Le riflessioni di É. Durkheim a partire dalle forme elementari della vita religiosa evidenziano come l’uomo sia essere sociale per eccellenza e che attraverso le categorie sociali questo può interagire e scambiare significati con il gruppo di riferimento. Queste stesse categorie lociali non sono degli a priori ma si costruiscono nel corso delle cerimonie rituali, momenti in cui l’effervescenza collettiva costringe i singoli fuori da sé e fuori dalla propria vita quotidiana. Solo in questi momenti il singolo rintraccia le categorie collettive. Gli studi durkheimiani, sono stati la base per la riflessione del sociologo della memoria per eccellenza M. Halbwachs, il quale ha introdotto il concetto di quadri sociali della memoria, memoria individuale e memoria collettiva. Secondo il sociologo di Strasburgo i ricordi individuali possono riemergere solo nelle relazioni sociali perché solo con l’incontro e lo scontro con la memoria collettiva del gruppo di riferimento che il passato può essere ricostruito. Proprio l’agire nel tempo presente consente ai ricordi di riemergere, essere compresi e inseriti nella più ampia dimensione collettiva. Le successive critiche verso il primo lavoro di M. Halbwachs hanno portato lo studioso a ridefinire il rapporto tra le due memorie: la memoria individuale diviene uno dei punti di vista sulla memoria collettiva, punto di vista che si modifica a seconda dei gruppi di riferimento cui un soggetto appartiene. La definizione di pluri appartenenze tipica delle società moderne ha permesso a G.Namer di introdurre il concetto di memoria sociale, vale a dire quei residui di memoria collettiva che attendono di essere rivitalizzata.La mia riflessione intorno alla memoria sociale della Prima Guerra mondiale mi hanno permesso di individuare nelle pratiche di memoria, quali i musei della Grande Guerra e le rievocazioni storiche, gli spazi entro cui individuare ed analizzare gli strumenti di rivitalizzazione della memoria ormai centenaria, priva di testimoni diretti e senza più un gruppo specifico di riferimento. Per il suo essere sociale la memoria da me analizzata ha l’opportunità di assumere svariate forme narrative le quali possono garantire la trasmissioni di simboli, valori e tracce che dal passato raggiungono il presente al fine di essere comunicate alle generazioni future grazie alle correnti di pensiero. Sono le forme narrative assunte dalla memoria nel tempo presente che rivitalizzano i ricordi personali dei singoli e far si che possano riallacciare i legami deboli con la memoria familiare oppure scoprire e riscoprire simboli così da ritornare ad essere una memoria collettiva. Le chiavi di lettura che mi hannoconsentito di leggere in maniera contro intuitiva le pratiche di memoria sono due: pratica della memoria come performance e pratica di memoria come forma di edutainment. Attraverso sessioni di osservazione partecipata, interviste scritte domande aperte semistrutturate somministrate ai fruitori dei musei, interviste semistrutturate ai partecipanti al Viaggio nella memoria e ai rievocatori ho potuto individuare gli elementi che hanno garantito il coinvolgimento emozionale che consentono alla memoria sociale di tornare ad essere una memoria collettiva.
É. Durkheim’s studies about ancient religions highlight that man is socially determined and only through social categories he can interact and exchange meanings with the reference group. Social categories are not priori, but they are built during ritual ceremonies: moments of collective effervescence. Only during these moments the individual traces the collective categories. Durkheimian studies were the basis for the reflection of the sociologist of memory par excellence M. Halbwachs, who introduced the concept of social frameworks of memory, individual and collective memory. According to the sociologist of Strasbourg, individual memories emerge and are rebuilt only through social relations because only the encounter and the confrontation with the collective memory of the target group, the past can be reconstructed. It is the action in the present time that allow memories to resurface, be understood and incorporated into the wider collective dimension. Subsequent critiques at M. Halbwachs’s first publication, led him to redefine the relationship between the two memories: individual memory becomes one of the points of view of the collective memory, the point of view that changes according to the individual’s target groups.The definition of multi memberships, typical of modern society, allowed G. Namer to introduce the concept of social memory, i.e. those residues of collective memory that are waiting to be revitalized.My consideration about the social memory of WWI led me to consider the practices of memory, such as WWI museums and historical re-enactments, the spaces to identify and analyze the tools to revitalize the centennial memory, that now is without direct witnesses and specific reference group. The memory that I analized is a social memory, therefore it takes several narrative forms which can ensure the transmission of symbols, values and traces that from the past reach the present, in order to be communicated to future generations thanks to the flows of thought. The narrative forms taken from the memory in the present time revitalize the personal memories, allowing individuals to reconnect the weak links with the family memory, or discover and rediscover the symbols that make collective memory.The interpretations that have enabled me to read in a counterintuitive way the practices of memory are two: the practice of memory as a performance and the practice of memory as a form of edutainment. Through sessions of participant observation, semi-structured interviews with open questions administered to users of museums, semi-structured interviews with participants in the “Viaggio nella memoria” and with the re-enactors, I was able to identify the elements that have ensured the emotional involvement that enables the social memory to return to being a collective memory.
Sulle tracce della memoria della Grande Guerra. Uno studio su alcune pratiche sociali del ricordo della Prima Guerra mondiale in un contesto transnazionale: musei, esperienze e rievocazioni; performance ed edutainment
É. Durkheim’s studies about ancient religions highlight that man is socially determined and only through social categories he can interact and exchange meanings with the reference group. Social categories are not priori, but they are built during ritual ceremonies: moments of collective effervescence. Only during these moments the individual traces the collective categories. Durkheimian studies were the basis for the reflection of the sociologist of memory par excellence M. Halbwachs, who introduced the concept of social frameworks of memory, individual and collective memory. According to the sociologist of Strasbourg, individual memories emerge and are rebuilt only through social relations because only the encounter and the confrontation with the collective memory of the target group, the past can be reconstructed. It is the action in the present time that allow memories to resurface, be understood and incorporated into the wider collective dimension. Subsequent critiques at M. Halbwachs’s first publication, led him to redefine the relationship between the two memories: individual memory becomes one of the points of view of the collective memory, the point of view that changes according to the individual’s target groups.The definition of multi memberships, typical of modern society, allowed G. Namer to introduce the concept of social memory, i.e. those residues of collective memory that are waiting to be revitalized.My consideration about the social memory of WWI led me to consider the practices of memory, such as WWI museums and historical re-enactments, the spaces to identify and analyze the tools to revitalize the centennial memory, that now is without direct witnesses and specific reference group. The memory that I analized is a social memory, therefore it takes several narrative forms which can ensure the transmission of symbols, values and traces that from the past reach the present, in order to be communicated to future generations thanks to the flows of thought. The narrative forms taken from the memory in the present time revitalize the personal memories, allowing individuals to reconnect the weak links with the family memory, or discover and rediscover the symbols that make collective memory.The interpretations that have enabled me to read in a counterintuitive way the practices of memory are two: the practice of memory as a performance and the practice of memory as a form of edutainment. Through sessions of participant observation, semi-structured interviews with open questions administered to users of museums, semi-structured interviews with participants in the “Viaggio nella memoria” and with the re-enactors, I was able to identify the elements that have ensured the emotional involvement that enables the social memory to return to being a collective memory.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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