BACKGROUND Nel corso degli anni l’importanza di praticare attività fisica per la salute ha avuto una sempre maggiore rilevanza. In ricerca molti si sono dedicati allo studio degli effetti dell’esercizio in termini di benessere, dimagrimento, cambiamenti fisiologici, miglioramenti cardiovascolari ecc… Nella maggior parte dei casi l’integrazione tra parametri metabolici, muscolari e cardiaci deve essere fatta a posteriori confrontando tra loro pubblicazioni diverse sia per soggetti che per metodi. La necessità di avere a disposizione una categorizzazione delle risposte fisiologiche durante l’esercizio fisico che tenga conto del tipo di esercizio, del tipo di utenza (soggetti, pazienti) e delle valutazioni fatte, ha aperto la strada alla pianificazione e realizzazione del mio progetto di ricerca. SCOPO Lo studio ha come scopo principale analizzare le risposte cardiovascolari integrate in diverse popolazioni, durante l’esecuzione di tre diversi tipi di esercizio. Gli obiettivi primari sono: • caratterizzare la risposta fisiologica acuta all’esercizio aerobico, anaerobico e isometrico, evidenziando la variabilità dei parametri prima dopo e durante l’esercizio; • individuare le strategie di risposta ai diversi tipi di esercizio in diverse popolazioni • categorizzare le differenze metaboliche, emodinamiche, muscolari, antropometriche di genere; • categorizzare le differenze metaboliche, emodinamiche, muscolari, antropometriche in base all’età; • categorizzare le differenze metaboliche, emodinamiche, muscolari, antropometriche tra soggetto sano e CHF (Chronic Heart Failure); • categorizzare le differenze metaboliche, emodinamiche, muscolari, antropometriche tra soggetto diabetico e CHF; • categorizzare le differenze metaboliche, emodinamiche, muscolari, antropometriche tra tutte le popolazioni; Gli obiettivi secondari sono: sapere riconoscere come un diverso tipo di esercizio incida sui parametri che condizionano la prestazione, saper comprendere quali strategie di risposta agli stimoli vengono utilizzate dalle diverse popolazioni. GRUPPI CHF*: sedentari (Questionario Internazionale Attività fisica <1000 MET min * settimana), NYHA tipo II / III insufficienza cardiaca cronica, tutti i soggetti indossano sono dotati di un defibrillatore impiantato automatico per ragioni di sicurezza, la diagnosi CHF almeno 1 anno prima. D2M / F: sedentari (International Questionario Internazionale Attività fisica <1000 MET min * settimana), la dieta e / o ipoglicemizzanti orali, diagnosi di diabete da almeno 1 anno (15,1 ± 6.9y D2M 11.1 ± 4.9y D2F), HbA1c 7,1 ± 0,5 % D2M e 6.4. ± 2.2 D2F, HDL 53,1 ± 10,1 mg / dL D2M e 47,5 ± 17,4 mg / dL D2F, colesterolo totale 142,8 ± 20,9 mg / dL D2M e 140,8 ± 48,5 mg / dL D2F, non fumatori, nessuna prova di complicanze croniche. HEM / F: sedentari, non fumatori, senza evidenza di complicanze croniche o la presenza di altre patologie HYM / F: sedentari, non fumatori, senza evidenza di complicanze croniche o la presenza di altre patologie *=presenti solo nello studio 3 GROUP N° Age HEIGHT WEIGHT BMI Years cm Kg Kg/m2 CHFF*: 2 59.0±1.4 163.5±4.9 67.0±17 24.9±4.8 D2F 4 57.5±6.2 156.8±5.3 65.8±2.5 26.9±2.5 HYF 11 24.2±3.1 164.5±6.4 57.1±7.2 21.1±2.4 HEF 10 67.3±6.5 157.6±5.5 57.8±6.6 23.3±3.1 CHFM*: 27 66.3±5.8 172.3±7.3 77.4±11.8 26.03.3± D2M 9 59.8±6.3 173.6±4.8 81.4±11.1 27.0±3.4 HYM 40 26.6±6 176.4±6 73.8±8.8 23.7±2.3 HEM 22 65.3±5.5 171.9±6.8 80.6±7.7 27.3±2.5 CHFF cardiac heart failure Female (femmine con insufficenza cardiaca cronica); HYF Healthy Young Female (ragazze sane) ; D2F Diabetes 2 Female (diabetici tipo 2 femmine); HEF Healthy Elderly Female (anziane sane); CHFM cardiac heart failure Male (maschi con insufficenza cardiaca cronica); HYM Healthy Young Male (ragazzi sane); D2M Diabetes 2 Male (diabetici tipo 2 maschi); HEM Healthy Elderly Male (anziani sani); STUDIO 1: adattamenti cardiovascolari, metabolic e muscolari durante un test incrementale massimale: differenze dipendenti dal genere, età e dalla presenza di una patologia La letteratura sulle risposte cardiovascolari al test da sforzo incrementale massimale (IET) non chiarisce all'unanimità il ruolo di variazioni della gittata sistoliche nell’adeguamento della gittata cardiaca. Lo scopo del presente progetto è di caratterizzare la risposta cardiovascolare, in termini di frequenza cardiaca (HR), gittata sistolica (SV) e gittata cardiaca (CO), durante le IET al cicloergometro, in soggetti giovani ed anziani di entrambi i sessi con e senza