Hedge fund attivismo è relativamente un fenomeno nuovo che ha guadagnato una notevole attenzione nel mondo accademico e in stampa finanziaria. Essere esentati da diversi vincoli normativi, utilizzando strategie di investimento sofisticate, e la compensazione manageriale attraente hanno permesso fondi attivisti per sostituire il ruolo di monitoraggio una volta occupata da altri predatori aziendali in '80. Come risultato di un monitoraggio efficace attivista, tutti i soggetti interessati associati sono stati visti come beneficiando dei risultati positivi realizzati nel breve periodo e nel lungo periodo. Per estrarre questi guadagni, fondi attivi adottare una strategia multiforme che può includere ad acquisire quota in gran parte concentrato in azienda, campagna di lead utilizzando strumenti della proposta dell'azionista, concorso proxy, acquisizione, e l'attenzione dei media, tra gli altri. Fondi Attivista portano solo, ma a volte funzionano anche in collaborazione con altri investitori istituzionali. Nonostante i guadagni significativi, l'attivismo di fondi legati è stato criticato per i guadagni nel breve termine, che sono apparentemente estratti sul costo di lungo periodo distruzione di valore. Inoltre, questi guadagni sono considerati essere realizzato quando i mercati funzionavano in buone condizioni. La recente crisi finanziaria, che è apparso notevolmente dannose per l'industria degli hedge fund e sfidato il tradizionale approccio di attivismo, offre un ambiente competitivo per testare le prestazioni nelle aziende mirati da fondi attivisti. Utilizzando un insieme di dati in modo univoco mano raccolta composta da 551 imprese statunitensi quotate mirati con 112 hedge fund attivi nel periodo del gennaio 2000 al dicembre 2013, si studia l'impatto di attivismo in due prospettive distinte; in generale, per l'intero periodo di campionamento e in particolare per il periodo di crisi. Correlati con l'attivismo, abbiamo in gran parte sottolineiamo ad esaminare il comportamento del fondo, mentre mira le aziende e il meccanismo con cui la gestione in aziende di destinazione è impegnata a lavorare. In questo modo, abbiamo inizialmente indagare caratteristiche delle imprese obiettivo 'se siano valutate o crescita stock. Come attivisti tentare di influenzare la governance interna degli obiettivi influenzando le loro decisioni manageriali? In aggiunta, ci sono cambiamenti osservabili a mira i modelli a seguito della recente crisi finanziaria? Ha crisi influisce il ritorno di attivismo? E altrettanto importante questione se le imprese bersaglio prestazioni migliori rispetto non-targets nel breve periodo e anche nel lungo periodo, prima e dopo la crisi. Tali questioni sono state sollevate e forse discusso nel primo capitolo della tesi. Definiamo fondo attivismo come un evento quando un hedge fund acquista 5% o più quota di partecipazione in una società quotata in borsa, con l'intento di influenzare la governance interna della ditta, e riporta un file obbligatorio cioè Schedule 13D entro 10 giorni dalla prima acquisizione quota ai Titoli e Exchange Commission degli Stati Uniti. In Schedule 13D fondo afferma esplicitamente l'obiettivo di colpire ferma e propone la sua agenda. Se un fondo non è interessato a servire un ruolo attivo, quindi su attraversando una soglia pari o superiore al 5%, in alternativa riporta Schedule13G entro 45 giorni alla fine dell'anno solare. Raccogliamo le nostre imprese di eventi da Schedule 13D e le imprese non-evento da Schedule 13G. Le imprese tratti da 13D Forme e 13G forme vengono presi di mira da un gruppo simile di 112 hedge fund statunitensi nel periodo dal 2000 al 2013. In questo modo, utilizzando campioni composti da imprese tratte da fondi simili ci permettono di controllare le caratteristiche quantitative e qualitative di gli attivisti di analisi comparativa. Le statistiche riassuntive delle caratteristiche delle imprese di riferimento in ritardato anno di fondo attivismo mostra che le imprese di medie dimensioni, sottovalutato, e finanziariamente redditizi utilizzando le serie storiche e le analisi cross-sezionali. Gli effetti differenziali tra target e le imprese non bersaglio in gran parte spiegare la variazione della sezione trasversale in fondo decisione di mira le aziende in base alle caratteristiche osservabili causando quindi questione bias di selezione in analisi. Per mitigare questo potenziale problema, identifichiamo propensione metodologia punteggio di corrispondenza per valutare la probabilità di azienda a essere preso di mira per l'attivismo del fondo in base a determinati osservabili. Le stime ottenute dalla propensione punteggio corrispondente rivelano che le imprese target sono significativamente distinguibili da imprese non bersaglio. Precedenti studi documentati sulla relazione attivismo hedge fund che il mercato azionario risponde positivamente all'annuncio fondo in azienda di destinazione. Testiamo questo fenomeno valutando la reazione del mercato alla notifica di fondo in azienda di destinazione intorno alla data di annuncio utilizzando framework studio evento. Utilizzando diversi eventi-finestre di più lunghezze, troviamo che in più di 5% rendimenti anomali cumulati medi si realizza