Dopo una prima parte del lavoro concernente in generale la questione della risarcibilità del danno non patrimoniale, la tesi esamina specificatamente il problema della risarcibilità dei danni non patrimoniali derivanti dalla violazione dei doveri nascenti dal vincolo del matrimonio. Per lungo tempo in Italia il problema è stato risolto dalla giurisprudenza e dalla dottrina in senso negativo per varie ragioni, che possono essere ricondotte principalmente alla previsione normativa di specifiche sanzioni riconducibili alla violazione di questo tipo di doveri (per esempio, si veda l'articolo 151, comma 2 c.c.) e alla incoercibilità dei doveri coniugali di contenuto non patrimoniale, oltre che alla tendenza a risolvere i problemi sorti all'interno della famiglia senza fare ricorso all'autorità giurisdizionale. Allo stesso modo, in Germania, dove già dagli anni ‘50 la giurisprudenza e la dottrina si sono interessate di questo problema, la Suprema Corte (Bundesgerichtshof) ha sempre rigettato le domande di danni fondate sull'applicazione del § 823 del BGB, giacché tale disposizione è stata tradizionalmente interpretata come riferibile unicamente alla tutela di diritti assoluti, mentre alla violazione dei doveri coniugali si è ritenuto debbano ricollegarsi in via esclusiva le conseguenze previste, tipicamente ed esaustivamente, dal diritto di famiglia. In considerazione della crescente attenzione rivolta alla tutela dei valori della persona anche in ambito familiare, negli ultimi 10 anni la giurisprudenza italiana ha modificato il proprio orientamento, riconoscendo che la violazione dei doveri coniugali o genitoriali possa comportare l’applicazione, oltre che delle specifiche sanzioni giusfamiliari, anche del rimedio generale risarcitorio di cui agli artt. 2043 e 2059 c.c., quando, per la sua gravità, tale violazione abbia comportato una lesione dei diritti fondamentali del coniuge o della prole. A tale riguardo, all’interno del lavoro viene affrontata la questione della natura della responsabilità riconosciuta in capo al coniuge responsabile, e, in particolare, viene analizzata la possibilità di applicare analogicamente nella materia di cui si tratta la disciplina della responsabilità da inadempimento, dal momento che i danni di cui si discute traggono origine dalla violazione di specifici obblighi intercorrenti tra soggetti determinati. Dopo l’esame dei singoli doveri coniugali, nel secondo capitolo un apposito paragrafo ha ad oggetto la tematica della responsabilità del terzo che si sia reso complice della violazione di uno dei doveri coniugali (in particolare, del dovere di fedeltà). La questione è stata generalmente risolta, sia in dottrina che in giurisprudenza, nel senso dell’esclusione della responsabilità del terzo, per via della sua estraneità rispetto ai doveri coniugali, vincolanti unicamente inter partes. Tale soluzione pare peraltro stridere con la riconduzione della responsabilità del coniuge nell’alveo della responsabilità extracontrattuale per lesione di diritti fondamentali facenti capo all’altro coniuge, trattandosi di diritti ai quali si riconosce tradizionalmente una tutela erga omnes. Con riguardo all’ulteriore questione del risarcimento del danno nell’ambito dei rapporti tra genitori e figli, alla quale è dedicato l’ultimo capitolo del presente lavoro, è analizzato, innanzitutto, il problema della risarcibilità del danno discendente dalla violazione dei doveri genitoriali, con particolare attenzione ai casi certamente più ricorrenti nella pratica, relativi alla violazione del dovere di mantenimento. La privazione dell’assistenza materiale può infatti comportare delle ripercussioni non solo nella sfera patrimoniale della vittima ma anche delle gravi ripercussioni nella sua sfera personale. Si è poi cercato di dar conto degli spazi di operatività del rimedio risarcitorio in materia di affidamento della prole. In relazione a tale profilo si è ritenuto opportuno analizzare separatamente due distinte questioni. La prima attiene alla risarcibilità del danno derivante dalla violazione del diritto - dovere di visita, in particolare nei casi in cui il genitore affidatario (o collocatario) abbia impedito con il proprio comportamento ostruzionistico l’esercizio di tale diritto all’altro genitore. La seconda questione riguarda invece l’analisi della disciplina di cui all’art. 709-ter c.p.c., norma introdotta dalla L. 8 febbraio 2006, n. 54, che ha attribuito al giudice il potere di disporre il risarcimento del danno a carico di un genitore, nei confronti dell’altro o a favore del figlio, quando ricorrano “gravi inadempienze” od atti che “ostacolino il corretto svolgimento delle modalità di affidamento” o che, più in generale, comunque arrechino pregiudizio al minore. L’applicazione di tale disposizione ha sollevato molteplici problemi, alla cui disamina è dedicata l’ultima parte della trattazione, con particolare riguardo al profilo della natura giuridica del rimedio previsto dalla norma, e della sua riconducibilità, o non, al paradigma risarcitorio quale delineato dal combinato disposto degli artt. 2043 e 2059 c.c.
