Il melanoma cutaneo (MC) rappresenta un gruppo eterogeneo di neoplasie melanocitarie. Il MC mostra eterogeneità a diversi livelli, epidemiologico, di presentazione clinica, istopatologica e molecolare. Il melanoma primitivo della cute (PCM) ha rappresentato un modello straordinario di neoplasia per la comprensione della risposta immune ai tumori. I pazienti affetti da melanoma sono in grado di generare una risposta T-specifica in grado di riconoscere antigeni tumore-specifici o antigeni di differenziazione melanocitaria. La risposta T-specifica anti-melanoma è solo in parte produttiva poiché regolarmente fallisce nell'indurre regressione tumorale. In particolare, ad un certo punto durante la progressione della malattia i linfociti T-specifici divengono inefficaci verosimilmente a causa di un processo di immunosoppressione locale in sede tumorale. La risposta immune locale nel PCM è stata ampiamente studiata all'inizio degli anni '90. La presenza di linfociti infiltranti il tumore (TILs) è stata associata ad una prognosi migliore. Comunque, il significato clinico del TIL rimane ancora controverso poiché successivi studi non hanno riscontrato una correlazione positiva con la prognosi. Tra le cellule con potenziali implicazioni nell'immunità anti-tumorale, le cellule dendritiche plasmocitoidi/cellule producenti interferone (da qui in poi indicate come PDC) sono emerse quali importanti elementi grazie alla loro capacità di produrre alti livelli di interferone di tipo I (I-IFN) e differenziare a cellule dendritiche presentanti l'antigene in risposta a diversi stimoli (virus, ligandi per TLR). Le PDC circolanti sono state caratterizzate in molte neoplasie umane, inclusi carcinomi da sedi diverse, melanomi e neoplasie ematologiche. Una frazione significativa di questi studi è stata focalizzata su PDC circolanti che risultano frequentemente ridotte in numero rispetto ai controlli sani. Le PDC tumore associate (TA-PDC), la controparte riscontrata nel sito tumorale, è stata identificata in carcinomi da sedi diverse (mammella, ovaio, testa e collo, polmone, cute, cervice, prostata e fegato), melanomi cutanei e linfomi utilizzando diverse strategie. Utilizzando metodiche di immuno-istochimica, molti di questi studi sono stati condotti su sezioni di materiale congelato e ciò ha rappresentato una significativa limitazione nell'analisi di larghe coorti di pazienti, così oscurando il vero significato clinico delle TA-PDC. In aggiunta, reagenti anti-CD123, il più frequente marker di PDC utilizzato in questi studi, colorano anche altre cellule non-PDC quali cellule endoteliali, macrofagi e cellule mieloidi. Scopo del lavoro. Il candidato ipotizza che lo studio delle TA-PDC può fornire una prospettiva unica sul ruolo e significato clinico delle PDC in questa neoplasia. Incoraggiato dagli avanzamenti recenti nell'ambito della microscopia digitale (DigMic), il candidato propone di analizzare le TA-PDC in una corte estesa e clinicamente caratterizzata di PCM e nevi melanocitari per stabilire la loro frequenza di distribuzione e significato clinico. Le PDC producono elevate quantità di I-IFN, una citochina pleiotropica con dimostrato beneficio clinico per una frazione di pazienti affetti da PCM è che è recentemente emersa come coordinatore delle interazioni tra cellule tumorali e sistema immunitario. Alcuni studi indicano che le TA-PDC sono difettive nella produzione di I-IFN e possono secernere fattori solubili ad attività immuno-soppressoria responsabile della progressione tumorale. Le PDC, incluse quelle purificate da tumori umani, possono assolvere ad una funzione tolerogenica, principalmente attraverso l'induzione di cellule T-regolatorie producenti IL-10. Nelle PDC umane questa polarizzazione può dipendere dalla espressione del ligando di ICOS o dalla produzione di IDO. Tuttavia recenti lavori hanno contraddetto questa visione dimostrando un funzione effettrice delle PDC attivate attraverso la produzione di Granzyme B e TRAIL. Nella seconda parte dello studio, il candidato verificherà la capacità delle PDC melanoma-associate di produrre I-IFN. Risultati e Conclusioni. In questo studio abbiamo analizzato il contenuto e la funzione delle cellule dendritiche plasmocitoidi nel melanoma primitivo della cute utilizzando una nuova strategia di conta cellulare. Ques'ultima, è basata sull'analisi automatizzata dell'intera area tumorale attraverso microscopia digitale (DigMic). La piattaforma di DigMic risulta dall'integrazione dello scanner digitale Aperio Scanscope con la piattaforma di analisi di immagine Tissue Studio Definiens. I nostri dati indicano che l'infiltrazione di PCM da parte delle PDC rappresenta un evento comune in tutti