nel breve periodo. Alla fase successiva, esaminiamo la distribuzione della sezione trasversale di questi rendimenti anomali per i tipi ben definiti di attivismo. Regredendo multi-periodo rendimenti anomali contro i tipi di attivismo, troviamo quel fondo di dichiarando l'obiettivo di intervenire nella struttura del capitale della società è significativamente premiata seguita da un intervento nella strategia di business. Tuttavia, questi risultati pronunciano di più per la strategia di business, quando spieghiamo per effetto crisi. È interessante notare che i fondi destinati imprese senza un piano prestabilito consistenti ritorni indipendentemente l'effetto crisi. Inoltre, ci rivolgiamo alle preoccupazioni espresse dai critici sul comportamento miope del fondo che descrive attivista come distruttore di valore a lungo termine per analizzare le prestazioni a lungo termine dopo l'attivismo. Esaminiamo un anno dal attivismo prestazioni contabile obiettivi con propensity score metodologia corrispondenza assumendo imprese sono mirati non casualmente. Poi ci rilassiamo questo assunto e riportiamo i risultati utilizzando approccio standard differenza-in-differenza. Durante l'utilizzo di due diversi approcci, presentiamo i risultati di serie temporali e analisi trasversale. I nostri risultati per un anno successivo attivismo suggeriscono che gli obiettivi provano un miglioramento sostanziale nella valutazione, margine di profitto, e gli investimenti. Per esaminare l'impatto delle crisi sulle prestazioni delle imprese di destinazione ', ci prova due ipotesi distinte. In prima ipotesi, testiamo se recente crisi ha impattato con la performance delle imprese target. Per verificare questa ipotesi empiricamente, dividiamo campione completo sostanzialmente in due periodi; periodo pre-crisi 2000-2006, periodo post-crisi dal 2007 al 2013. Le misure contabili di rendimento inizialmente suggeriscono che le imprese di destinazione prestazioni migliori rispetto non-targets in termini di valore, la redditività, e gli investimenti. In seconda ipotesi, utilizzando un sottocampione di imprese mirati nel corso del 2006 e del 2007, si esamina la loro performance in due anni 2008 e 2009 durante il periodo di crisi. Testiamo se queste imprese un rendimento migliore in eccesso di corrispondenza imprese del campione, prima e dopo il periodo di crisi. Il post-attivismo due anni le prestazioni nelle aziende suggeriscono che obiettivo significativamente migliore rispetto ai non-targets quando valutati da valutazione, margine di profitto, e misure di investimento. Estendiamo la nostra analisi sollevando questione se i fondi attivisti estraggono breve periodo i guadagni rispetto al costo della distruzione di valore a lungo termine. Un'altra questione altrettanto importante da indagare è se le prestazioni indotta dai fondi attivisti in aziende di destinazione hanno effetto reversal over-lungo orizzonte. Siamo interessati a esaminare se rendimenti anomali mensili pronunciano quando controlliamo per diversi pregiudizi, e prova-specifiche nel lungo periodo anche. Queste sono alcune domande centrali che noi alleviamo nel secondo capitolo di questa tesi. Per un campione di 589 imprese mirati attivamente nel periodo del gennaio 2000 al dicembre 2013, esploriamo due prospettive distinte; prima, esaminiamo il potere di test-statistiche costruendo una vasta gamma di parametri di riferimento ben definiti, secondo, dopo aver individuato un adeguato criterio di corrispondenza, testiamo l'anomalia in rendimenti azionari mensili utilizzando molteplici approcci tra cui rendimenti anomali cumulati, buy-e- tenere rendimenti anomali, e l'approccio calendario-tempo portafoglio. Utilizzando vari parametri di riferimento basati su portafogli di riferimento, corrispondenti imprese del campione, e molteplici indici di mercato, troviamo che i rendimenti anomali cumulati avvicinamento con impiego altrettanto ponderato rendimenti dell'indice di mercato ben specificati test-statistiche che probabilmente aiuta a mitigare nuova inserzione e pregiudizi asimmetria. Utilizzando benchmark ben definito, ci prova anomalia in rendimenti mensili utilizzando Fama-French modello a tre fattori in possesso di approccio periodo e trovare rendimenti anomali insignificante negativi (-12, +36) mese evento-finestra. I nostri risultati invariabilmente restano le stesse quando controlliamo per effetto crisi. In contrasto con i risultati ottenuti utilizzando cumulativo approccio rendimenti anomali, approccio buy-and-hold appare più efficace nel mitigare i pregiudizi. Quando ci prova di rendimenti anomali mensili utilizzando Fama-French modello a tre fattori, come un portafoglio di riferimento, le stime appaiono negativamente significativo (-12, +36) mese evento-vetrina per il periodo di campionamento completo. Tuttavia, dopo il controllo per effetto di crisi, i risultati di periodo post-crisi sovraperformare il pre-crisi. A differenza di rendimenti anomali cumulati e buy-and-hold approccio rendimenti anomali, test-specifications pronunciano in modo significativo per l'approccio del calendario in tempo portafoglio quando usiamo attentamente costruito decili dimensioni come punto di riferimento. Inoltre, i