patologia. Il protocollo prevedeva che il test IET iniziasse con un carico di 40 W per 3 min seguito da incrementi ogni minuto di 10 o 20 W, per femmine e maschi, rispettivamente, fino a esaurimento volontario. Ogni soggetto è stato dotato, per tutti i test e la parte di recupero, di uno strumento di monitoraggio cardiovascolare (Portapres, TNO), che raccoglie i dati sulla pressione arteriosa (SAP, pressione arteriosa sistolica. DAP pressione arteriosa diastolica. Pressione arteriosa media), HR (Heart Rate = frequenza carrdiaca), SV (Stroke Volume = gittata sistolica), CO (gittata cardiaca), TPR (resistenze periferiche totali) un dispositivo NIRS sul muscolo vasto laterale (ISS, Oxiplex) per l'estrazione di ossigeno muscolare (deossi emoglobina), e un analizzatore di scambi gassosi (metabolimetro QuarkB2 COSMED, IT) che misura VO2 (consumo di ossigeno), produzione di CO2, volume corrente (VT), ecc Inoltre, all'inizio e alla fine dell'esercizio abbiamo prelevato una goccia di sangue dal dito / orecchio per testare LA + (concentrazione lattato nel sangue , da Accutrend) e Hb (concentrazione di emoglobina nel sangue). In generale l’adattamento all’esercizio massimale in tutti gruppi segue i risultati già presenti in letteratura rispettando le differenza di genere e sesso. Ad eccezione del gruppo D2M che mostra una difficoltà, probabilmente legata alla presenza del diabete, ad innalzare il massimo consumo di ossigeno ( VO2max) rispetto i gruppi HYF e HEF. Il risultato più consistente riguarda la risposta dello SV. In questo studio, la risposta SV del gruppo HEM differisce dagli altri gruppi, dove lo SV aumenta progressivamente con l'aumento del carico di lavoro, mentre nel gruppo HEM diminuisce durante lo sforzo; inoltre le TPR nel gruppo HEM dopo la caduta iniziale (da 0,9 a 0,6 MU) mantengono lo stesso valore fino alla fine dell'esercizio. I soggetti diabetici mostrano una strategia compensativa al ridotto consumo d’ossigeno (VO2max), infatti a livello muscolare estraggono molto più ossigeno degli altri gruppi (incrementa del 35% al picco dell’esercizio rispetto al valore basale, D2M). Possiamo ipotizzare, inoltre, che la forte diminuzione dello SV del gruppo HEM al 80% del carico massimo potrebbe essere causata dalla relativa compromissione della funzione vasodilatatoria, che non riesce ad essere proporzionale allo sforzo, viste anche le TPR. STUDY2: Adattamenti cardiovascolari, metabolici e muscolari all’esercizio di forza sia dinamico che isometrico: differenze dipendenti dal genere, età e dalla presenza di una patologia L’esercizio di forza ha dimostrato di essere di grande utilità nella prevenzione e gestione delle malattie e di promozione della salute. È comunque importante chiarire i contributi di regolazioni centrali e periferiche in risposta a esercizi al fine di quantificare e interpretare l'intero adattamento a questo tipo di stimoli e trovare la strategia performante in base al sesso, età o la presenza di patologia. Lo scopo del presente progetto è di caratterizzare le risposte emodinamiche acute durante l’esercizio alla leg press, integrandolo con i dati metabolici e muscolari, in soggetti diversi. Esercizio dinamico All’inizio è stato calcolato, secondo la formula di Brzycki, il massimo carico teorico individuale per 1 ripetizione (1RM) alla leg press. Dopo, ogni soggetto ha eseguito tre serie di esercizi di forza dinamica al 70% di 1RM (determinato in precedenza), separate da 10 minuti di riposo: due serie da 12 ripetizioni e la terza serie con ripetizioni ad esaurimento volontario. Le strumentazioni e i gruppi erano gli stessi dello studio 1. Inoltre è stato studiato con Echo Doppler P 50 il FBF (flusso sanguigno femorale), moltiplicando il diametro del vaso per la velocità del sangue. Gli adattamenti cardiovascolari acuti in termini di SV e CO sembrano essere dipendenti dall'età. Dopo una diminuzione iniziale (10 secondi di esercizio) HYM / F sono in grado di aumentare la risposta SV durante l'intero periodo di esercizio, mentre HEM / F e D2M / F, mostrano un calo fino a fine esercizio; a 20" recupero sec sia HY e HE / D ( HY giovani sani, HE/D anziani e diabetici di entrambi i sessi raggiungono lo stesso valore. È possibile che HEM e HEF per riuscire a sollevare il carico contraggano anche i muscoli addominali nella fase concentrica dei movimento degli arti inferiori, aumentando così la pressione intraaddominale e diminuendo il ritorno venoso al cuore. sec HEM HYM D2M HEF HYF D2F 