gli stadi della malattia. L'infiltrazione delle PDC è evidente già negli stadi precoci. In termini di densità cellulare (su mm2 di area tumorale) e rapporto con il numero di leucociti CD45RP+ (LK), il contenuto delle PDC non correla con i maggiori endopoints prognostici. Ciò non sorprende poiché la principale funzione delle PDC, cioè produrre I-IFN, risulta abrogata come dimostrato dalla bassa espressione di MxA. Lavori pubblicati in precedenza indicano che il profilo molecolare della popolazione neoplastica può modificare l'immunogenicità della cellula tumorale stessa e la composizione del microambiente tumorale. Dati emergenti indicano che il blocco del signaling indotto da BrafV600E nei PCM può modulare in modo significativo l'immunogenicità del melanoma. E' rilevante notare che nella coorte di PCM da noi studiata, l'infiltrazione delle PDC mostra un trend in crescita per i PCM con mutazione BrafV600E. Questo dato indica the un segnale costitutivo mediato da Braf può essere rilevante nella regolazione del milieu chemochinico dei PCM. Il candidato ritiene che l'insieme di questi dati possa rappresentare un punto di partenza per studi futuri sui meccanismi molecolari e cellulari in grado di chiarire il significato delle PDC durante la genesi del melanoma cutaneo.
Cutaneous melanoma (CM) represents a heterogeneous group of melanocytic neoplasms. Het¬erogeneity of CM occurs at different level including epidemiology, clinical presentation, histopathology and molecular genetics. Primary cutaneous melanoma (PCM) has represented an extraordinary model to understand the role of the immune response to cancer. Melanoma patients mount a spontaneous T cell response against their tumor. Specifically, autologous T cells recognize tumor-specific antigens or differentiation antigens common to normal melanocytes. This anti-tumor T-cells response is only partially beneficial since it fails to reject the tumor in most of the instances. In fact, at some point during melanoma progres¬sion, responder T cells become ineffective, likely because of a local immunosuppressive process occur¬ring at the tumor sites. The local immune response to PCM has been largely investigated in the early 90’. Initially, occur¬rence of tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in PCM has been associated with a better prognosis. However, the clinical significance of this factor remained controversial and other subsequent reports suggested no relationship with prognosis. Among cells with potential implication in cancer immunity, plasmacytoid dendritic cells/ inter¬feron producing cells (from here on referred as PDCs) emerged as important players due to their capacity to produce high levels of I-IFN and differentiate into antigen-presenting dendritic cells in response to a variety of stimuli (e.g. viruses, toll-like receptor [TLR] ligands), thus bringing together innate and adaptive immunity. Circulating PDCs have been characterized in a wide variety of human neoplasms, including carcinomas from different sites, melanoma and hema¬topoietic malignancies. A significant fraction of these studies have been focused on circulating PDCs, which are frequently reduced in cancer patients compared to healthy donor. Tumor-associated-PDC (TA-PDC), the counterpart found at tumor sites, has been detected in primary carcinomas from different organs (breast, ovary, head and neck, lung, skin, cervix, prostate and liver), cutaneous melanoma and lymphomas by using various strategies. By using immunohistochemis¬try, many of these studies have been conducted on frozen sections and this has represented a significant limitation in the analysis of large patient cohorts, thus hindering the appropriate clinical significance of TA-PDC. In addition, the most frequently used PDC marker anti-CD123, also stains other cells including endothelial cells, macrophages and other myeloid cells. AIMS. The candidate hypothesizes that the study of TA-PDC can provide a unique perspective on the role and clini¬cal significance of PDCs in this neoplasm. Encouraged by recent upgrades in DigMic technology, the candidate proposes to analyze TA-PDC in a large and clinically-oriented cohort of PCM and benign nevi (NV) to establish their frequency of distribution and clinical significance (AIM1). PDCs produce high amounts of I-IFN, a pleiotropic cytokine with demonstrated clinical ben¬efit for a fraction of PCM patients and which has recently emerged as a coordinator in the interactions between tumor cells and the immune system. Some studies indicate that TA-PDCs are defective in type I IFN production, but instead secrete immunosuppressive soluble factors responsible for tumor