risultati sono coerenti e in linea con altri approcci quando portafoglio di riferimento viene utilizzato per affrontare la nuova polarizzazione elenco e riequilibrio. Inoltre, quando si prova per anomalie nelle dichiarazioni mensili, le stime appaiono più bassi in grandezza, ma significativo per (-12, +36) mese evento-finestra. Questo risultato è in contrasto con altri approcci per il quale noi non osserviamo alcun significato. Nel riassumere questi risultati, possiamo concludere che le imprese mirate attivamente relativamente prestazioni migliori rispetto alle imprese passivamente mirati da hedge fund simili, tuttavia sottoperformare le società di private equity sul (-12, +36) mese evento-finestra. I nostri risultati, sia per un periodo di campionamento completo nonché per crisi sono significativamente negativo. Le metodologie di controllo per i pregiudizi e mis-specifications in prova-statistiche in parte affrontare i problemi. A causa della presenza di sovrapposizione in calendario tempo e la dipendenza trasversale rendimenti anomali mensili, le stime significative ceduti sono criticamente discutibili. Avere aziende siepe bersaglio fund diventano più leva a seguito della recente crisi finanziaria? E 'la questione centrale, stiamo cercando di rispondere nel nostro terzo capitolo. Date le enormi deflussi di capitali dal settore degli hedge fund a seguito della recente crisi, i fondi attivisti sono ridotti nella raccolta di fondi per investire le loro posizioni in portafoglio. Al contrario, la nuova politica della Fed di allentamento quantitativo ha portato a tassi di interesse bassi che di conseguenza allettati ad alti prestiti da intermediari finanziari. Gli hedge fund, che sono probabilmente caratterizzati come sfruttando i loro obiettivi in modo ottimale hanno usufruito di questa opportunità e canalizzato i prestiti supplementari per l'attivismo. Inizialmente abbiamo rivolgiamo questo puzzle di prestiti supplementari nelle aziende di destinazione e quindi esaminare se una maggiore livello di leva finanziaria nelle imprese di destinazione influisce sulla decisione del fondo di vendere le sue partecipazioni. Abbiamo anche indagare l'impatto della crisi sulle leverage dell'impresa target e sulla spiegazione della variazione della sezione trasversale nel processo decisionale fondo. Utilizzando 543 imprese statunitensi quotate mirati da 112 fondi attivisti, esaminiamo bersaglio imprese leva nell'anno precedente per finanziare l'attivismo. Troviamo che le imprese bersaglio livello di leva è inferiore rispetto alle imprese non bersaglio abbinate sul benchmark di dimensioni codici industriali SIC / book-to-market value / 2 cifre. Ci prova l'ipotesi se la leva finanziaria dell'azienda spiega ogni variazione della sezione trasversale in fondo decisionale rendendo di vendere le sue azioni. Utilizzando una vasta gamma di modelli logit regressione multivariata, troviamo risultati contrastanti. Per il periodo di campionamento completo troviamo leva finanziaria che di impresa target, spiega in modo significativo la decisione del fondo facendo in primo e secondo anno di attivismo. Tuttavia, quando controlliamo per l'effetto crisi, troviamo ditta leverage 'è significativa nel primo anno di attivismo e insignificante in secondo anno di militanza. Interpretiamo questi risultati il che implica che in primo anno con più alto livello di leva finanziaria, i ritardi di attivisti di vendere bersaglio dal momento che è meno probabile trovare potenziale acquirente. Per il secondo anno, leva essendo insignificante è economicamente giustificato come attivista ristruttura i debiti e riduce la leva così. Abbiamo anche indagare quei potenziali luoghi in cui questi finanziamenti aggiuntivi allocato. Per esaminare le caratteristiche delle imprese uno anno post-attivismo, troviamo che le imprese bersaglio provano un miglioramento significativo nella politica di distribuzione, come misurato da dividend yield e payout e gli investimenti, come indicato dalla struttura del capitale. Questo studio ha importanti implicazioni per i ricercatori, regolatori, e per gli investitori sulla scia della recente crisi finanziaria. Per i ricercatori, fornisce ulteriori elementi di prova empirica e nuove intuizioni sulla selezione dei fondi del comportamento, modelli di targeting, meccanismi di lavoro, si è evoluta risultati in un'analisi comparativa prima e dopo la crisi. Per le autorità di regolamentazione, ci poniamo nuovi fatti che possano aiutarli a rivisitare le loro nozioni preconcette su fondo attivismo e regolamenti prevede di allineare il loro lavoro con il sistema finanziario in generale.
