Ubuntu, I am because we are. Group empowerment for young Nigerian victims of trafficking Since 2016 in Veneto and in particular in Verona there has been a huge increase In Nigerian victims of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation. As a Social Service of the Municipality of Verona, within the actions of the NAVe Network Anti-trafficking Project for Veneto, the need emerged to be more effective in the interventions of the various actors Involved in the project to help girls for many difficulties in creating interpersonal relationships of trust, with consequent bankruptcy outcomes of the assistance pathways, due both to limitations of the intervention devices and to the increasingly complex problems detected (poor motivation, adolescent behaviors, outcomes from traumas, abortions, self- Injurious acts, attempted suicides, hospitalizations, removals, risky and deviant behavior. unconscious use of social networks, etc.). There was a need to question and change approaches and methods of Intervention, in order to be more effective in individual Inclusion paths, change perspective and put the real protagonists of inclusion paths at the center. It was therefore decided to do group work between minors and new-age minors in charge of the Social Service. Focusing on unconditional acceptance and self-determination of people. a group empowerment process was started to accompany the young Nigerian victims of trafficking followed in an anti-oppressive pedagogical path of liberation. The activities are conducted and facilitated by three social workers. a Nigerian cultural linguistic mediator and a Nigerian girl with peer educator function. Since September 2018. meetings lasting 4-5 hours have been organized and attendance every six weeks. As a choice for conducting the activities, it was decided not to give excessive structure to the meetings and to use animation techniques to facilitate an informal atmosphere that facilitated relationships and free expression. The main objective is not to transmit content, but to stimulate a process of maturatton and self-awareness. The message made clear from the outset was very clear: "as a public assistance system we are very much in difficulty: we need you to make us understand how to help you better. The girls thus understood the role of active participation required; at the same time, the challenge for the Social Service and reception systems was to get more involved, to restore confidence to the girls and recognize their skills and abilities in self-determination. From them initially a propensity to focus on issues related to the present and the future emerged (community life, stabilization in the Italian territory, work, etc.) and a tendency to avoid more painful issues (the past, the Journey and the trafficking experience, the relationship with Nigeria, but also in some way the recognition/awareness of a victim status that needs protection). Various external subjects from the network of services were involved in the meetings, including Institutional ones (Police Headquarters, specialist social and health services, etc.), addressing some issues chosen by the girls (community rules, documents, health, emotions, relationships Interpersonal, etc.). After a year and a half, some initial outcome Indicators are identified: continuity of presence and active participation in the meetings, group climate, Interactions between the girls inside and outside the group, creation of closeness and trust towards the Institutions, keeping the Inclusion paths, greater attention, awareness and willingness to get more involved, as well as an expansion and active involvement by public health and social services.
Dal 2016 in Veneto ed in particolare a Verona v’è stato un enorme aumento di nigeriane vittime di tratta a scopo di sfruttamento sessuale. Come Servizio Sociale del Comune di Verona, all'interno delle azioni del Progetto NAVe Network Antitratta per il Veneto è emersa l’esigenza di essere più efficaci negli interventi dei vari attori coinvolti nel progetto di aiuto alle ragazze per molte difficoltà nella creazione di relazioni interpersonali di fiducia, con conseguenti esiti fallimentari dei percorsi di assistenza, dovuti sia a limiti dei dispositivi di intervento sia alle sempre più complesse problematiche rilevate (scarsa motivazione, comportamenti adolescenziali, esiti da traumi, aborti, atti autolesivi, tentati suicidi, ricoveri ospedalieri, allontanamenti, comportamenti a rischio e devianti, uso inconsapevole dei social network…). C’era l’esigenza di mettersi in discussione e modificare approcci e modalità di intervento, al fine di essere più efficaci nei percorsi di inclusione individuali, cambiare prospettiva e rimettere al centro le vere protagoniste dei percorsi di inclusione. Si è quindi scelto di fare un lavoro di gruppo tra minorenni e neomaggiorenni in carico al Servizio Sociale. Puntando su accettazione incondizionata e autodeterminazione delle persone, si è avviato un percorso di empowerment di gruppo per accompagnare le giovani nigeriane vittime di tratta seguite in un percorso pedagogico antioppressivo di liberazione. Le attività sono condotte e facilitate da 3 assistenti sociali, una mediatrice linguistico culturale nigeriana e da una ragazza nigeriana con funzione di peer educator. Da settembre 2018 si sono organizzati incontri della durata di 4-5 ore e frequenza ogni 6 settimane. Come scelta di conduzione delle attività si è scelto di non dare eccessiva strutturazione agli incontri e di utilizzare delle tecniche di animazione per facilitare un clima informale che agevolasse le relazioni e la libera espressione. L’obiettivo principale