Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disabling autoimmune inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS). The migration of autoreactive T cells from the blood into the CNS and their reactivation through antigen presentation by local antigen presenting cells (APCs) represent critical events in the pathogenesis of MS and its animal model, the experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). The responses to potential antigens inside the CNS require long-range migration of cells, short-range communication and direct cell-cell contact with APCs. The main goal of this study was to investigate the role of L2 (LFA-1) and 4 (VLA-4 and 47) integrins in the migration and motility behavior of Th1 and Th17 cells, which represent key players in the induction of EAE, using intravital microscopy approaches. Intravital microscopy techniques allow the visualization of T cell migration and reactivation in the spinal cord (SC), which represents the main inflammation site during EAE. By using epifluorescence intravital microscopy (IVM) we first studied the roles of 4 and LFA-1 integrins in Th1 and Th17 cell adhesion in the pial vessels of spinal cord (SC) venules in mice immunized with MOG35-55 peptide during the preclinical phase, disease onset and chronic phase of disease. We used an EAE model by immunization of C57BL/6 mice with MOG35-55 peptide. MOG35-55-specific Th1 and Th17 cells were produced in vitro from 2D2 TCR transgenic mice, labeled with fluorescent dyes and intravenously injected in immunized mice before imaging. Our results underlined a selective role for LFA-1 integrin in Th1 cell recruitment in inflamed SC vessels during the early phases of the disease but not during the chronic phase. Moreover, blocking antibodies against the 4subunit, but not blockade of 47 integrin greatly inhibited rolling and firm adhesion of Th1 cells in the SC venules during all disease phases, suggesting that VLA-4 is the major molecule involved in Th1 cell adhesion in the SC venules during EAE. Interestingly, blockade of 47 integrin led to a significant reduction of firm adhesion in Th17 cells at the onset and chronic phase of EAE indicating a selective role of 47 integrin in the recruitment of Th17 cells in the inflamed CNS. Taking advantage of two-photon laser microscopy (TPLM) approach we next investigated the motility behavior of fluorescently labeled Th1 and Th17 cells within SC parenchyma during different disease phases. Our results showed a massive infiltration of Th1 and Th17 cells in the CNS parenchyma at disease peak, whereas the migration of these cells during other phases of disease was significantly lower. Furthermore, Th1 and Th17 cells displayed significant differences in the directional component, with Th1 cells moving faster in straight directions covering long distances deep in the SC parenchyma, whereas Th17 cells moved around in a specific volume of tissue in a stop and go mode. Notably, the blockade of LFA-1 integrin drastically affected the dynamics of Th1 cells leading to a reduction in velocity and interfering with their straight-line motility pattern. Moreover, Th17 cells displayed a drastic reduction of velocity in the presence of a blocking anti-LFA-1 antibody. The analysis of cellular morphology suggested that LFA-1 is actively involved in the cytoskeleton rearrangements necessary for T cell amoeboid migration inside the CNS, but had no role in the cytoskeleton dynamics in Th17 cells. Notably, 4integrins had no role in Th1 cells motility, but drastically reduced the dynamics of Th17 cells inside the SC parenchyma. To check the therapeutic relevance of our intravital microscopy findings, we performed intrathecal injection of anti-LFA-1 or anti-47 antibodies at disease onset and observed a significant inhibition of EAE progression in mice immunized with MOG35-55 peptide. Collectively, our data demonstrate that LFA-1 integrin differently controls intraparenchymal Th1 and Th17 cells dynamics, whereas 47 integrin is selectively involved in Th17 cell trafficking in the CNS during EAE. Furthermore, our results suggest that interfering with the molecular mechanisms controlling intraparenchymal dynamics of activated T cells may represent a new therapeutic strategy for CNS autoimmune diseases.