Hedge fund activism is relatively a new phenomenon which has gained considerable attention in academics as well in financial press. Being exempted from several regulatory constraints, using sophisticated investment strategies, and attractive managerial compensation have allowed activist funds to replace the monitoring role once occupied by other corporate raiders in 80’s. As a result of activist effective monitoring, all associated stakeholders have been seen as benefitting from the realized positive outcomes in the short-run as well as in the long-run. In order to extract these gains, active funds adopt a multifaceted strategy which may include to acquire largely concentrated stake in firm, lead campaign using tools of shareholder proposal, proxy contest, takeover, and media attention among others. Activist funds lead solely, however at times also function collaboratively with other institutional investors. Despite the significant gains, fund-related activism has been criticized for the gains in the short-run, which are supposedly extracted on the cost of long-run value destruction. In addition, these gains are considered to be realized when markets were functioning in good conditions. The recent financial crisis, which has appeared significantly detrimental to hedge fund industry and challenged the traditional approach to activism, provides a competitive environment to test the performance in firms targeted by activist funds. Using a uniquely hand collected dataset consisting of 551 US listed firms targeted by 112 active hedge funds over the period of January 2000 to December 2013, we study the impact of activism in two distinctive perspectives; in general for the entire sample period and in particular for the crisis period. Related with activism, we largely emphasize on to examine fund behaviour whilst targeting the firms and working mechanism with which the management in target firms is engaged. In doing so, we initially investigate the target firms’ characteristics whether they are valued or growth stock. How activists do attempt to impact the internal governance of targets by influencing their managerial decisions? In addition, are there any observable changes to targeting patterns following the recent financial crisis? Does crisis affect the return to activism? And equally important question whether target firms perform better than non-targets in the short-run as well in the long-term before and after the crisis. These questions have been raised and possibly discussed in first chapter of the dissertation. We define fund activism as an event when a hedge fund acquires 5% or more ownership stake in a publicly listed firm with intent to influence the firm’s internal governance, and it reports a mandatory file namely Schedule 13D within 10 days of acquiring stake to the Securities and Exchange Commission of the US. In Schedule 13D fund states explicitly its objective of targeting firm and proposes its agenda. If a fund is not interested to serve an active role, then upon crossing a threshold of 5% or more, alternatively it reports Schedule13G within 45 days at the end of calendar year. We collect our event firms from Schedule 13D and nonevent firms from Schedule 13G. The firms drawn from 13D Forms and 13G Forms are targeted by a similar set of 112 US hedge funds over the period of 2000 to 2013. Thus, using samples comprised of firms drawn from similar funds allow us to control for the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the activists in comparative analysis. The summary statistics of target firms characteristics in lagged year of fund activism exhibit that firms are medium in size, undervalued, and financially profitable using time-series and cross-sectional analyses. The differential effects between target and non-target firms largely explain the cross-sectional variation in fund decision of targeting the firms based on observable characteristics thus causing selection bias issue in analysis. To mitigate this potential issue, we identify propensity score matching methodology to assess the probability of firm to be targeted for fund activism based on certain observables. The estimates obtained from propensity score matching reveal that target firms are significantly distinguishable from non-target firms. Prior documented studies on hedge fund activism report that stock market positively responds to the fund announcement in target firm. We test this phenomenon by assessing the market reaction to fund’s notification in target firm around the announcement date by utilizing event study framework. Using several event-windows of multiple lengths, we find that on average more than 5% cumulative abnormal returns is realized in the short-run. At next stage, we examine the cross-sectional distribution of these abnormal returns for well-defined types of activism. Regressing multi-period abnormal returns against types of activism, we find that fund’s stating its objective to intervene in firm’s capital structure is significantly rewarded followed by intervention in business strategy. However, these results pronounce more for business strategy, when we account for crisis effect. Interestingly, the funds targeting firms without a pre-specified plan generate significant returns regardless the crisis effect. In addition, we address the concerns expressed by critics about fund’s myopic behavior which describes activist as destructor to long-term value by analyzing long-term performance following the activism. We examine one year post-activism accounting performance in targets using propensity score matching methodology assuming firms are targeted non-randomly. Then we relax this assumption and report the results using standard difference-in-difference approach. While using two different approaches, we