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 5 18% 12% 0% 9% 4% -12% 10 18% 14% 0% 2% -2% -8% 15 20% 22% -1% -1% 0% -13% 20 20% 21% -1% -9% -2% -11% 25 18% 11% -1% -10% -6% -15% 30 15% 9% -2% -10% -6% -14% 35 10% 3% -9% -17% -13% -14% 40 7% -6% -17% -20% -16% -20% 45 -1% -13% -22% -26% -24% -26% Table 16: percent post exercise excess oxygen consumption after leg press; highlighted numbers represent the percent of VO2 increase during recovery Il consumo di ossigeno alla fine dell’esercizio di sollevamento pesi nei gruppi maschili mostra un continuo innalzamento fino a 40 sec dopo il picco di sforzo massimo (HEM aumenta del 18%-20%, HYM 12%-22%, per i primi 30 sec post esercizio, D2M mantiene il valore di picco anche durante il recupero per 30sec), è accennato anche nelle femmine ma dura molto meno (HEF aumenta del 9%,HYF del 4 %, in entrambi i casi solo per i primi 10 sec post esercizio, D2F mostrano come i maschi diabetici a mantenere una sorta di steady state ma calante -12%-8%). Il presente studio riporta, inoltre, un eccesso di FBF dopo l'esercizio soprattutto per i due gruppi: D2M e HYM (gruppo HEM non disponibile). Anche in questo tipo di esercizio i diabetici hanno una maggiore estrazione d’ossigeno a livello muscolare. Esercizio isometrico L'esercizio isometrico è stato eseguito con lo stesso carico utilizzato con esercizio dinamico, ma ogni soggetto doveva sollevare il peso e mantenere le contrazione finché lui / lei era in grado. Gruppo HEM non ha effettuato questo test. HYM e HYF durante contrazioni isometriche utilizzano la stessa strategia di tutti gli altri gruppi a differenza che nell’esercizio dinamico, diminuiscono SV durante lo sforzo. Questo è probabilmente causato dalla caratteristica tipica delle contrazioni isometriche alla leg press, durante le quali tutti i muscoli dorsali e addominali con i muscoli delle gambe partecipano allo sforzo, ostacolando così il ritorno venoso e riducendo SV. STUDY 3 : SW Onda quadra: esercizio aerobico a carico costante. L'esercizio aerobico è l'attività più comune nel mondo del fitness. Il suo ruolo nel ridurre i fattori di rischio cardiovascolari, nel migliorare la forma fisica, nel mantenimento della salute mentale, ecc .. è indiscusso. Lo studio delle cinetiche per descrivere gli adattamenti all’esercizio aerobico permette di calcolare la velocità di ciascun parametro nel raggiungere nuovi valori di stato stazionario. Tau, MRT e l'ampiezza della variazione VO2 sono ben correlati con lo stato di fitness Lo scopo di questo studio è verificare se MRT (Mean Response Time) si riduce nel corso di esercizio a carico costante preceduto da un esercizio identico (sw1 vs sw2, effetto priming) in diverse popolazioni. All’inizio del test abbiamo registrato i valori basali per 3 min, e per altri 3 minuti i soggetti pedalavano senza carico, per registrare gli effetti del movimento di per sé e per ottenere un adeguato riscaldamento, dopo di che, il carico corrispondente all’80% della prima soglia ventilatoria veniva impostato e mantenuto costante per sei minuti, a 60-70 rpm; Questo esercizio è stato ripetuto 3 volte, con 10 minuti di recupero tra le ripetute. CHF: 27 maschi e 2 femmine, HEM / F: 22 maschi, 10 femmine e HYM / F 40 maschi, 11 femmine; D2M / F: 9 maschi, 4 femmine; l’MRT è stato calcolato come rapporto tra l'integrale di V'O2 deficit durante la fase transitoria e V'O2 allo stato stazionario. Il consumo di ossigeno,VO2, è quantitativamente differente tra i gruppi, come è già riportato in letteratura per differenze di età , genere e presenza di patologia. Alla condizione basale la VO2 è circa 350 l/min nei maschi and 300 l/min nelle femmine, e l’aumento per raggiungere lo stato stazionarioè diverso tra I gruppi. I giovani hanno un aumento maggiore: 2,0 l maschi, e1,2 l femmine; gli anziani hanno i valori più bassi, 1,3 l maschi e 0,7 l femmine; i diabetici sono simili agli anziani. Le cinetiche sembrano essere simili per età ma non per sesso, HEM e HEF sono significativamente diversi da HYF and HYM. HYM, HEM, D2M si adattano più velocemente di HYF, HEF, D2F e CHF, questi ultimi molto più lenti. Inoltre, i gruppi maschili tendono a velocizzare la cinetica nella seconda ripetuta, questa tendenza è palese in CHF. La maggior parte dei soggetti CHF aumenta la velocità della cinetica di VO2: i valori medi di MRT erano 44,7 s in SW1 e 38,1 s in SW2, una diminuzione significativa del 15%. Nel giovane, solo esercizio intenso è precondizionante. Negli anziani, l'esercizio fisico intenso è precondizionante sia di un successivo esercizio intenso che moderato. In CHF, anche un esercizio moderato seguito da uno identico è p
