This work regards the phenomenon of the Italian “government-owned” companies, with specific reference to the current problems concerning the jurisdiction over the misconducts of the Director of these companies. The first chapter is focused on the examination of the various types of government-owned companies, as the “in house” companies; the “mixed” companies; the listed companies and the companies with a so-called “singular” Statute (as RAI S.p.a., ANAS S.p.a, ENAV S.p.a, Patrimonio dello Stato S.p.a. and ARCUS S.p.a). In particular, after a short overview of the historical evolution of the phenomenon, highlighting its disjointed and fragmentary nature, the analysis of this work is concentrated on the specific characteristics of the abovementioned corporate models and on the relevant copious regulation issued during the years, until the recent entry into force of the “Testo Unico” – September 23rd, 2016 – with d.lgs. n. 175/2016. The second part of the work is dedicated to the notion of “public finance damage” (the so-said “danno erariale”) through the close examination of each constitutive element of the so-said “Public Administration liability” and of all the theories developed to qualify its nature (if a penalty or a compensative one). The last chapter is focused on the study of the case law evolution concerning the jurisdiction over the Director of the government-owned companies whose misconducts have damaged the company assets or the shareholder public authority. In particular, this work concentrates its attention on the analysis of the motivations of the most important pronouncement concerning the abovementioned matter, starting from the popular judicial decision n. 19667/2003 issued by the Italian Corte di Cassazione a Sezioni Unite until the leading cases n. 26806/2009 (that has changed the previous case law, stating, on a general way, the jurisdiction of an ordinary court) and n. 27092/2009 and n. 22683/2013 (concerning the companies with a so-called “singular” Statute and the so-called in house companies, respectively and introducing a principle that, notwithstanding the 2009 case law, has stated the jurisdiction of the Accountant Judge). This work has therefore provided for an incisive analysis of the new art. 12 of the abovementioned d.lgs. 175/2016 that has crystallized, on a regulatory way, the principles concerning the jurisdiction and de facto has created a “double rail" system. In particular, essentially accepting the principles declared by the abovementioned decisions n. 26806/2009 and 22683/2013, this provision has stated the jurisdiction of the ordinary court, in case of damages caused by the Directors of the “government-owned” companies; while the jurisdiction of the Accountant Judge in case of “public finance damage” caused by those conducts that have damaged the shareholder authorities (even in case of negligent exercise of the shareholder’s rights as per civil code) or by the management of the so-said in house companies (as defined by the new art art. 16 of d.lgs. 175/2016). The last paragraphs are therefore dedicated to the study of the principal cases of the so-said “direct” damage suffered by the shareholder authorities (damages to the imagine and damages due to the negligent exercise of the shareholder’s rights by the representatives of the public shareholder authorities) and to the analysis of the thorny issue concerning the jurisdiction of the Accountant judge on those conducts with an entrepreneurial nature made by the Directors of the so-said in house companies.
Il presente lavoro ha ad oggetto il fenomeno delle società a partecipazione pubblica in Italia con particolare riferimento alle attuali problematiche in punto di giurisdizione in ordine alle condotte illecite perpetrate dagli Amministratori di tali società. Il primo capitolo è dedicato alla disamina delle varie tipologie di società “pubbliche” quali le società c.d. “in house”, le società miste e le società quotate e le società a statuto c.d. “singolare” (come RAI S.p.a., ANAS S.p.a, ENAV S.p.a, Patrimonio dello Stato S.p.a. e ARCUS S.p.a). In particolare, dopo una breve panoramica che ripercorre l’evoluzione storica del fenomeno evidenziandone la natura disorganica e frammentaria, ci si è soffermati sulle caratteristiche peculiari di tali modelli societari alla luce della copiosa normativa intervenuta negli anni fino all’entrata in vigore del Testo Unico recentemente emanato – 23 settembre 2016 – con d.lgs. n. 175 del 2016. La seconda parte del lavoro è dedicata al concetto di danno c.d. “erariale” attraverso una disamina dei singoli elementi costitutivi della c.d. responsabilità amministrativa e delle tesi intervenute a qualificarne la natura (risarcitoria o sanzionatorie). L’ultimo capitolo è, quindi dedicato all’analisi dell’evoluzione giurisprudenziale sul tema del riparto di giurisdizione in ordine alle condotte degli amministratori delle società pubbliche che con le loro condotte abbiano arrecato nocumento al patrimonio sociale o all’ente pubblico quotista. Si è proceduto, in particolare, ad analizzare le motivazioni sottese ai più importanti pronunciamenti sul tema a partire dalla nota ordinanza della Corte di Cassazione a Sezioni Unite n. 19667 del 2003 in tema di Enti Pubblici Economici per poi passare alla disamina dei successivi arresti rappresentati dai leading cases n. 26806 del 2009 (che ha rivisitato l’orientamento precedente affermando la