ponendomi al confine tra la riflessione pedagogica, l’etnopsichiatria e l'antropologia, ho esplorato alcuni nodi critici relativi al tema della trasmissione culturale nella famiglie migranti pakistane, facendo emergere le necessarie trasformazioni a cui l’educare è soggetto nell’esperienza della migrazione ( cosa cambia, cosa permane ). La compresenza di lingue e culture diverse mi ha guidato verso la pratica della mediazione culturale utilizzata come metodo di ricerca. Una azione che ha complessificato la ricerca nella produzione e interpretazione dei dati ( la lingue messe in gioco sono state almeno due ) e ha favorito l’accesso emico e la significazione culturale delle informazioni mentre la pratica del partire da sé ha dato unità e continuità al procedere dell’indagine stessa. Operando in tre spazi differenti, ho moltiplicato i campi di indagine per rispondere alla necessità di costruire una teoria dell’agire educativo in un contesto di alta complessità. Una pratica di ricerca partecipativa e multivocale, che ha previsto l’azione di più soggetti, appartenenti a culture diverse, anche professionali, e che ha illuminato punti di vista differenti. Questa diversificazione mi consentito di rendere più ricca l’interpretazione pedagogica. Ho effettuato: 1 - una ricerca sul campo nella Provincia di Brescia : - nei servizi scolastici e sociali dove ha analizzato etnograficamente in un ottica di ricerca-azione i dispositivi etnoclinici sui disordini delle famiglie migranti pakistane e che mi vedono direttamente coinvolta con gli operatori e i mediatori linguistico-culturali; 2 - una ricerca sul campo nella Provincia di Brescia : - nelle case di famiglie pakistane e nella moschea della città di Brescia dove ho realizzato con approccio etnografico incontri con gruppi e singole donne punjabi sul tema della trasmissione educativa in migrazione 3 - un viaggio etnografico nel Punjab del Pakistan che mi ha portato: - ad interagire con un biraderi ( rete della famiglia ) - ad interagire con insegnanti ed operatori dei servizi governativi di aiuto alla famiglia - ad interagire con studiosi e studiose universitarie di ambito pedagogico, sociologico e psicologico e che mi ha permesso di poter attuare quello spostamento necessario per approfondire – da un altro punto di vista - le dinamiche della relazione con universi, lingue e culture delle famiglie che incontro nei dispositivi di ricerca in Italia. Nello spazio del Laboratorio di Mediazione Culturale - LaMec diretto dal Prof. Sala ho trovato un luogo dove rielaborare teoricamente le domande di ricerca grazie al confronto con clinici e ricercatori di Università estere o Italiane: nel 2007 nell’ambito della formazione per gli operatori del servizio famiglia e tutela minori del Comune di Verona, negli anni 2008 e 2009 nell’ambito del Master in Mediazione culturale e con la partecipazione a convegni sul lavoro etnoclinico Le domande di ricerca, formulate in modo aperto e riformulate in itinere, confrontate con i saperi teorici e pratici provenienti da ricerche cliniche in altre culture, sono state: - Quali sono le poste in gioco e le scommesse di cambiamento poste alle famiglie in migrazione, in specifico rispetto all’identità femminile? - Quali sono le modalità nuove da elaborare? - Qual è il disordine educativo nella cultura d’origine e come viene affrontato? - Qual è il disordine educativo in migrazione e come viene affrontato - Quali cambiamenti vengono richiesti agli operatori della cura per comprendere come agire sul disordine educativo? - Come utilizzare i saperi nati dalle esperienze sul campo e di ricerca? Agire in tre differenti spazi di ricerca mi ha consentito lo sviluppo di analisi a partire da apprendimenti comparativi e in profondità sia in ambito clinico, etnografico e formativo. Attraverso l’utilizzo del diario di lavoro e della domanda riflessiva quale ricaduta e risonanza l’azione di ricerca generava in me e nei collaboratori ( mediatori linguistico-culturali) ho dato corpo alla scelta metodologica che ha dato unità alla ricerca: il partire da sé. Scelta metodologica che mi ha mantenuto in una postura di interrogazione circolare e ricorsiva, in un intreccio costante tra interrogazione sull’oggetto e interrogazione su di me, percorso che nella tesi è descritto e argomentato negli snodi più rilevanti a partire da una posizione soggettivamente implicata. Al fine di costruire descrizioni dense e approfondite, dare corpo alle sfumature complesse offerte dalla ricchezza dell’esperienza, ho