The Russian invasion of Ukraine has also brought to the attention of scholars the role of the Supreme Defense Council (SDC): a body that has raised uncertainties, doubts and perplexities since its prediction in the constitutional context, in particular in relation to the military duties of the President of the Republic. The essay therefore takes into consideration the activity that this body carried out precisely at the start of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, since, entering a specific time phase of the internal decision-making process in matters of defense and security, it has aroused some perplexity, but above all it has been affected by the position of our country in an international context that has become increasingly articulated and complex over the years, from which a longer and more composite "decision-making chain" seems to emerge than that which instead characterized military issues at the beginning of the republican experience, when our country was only part of the Atlantic Alliance, that is, of NATO. At the beginning of the crisis in Ukraine, the role of the SDC was however essential, especially for the benefit of the constitutional powers of the President of the Republic, since he must have a clear overview of the situation, ahead of the decisions of the Council of Ministers and of Parliament, as well as in the light of the declarations, guidelines and decisions resulting from the activities of the EU institutions and other international organizations of which Italy is a member.
L’invasione russa dell’Ucraina ha riportato all’attenzione degli studiosi anche il ruolo del Consiglio Supremo di Difesa (CSD): un organo che ha sollevato incertezze, dubbi e perplessità fin dalla sua previsione nel contesto costituzionale, in particolare in rapporto alle attribuzioni militari del Presidente della Repubblica. Nel saggio si prende pertanto in considerazione l’attività che tale organo ha svolto proprio all’avvio del conflitto russo-ucraino, giacché essa, inserendosi in una determinata fase temporale del processo decisionale interno in materia di difesa e sicurezza, ha destato qualche perplessità, ma soprattutto ha risentito della collocazione del nostro Paese in un contesto internazionale divenuto nel corso degli anni sempre più articolato e complesso, dal quale sembra emergere una «catena decisionale» più lunga e composita di quella che invece ha caratterizzato le questioni militari all’inizio dell’esperienza repubblicana, quando il nostro Paese faceva parte soltanto dell’Alleanza atlantica, cioè della NATO. All’inizio della crisi in Ucraina, il ruolo del CSD è risultato comunque essenziale, in specie a beneficio delle attribuzioni costituzionali del Presidente della Repubblica, dovendo egli poter disporre di un quadro chiaro della situazione, in vista delle decisioni di competenza del Consiglio dei Ministri e del Parlamento, nonché alla luce delle dichiarazioni, degli indirizzi e delle determinazioni risultanti dall’attività delle istituzioni dell’UE e delle altre organizzazioni internazionali di cui l’Italia fa parte.
Il Consiglio Supremo di Difesa e i processi decisionali conseguenti all'invasione dell'Ucraina
Guiglia, G.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has also brought to the attention of scholars the role of the Supreme Defense Council (SDC): a body that has raised uncertainties, doubts and perplexities since its prediction in the constitutional context, in particular in relation to the military duties of the President of the Republic. The essay therefore takes into consideration the activity that this body carried out precisely at the start of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, since, entering a specific time phase of the internal decision-making process in matters of defense and security, it has aroused some perplexity, but above all it has been affected by the position of our country in an international context that has become increasingly articulated and complex over the years, from which a longer and more composite "decision-making chain" seems to emerge than that which instead characterized military issues at the beginning of the republican experience, when our country was only part of the Atlantic Alliance, that is, of NATO. At the beginning of the crisis in Ukraine, the role of the SDC was however essential, especially for the benefit of the constitutional powers of the President of the Republic, since he must have a clear overview of the situation, ahead of the decisions of the Council of Ministers and of Parliament, as well as in the light of the declarations, guidelines and decisions resulting from the activities of the EU institutions and other international organizations of which Italy is a member.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.