present results in time-series and cross-sectional analysis. Our findings for one year succeeding activism suggest that targets experience substantial improvement in valuation, profit margin, and investment. To examine crisis impact on target firms’ performance, we test two distinctive hypotheses. In first hypothesis, we test whether recent crisis has impacted the performance of target firms. To test this hypothesis empirically, we divide full sample broadly into two periods; pre-crisis period from 2000 to 2006, post-crisis period from 2007 to 2013. The accounting measures of performance initially suggest that target firms perform better than non-targets in terms of value, profitability, and investment. In second hypothesis, using a subsample of firms targeted during 2006 and 2007, we examine their performance in two years 2008 and 2009 during crisis period. We test whether these firms perform better in excess of matching sample firms before and after the crisis period. The post-activism two years performance in firms suggest that target significantly perform better than non-targets when assessed by valuation, profit margin, and investment measures. We extend our analysis by raising question whether activist funds extract short-run gains over the cost of long-term value destruction. Another equally important question to be investigated is whether induced performance by activist funds in target firms have reversal effect over long-horizon. We are also interested to examine whether monthly abnormal returns pronounce when we control for several biases, and test-specifications over the long-period. These are few central questions which we raise in chapter two of this dissertation. For a sample of 589 actively targeted firms over the period of January 2000 to December 2013, we explore two distinctive perspectives; first, we examine the power of test-statistics by constructing a wide array of well-defined benchmarks, second, after identifying an appropriate matching criterion, we test the abnormality in monthly stock returns using multiple approaches including cumulative abnormal returns, buy-and-hold abnormal returns, and calendar-time portfolio approach. Using various benchmarks based on reference portfolios, matching sample firms, and multiple market indices, we find that cumulative abnormal returns approach using equally-weighted market index yields well-specified test-statistics which likely helps in mitigating new listing and skewness bias. Using well-defined benchmark, we test abnormality in monthly returns using Fama-French three-factor model in holding period approach and find insignificantly negative abnormal returns for (-12, +36) month event-window. Our findings invariably remain the same when we control for crisis effect. In contrast with results obtained from using cumulative abnormal returns approach, buy-and-hold approach appears more effective in mitigating biases. When we test for monthly abnormal returns using Fama-French three-factor model as a reference portfolio, the estimates appear negatively significant for (–12, +36) month event-window for full sample period. However, after controlling for crisis effect, the post-crisis period results underperform the pre-crisis. Unlike cumulative abnormal returns and buy-and-hold abnormal returns approach, test-specifications significantly pronounce for the calendar-time portfolio approach when we use carefully constructed size deciles as benchmark. In addition, the results are consistent and in line with other approaches when reference portfolio is used to address the new listing and rebalancing bias. Moreover, when we test for abnormality in monthly returns, the estimates appear lowest in magnitude, however significant for (-12, +36) month event-window. This finding is in contrast with other approaches for which we do not observe any significance. In summarizing these results, we may conclude that actively targeted firms relatively perform better than passively targeted firms by similar hedge funds, however underperform the private equity firms over the (-12, +36) month event-window. Our results for both full sample period as well as for crisis are significantly negative. The methodologies to control for the biases and misspecifications in test-statistics partly address the issues. Due to the presence of overlapping in calendar-time and cross-sectional dependence in monthly abnormal returns, the yielded significant estimates are critically questionable. Have hedge fund target firms become more leveraged following the recent financial crisis? It is the central question, we are attempting to answer in our third chapter. Given the enormous capital outflows from hedge fund industry following the recent crisis, activist funds are curtailed in raising funds to invest their positions in portfolios. On the contrary, Fed’s new policy of quantitative easing has led to low interest rates which consequently enticed to high borrowings from financial intermediaries. Hedge funds which are arguably characterized as leveraging their targets have optimally availed this opportunity and channelized the additional borrowings for activism. We initially address this puzzle of additional