"Please write a (great) review on TripAdvisor for my hotel!” Customers’ reaction to solicited reviews
2015-01-01 Magno, F.; Cassia, Fabio; Bruni, A.
Adoption and impact of marketing performance assessment systems among travel agencies in Italy
2014-01-01 Francesca, Magno; Attilio, Bruni; Cassia, Fabio
Are citizens always right? Investigating why citizens’ inputs are notalways beneficial to public services co-production
2011-01-01 Magno, Francesca; Cassia, Fabio
Assessing the impact of business-to-business brand reputation on comparative brand preference and buyer’s satisfaction
2010-01-01 Cassia, Fabio
Balancing theory and practice: a review of the state of PLS-SEM research by the community of Italian management scholars
2021-01-01 Magno, Francesca; Cassia, Fabio
Board Diversity and Firm Internationalization: The Case of Italy
2014-01-01 Baronchelli, G.; Cassia, Fabio; Piantoni, M.
Brand Reputation and Service Quality in the Italian Energy Market: A Business-to-Business Perspective
2015-01-01 Vigolo, Vania; Cassia, Fabio
Business-to-business branding: continuità, discontinuità e problemi aperti
2009-01-01 Cassia, Fabio
City Image. Comparing residents’ and tourists’ perceived image of Verona
2017-01-01 Baratta, Rossella; Cassia, Fabio; Vigolo, Vania; Ugolini, Marta Maria
Comparing the effectiveness of offline and online sponsorship of long tail communities
2010-01-01 Andreini, Daniela; Cassia, Fabio
Component suppliers with unknown brands: why are they able to enter successful ingredient branding agreements?
2013-01-01 Cassia, Fabio
Customer engagement in service innovation: effects on tourism firms’ recovery from Covid-19 crisis
2021-01-01 Magno, Francesca; Cassia, Fabio
Distances in public administrators’ and elected officials’ perspectives on services quality: exploring the implications for citizens’ role in quality improvement processes
2010-01-01 Cassia, Fabio; Magno, Francesca
Does a service-based positioning of the offering enhance customer perceived value?
2015-01-01 Cassia, Fabio; Ugolini, Marta Maria; Cobelli, Nicola; Gill, Liz
Does Social Couponing Stimulate Positive E-Word-of-Mouth and Referrals?
2015-01-01 Cassia, Fabio; Magno, Francesca; Ugolini, Marta Maria
Domestic vs. foreign consumer attitudes toward global retail brands: the case of Starbucks in the US and in Italy
2019-01-01 Magno, Francesca; Cassia, Fabio
Drivers of born-global companies’ international development: an empirical investigation among Italian companies
2010-01-01 Baronchelli, Gianpaolo; Cassia, Fabio
E-communication impact on Local Government services quality: an empirical analysis
2006-01-01 Cassia, Fabio; Roberto, Rinaldi
Effectiveness of sponsorships in Niche Communities Online: a preliminary study
2010-01-01 Andreini, Daniela; Cassia, Fabio
Explaining Citizen Surveys Non-Adoption in Local Government
2009-01-01 Cassia, Fabio; Magno, Francesca