The thesis deals with the theme of the relationship between the action for annulment and the claim for damages in the administrative process, six years after the entry into force of the Legislative Decree No. 104 of 2 July 2010 laying down the Code of Administrative Procedure. It is, in other words, the age-old question of the so–called “administrative prejudicial”, in the past it was the subject of a lively jurisprudential and doctrinal debate and currently still the focus of attention of experts. The Administrative law held, indeed, that in view of a tort act committed by the Administration, the private citizen who wished to act with claim for damages would primarily have to seek and obtain the judicial annulment of the damaging measure, in tribute of the need for stability of administrative action. Conversely, the case law of the civil judge endorsed the different autonomy rule between those remedies, arguing that conditioning the proposal of the actio damni for the experiment of the claim for annulment, would have resulted in an unacceptable compression of needs to protect the citizen. The legislator of the 2010 intervened to settle the conflict of interpretation, who raising additional doubts and misgivings, disciplines in very articulate manner the relationship between the action for annulment and the claim for damages in the administrative process. In detail, the paragraph 1 of article 30 of the Code of Administrative Procedure expressly provides that the claim for damages for infringement of legitimate interests can also be initiated independently from the appeal. The next third paragraph, besides submitting the claim for damages to an unusual limitation period of one hundred and twenty days, requires the administrative judge to exclude the compensation of those prejudices that the private citizen has not avoided using due diligence, even with the experiment of the instruments for protection provided; this last wording echoes the provision of art. 1227, paragraph 2, of the civil code. The dissertation focuses, therefore, both on the prevision of the deadline considered by the writer as opposed to different constitutional precepts, and the burden of diligence that weighs on the one who gets the damage. It especially poses the question whether the appeal of unlawful acts belongs to the instruments for protection that the citizen is required to enable. In addressing the issue you can not, moreover, disregard the analysis of the most recent case-law which, supporting the well-known pronouncement of Plenary Assembly of the Council of State, 23 March 2011, No. 3, believes that the proposal of the claim for annulment, although it is not a requirement for the admissibility of actio damni, becomes relevant from a substantial standpoint of the same one , since the failure to challenge can lead the judge to a decrease in the quantum of compensation for damages. So, the question is whether the rule accepted by the process code is, indeed, the rule of autonomy, or rather, that of the so-called "concealed prejudicial " To this question tries to answer this thesis, which after having completed a comparison with other European experiences and having studied the dictum of art. 1227, paragraph 2, of the Civil Code, reaches an interpretative solution which is at the same time, innovative and in line with the spirit eminently of compromise of the 2010 reform.
La tesi affronta il tema dei rapporti tra la domanda di annullamento e quella risarcitoria nel processo amministrativo, a sei anni dall’entrata in vigore del d.lgs. 2 luglio 2010, n. 104, recante il Codice del processo amministrativo (c.p.a.). Si tratta, in altri termini, dell’annosa questione della c.d. “pregiudizialità amministrativa”, in passato oggetto di un vivace dibattito giurisprudenziale e dottrinale ed oggi ancora al centro dell’attenzione degli interpreti. La giurisprudenza amministrativa riteneva, invero, che, a fronte di un fatto illecito commesso dall’Amministrazione, il privato che intendesse agire in sede risarcitoria, avrebbe dovuto primariamente chiedere ed ottenere l’annullamento giurisdizionale del provvedimento dannoso, in omaggio all’esigenza di stabilità dell’azione amministrativa. Per converso, la giurisprudenza del giudice civile avallava la diversa regola dell’autonomia tra i suddetti rimedi, sostenendo che condizionare la proposizione dell’actio damni all’utile esperimento della domanda di annullamento, avrebbe comportato un’inammissibile compressione delle esigenze di tutela del cittadino. A dirimere il contrasto interpretativo, è intervenuto il legislatore del 2010, il quale, non senza suscitare ulteriori dubbi e perplessità, disciplina, in modo alquanto articolato, i rapporti tra la tutela costitutiva e la tutela risarcitoria nel processo amministrativo. In dettaglio, il comma 1 dell’art. 30 c.p.a. prevede espressamente che l’azione risarcitoria per lesione di interessi legittimi possa essere proposta anche autonomamente dall’impugnazione. Il successivo terzo comma, invece, oltre a sottoporre la domanda risarcitoria ad un insolito termine di decadenza di centoventi giorni, impone al giudice amministrativo di escludere il risarcimento di quei pregiudizi che il privato non abbia evitato