Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 524
EU - Europa 329
AS - Asia 181
AF - Africa 4
OC - Oceania 2
SA - Sud America 2
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 1.043
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 521
CN - Cina 99
GB - Regno Unito 93
SG - Singapore 53
IT - Italia 47
FI - Finlandia 34
RU - Federazione Russa 32
SE - Svezia 30
FR - Francia 23
IE - Irlanda 23
HK - Hong Kong 15
DE - Germania 14
BE - Belgio 9
UA - Ucraina 8
NL - Olanda 4
CA - Canada 3
JP - Giappone 3
AT - Austria 2
AU - Australia 2
CH - Svizzera 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
DZ - Algeria 2
EC - Ecuador 2
IN - India 2
TG - Togo 2
TH - Thailandia 2
VN - Vietnam 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AM - Armenia 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
EE - Estonia 1
ES - Italia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
ID - Indonesia 1
IL - Israele 1
KR - Corea 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MY - Malesia 1
PL - Polonia 1
Totale 1.043
Città #
Chandler 102
Ann Arbor 86
Jacksonville 75
Southend 69
Woodbridge 64
Singapore 44
Houston 40
Dublin 23
Verona 16
Wilmington 16
Beijing 15
Hong Kong 15
Ashburn 14
Jinan 14
Shenyang 14
Lawrence 11
Princeton 11
Helsinki 10
Milan 10
Brussels 9
Boardman 8
New York 6
Auburn Hills 5
Nanjing 5
Santa Clara 5
Zhengzhou 5
Cagliari 4
Nanchang 4
Tianjin 4
Haikou 3
Lancaster 3
London 3
Ningbo 3
Palermo 3
Tokyo 3
Toronto 3
Changsha 2
Chicago 2
Dallas 2
Fairfield 2
Fuzhou 2
Ghardaïa 2
Hangzhou 2
Hebei 2
Jiaxing 2
Lomé 2
Los Angeles 2
Pieve di Soligo 2
Quito 2
Vienna 2
Zurich 2
Amsterdam 1
Brno 1
Budapest 1
Canberra 1
Castelnuovo del Garda 1
Charlotte 1
Dearborn 1
Durian Tunggal 1
Florence 1
Harbin 1
Jakarta 1
Kilburn 1
Kochi 1
Kunming 1
Lappeenranta 1
Leawood 1
Madrid 1
Prague 1
Riga 1
Riva 1
Rizhao 1
San Diego 1
San Francisco 1
Seattle 1
Shanghai 1
Shenzhen 1
Shijiazhuang 1
Sofia 1
Stockholm 1
Sydney 1
Taiyuan 1
Taizhou 1
Tallinn 1
Turin 1
Utrecht 1
Warsaw 1
Yerevan 1
Totale 792
Nome #
Grasping the proteome: detergents sub-fractionation of human and microbial cells leads to improvements in differential proteomics 103
Polar electrophoresis: shape of two-dimensional maps is as important as size. 100
Proteomic changes involved in tenderization of bovine Longissimus dorsi muscle during prolonged ageing. 93
Murine macrophages response to iron 93
Monocyte/macrophage proteomics: recent findings and biomedical applications. 92
Tissue proteomics of splenic marginal zone lymphoma 89
Iron metabolism in Murine Macrophages: a proteomic insight. 87
Improvements to polar 2-D electrophoresis for proteomic applications. 87
Pros and cons of peptide isolectric focusing in shotgun proteomics 83
A CTAB based method for the preparation of total protein extract of wine spoilage microrganisms for proteomic analysis. 82
High resolution preparation of monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) protein fractions for clinical proteomics 78
Acinar Cystic Transformation of the Pancreas: Histomorphology and Molecular Analysis to Unravel its Heterogeneous Nature 40
Cerebellar mass in a 31-year-old woman 30
Totale 1.057
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.524
article - articoli 2.979
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 268
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 277
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 7.048

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202078 0 0 0 0 0 11 16 15 8 13 4 11
2020/2021102 4 23 5 11 12 11 4 8 3 3 11 7
2021/2022100 11 33 0 5 2 0 5 9 3 5 7 20
2022/2023242 18 28 18 44 28 44 6 14 28 2 12 0
2023/202498 6 6 4 8 7 6 4 13 2 0 32 10
2024/2025130 25 24 17 50 8 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.057