Law 84/1993 established the Order, which must manage the Register to which every social worker must register in order to qualify as a social worker and exercise the profession. A national survey of social work graduates from 2006 to 2012 showed that a significant percentage of people claimed to work as social workers without being member in the public register of the Council of Social Workers. To verify the persistence of this fact, content published by social workers on LinkedIn, a social network dedicated to professional relationships between members, was analysed. The findings urge the professional community to invest in digital skills training, starting with the conscious use of social networks. Furthemore, it particularly recalls the university and the Professional Order to the need to guarantee solid basic knowledge relating to the professional order and the correct exercise of the profession.
Con la Legge 84/1993 si è istituito l’Ordine, che deve gestire l’Albo al quale ogni assistente sociale ha l’obbligo di iscrizione per potersi qualificare come assistente sociale ed esercitare la professione. Da una ricerca nazionale sui laureati in servizio sociale dal 2006 al 2012 emergeva che una percentuale rilevante di persone dichiarava di lavorare come assistente sociale senza essere iscritta all’albo. Per comprendere la persistenza di tale fatto, si sono analizzati i contenuti pubblicati dagli assistenti sociali in LinkedIn, social network dedicato alle relazioni professionali tra gli iscritti. Quanto rilevato sollecita la comunità professionale a investire sulla formazione di competenze digitali a partire dall’uso consapevole dei social network. Inoltre richiama in particolare le università e l’Ordine Professionale alla necessità di garantire solide conoscenze di base relative all’ordinamento professionale e al corretto esercizio della professione.
Assistente sociale: ma è davvero obbligatorio iscriversi all'ordine? Esiti di una esplorazione sul social network LinkedIn
Zanon, Vittorio
Law 84/1993 established the Order, which must manage the Register to which every social worker must register in order to qualify as a social worker and exercise the profession. A national survey of social work graduates from 2006 to 2012 showed that a significant percentage of people claimed to work as social workers without being member in the public register of the Council of Social Workers. To verify the persistence of this fact, content published by social workers on LinkedIn, a social network dedicated to professional relationships between members, was analysed. The findings urge the professional community to invest in digital skills training, starting with the conscious use of social networks. Furthemore, it particularly recalls the university and the Professional Order to the need to guarantee solid basic knowledge relating to the professional order and the correct exercise of the profession.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.