STUDY1: Cardiovascular, metabolic and muscular responses during incremental cycle ergometer test: gender, age and pathology-related differences. The literature on cardiovascular responses to incremental exercise test (IET) does not unanimously clarify the role of stroke volume changes in the enhancement of cardiac output. The aim of the present project was to characterize the cardiovascular response, in terms of Heart Rate (HR), Stroke Volume (SV) and Cardiac Output (CO), during cycle-ergometer incremental tests, in young and aged subjects of both sexes with and without pathology. IET on cycle ergo-meter started with a load of 40 W for 3 min followed by 10 or 20 W increments each minute, for females and males, respectively, up to voluntary exhaustion. We recruited sedentary young (HY), elderly (HE) and diabetic subjects(D2), both male (M) and female (F). HEM/F and HYM/F: 13 males,12 females per groups; sedentary, non-smokers, no evidence of chronic complications or presence of other pathologies. D2M/F: 8 males, 4 females ; sedentary (International Physical Activity Questionnaire <1000 MET min*week), diet and/or oral hypoglycaemic agents, diabetes diagnosis at least 1 year before (15.1±6.9y D2M 11.1±4.9y D2F) and, HbA1c 7.1±0.5 % D2M and 6.4±2.2 D2F, HDL 53.1±10.1 mg/dL D2M and 47.5±17.4 mg/dL D2F, Total Cholesterol 142.8±20.9 mg/dL D2M and 140.8±48.5 mg/dL D2F, non-smokers, no evidence of chronic complications. Every subject was equipped, for all test and part of recovery, with a cardiovascular monitoring instrument (Portapres, TNO), that collects data about Blood Pressure (SAP, Systolic Arterial Pressure. DAP Diastolic Arterial Pressure. Mean Arterial Pressure), HR (Heart Rate), SV (Stroke Volume), CO (Cardiac Output), TPR (Total Peripheral Resistance) a NIRS device on vastus lateralis muscle (ISS, Oxiplex) for muscular oxygen extraction (DeOxy Hb, deoxygenated hemoglobin), and a gas exchange analyzer (QuarkB2 COSMED, IT ) which reports VO2 uptake, CO2 production, Tidal Volume (VT) etc. Moreover at the beginning and at the end of the exercise we collected a single drop of blood from the finger/ear to test LA+ (lactate blood concentration, by Accutrend) and Hb (Hemoglobin blood concentration), the concentrations are evaluated to consider the lactate accumulation after an exhaustive exercise and possible changes in hemoglobin concentration. VO2max is an important determinant of endurance performance, and the pathology-related effect consists in an impairment of aerobic capacity in D2M, who have an oxygen uptake lower than HYF, and of D2F who have the lowest VO2max. The most consistent result regards the SV response. In this study the HEM SV response is peculiar, while in all other groups SV increases progressively with the enhancement of workload; moreover in HEM TPR after the initial fall (from 0.9 MU to 0.6 MU) keeps the same value until the end of exercise. Thus, Diabetic subjects show a compensative strategy by the enhancement of oxygen extraction at muscular level at the peak of exercise with the largest increase (35% over the basal value, D2M).The strong decrease in SV of HEM at 80% could be caused by relatively compromised vasodilator function, which does not keep proportional to the effort, since TPR fails to decrease as in the other groups. STUDY2: Gender, age and Pathology-related factors in acute cardiovascular adjustments to dynamic resistance and isometric exercise Strength training has been shown to be of great value in preventing and managing diseases and promoting health. It increases muscle force, lose fat, under regulate blood pressure, etc. There are a lot of data about resistive exercise, but it is still important to clarify the contributions of central and peripheral adjustments in response to leg press exercise in order to quantify and interpret the whole adaptation to this kind of stimuli and adapt training strategy per gender, age or presence of pathology. The aim of the present project is to characterize hemodynamic acute responses during leg press exercise, matched with metabolic and peripheral data, in different subjects. Dynamic Exercise The individual theoretical maximal load for 1 repetition (1RM) on the leg press was determined according to Brzycki formula .Each subject performed three series of dynamic resistance exercise at 70% of