sussistenza in via generale della giurisdizione ordinaria), n. 27092 del 2009 e n. 22683 del 2013 (rispettivamente in tema di società a statuto c.d. “singolare” e società c.d. in house che hanno introdotto un principio in deroga all’orientamento del 2009 riservando la giurisdizione al Giudice Contabile). Si è, quindi, proceduto a porre a vaglio critico il nuovo art. 12 del citato d.lgs. 175 del 2016 che ha cristallizzato sul piano positivo i principi in tema di riparto di giurisdizione dando vita, di fatto, ad un sistema a “doppio binario”. La norma in questione, in particolare, recependo sostanzialmente i principi enunciati dalle ordinanze n. 26806 del 2009 e 22683 del 2013, ha individuato quale giudice naturale per le ipotesi di danno cagionato dagli amministratori delle Società in mano pubblica il Giudice Ordinario, riservando al Giudice Contabile le ipotesi di danno erariale derivanti da condotte che abbiano determinato nocumento agli enti partecipanti (anche nell’ipotesi di esercizio negligente dei diritti di socio disciplinati dal codice civile) o nell’ambito della gestione delle società c.d. in house (così come oggi ridefinite dal novellato art. 16 del d.lgs. 175 del 2016). Gli ultimi paragrafi sono, quindi, riservati all’analisi delle principali ipotesi di danno c.d. “diretto” agli enti partecipanti (danno all’immagine e quello cagionato dal negligente esercizio dei diritti di socio da parte dei rappresentanti dei soggetti pubblici quotisti) ed all’analisi della spinosa problematica della sindacabilità da parte del giudice contabile dei comportamenti di natura imprenditoriale riferibili agli amministratori delle società c.d. in house.
BLATTNER, Hans Roderich
This work regards the phenomenon of the Italian “government-owned” companies, with specific reference to the current problems concerning the jurisdiction over the misconducts of the Director of these companies. The first chapter is focused on the examination of the various types of government-owned companies, as the “in house” companies; the “mixed” companies; the listed companies and the companies with a so-called “singular” Statute (as RAI S.p.a., ANAS S.p.a, ENAV S.p.a, Patrimonio dello Stato S.p.a. and ARCUS S.p.a). In particular, after a short overview of the historical evolution of the phenomenon, highlighting its disjointed and fragmentary nature, the analysis of this work is concentrated on the specific characteristics of the abovementioned corporate models and on the relevant copious regulation issued during the years, until the recent entry into force of the “Testo Unico” – September 23rd, 2016 – with d.lgs. n. 175/2016. The second part of the work is dedicated to the notion of “public finance damage” (the so-said “danno erariale”) through the close examination of each constitutive element of the so-said “Public Administration liability” and of all the theories developed to qualify its nature (if a penalty or a compensative one). The last chapter is focused on the study of the case law evolution concerning the jurisdiction over the Director of the government-owned companies whose misconducts have damaged the company assets or the shareholder public authority. In particular, this work concentrates its attention on the analysis of the motivations of the most important pronouncement concerning the abovementioned matter, starting from the popular judicial decision n. 19667/2003 issued by the Italian Corte di Cassazione a Sezioni Unite until the leading cases n. 26806/2009 (that has changed the previous case law, stating, on a general way, the jurisdiction of an ordinary court) and n. 27092/2009 and n. 22683/2013 (concerning the companies with a so-called “singular” Statute and the so-called in house companies, respectively and introducing a principle that, notwithstanding the 2009 case law, has stated the jurisdiction of the Accountant Judge). This work has therefore provided for an incisive analysis of the new art. 12 of the abovementioned d.lgs. 175/2016 that has crystallized, on a regulatory way, the principles concerning the jurisdiction and de facto has created a “double rail" system. In particular, essentially accepting the principles declared by the abovementioned decisions n. 26806/2009 and 22683/2013, this provision has stated the jurisdiction of the ordinary court, in case of damages caused by the Directors of the “government-owned” companies; while the jurisdiction of the Accountant Judge in case of “public finance damage” caused by those conducts that have damaged the shareholder authorities (even in case of negligent exercise of the shareholder’s rights as per civil code) or by the management of the so-said in house companies (as defined by the new art art. 16 of d.lgs. 175/2016). The last paragraphs are therefore dedicated to the study of the principal cases of the so-said “direct” damage suffered by the shareholder authorities (damages to the imagine and damages due to the negligent exercise of the shareholder’s rights by the representatives of the public shareholder authorities) and to the analysis of the thorny issue concerning the jurisdiction of the Accountant judge on those conducts with an entrepreneurial nature made by the Directors of the so-said in house companies.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Tesi dottorato - Hans Roderich Blattner - Università di Verona - 16 dicembre 2016.pdf
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