La Sclerosi Multipla (SM) è una patologia infiammatoria autoimmune cronica, disabilitante e demielinizzante, del sistema nervoso centrale (SNC). La migrazione di cellule T autoreattive e la loro riattivazione attraverso la presentazione antigenica effettuata dalle locali cellule presentanti l’antigene, rappresentano due eventi critici nella patogenesi della SM e nel suo modello animale, l’encefalite autoimmune sperimentale (EAE). Le risposte ai potenziali antigeni all’interno del SNC richiedono una migrazione a lungo raggio, comunicazione a corto raggio e contatti cellula-cellula diretti con le cellule presentanti l’antigene. Il principale obiettivo di questo studio è indagare il ruolo delle integrine L2 (LFA-1) e 4 (VLA-4 and 47) nella migrazione e nella motilità delle cellule autoreattive Th1 e Th17 in corso di EAE all’interno del midollo spinale utilizzando le moderne tecniche di microscopia intravitale. La microscopia intravitale permette di visualizzare questi processi dentro il midollo spinale, il quale rappresenta il principale sito di infiammazione durante l’EAE. Mediante la microscopia intravitale in epifluorescenza abbiamo prima di tutto investigato il ruolo delle integrine 4 e LFA-1 nella migrazione delle cellule autoreattive Th1 e Th17 all’interno dei vasi piali del midollo spinale durante la fase preclinica, l’esordio e la fase cronica di EAE. Abbiamo utilizzato un modello di EAE immunizzando topi C57BL/6 con il peptide MOG35-55. Le cellule Th1 e Th17 MOG-specifiche sono state prodotte in vitro da topi TCR-transgenici 2D2, marcate con label fluorescenti e iniettate in endovena nei topi immunizzati direttamente prima dell’acquisizione. I nostri risultati pongono l’accento su un ruolo selettivo per l’integrina LFA-1 nella migrazione delle cellule Th1 in particolare durante le prime fasi di malattia. Ruolo che invece non è svolto in fase cronica di malattia. Inoltre, il blocco della subunità 4, ma non dell’integrina 47 inibisce fortemente sia il rotolamento sia l’adesione stabile delle cellule Th1 all’endotelio infiammato. Questo suggerisce l’integrina VLA-4 come principale mediatrice della migrazione delle Th1 nel SNC infiammato in corso di EAE. Di notevole interesse è inoltre il selettivo ruolo per l’integrina 47 evidenziato in particolare nell’adesione stabile esclusivamente delle cellule Th17 all’esordio ed in fase cronica di malattia. Successivamente, per studiare la motilità intraparenchimale delle cellule Th1 e Th17 nel midollo spinale durante la fase preclinica della patologia, il picco di malattia e la fase cronica abbiamo utilizzato la microsocopia laser a due fotoni. I nostri risultati dimostrano una massiva infiltrazione di Th1 e Th17 nel parenchima del SNC al picco di malattia, mentre la migrazione di queste cellule durante le altre fasi della malattia è significativamente minore. In seguito, il nostro studio si è focalizzato sulla fase clinica della malattia e abbiamo osservato che le cellule Th1 e le cellule Th17 mostrano differenze significative nelle componenti direzionali, con le cellule Th1 che si muovono velocemente in direzione rettilinea, coprendo lunghe distanze nel parenchima del midollo spinale, mente le cellule Th17 girano intorno in un volume specifico del tessuto facendo stop and go. In particolare, il blocco dell’integrina LFA-1 influenza drasticamente le dinamiche delle cellule, portando ad una riduzione nella velocità e interferendo con il loro pattern di motilità rettilinea. Inoltre, in presenza di un anticorpo bloccante anti-LFA-1, le cellule Th17 mostrano una riduzione di velocità drastica. Diversamente, l’anticorpo anti-4 non ha nessun effetto sul comportamento motile delle Th1, ma riduce fortemente la velocità delle Th17 suggerendo che l’integrina VLA-4 non sia richiesta per la motilità intraparenchimale durante l’EAE. Tuttavia, alla luce dei risultati ottenuti in precedenza mediante microscopia intravitale, va preso in considerazione un selettivo ruolo esercitato dall’integrina 47 nella motilità intraparenchimale delle Th17. Complessivamente, i nostri risultati suggeriscono che l’LFA-1 sia la principale integrina che controlla la motilità delle cellule Th1 e Th17 e che 47 sia invece selettivamente coinvolta nella motilità delle cellule Th17 nel midollo spinale in condizioni infiammatorie al picco di malattia. A sostegno di questi risultati abbiamo testato un trattamento terapeutico mediante blocco locale, a livello intratecale, delle integrine LFA-1 e 47 nel nostro modello murino di EAE cronica. Entrambi i trattamenti hanno evidenziato una riduzione nello sviluppo della malattia che suggerisce l’importanza di interferire direttamente con le dinamiche delle cellule pro infiammatorie a livello del SNC. Approfondire dunque la conoscenza dei meccanismi molecolari che controllano la motilità intratissutale di cellule T attivate nel SNC potrebbe aiutarci a identificare nuove strategie terapeutiche per le patologie autoimmuni cerebrali croniche.