fatto ricorso al mio coinvolgimento cognitivo ed emotivo, a colloqui narrativi audio e videoregistrazioni, a resoconti autobiografici, ad approfondimenti linguistico-culturali su termini e parole non traducibili in italiano, a restituzioni del materiale prodotto ai diretti interessati, tutte azioni che hanno offerto la possibilità di raffinare ulteriormente i saperi prodotti. In tal modo la scrittura della tesi si è configurata come un ulteriore spazio di ricerca, il risultato di molteplici voci attraverso l’intreccio di diversi registri di scrittura: evocativo, narrativo, descrittivo, argomentativo sviluppando nuovi orizzonti di senso che pre-annunciano una visione della realtà da cui inferire considerazioni pedagogiche e nuove pratiche operative. Attraverso i saperi provenienti dai tre ambiti esplorati e con l’interazione costante con i mediatori/trici linguistico-culturali, ho identificato nel purdah e nel pensiero culturale che vi soggiace la pratica educativa che conduce alla risposta della domanda “come si diviene donna nella cultura punjabi” pratica la cui trasmissione viene fortemente messa in discussione nell’esperienza della migrazione a causa di un contesto sociale che non educa allo sharam, sentimento che sostiene tale pratica. Nella previsione che tale situazione di contatto culturale produca disordine nella trasmissione, generi conflitto intra-familiare ed extrafamiliare ( già vengono rilevate le prime situazioni, descritte nei dispositivi analizzati ) la mia proposta è quella di creare spazi operativi etnoclinici in cui : 1 - le famiglie e i giovani possano ri-valutare le proprie appartenenze e filiazioni culturali che nella migrazione subiscono irrigidimenti o al contrario vere e proprie rotture; 2 - per gli operatori diventano luoghi di apprendimento dove, nell’ottica della ricerca –azione, si attui la comprensione di come accompagnare i disagi esistenziali e i disordini familiari quando il conflitto tra culture o l’assenza di trasmissione culturale pregiudica le relazioni intergenerazionali all’interno delle famiglie stesse. Questo è reso possibile solo se gli operatori sono immessi a loro volta in percorsi formativi di de-costruzione delle proprie conoscenze e re-visione delle proprie appartenenze che in assenza di questo processo possono essere imposte inconsapevolmente.
The research is developed in the field of the migration phenomenon, which has been analysed starting from the changes that affected the migrant Pakistani families and the questions which accompany my clinical work in the social-educational services. I explored some fundamental cruxes related to the issue of cultural transmission in migrant Pakistani families from the point of view of the pedagogic observation, as well as ethno-psychiatry and anthropology, and I underlined the necessary changes that may affect education as for migration (what changes and what remains unchanged). The co-presence of different cultures and languages led my research to the use of cultural mediation applied as a research method. Such action made the research more complex as for production and interpretation of the data collected (there were at least two languages at stake). This contributed to the emic access and to the cultural signification of the information, whereas the idea of starting by the self gave unity and maintained continuity during the entire research. Working on three different areas, I could spread my research and observation fields in order to fulfil the terms of creating a theory of educational acting in a highly complex contest: a participant and multi-vocal research, which counts on the action of several subjects, who belong to different cultures, and to different professional areas, so that new points of view could stand out. Such diversification gave me the possibility to enrich my pedagogic interpretation. I led: 1- a research on field in the province of Brescia: in school and social services, where the ethno-clinical devices were analysed ethnographically from a research- action point of view focusing on the disorders of the migrant Pakistani families who consider my role as directly involved with operators and cultural and language mediators; 2- a research on field in the province of Brescia: in Pakistani care homes and in the mosque located in Brescia, where I held - with ethnographic approach- meetings with groups or Punjabi women about the issue of education transmission in migration; 3- an ethnographic trip to Punjab in