non è quello di trasmettere contenuti, ma di stimolare un processo di maturazione e consapevolezza del sé. Il messaggio esplicitato da subito era molto chiaro: “come sistema pubblico di assistenza siamo molto in difficoltà: abbiamo bisogno che siate voi stesse a farci capire come aiutarvi meglio”. Le ragazze hanno così compreso il ruolo di partecipazione attiva richiesto; contemporaneamente la sfida per il Servizio Sociale ed i sistemi di accoglienza è stata quella di mettersi maggiormente in gioco, per ridare fiducia alle ragazze e riconoscere loro competenze e capacità nell’autodeterminarsi. Da loro è inizialmente emersa una propensione a concentrarsi su temi legati al presente ed al futuro (la vita in comunità, la stabilizzazione nel territorio italiano, il lavoro…) ed una tendenza ad evitare tematiche più dolorose (il passato, il viaggio e l'esperienza di tratta, il rapporto con la Nigeria, ma anche in qualche modo il riconoscimento/consapevolezza di uno status di vittima che necessita di protezione). Si sono coinvolti negli incontri vari soggetti esterni soggetti della rete dei servizi, anche di tipo istituzionali (Questura, servizi specialistici sociosanitari…), affrontando alcune tematiche scelte dalle ragazze (le regole delle comunità, i documenti, la salute, le emozioni, le relazioni interpersonali…). Dopo un anno e mezzo, si individuano alcuni iniziali indicatori di esito: continuità della presenza e partecipazione attiva agli incontri, clima del gruppo, interazioni tra le ragazze all’interno e fuori dal gruppo, creazione di vicinanza e fiducia verso le istituzioni, tenuta dei percorsi di inclusione, maggiore attenzione, consapevolezza e disponibilità a mettersi maggiormente in gioco, oltre ad un allargamento e coinvolgimento attivo da parte di servizi sociosanitari pubblici.
Ubuntu, io sono perché noi siamo: empowerment di gruppo per giovani nigeriane vittime di tratta
Zanon Vittorio
Ubuntu, I am because we are. Group empowerment for young Nigerian victims of trafficking Since 2016 in Veneto and in particular in Verona there has been a huge increase In Nigerian victims of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation. As a Social Service of the Municipality of Verona, within the actions of the NAVe Network Anti-trafficking Project for Veneto, the need emerged to be more effective in the interventions of the various actors Involved in the project to help girls for many difficulties in creating interpersonal relationships of trust, with consequent bankruptcy outcomes of the assistance pathways, due both to limitations of the intervention devices and to the increasingly complex problems detected (poor motivation, adolescent behaviors, outcomes from traumas, abortions, self- Injurious acts, attempted suicides, hospitalizations, removals, risky and deviant behavior. unconscious use of social networks, etc.). There was a need to question and change approaches and methods of Intervention, in order to be more effective in individual Inclusion paths, change perspective and put the real protagonists of inclusion paths at the center. It was therefore decided to do group work between minors and new-age minors in charge of the Social Service. Focusing on unconditional acceptance and self-determination of people. a group empowerment process was started to accompany the young Nigerian victims of trafficking followed in an anti-oppressive pedagogical path of liberation. The activities are conducted and facilitated by three social workers. a Nigerian cultural linguistic mediator and a Nigerian girl with peer educator function. Since September 2018. meetings lasting 4-5 hours have been organized and attendance every six weeks. As a choice for conducting the activities, it was decided not to give excessive structure to the meetings and to use animation techniques to facilitate an informal atmosphere that facilitated relationships and free expression. The main objective is not to transmit content, but to stimulate a process of maturatton and self-awareness. The message made clear from the outset was very clear: "as a public assistance system we are very much in difficulty: we need you to make us understand how to help you better. The girls thus understood the role of active participation required; at the same time, the challenge for the Social Service and reception systems was to get more involved, to restore confidence to the girls and recognize their skills and abilities in self-determination. From them initially a propensity to focus on issues related to the present and the future emerged (community life, stabilization in the Italian territory, work, etc.) and a tendency to avoid more painful issues (the past, the Journey and the trafficking experience, the relationship with Nigeria, but also in some way the recognition/awareness of a victim status that needs protection). Various external subjects from the network of services were involved in the meetings, including Institutional ones (Police Headquarters, specialist social and health services, etc.), addressing some issues chosen by the girls (community rules, documents, health, emotions, relationships Interpersonal, etc.). After a year and a half, some initial outcome Indicators are identified: continuity of presence and active participation in the meetings, group climate, Interactions between the girls inside and outside the group, creation of closeness and trust towards the Institutions, keeping the Inclusion paths, greater attention, awareness and willingness to get more involved, as well as an expansion and active involvement by public health and social services.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.