Role of integrins in the trafficking of Th1 and Th17 cells in the central nervous system during experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disabling autoimmune inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS). The migration of autoreactive T cells from the blood into the CNS and their reactivation through antigen presentation by local antigen presenting cells (APCs) represent critical events in the pathogenesis of MS and its animal model, the experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). The responses to potential antigens inside the CNS require long-range migration of cells, short-range communication and direct cell-cell contact with APCs. The main goal of this study was to investigate the role of L2 (LFA-1) and 4 (VLA-4 and 47) integrins in the migration and motility behavior of Th1 and Th17 cells, which represent key players in the induction of EAE, using intravital microscopy approaches. Intravital microscopy techniques allow the visualization of T cell migration and reactivation in the spinal cord (SC), which represents the main inflammation site during EAE. By using epifluorescence intravital microscopy (IVM) we first studied the roles of 4 and LFA-1 integrins in Th1 and Th17 cell adhesion in the pial vessels of spinal cord (SC) venules in mice immunized with MOG35-55 peptide during the preclinical phase, disease onset and chronic phase of disease. We used an EAE model by immunization of C57BL/6 mice with MOG35-55 peptide. MOG35-55-specific Th1 and Th17 cells were produced in vitro from 2D2 TCR transgenic mice, labeled with fluorescent dyes and intravenously injected in immunized mice before imaging. Our results underlined a selective role for LFA-1 integrin in Th1 cell recruitment in inflamed SC vessels during the early phases of the disease but not during the chronic phase. Moreover, blocking antibodies against the 4subunit, but not blockade of 47 integrin greatly inhibited rolling and firm adhesion of Th1 cells in the SC venules during all disease phases, suggesting that VLA-4 is the major molecule involved in Th1 cell adhesion in the SC venules during EAE. Interestingly, blockade of 47 integrin led to a significant reduction of firm adhesion in Th17 cells at the onset and chronic phase of EAE indicating a selective role of 47 integrin in the recruitment of Th17 cells in the inflamed CNS. Taking advantage of two-photon laser microscopy (TPLM) approach we next investigated the motility behavior of fluorescently labeled Th1 and Th17 cells within SC parenchyma during different disease phases. Our results showed a massive infiltration of Th1 and Th17 cells in the CNS parenchyma at disease peak, whereas the migration of these cells during other phases of disease was significantly lower. Furthermore, Th1 and Th17 cells displayed significant differences in the directional component, with Th1 cells moving faster in straight directions covering long distances deep in the SC parenchyma, whereas Th17 cells moved around in a specific volume of tissue in a stop and go mode. Notably, the blockade of LFA-1 integrin drastically affected the dynamics of Th1 cells leading to a reduction in velocity and interfering with their straight-line motility pattern. Moreover, Th17 cells displayed a drastic reduction of velocity in the presence of a blocking anti-LFA-1 antibody. The analysis of cellular morphology suggested that LFA-1 is actively involved in the cytoskeleton rearrangements necessary for T cell amoeboid migration inside the CNS, but had no role in the cytoskeleton dynamics in Th17 cells. Notably, 4integrins had no role in Th1 cells motility, but drastically reduced the dynamics of Th17 cells inside the SC parenchyma. To check the therapeutic relevance of our intravital microscopy findings, we performed intrathecal injection of anti-LFA-1 or anti-47 antibodies at disease onset and observed a significant inhibition of EAE progression in mice immunized with MOG35-55 peptide. Collectively, our data demonstrate that LFA-1 integrin differently controls intraparenchymal Th1 and Th17 cells dynamics, whereas 47 integrin is selectively involved in Th17 cell trafficking in the CNS during EAE. Furthermore, our results suggest that interfering with the molecular mechanisms controlling intraparenchymal dynamics of activated T cells may represent a new therapeutic strategy for CNS autoimmune diseases.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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