previously determined 1RM, separated by 10 min resting: two series with 12 repetitions and the third series with repetitions to voluntary exhaustion in order to estimate the individual maximal performance on the specific exercise. Equipment and groups were the same of study 1. In addition FBF (Femoral Blood Flow), coupling diameter and blood velocity data of the vessel was collected with Echo Doppler P 50. Cardiovascular acute adaptations in terms of SV and CO seem to be dependent on age. After an initial decrease (10” sec of exercise) HYM/F are able to increase the SV response during the entire exercise period, while HEM/F and D2M/F, display a drop until the end of exercise; at 20” sec recovery both HY and HE/D attain the same value. It is also possible that HEM and HEF helped their limb movements by contracting abdominal muscles in the concentric phase of the movements, thus raising intra abdominal pressure and decreasing venous return to the heart. The oxygen consumption at the end of the effort in males groups show an peculiar increase : HEM increases of 18%-20%, HYM 12%-22%, at least for the first 30 sec of recovery, maintains the peak value even during the recovery for 30 sec. This mechanism it’s slightly present also in females:HEF increases by 9%, HYF of 4%, in both cases only for the first 10 sec post exercise, D2F show that males with diabetes to maintain some sort of steady state but waning -12% -8%. The present study reports an excess of FBF after exercise especially for two groups: D2M and HYM (HEM group not available). D2F display a sort of plateau for some seconds, while HEM and HYF do not show any post exercise hyperemia. Diabetics groups, who exhibited the largest oxygen extraction at muscle level as compared with same sex young groups. Isometric Exercise The isometric exercise was performed with the same load used with resistance exercise, but each subject had to lift up the weight and maintain the squat contractions as long as he/she was able. HEM group did not perform this test. HYM and HYF during Isometric contractions use the same strategy of all other groups, they decrease SV during the effort, while in dynamic exercise they adjust the response in the opposite way. This is probably caused by the typical characteristic of isometric contractions on leg press where all dorsal and abdominal muscles, in addition to leg muscles participate in the effort, thus hampering venous return and reducing SV. STUDY 3 : SW “Square wave”: Constant Load Aerobic Exercise. Aerobic exercise is the most common activity in fitness world. Its role in reducing Cardiovascular risk factors, in enhancing fitness level, in maintaining mental health, etc... is undisputed. In research kinetics of aerobic exercise adaptations can be analyzed, that is the speed of each parameter in reaching new steady state values. Constant work rate tests (square wave) are suitable for studying cardiovascular, ventilator and gas exchange kinetics (8, 9). Measurement of these variables, especially VO2 by Quark (gas exchange analyzer), and Oxygen extractions (DeoxyHb) by NIRS (Near infrared spectroscopy), during transitions from rest to constant load exercise allows determination of the time constants (tau) or of the mean response time (MRT) characterizing the shift from baseline levels to new steady state values. Tau, MRT and the magnitude of change in VO2 are well correlated with the fitness state (10, 11). Priming exercise is a kind of warm up before the aerobic exercise session, it is also called prior exercise, heavy warm up exercise, because very often it consists in a high intensity warm up before a normal moderate aerobic exercise. To verify whether MRT is reduced during a bout of constant load exercise preceded by an identical exercise (priming effect) in different populations, to gain insight about the mechanisms leading to the priming effect. We recorded baseline values for 3 min with the subjects sitting still on the cycle ergometer saddle, and further 3 minutes while the subjects pedaled without load, to record the effects of movement per se and to obtain adequate warm up; after that, the load was raised and kept constant for six minutes at a value corresponding to 80% VO2max, at 60-70 rpm; after the subjects stopped pedaling, we kept collecting data during the recovery period, until reasonable recovery of basal conditions. This exercise was repeated 3 times, separated by 10 minute of recovery. CHF: 27 males, 2 females; sedentary (International Physical Activity Questionnaire <1000 MET min*week), NYHA type II/III chronic heart failure, all subjects wearing an automatic implanted defibrillator for safety reasons, CHF diagnosis at least 1 year before. HEM/F: 22 males,10 females and HYM/F 40 males, 11 females ; sedentary, non-smokers, no evidence of chronic complications or presence of other pathologies. D2M/F: 9 males, 4 females ; sedentary (International Physical Activity Questionnaire <1000 MET min*week), diet and/or oral hypoglycaemic agents, diabetes diagnosis at least 1 year before (15.1±6.9y D2M 11.1±4.9y D2F) and, HbA1c 7.1±0.5 % D2M and 6.4±2.2 D2F, HDL 53.1±10.1 mg/dL D2M and 47.5±17.4 mg/dL D2F, Total Cholesterol 142.8±20.9 mg/dL D2M and 140.8±48.5 mg/dL D2F, non-smokers, no evidence of chronic complications. Mean response time (MRT) is calculated, as the ratio between the integral of V’O2 deficit during the transient phase and V’O2 at steady state. VO2 response is quantitatively different among groups, which has been well documented in the literature, depending on age or presence of pathology. In the baseline condition VO2 is around 350 l/min in male and 300 l/min in female, and the increase to the steady state during exercise is different among the groups. Young subjects display the greater increase: 2,0 l male, and 1,2 l female; elderly groups show lower increase, 1,3 l male and 0,7 l female; Diabetic groups behave like the Elderly. The kinetics tends to be similar per age but not per sex, HEM and HEF are significantly different than HYF and HYM. Thus it becomes clear that HYM, HEM, D2M adapt faster than HYF, HEF, D2F and CHF much slower. In addition, if the male groups tend to speed up quite slightly their adaptation in the second trail, this tendency is overt in CHF. Most CHF subjects increased the speed of VO2 kinetics: the average values of MRT were 44,7 s in SW1 and 38,1 s in SW2, a significant decrease by 15%. In the young, only heavy (not light) exercise is preconditioning, and only for a following heavy (not light) exercise bout. In the healthy older, heavy exercise affects even a following light exercise bout. In CHF, even a light exercise affects a following light exercise bout.
Integrate Acute Cardiovascular Adjustments to Exercise: Impact of Exercise Type and Population Characteristics
STUDY1: Cardiovascular, metabolic and muscular responses during incremental cycle ergometer test: gender, age and pathology-related differences. The literature on cardiovascular responses to incremental exercise test (IET) does not unanimously clarify the role of stroke volume changes in the enhancement of cardiac output. The aim of the present project was to characterize the cardiovascular response, in terms of Heart Rate (HR), Stroke Volume (SV) and Cardiac Output (CO), during cycle-ergometer incremental tests, in young and aged subjects of both sexes with and without pathology. IET on cycle ergo-meter started with a load of 40 W for 3 min followed by 10 or 20 W increments each minute, for females and males, respectively, up to voluntary exhaustion. We recruited sedentary young (HY), elderly (HE) and diabetic subjects(D2), both male (M) and female (F). HEM/F and HYM/F: 13 males,12 females per groups; sedentary, non-smokers, no evidence of chronic complications or presence of other pathologies. D2M/F: 8 males, 4 females ; sedentary (International Physical Activity Questionnaire <1000 MET min*week), diet and/or oral hypoglycaemic agents, diabetes diagnosis at least 1 year before (15.1±6.9y D2M 11.1±4.9y D2F) and, HbA1c 7.1±0.5 % D2M and 6.4±2.2 D2F, HDL 53.1±10.1 mg/dL D2M and 47.5±17.4 mg/dL D2F, Total Cholesterol 142.8±20.9 mg/dL D2M and 140.8±48.5 mg/dL D2F, non-smokers, no evidence of chronic complications. Every subject was equipped, for all test and part of recovery, with a cardiovascular monitoring instrument (Portapres, TNO), that collects data about Blood Pressure (SAP, Systolic Arterial Pressure. DAP Diastolic Arterial Pressure. Mean Arterial Pressure), HR (Heart Rate), SV (Stroke Volume), CO (Cardiac Output), TPR (Total Peripheral Resistance) a NIRS device on vastus lateralis muscle (ISS, Oxiplex) for muscular oxygen extraction (DeOxy Hb, deoxygenated hemoglobin), and a gas exchange analyzer (QuarkB2 COSMED, IT ) which reports VO2 uptake, CO2 production, Tidal Volume (VT) etc. Moreover at the beginning and at the end of the exercise we collected a single drop of blood from the finger/ear to test LA+ (lactate blood