borrowing in target firms and then examine whether increased level of leverage in target firms affect the fund decision of selling its holdings. We also investigate the impact of crisis on target firm’s leverage and on explaining the cross-sectional variation in fund decision making. Using 543 US listed firms targeted by 112 activist funds, we examine target firms leverage in the year prior to fund activism. We find that target firms leverage level is lower than non-target firms matched on benchmark of size/book-to-market value/ 2–digit SIC industry codes. We test the hypothesis whether firm’s leverage explains any cross-sectional variation in fund decision making about selling its stock. By employing a wide array of multivariate logit regression model, we find mixed results. For full sample period we find that target firm’s leverage significantly explains the fund decision making in first and second year of activism. However, when we control for the crisis effect, we find firm’ leverage is significant in the first year of activism and insignificant in second year of activism. We interpret these results by implying that in first year with higher level of leverage, activist delays to sell target since it is less likely to find potential buyer. For second year, leverage being insignificant is economically justified as activist restructures debts and thus reduces the leverage. We also investigate those potential venues to which these additional borrowings are allocated. To examine firms characteristics one year post-activism, we find that target firms experience significant improvement in distribution policy as measured by dividend yield, and payout and investment as indicated by capital structure. This study has important implications for researchers, regulators, and for investors in the wake of recent financial crisis. For researchers, it provides additional empirical evidence and fresh insights on fund selection behaviour, targeting patterns, working mechanisms, evolved outcomes in a comparative analysis before and after the crisis. To regulators, we posit new facts which may help them to revisit their preconceived notions about fund activism and expected regulations to align their working with broadly financial system.
Khan, Zazy
Hedge fund activism is relatively a new phenomenon which has gained considerable attention in academics as well in financial press. Being exempted from several regulatory constraints, using sophisticated investment strategies, and attractive managerial compensation have allowed activist funds to replace the monitoring role once occupied by other corporate raiders in 80’s. As a result of activist effective monitoring, all associated stakeholders have been seen as benefitting from the realized positive outcomes in the short-run as well as in the long-run. In order to extract these gains, active funds adopt a multifaceted strategy which may include to acquire largely concentrated stake in firm, lead campaign using tools of shareholder proposal, proxy contest, takeover, and media attention among others. Activist funds lead solely, however at times also function collaboratively with other institutional investors. Despite the significant gains, fund-related activism has been criticized for the gains in the short-run, which are supposedly extracted on the cost of long-run value destruction. In addition, these gains are considered to be realized when markets were functioning in good conditions. The recent financial crisis, which has appeared significantly detrimental to hedge fund industry and challenged the traditional approach to activism, provides a competitive environment to test the performance in firms targeted by activist funds. Using a uniquely hand collected dataset consisting of 551 US listed firms targeted by 112 active hedge funds over the period of January 2000 to December 2013, we study the impact of activism in two distinctive perspectives; in general for the entire sample period and in particular for the crisis period. Related with activism, we largely emphasize on to examine fund behaviour whilst targeting the firms and working mechanism with which the management in target firms is engaged. In doing so, we initially investigate the target firms’ characteristics whether they are valued or growth stock. How activists do attempt to impact the internal governance of targets by influencing their managerial decisions? In addition, are there any observable changes to targeting patterns following the recent financial crisis? Does crisis affect the return to activism? And equally important question whether target firms perform better than non-targets in the short-run as well in the long-term before and after the crisis. These questions have been raised and possibly discussed in first chapter of the dissertation. We define fund activism as an event when a hedge fund acquires 5% or more ownership stake in a publicly listed firm with intent to influence the firm’s internal governance, and it reports a mandatory file namely Schedule 13D within 10 days of acquiring stake to the Securities and Exchange Commission of the US. In Schedule 13D fund states explicitly its objective of targeting firm and proposes