usando l’ordinaria diligenza, anche attraverso l’esperimento degli strumenti di tutela previsti; formulazione, quest’ultima, che riecheggia il disposto dell’art. 1227, comma 2, c.c. Il lavoro si concentra, dunque, sia sulla previsione del suddetto termine decadenziale, ritenuta da chi scrive in contrasto con diversi precetti costituzionali, che sull’onere di diligenza incombente sul danneggiato, ponendosi, in particolare, il quesito se tra gli strumenti di tutela che il cittadino è tenuto ad attivare rientri o meno l’impugnazione degli atti illegittimi. Nell’affrontare la questione, non si può, inoltre, prescindere dall’analisi della giurisprudenza più recente, la quale, assecondando il noto pronunciamento dell’Adunanza Plenaria del Consiglio di Stato, 23 marzo 2011, n. 3, ritiene che la proposizione della domanda di annullamento, pur non costituendo un requisito di ammissibilità dell’azione di danno, assuma rilevanza sul piano sostanziale della medesima, dal momento che l’omessa impugnazione può condurre l’organo giudicante ad una diminuzione del quantum risarcitorio. Sicché, ci si chiede se quella accolta dal Codice del processo sia, davvero, la regola della autonomia, o piuttosto, quella della c.d. “pregiudizialità mascherata”. All’interrogativo cerca di rispondere il presente contributo, il quale, dopo aver espletato un confronto con le altre esperienze europee ed aver studiato il dictum dell’art. 1227, comma 2, c.c., giunge ad una soluzione interpretativa, al contempo, innovativa ed in linea con lo spirito, eminentemente compromissorio, della riforma del 2010.
Tutela costitutiva e tutela risarcitoria a sei anni dall'entrata in vigore del Codice del processo amministrativo
LENOCI, Alessandro Emanuele
The thesis deals with the theme of the relationship between the action for annulment and the claim for damages in the administrative process, six years after the entry into force of the Legislative Decree No. 104 of 2 July 2010 laying down the Code of Administrative Procedure. It is, in other words, the age-old question of the so–called “administrative prejudicial”, in the past it was the subject of a lively jurisprudential and doctrinal debate and currently still the focus of attention of experts. The Administrative law held, indeed, that in view of a tort act committed by the Administration, the private citizen who wished to act with claim for damages would primarily have to seek and obtain the judicial annulment of the damaging measure, in tribute of the need for stability of administrative action. Conversely, the case law of the civil judge endorsed the different autonomy rule between those remedies, arguing that conditioning the proposal of the actio damni for the experiment of the claim for annulment, would have resulted in an unacceptable compression of needs to protect the citizen. The legislator of the 2010 intervened to settle the conflict of interpretation, who raising additional doubts and misgivings, disciplines in very articulate manner the relationship between the action for annulment and the claim for damages in the administrative process. In detail, the paragraph 1 of article 30 of the Code of Administrative Procedure expressly provides that the claim for damages for infringement of legitimate interests can also be initiated independently from the appeal. The next third paragraph, besides submitting the claim for damages to an unusual limitation period of one hundred and twenty days, requires the administrative judge to exclude the compensation of those prejudices that the private citizen has not avoided using due diligence, even with the experiment of the instruments for protection provided; this last wording echoes the provision of art. 1227, paragraph 2, of the civil code. The dissertation focuses, therefore, both on the prevision of the deadline considered by the writer as opposed to different constitutional precepts, and the burden of diligence that weighs on the one who gets the damage. It especially poses the question whether the appeal of unlawful acts belongs to the instruments for protection that the citizen is required to enable. In addressing the issue you can not, moreover, disregard the analysis of the most recent case-law which, supporting the well-known pronouncement of Plenary Assembly of the Council of State, 23 March 2011, No. 3, believes that the proposal of the claim for annulment, although it is not a requirement for the admissibility of actio damni, becomes relevant from a substantial standpoint of the same one , since the failure to challenge can lead the judge to a decrease in the quantum of compensation for damages. So, the question is whether the rule accepted by the process code is, indeed, the rule of autonomy, or rather, that of the so-called "concealed prejudicial " To this question tries to answer this thesis, which after having completed a comparison with other European experiences and having studied the dictum of art. 1227, paragraph 2, of the Civil Code, reaches an interpretative solution which is at the same time, innovative and in line with the spirit eminently of compromise of the 2010 reform.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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