'Interconnection, Differentiation and Bottlenecks in the Internet'
2002-01-01 Giovannetti, Emanuele
An Internet Periphery Study: Network Centrality and Clustering for Mobile Access in Bhutan
In corso di stampa Giovannetti, Emanuele; S., Sigloch
Antitrust Analysis for the Internet Upstream Market: A Border Gateway Protocol Approach
2006-01-01 A., D'Ignazio; Giovannetti, Emanuele
Asymmetry and Discrimination in Internet Peering. Evidence from the LINX
2009-01-01 D'Ignazio, A.; Giovannetti, Emanuele
Catching Up, Leapfrogging or Forging ahead? Exploring the Effects of Integration and History on Spatial Technological Adoptions
2013-01-01 Giovannetti, Emanuele
Continental differences in the clusters of integration: Empirical evidence from the digital commodities global supply chain networks
2014-01-01 Alessio, D’Ignazio; Giovannetti, Emanuele
Diagonal Mergers and Foreclosure in the Internet
2005-01-01 Giovannetti, Emanuele
Editorial: Peering and roaming on the Internet
2008-01-01 Giovannetti, Emanuele
Estimating Market Power in the Internet backbone using the I.P. transit Band-X database
2005-01-01 Giovannetti, Emanuele; Ristuccia, C.
From Exogenous to Endogenous Economic Networks: Internet Applications
2006-01-01 D'Ignazio, A; Giovannetti, Emanuele
Internet districts in Italy: is Proximity an Antidote against Weak Broadband Competition?
2011-01-01 D'Ignazio, A.; Giovannetti, Emanuele
Learning Bounded Rationality and Evolutionary Modelling in Games
1993-01-01 Giovannetti, Emanuele
Morphogenesis of an institution on a lattice game
1998-01-01 E., Agliardi; Giovannetti, Emanuele
Perpetual Leapfrogging in Bertrand Duopoly
2001-01-01 Giovannetti, Emanuele
Predicting internet commercial connectivity wars: The impact of trust and operators’ asymmetry
In corso di stampa D’Ignazio, Alessio; Giovannetti, Emanuele
Resale Price Maintenance: an Empirical Analysis of UK Firms’ Compliance
2013-01-01 Giovannetti, Emanuele; Magazzini, Laura
Resale Price Maintenance: explaining the controversy, and small steps towards a more nuanced policy
2010-01-01 Bennett, M.; Fletcher, A.; Giovannetti, Emanuele; Stallibrass, D.
2004-01-01 D'Ignazio, A.; Giovannetti, Emanuele
Reti-Networks Replica
2004-01-01 D'Ignazio, A.; Giovannetti, Emanuele
Review of "Economics of Agglomeration: Cities, Industrial Location, and Regional Growth".By Masahisa Fujita and Jacques-Francois Thisse.
2003-01-01 Giovannetti, Emanuele