its agenda. If a fund is not interested to serve an active role, then upon crossing a threshold of 5% or more, alternatively it reports Schedule13G within 45 days at the end of calendar year. We collect our event firms from Schedule 13D and nonevent firms from Schedule 13G. The firms drawn from 13D Forms and 13G Forms are targeted by a similar set of 112 US hedge funds over the period of 2000 to 2013. Thus, using samples comprised of firms drawn from similar funds allow us to control for the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the activists in comparative analysis. The summary statistics of target firms characteristics in lagged year of fund activism exhibit that firms are medium in size, undervalued, and financially profitable using time-series and cross-sectional analyses. The differential effects between target and non-target firms largely explain the cross-sectional variation in fund decision of targeting the firms based on observable characteristics thus causing selection bias issue in analysis. To mitigate this potential issue, we identify propensity score matching methodology to assess the probability of firm to be targeted for fund activism based on certain observables. The estimates obtained from propensity score matching reveal that target firms are significantly distinguishable from non-target firms. Prior documented studies on hedge fund activism report that stock market positively responds to the fund announcement in target firm. We test this phenomenon by assessing the market reaction to fund’s notification in target firm around the announcement date by utilizing event study framework. Using several event-windows of multiple lengths, we find that on average more than 5% cumulative abnormal returns is realized in the short-run. At next stage, we examine the cross-sectional distribution of these abnormal returns for well-defined types of activism. Regressing multi-period abnormal returns against types of activism, we find that fund’s stating its objective to intervene in firm’s capital structure is significantly rewarded followed by intervention in business strategy. However, these results pronounce more for business strategy, when we account for crisis effect. Interestingly, the funds targeting firms without a pre-specified plan generate significant returns regardless the crisis effect. In addition, we address the concerns expressed by critics about fund’s myopic behavior which describes activist as destructor to long-term value by analyzing long-term performance following the activism. We examine one year post-activism accounting performance in targets using propensity score matching methodology assuming firms are targeted non-randomly. Then we relax this assumption and report the results using standard difference-in-difference approach. While using two different approaches, we present results in time-series and cross-sectional analysis. Our findings for one year succeeding activism suggest that targets experience substantial improvement in valuation, profit margin, and investment. To examine crisis impact on target firms’ performance, we test two distinctive hypotheses. In first hypothesis, we test whether recent crisis has impacted the performance of target firms. To test this hypothesis empirically, we divide full sample broadly into two periods; pre-crisis period from 2000 to 2006, post-crisis period from 2007 to 2013. The accounting measures of performance initially suggest that target firms perform better than non-targets in terms of value, profitability, and investment. In second hypothesis, using a subsample of firms targeted during 2006 and 2007, we examine their performance in two years 2008 and 2009 during crisis period. We test whether these firms perform better in excess of matching sample firms before and after the crisis period. The post-activism two years performance in firms suggest that target significantly perform better than non-targets when assessed by valuation, profit margin, and investment measures. We extend our analysis by raising question whether activist funds extract short-run gains over the cost of long-term value destruction. Another equally important question to be investigated is whether induced performance by activist funds in target firms have reversal effect over long-horizon. We are also interested to examine whether monthly abnormal returns pronounce when we control for several biases, and test-specifications over the long-period. These are few central questions which we raise in chapter two of this dissertation. For a sample of 589 actively targeted firms over the period of January 2000 to December 2013, we explore two distinctive perspectives; first, we examine the power of test-statistics by constructing a wide array of well-defined benchmarks, second, after identifying an appropriate matching criterion, we test the abnormality in monthly stock returns using multiple approaches including cumulative abnormal returns, buy-and-hold abnormal returns, and calendar-time portfolio approach. Using various benchmarks based on reference portfolios, matching sample firms, and multiple market indices, we find that cumulative abnormal returns approach using