concentration, by Accutrend) and Hb (Hemoglobin blood concentration), the concentrations are evaluated to consider the lactate accumulation after an exhaustive exercise and possible changes in hemoglobin concentration. VO2max is an important determinant of endurance performance, and the pathology-related effect consists in an impairment of aerobic capacity in D2M, who have an oxygen uptake lower than HYF, and of D2F who have the lowest VO2max. The most consistent result regards the SV response. In this study the HEM SV response is peculiar, while in all other groups SV increases progressively with the enhancement of workload; moreover in HEM TPR after the initial fall (from 0.9 MU to 0.6 MU) keeps the same value until the end of exercise. Thus, Diabetic subjects show a compensative strategy by the enhancement of oxygen extraction at muscular level at the peak of exercise with the largest increase (35% over the basal value, D2M).The strong decrease in SV of HEM at 80% could be caused by relatively compromised vasodilator function, which does not keep proportional to the effort, since TPR fails to decrease as in the other groups. STUDY2: Gender, age and Pathology-related factors in acute cardiovascular adjustments to dynamic resistance and isometric exercise Strength training has been shown to be of great value in preventing and managing diseases and promoting health. It increases muscle force, lose fat, under regulate blood pressure, etc. There are a lot of data about resistive exercise, but it is still important to clarify the contributions of central and peripheral adjustments in response to leg press exercise in order to quantify and interpret the whole adaptation to this kind of stimuli and adapt training strategy per gender, age or presence of pathology. The aim of the present project is to characterize hemodynamic acute responses during leg press exercise, matched with metabolic and peripheral data, in different subjects. Dynamic Exercise The individual theoretical maximal load for 1 repetition (1RM) on the leg press was determined according to Brzycki formula .Each subject performed three series of dynamic resistance exercise at 70% of previously determined 1RM, separated by 10 min resting: two series with 12 repetitions and the third series with repetitions to voluntary exhaustion in order to estimate the individual maximal performance on the specific exercise. Equipment and groups were the same of study 1. In addition FBF (Femoral Blood Flow), coupling diameter and blood velocity data of the vessel was collected with Echo Doppler P 50. Cardiovascular acute adaptations in terms of SV and CO seem to be dependent on age. After an initial decrease (10” sec of exercise) HYM/F are able to increase the SV response during the entire exercise period, while HEM/F and D2M/F, display a drop until the end of exercise; at 20” sec recovery both HY and HE/D attain the same value. It is also possible that HEM and HEF helped their limb movements by contracting abdominal muscles in the concentric phase of the movements, thus raising intra abdominal pressure and decreasing venous return to the heart. The oxygen consumption at the end of the effort in males groups show an peculiar increase : HEM increases of 18%-20%, HYM 12%-22%, at least for the first 30 sec of recovery, maintains the peak value even during the recovery for 30 sec. This mechanism it’s slightly present also in females:HEF increases by 9%, HYF of 4%, in both cases only for the first 10 sec post exercise, D2F show that males with diabetes to maintain some sort of steady state but waning -12% -8%. The present study reports an excess of FBF after exercise especially for two groups: D2M and HYM (HEM group not available). D2F display a sort of plateau for some seconds, while HEM and HYF do not show any post exercise hyperemia. Diabetics groups, who exhibited the largest oxygen extraction at muscle level as compared with same sex young groups. Isometric Exercise The isometric exercise was performed with the same load used with resistance exercise, but each subject had to lift up the weight and maintain the squat contractions as long as he/she was able. HEM group did not perform this test. HYM and HYF during Isometric contractions use the same strategy of all other groups, they decrease SV during the effort, while in dynamic exercise they adjust the response in the opposite way. This is probably caused by the typical characteristic of isometric contractions on leg press