Il tema della discriminazione nel diritto contrattuale ha assunto un’importanza vieppiù crescente a seguito dell’emanazione del d.lgs. 286/1998 (T.U. Immigrazione), nonché delle direttive 2000/43/CE e 2004/113/CE, delle norme di recepimento (d.lgs. 215/2003 e d.lgs. 196/2007) e della l. 67/2006, le quali hanno vietato la discriminazione sulla base della razza, dell’origine nazionale ed etnica, del colore, delle convinzioni religiose, del sesso e della disabilità in una pluralità di settori, fra i quali l’accesso e la fornitura di beni e servizi e l’alloggio. Lo studio si concentra sull’esame della fattispecie discriminatoria diretta in relazione al rapporto contrattuale ed è finalizzato alla soluzione delle numerose questioni interpretative sollevate dalle norme relative. L’argomento è affrontato partendo dall’esame dei concetti di eguaglianza, discriminazione e disparità di trattamento, negando, fra l’altro, tanto l’attribuibilità di efficacia orizzontale diretta all’art. 3 Cost. quanto l’individuabilità di un analogo principio nel sistema di diritto privato. In seconda battuta attenzione è dedicata alla questione relativa alla natura giuridica e all’inquadramento sistematico del divieto di discriminazione diretta, anche allo scopo di appurare l’utilizzabilità dell’interpretazione analogica ex art. 12 Preleggi. In particolare, gli interventi normativi rilevanti sono ricondotti ai modi conformativi dell’autonomia negoziale, derivandone la possibilità di avvalersi dell’analogia. Alla luce dei risultati raggiunti sono affrontati l’ambito di applicazione soggettivo e oggettivo dei divieti, nonché gli elementi essenziali della discriminazione diretta, fissando i presupposti in presenza dei quali è integrata una discriminazione diretta vietata in ambito contrattuale. Infine è trattata l’ampia rosa dei rimedi accessibili, contraddistinti da uno spiccato carattere dissuasivo e general-preventivo - con previsione di una tutela forte, costituita dalla possibilità, attribuita al giudice, di emanare “ogni altro provvedimento idoneo a rimuovere gli effetti della discriminazione” accanto al tradizionale strumento della tutela inibitoria e alla pubblicazione della sentenza su un quotidiano a tiratura nazionale -, oltre che dal fine ristorativo cui assolve il riconoscimento dei danni patrimoniali e non patrimoniali subiti dal discriminato.
Discrimination in contract law has become lately more important after the enacting of the d.lgs. 286/1998, as well as of the directives 200/43/CE and 2004/113/CE, of the laws which implemented the directives (d.lgs. 215/2003, d.lgs. 196/2007), and of the law 67/2006, which prohibit discrimination on the ground of race, ethnic origin, colour, religion, gender and disability in many sectors, including the access and provision of goods and services and premises. The research focuses on the study of direct discrimination in relation to contracts, the aim being to solve a number of interpretative issues arising from the relevant statutory provisions. The starting point is the study of the concepts of equality, non-discrimination and equal treatment: it is argued that no direct horizontal effect can be assigned to art. 3 Constitution (which establishes a principle of equality), and no general principle of equality can be inferred from the system of contract law. In the second instance, it is tackled the problem of the juridical nature and of the legal framework of direct discrimination provisions, also for establishing if analogic interpretation could be used in virtue of art. 12 Preleggi. In particular, the prohibitions are found to be considered internal limits of the freedom of contract expression of the general principle of public policy, instead of exceptional limits to the freedom of contract. Therefore analogic interpretation is allowed. The objective and subjective scope of the provisions, as well as the structure of direct discrimination are studied in the light of the results reached, and the requirements for considering a treatment as unlawful discriminatory with reference to the provision of goods and services are established. Finally the research deals with the remedies in favour of the discriminate person, which are marked by a strong protection, consisting in the faculty for the court to implement “any other measure apt to remove the effects of the unlawful discrimination”, beside the traditional instrument of compensation both of economic and non-economic damages.
Discriminazione diretta vietata e rapporto contrattuale
Ulessi, Cristina
Discrimination in contract law has become lately more important after the enacting of the d.lgs. 286/1998, as well as of the directives 200/43/CE and 2004/113/CE, of the laws which implemented the directives (d.lgs. 215/2003, d.lgs. 196/2007), and of the law 67/2006, which prohibit discrimination on the ground of race, ethnic origin, colour, religion, gender and disability in many sectors, including the access and provision of goods and services and premises. The research focuses on the study of direct discrimination in relation to contracts, the aim being to solve a number of interpretative issues arising from the relevant statutory provisions. The starting point is the study of the concepts of equality, non-discrimination and equal treatment: it is argued that no direct horizontal effect can be assigned to art. 3 Constitution (which establishes a principle of equality), and no general principle of equality can be inferred from the system of contract law. In the second instance, it is tackled the problem of the juridical nature and of the legal framework of direct discrimination provisions, also for establishing if analogic interpretation could be used in virtue of art. 12 Preleggi. In particular, the prohibitions are found to be considered internal limits of the freedom of contract expression of the general principle of public policy, instead of exceptional limits to the freedom of contract. Therefore analogic interpretation is allowed. The objective and subjective scope of the provisions, as well as the structure of direct discrimination are studied in the light of the results reached, and the requirements for considering a treatment as unlawful discriminatory with reference to the provision of goods and services are established. Finally the research deals with the remedies in favour of the discriminate person, which are marked by a strong protection, consisting in the faculty for the court to implement “any other measure apt to remove the effects of the unlawful discrimination”, beside the traditional instrument of compensation both of economic and non-economic damages.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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