equally-weighted market index yields well-specified test-statistics which likely helps in mitigating new listing and skewness bias. Using well-defined benchmark, we test abnormality in monthly returns using Fama-French three-factor model in holding period approach and find insignificantly negative abnormal returns for (-12, +36) month event-window. Our findings invariably remain the same when we control for crisis effect. In contrast with results obtained from using cumulative abnormal returns approach, buy-and-hold approach appears more effective in mitigating biases. When we test for monthly abnormal returns using Fama-French three-factor model as a reference portfolio, the estimates appear negatively significant for (–12, +36) month event-window for full sample period. However, after controlling for crisis effect, the post-crisis period results underperform the pre-crisis. Unlike cumulative abnormal returns and buy-and-hold abnormal returns approach, test-specifications significantly pronounce for the calendar-time portfolio approach when we use carefully constructed size deciles as benchmark. In addition, the results are consistent and in line with other approaches when reference portfolio is used to address the new listing and rebalancing bias. Moreover, when we test for abnormality in monthly returns, the estimates appear lowest in magnitude, however significant for (-12, +36) month event-window. This finding is in contrast with other approaches for which we do not observe any significance. In summarizing these results, we may conclude that actively targeted firms relatively perform better than passively targeted firms by similar hedge funds, however underperform the private equity firms over the (-12, +36) month event-window. Our results for both full sample period as well as for crisis are significantly negative. The methodologies to control for the biases and misspecifications in test-statistics partly address the issues. Due to the presence of overlapping in calendar-time and cross-sectional dependence in monthly abnormal returns, the yielded significant estimates are critically questionable. Have hedge fund target firms become more leveraged following the recent financial crisis? It is the central question, we are attempting to answer in our third chapter. Given the enormous capital outflows from hedge fund industry following the recent crisis, activist funds are curtailed in raising funds to invest their positions in portfolios. On the contrary, Fed’s new policy of quantitative easing has led to low interest rates which consequently enticed to high borrowings from financial intermediaries. Hedge funds which are arguably characterized as leveraging their targets have optimally availed this opportunity and channelized the additional borrowings for activism. We initially address this puzzle of additional borrowing in target firms and then examine whether increased level of leverage in target firms affect the fund decision of selling its holdings. We also investigate the impact of crisis on target firm’s leverage and on explaining the cross-sectional variation in fund decision making. Using 543 US listed firms targeted by 112 activist funds, we examine target firms leverage in the year prior to fund activism. We find that target firms leverage level is lower than non-target firms matched on benchmark of size/book-to-market value/ 2–digit SIC industry codes. We test the hypothesis whether firm’s leverage explains any cross-sectional variation in fund decision making about selling its stock. By employing a wide array of multivariate logit regression model, we find mixed results. For full sample period we find that target firm’s leverage significantly explains the fund decision making in first and second year of activism. However, when we control for the crisis effect, we find firm’ leverage is significant in the first year of activism and insignificant in second year of activism. We interpret these results by implying that in first year with higher level of leverage, activist delays to sell target since it is less likely to find potential buyer. For second year, leverage being insignificant is economically justified as activist restructures debts and thus reduces the leverage. We also investigate those potential venues to which these additional borrowings are allocated. To examine firms characteristics one year post-activism, we find that target firms experience significant improvement in distribution policy as measured by dividend yield, and payout and investment as indicated by capital structure. This study has important implications for researchers, regulators, and for investors in the wake of recent financial crisis. For researchers, it provides additional empirical evidence and fresh insights on fund selection behaviour, targeting patterns, working mechanisms, evolved outcomes in a comparative analysis before and after the crisis. To regulators, we posit new facts which may help them to revisit their preconceived notions about fund activism and expected regulations to align their working with broadly financial system.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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