where all dorsal and abdominal muscles, in addition to leg muscles participate in the effort, thus hampering venous return and reducing SV. STUDY 3 : SW “Square wave”: Constant Load Aerobic Exercise. Aerobic exercise is the most common activity in fitness world. Its role in reducing Cardiovascular risk factors, in enhancing fitness level, in maintaining mental health, etc... is undisputed. In research kinetics of aerobic exercise adaptations can be analyzed, that is the speed of each parameter in reaching new steady state values. Constant work rate tests (square wave) are suitable for studying cardiovascular, ventilator and gas exchange kinetics (8, 9). Measurement of these variables, especially VO2 by Quark (gas exchange analyzer), and Oxygen extractions (DeoxyHb) by NIRS (Near infrared spectroscopy), during transitions from rest to constant load exercise allows determination of the time constants (tau) or of the mean response time (MRT) characterizing the shift from baseline levels to new steady state values. Tau, MRT and the magnitude of change in VO2 are well correlated with the fitness state (10, 11). Priming exercise is a kind of warm up before the aerobic exercise session, it is also called prior exercise, heavy warm up exercise, because very often it consists in a high intensity warm up before a normal moderate aerobic exercise. To verify whether MRT is reduced during a bout of constant load exercise preceded by an identical exercise (priming effect) in different populations, to gain insight about the mechanisms leading to the priming effect. We recorded baseline values for 3 min with the subjects sitting still on the cycle ergometer saddle, and further 3 minutes while the subjects pedaled without load, to record the effects of movement per se and to obtain adequate warm up; after that, the load was raised and kept constant for six minutes at a value corresponding to 80% VO2max, at 60-70 rpm; after the subjects stopped pedaling, we kept collecting data during the recovery period, until reasonable recovery of basal conditions. This exercise was repeated 3 times, separated by 10 minute of recovery. CHF: 27 males, 2 females; sedentary (International Physical Activity Questionnaire <1000 MET min*week), NYHA type II/III chronic heart failure, all subjects wearing an automatic implanted defibrillator for safety reasons, CHF diagnosis at least 1 year before. HEM/F: 22 males,10 females and HYM/F 40 males, 11 females ; sedentary, non-smokers, no evidence of chronic complications or presence of other pathologies. D2M/F: 9 males, 4 females ; sedentary (International Physical Activity Questionnaire <1000 MET min*week), diet and/or oral hypoglycaemic agents, diabetes diagnosis at least 1 year before (15.1±6.9y D2M 11.1±4.9y D2F) and, HbA1c 7.1±0.5 % D2M and 6.4±2.2 D2F, HDL 53.1±10.1 mg/dL D2M and 47.5±17.4 mg/dL D2F, Total Cholesterol 142.8±20.9 mg/dL D2M and 140.8±48.5 mg/dL D2F, non-smokers, no evidence of chronic complications. Mean response time (MRT) is calculated, as the ratio between the integral of V’O2 deficit during the transient phase and V’O2 at steady state. VO2 response is quantitatively different among groups, which has been well documented in the literature, depending on age or presence of pathology. In the baseline condition VO2 is around 350 l/min in male and 300 l/min in female, and the increase to the steady state during exercise is different among the groups. Young subjects display the greater increase: 2,0 l male, and 1,2 l female; elderly groups show lower increase, 1,3 l male and 0,7 l female; Diabetic groups behave like the Elderly. The kinetics tends to be similar per age but not per sex, HEM and HEF are significantly different than HYF and HYM. Thus it becomes clear that HYM, HEM, D2M adapt faster than HYF, HEF, D2F and CHF much slower. In addition, if the male groups tend to speed up quite slightly their adaptation in the second trail, this tendency is overt in CHF. Most CHF subjects increased the speed of VO2 kinetics: the average values of MRT were 44,7 s in SW1 and 38,1 s in SW2, a significant decrease by 15%. In the young, only heavy (not light) exercise is preconditioning, and only for a following heavy (not light) exercise bout. In the healthy older, heavy exercise affects even a following light exercise bout. In CHF, even a light exercise affects a following light exercise bout.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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