After a brief outline of the essential elements of Dante Alighieri's fortune in Japan from the Meij era up to the 7th centenary of the poet's death, the author intends to investigate how the primarily Western cultural background and encyclopaedic character of Dante's works create an unusual encounter with Japanese Buddhist-Shintoist culture and traditions. As the reference literature shows, after an initial moment of oblique reception of Dante's works in translation, more and more Japanese writers and artists came to confront directly with the classic in Italian, starting the first forms of translation of the Comedy and asking themselves questions about the real possibility of integrating this universe within their reference system. During the second phase of reception, there is a more marked cultural appropriation of Dante's themes and elements, leading to the creation of a Dante reference model that is the object of multiple types of remediation, up to contemporary rewritings in comic strips and visual art. In this progressive adaptation of Dante in Japan, the author will examine Dante's reception within the Soka Gakkai, a Buddhist organisation whose cornerstones are the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin. With the progressive growth and secularisation of the organisation and the consequent expansion of the movement from East to West, the author intends to investigate how the figure of Daisaku Ikeda has been decisive in the reception of the Supreme Poet within the contemporary Buddhist cultural context. Through the analysis of some of Dr. Ikeda's writings in English and in Italian, she will show how the President of the Soka Gakkai International used the Supreme Poet as a model of a man who interprets a religion active in society, an expression of the theory of Human Revolution proposed by the Soka Gakkai, and his Works as a basis of study to which to strive to enrich the Japanese population thanks to a humanistic vision, emblematic of the spirit of research. Through the use of the figure of the Supreme Poet in Dr Ikeda's writings for young people, messages to the various nations, essays of encouragement and poems, the author wishes to illustrate how the Soka Gakkai International manages to create a common ground by converging in a “new renaissance”, in which elements of Buddhist culture and tradition are related to the Western cultural matrix, ultimately creating the conditions for an inclusive and dynamic global religion that sees education, culture and the promotion of peace as its programmatic objectives.
Dopo aver tratteggiato brevemente gli elementi essenziali della fortuna di Dante Alighieri in Giappone dall’era Meij fino al VII centenario dalla morte del Poeta, l’autrice intende indagare come il portato culturale e il carattere enciclopedico primariamente occidentale delle Opere dantesche vadano a creare un inusitato incontro con la cultura e le tradizioni buddista-shintoista nipponiche. Come dimostra la letteratura di riferimento, dopo un primo momento di ricezione obliqua e in traduzione delle opere dantesche, sempre più letterati e artisti giapponesi arrivano a confrontarsi direttamente con il classico in lingua italiana, dando avvio alle prime forme di traduzione della Commedia e ponendosi domande circa la possibilità reale di integrare questo universo all’interno del proprio sistema di riferimento. Durante la seconda fase di ricezione si riscontra una più marcata appropriazione culturale di tematiche ed elementi danteschi, arrivando alla creazione di un modello di riferimento Dante oggetto di molteplici tipi di rimediazione, fino alle riscritture contemporanee in chiave fumettistica e d’arte visiva. In questo progressivo adattamento di Dante in Giappone, l’autrice prenderà in esame la ricezione dantesca all’interno della Soka Gakkai, organizzazione buddista che vede negli insegnamenti di Nichiren Daishonin i propri capisaldi. Con la progressiva crescita e laicizzazione dell’organizzazione e con la conseguente espansione del movimento da oriente verso occidente, l’autrice intende indagare come la figura di Daisaku Ikeda sia stata determinante per la ricezione del Sommo Poeta all’interno del contesto culturale buddista contemporaneo. Mediante l’analisi di alcuni scritti del Dott. Ikeda in inglese e in italiano, mostrerà come il Presidente della Soka Gakkai International abbia utilizzato il Sommo Poeta come modello di uomo interprete di una religione attiva nella società, espressione della teoria della Rivoluzione Umana proposta dalla Soka Gakkai, e le sue Opere come base di studio a cui tendere per arricchire la popolazione nipponica grazie a una visione umanistica, emblema dello spirito di ricerca. Mediante l’utilizzo della figura del Sommo Poeta all’interno di scritti del Dott. Ikeda per i giovani, messaggi alle diverse nazioni, saggi di incoraggiamento e poesie, l’autrice desidera illustrare come la Soka Gakkai International arrivi a creare un common ground convergendo in un “nuovo rinascimento”, in cui mettere in relazione elementi della cultura e tradizione buddista con la matrice culturale occidentale, creando in ultima analisi i presupposti per una religione globale inclusiva e dinamica che vede nell’educazione, la cultura e la promozione della pace i propri obiettivi programmatici.
«Non dubbiar, mentr’io ti guido». La ricezione buddista di Dante attraverso Daisaku Ikeda.
Sara Fontana
After a brief outline of the essential elements of Dante Alighieri's fortune in Japan from the Meij era up to the 7th centenary of the poet's death, the author intends to investigate how the primarily Western cultural background and encyclopaedic character of Dante's works create an unusual encounter with Japanese Buddhist-Shintoist culture and traditions. As the reference literature shows, after an initial moment of oblique reception of Dante's works in translation, more and more Japanese writers and artists came to confront directly with the classic in Italian, starting the first forms of translation of the Comedy and asking themselves questions about the real possibility of integrating this universe within their reference system. During the second phase of reception, there is a more marked cultural appropriation of Dante's themes and elements, leading to the creation of a Dante reference model that is the object of multiple types of remediation, up to contemporary rewritings in comic strips and visual art. In this progressive adaptation of Dante in Japan, the author will examine Dante's reception within the Soka Gakkai, a Buddhist organisation whose cornerstones are the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin. With the progressive growth and secularisation of the organisation and the consequent expansion of the movement from East to West, the author intends to investigate how the figure of Daisaku Ikeda has been decisive in the reception of the Supreme Poet within the contemporary Buddhist cultural context. Through the analysis of some of Dr. Ikeda's writings in English and in Italian, she will show how the President of the Soka Gakkai International used the Supreme Poet as a model of a man who interprets a religion active in society, an expression of the theory of Human Revolution proposed by the Soka Gakkai, and his Works as a basis of study to which to strive to enrich the Japanese population thanks to a humanistic vision, emblematic of the spirit of research. Through the use of the figure of the Supreme Poet in Dr Ikeda's writings for young people, messages to the various nations, essays of encouragement and poems, the author wishes to illustrate how the Soka Gakkai International manages to create a common ground by converging in a “new renaissance”, in which elements of Buddhist culture and tradition are related to the Western cultural matrix, ultimately creating the conditions for an inclusive and dynamic global religion that sees education, culture and the promotion of peace as its programmatic objectives.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.