After a first part of the work concerning, in general, the matter of compensation for non-pecuniary damages, the thesis examines specifically the problem of the admissibility of the compensation for non-pecuniary damages resulting from the breach of the duties arising from the bond of marriage. For a long time in Italy the problem has been solved from the courts and the legal literature in a negative sense for various reasons, that can be related primarily to the specific sanctions provided by law for the breach of such obligations (for example, see the art. 151, comma 2 of the italian Civil Code) and to the unenforceability of marital duties with non-pecuniary content, as well as to the tendency to solve problems arising within the family without recourse to the court. Similarly, in Germany, where since the ‘50s the case law and doctrine have interested in this issue, the Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof) has always rejected claims for damages grounded on the application of § 823 of the BGB, since such provision has been traditionally interpreted as referring only to the protection of absolute rights, and it was considered that the violation of marital duties has to be reconnected exclusively to the consequences set, typically and exhaustively, by family law. In accordance with the increasing attention turned to the protection of the human rights, in the last ten years Italian case law has changed its opinion, recognizing that the violation of marital duties can lead to the application of the general remedy of compensation under articles 2043 and 2059 of the Civil Code, if the violation, due to its severity, has resulted in an infringement of fundamental rights of the spouse. In this regard, a part of the work is specifically addressed to the question of the nature of the liability of the spouse; in particular, it is analysed the possibility to apply analogically the discipline of contractual liability, since the damages at issue stem from the violation of specific obligations existing between certain subjects. After the examination of individual marital duties, a specific paragraph in the second chapter relates to the issue of liability of the third party who has been complicit in the violation of one of the conjugal duties (in particular, the duty of loyalty). The issue was generally resolved, both in doctrine and in jurisprudence, in the sense of the exclusion of liability of the third, because of his non-involvement in the conjugal relation, as the marital duties bind only the two parties of it. This solution has to deal with the idea that the liability of the spouse is a tort that arises from the infringement of fundamental rights of the other spouse, that are rights to which traditionally is recognized a protection towards everyone. With regard to the issue of damages in the relations between parents and children, to which is dedicated the last chapter of this work, I have examined, first of all, the problem of the damage descending from the breach of parenting duties, with particular attention to cases most common in practice, alleging breach of the duty to maintain the children, understood as deprivation of material assistance that may result in an impact not only on the pecuniary sphere of the victim but also on his personal life. I tried then to give an account of the possible areas of application of the tort law relating to the custody of children. In relation to this profile it was considered appropriate to separately analyse two distinct issues. The first relates to the indemnifiability of damage resulting from the violation of the right - duty to visit, especially in cases where the custodial parent prevents with his obstructionist behaviour the exercise of this right by the other parent. The second question concerns the discipline of art. 709-ter of the Civil Procedure Code, a provision introduced by Law n. 54 of 8 February 2006, which has attributed to the judge the power to order to a parent the compensation of damages suffered by the other parent or by the son, whenever "serious breaches" or acts that "hinder the proper performance of the mode of custody" or that, more generally, however compromise the minor. The application of this provision has raised many problems, examined in the last part of the thesis, with particular regard to the character of the remedies provided by the law.
Il risarcimento del danno non patrimoniale derivante dalla violazione dei doveri familiari
MIGHELA, Consuelo
After a first part of the work concerning, in general, the matter of compensation for non-pecuniary damages, the thesis examines specifically the problem of the admissibility of the compensation for non-pecuniary damages resulting from the breach of the duties arising from the bond of marriage. For a long time in Italy the problem has been solved from the courts and the legal literature in a negative sense for various reasons, that can be related primarily to the specific sanctions provided by law for the breach of such obligations (for example, see the art. 151, comma 2 of the italian Civil Code) and to the unenforceability of marital duties with non-pecuniary content, as well as to the tendency to solve problems arising within the family without recourse to the court. Similarly, in Germany, where since the ‘50s the case law and doctrine have interested in this issue, the Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof) has always rejected claims for damages grounded on the application of § 823 of the BGB, since such provision has been traditionally interpreted as referring only to the protection of absolute rights, and it was considered that the violation of marital duties has to be reconnected exclusively to the consequences set, typically and exhaustively, by family law. In accordance with the increasing attention turned to the protection of the human rights, in the last ten years Italian case law has changed its opinion, recognizing that the violation of marital duties can lead to the application of the general remedy of compensation under articles 2043 and 2059 of the Civil Code, if the violation, due to its severity, has resulted in an infringement of fundamental rights of the spouse. In this regard, a part of the work is specifically addressed to the question of the nature of the liability of the spouse; in particular, it is analysed the possibility to apply analogically the discipline of contractual liability, since the damages at issue stem from the violation of specific obligations existing between certain subjects. After the examination of individual marital duties, a specific paragraph in the second chapter relates to the issue of liability of the third party who has been complicit in the violation of one of the conjugal duties (in particular, the duty of loyalty). The issue was generally resolved, both in doctrine and in jurisprudence, in the sense of the exclusion of liability of the third, because of his non-involvement in the conjugal relation, as the marital duties bind only the two parties of it. This solution has to deal with the idea that the liability of the spouse is a tort that arises from the infringement of fundamental rights of the other spouse, that are rights to which traditionally is recognized a protection towards everyone. With regard to the issue of damages in the relations between parents and children, to which is dedicated the last chapter of this work, I have examined, first of all, the problem of the damage descending from the breach of parenting duties, with particular attention to cases most common in practice, alleging breach of the duty to maintain the children, understood as deprivation of material assistance that may result in an impact not only on the pecuniary sphere of the victim but also on his personal life. I tried then to give an account of the possible areas of application of the tort law relating to the custody of children. In relation to this profile it was considered appropriate to separately analyse two distinct issues. The first relates to the indemnifiability of damage resulting from the violation of the right - duty to visit, especially in cases where the custodial parent prevents with his obstructionist behaviour the exercise of this right by the other parent. The second question concerns the discipline of art. 709-ter of the Civil Procedure Code, a provision introduced by Law n. 54 of 8 February 2006, which has attributed to the judge the power to order to a parent the compensation of damages suffered by the other parent or by the son, whenever "serious breaches" or acts that "hinder the proper performance of the mode of custody" or that, more generally, however compromise the minor. The application of this provision has raised many problems, examined in the last part of the thesis, with particular regard to the character of the remedies provided by the law.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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