Pakistan which allowed me to: interact with a biraderi (family net) interact with teachers and governmental services operators who help and support the family. Interact with university scholars and experts of the pedagogic, sociologic and psychological field, which help me in taking the right step to go more in depth – and gain another point of view- as for the dynamics related to that world of languages and cultures which I could find in the research devices in Italy. In the cultural laboratory space of Cultural Mediation – La Mec- run by Prof. Sala, I found a place where I can revise theoretically the research questions, thanks to the interaction with researchers coming either from Italian Universities or abroad: In 2007, as for operators training and children chancery in the town of Verona, in 2008 and 2009 as for the Master in Cultural Mediation, participating in meetings about ethno-clinic work. The research questions (freely expressed and subsequently ordered in itinere), compared to practical and theoretical knowledge coming from investigations carried out in different cultures were: What is at stake as for changes in women identity from migrant families? What are the new modalities to be elaborated? What is the educational disorder in the culture of origin and how is it handled? What is the educational disorder in migration and how is it handled? What changes are required to care operators in order to understand how to act on education disorder? How to use the knowledge coming from the experiences of the work field? Operating on three different work fields gave me the possibility to develop my analysis starting from comparative knowledge in depth in the clinical as well as ethnographic and educational field. By using a work diary and the reflexive question in what way did the action affect myself and my co-operators (cultural and linguistic mediators)? I structured the methodological work which gave unity to the research: starting from the self. This methodological choice kept me in a position of continuous and circular questioning on the object of the research and on myself, a course well and deeply described and analysed in its cruxes in my thesis, starting from the position of the personally involved. Aiming at creating detailed descriptions and focusing on the differences which stem from such rich experience, I applied to my emotional involvement as well as to my state of mind, to narrative audio and video interviews, to autobiographical resumes, linguistic and cultural essays about words which cannot be translated into Italian, actions which allowed the redefinition of the knowledge acquired. In this way, writing a thesis has become a further research opportunity, as a result of multiple voices and the mix of different writing registers: evocative, narrative, descriptive, argumentative, developing new sense horizons which foresee a new vision of reality where new pedagogical remarks and new practices come from. Through the knowledge acquired from the three investigated fields and with the continuous interaction between cultural and linguistic mediators, I have identified in the purdah and in its undermining cultural thought, the educational process that leads to the answer of the question “how to become a woman in Punjabi culture?”, which is discussed issue in the experience of migration in a social context which does educate on to the sharam, the emotion supporting the aforementioned process. Should this situation of cultural contact produce any disorder in its transmission, or create in- family or extra- family conflicts (the first situations have already been registered, described is the analysed devices) my proposal is that of creating operation ethno-clinical areas in which: 1. families and young people can re-evaluate their origins and cultural filiations, which may get stiff or may break during the migration phase; 2. for the operators these areas become places of learning (for the research and action points of view), where they use the understanding of the support as for existential and family disorders, anytime that the conflict between cultures of the lack of cultural transmission affects the inter-generation relationships within the families. This becomes possible only if the operators undergo a process of de-construction and re-vision of their origins which, without this process may be unconsciously imposed.
Purdah o della protezione.Educazione e trasmissione culturale nelle famiglie migranti pakistane.
The research is developed in the field of the migration phenomenon, which has been analysed starting from the changes that affected the migrant Pakistani families and the questions which accompany my clinical work in the social-educational services. I explored some fundamental cruxes related to the issue of cultural transmission in migrant Pakistani families from the point of view of the pedagogic observation, as well as ethno-psychiatry and anthropology, and I underlined the necessary changes that may affect education as for migration (what changes and what remains unchanged). The co-presence of different cultures and languages led my research to the use of cultural mediation applied as a research method. Such action made the research more complex as for production and interpretation of the data collected (there were at least two languages at stake). This contributed to the emic access and to the cultural signification of the information, whereas the idea of starting by the self gave unity and maintained continuity during the entire research. Working on three different areas, I could spread my research and observation fields in order to fulfil the terms of creating a theory of educational acting in a highly complex contest: a participant and multi-vocal research, which counts on the action of several subjects, who belong to different cultures, and to different professional areas, so that new points of view could stand out. Such diversification gave me the possibility to enrich my pedagogic interpretation. I led: 1- a research on field in the province of Brescia: in school and social services, where the ethno-clinical devices were analysed ethnographically from a research- action point of view focusing on the disorders of the migrant Pakistani families who consider my role as directly involved with operators and cultural and language mediators; 2- a research on field in the province of Brescia: in Pakistani care homes and in the mosque located in Brescia, where I held - with ethnographic approach- meetings with groups or Punjabi women about the issue of education transmission in migration; 3- an ethnographic trip to Punjab in Pakistan which allowed me to: interact with a biraderi (family net) interact with teachers and governmental services operators who help and support the family. Interact with university scholars and experts of the pedagogic, sociologic and psychological field, which help me in taking the right step to go more in depth – and gain another point of view- as for the dynamics related to that world of languages and cultures which I could find in the research devices in Italy. In the cultural laboratory space of Cultural Mediation – La Mec- run by Prof. Sala, I found a place where I can revise theoretically the research questions, thanks to the interaction with researchers coming either from Italian Universities or abroad: In 2007, as for operators training and children chancery in the town of Verona, in 2008 and 2009 as for the Master in Cultural Mediation, participating in meetings about ethno-clinic work. The research questions (freely expressed and subsequently ordered in itinere), compared to practical and theoretical knowledge coming from investigations carried out in different cultures were: What is at stake as for changes in women identity from migrant families? What are the new modalities to be elaborated? What is the educational disorder in the culture of origin and how is it handled? What is the educational disorder in migration and how is it handled? What changes are required to care operators in order to understand how to act on education disorder? How to use the knowledge coming from the experiences of the work field? Operating on three different work fields gave me the possibility to develop my analysis starting from comparative knowledge in depth in the clinical as well as ethnographic and educational field. By using a work diary and the reflexive question in what way did the action affect myself and my co-operators (cultural and linguistic mediators)? I structured the methodological work which gave unity to the research: starting from the self. This methodological choice kept me in a position of continuous and circular questioning on the object of the research and on myself, a course well and deeply described and analysed in its cruxes in my thesis, starting from the position of the personally involved. Aiming at creating detailed descriptions and focusing on the differences which stem from such rich experience, I applied to my emotional involvement as well as to my state of mind, to narrative audio and video interviews, to autobiographical resumes, linguistic and cultural essays about words which cannot be translated into Italian, actions which allowed the redefinition of the knowledge acquired. In this way, writing a thesis has become a further research opportunity, as a result of multiple voices and the mix of different writing registers: evocative, narrative, descriptive, argumentative, developing new sense horizons which foresee a new vision of reality where new pedagogical remarks and new practices come from. Through the knowledge acquired from the three investigated fields and with the continuous interaction between cultural and linguistic mediators, I have identified in the purdah and in its undermining cultural thought, the educational process that leads to the answer of the question “how to become a woman in Punjabi culture?”, which is discussed issue in the experience of migration in a social context which does educate on to the sharam, the emotion supporting the aforementioned process. Should this situation of cultural contact produce any disorder in its transmission, or create in- family or extra- family conflicts (the first situations have already been registered, described is the analysed devices) my proposal is that of creating operation ethno-clinical areas in which: 1. families and young people can re-evaluate their origins and cultural filiations, which may get stiff or may break during the migration phase; 2. for the operators these areas become places of learning (for the research and action points of view), where they use the understanding of the support as for existential and family disorders, anytime that the conflict between cultures of the lack of cultural transmission affects the inter-generation relationships within the families. This becomes possible only if the operators undergo a process of de-construction and re-vision of their origins which, without this process may be unconsciously imposed.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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