progression. PDCs, including those purified from human cancer, might exert a tolerogenic function, pri¬marily by inducing IL-10 producing regulatory T-cells. In human PDCs, this polarization might depend on the expression of ICOS ligand or production of the immunosuppressive enzyme indoleamine-Pyrrole 2,3,-Dioxygenase (IDO). However, recent work has contradicted this view demonstrating a beneficial ef¬fector function of activated PDCs via production of Granzyme B and TRAIL. In this part of the study, the candidate will verify the capability of melanoma-associated PDC to produce I-IFN (AIM2). Results and conclusion. In this large scale clinically-oriented study, we have analyzed the content and function of plasmacytoid dendritic cells (PDCs) in primary cutaneous melanomas (PCM) by using a novel cell count strategy. The latter was based on automated analysis of the entire tumor area by using a digital microscopy approach. The DigMic platform results from the integration of Aperio Scanscope slide scanner with the digital pa¬thology image analysis solution Tissue Studio Definiens. Our findings indicate that PDC infiltration in PCM represents a common event across all stages. PCM-associated PDC infiltration occurs early during tumor evolution. In term of cell density (mm2 of PCM tumor area) and ratio with CD45RP+ LK, PDC content did not correlate with major prognostic endpoints. This is not surprising since major PDC function, such as type I-IFN production, appear to be hijacked by the PCM microenvironment as demonstrated by low MxA expression. Previously published works indicate that the inherent molecular profile of cancer cells can significantly modify cancer cell immunogenicity and the surrounding microenvironment. Emerging findings suggest that blockade of BrafV600E signaling cascade in PCM significantly affect the immunogenicity of melanoma cells in different ways. Remarkably, in our cohort PDC infiltration trended to¬ward an increase in PCM carrying the BrafV600E somatic mutation. This finding indicate that persistent signaling through Braf in melanoma cells might be relevant in the regulation of the chemokine milieu of the PCM. The candidate believe that these findings establish the groundwork for further mechanistic studies clarifying the PDC requirement during melanoma genesis.
Micro-dissecting the Role of Melanoma-Associated Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells/ Interferon Producing Cells
VERMI, William
Cutaneous melanoma (CM) represents a heterogeneous group of melanocytic neoplasms. Het¬erogeneity of CM occurs at different level including epidemiology, clinical presentation, histopathology and molecular genetics. Primary cutaneous melanoma (PCM) has represented an extraordinary model to understand the role of the immune response to cancer. Melanoma patients mount a spontaneous T cell response against their tumor. Specifically, autologous T cells recognize tumor-specific antigens or differentiation antigens common to normal melanocytes. This anti-tumor T-cells response is only partially beneficial since it fails to reject the tumor in most of the instances. In fact, at some point during melanoma progres¬sion, responder T cells become ineffective, likely because of a local immunosuppressive process occur¬ring at the tumor sites. The local immune response to PCM has been largely investigated in the early 90’. Initially, occur¬rence of tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in PCM has been associated with a better prognosis. However, the clinical significance of this factor remained controversial and other subsequent reports suggested no relationship with prognosis. Among cells with potential implication in cancer immunity, plasmacytoid dendritic cells/ inter¬feron producing cells (from here on referred as PDCs) emerged as important players due to their capacity to produce high levels of I-IFN and differentiate into antigen-presenting dendritic cells in response to a variety of stimuli (e.g. viruses, toll-like receptor [TLR] ligands), thus bringing together innate and adaptive immunity. Circulating PDCs have been characterized in a wide variety of human neoplasms, including carcinomas from different sites, melanoma and hema¬topoietic malignancies. A significant fraction of these studies have been focused on circulating PDCs, which are frequently reduced in cancer patients compared to healthy donor. Tumor-associated-PDC (TA-PDC), the counterpart found at tumor sites, has been detected in primary carcinomas from different organs (breast, ovary, head and neck, lung, skin, cervix, prostate and liver), cutaneous melanoma and lymphomas by using various strategies. By using immunohistochemis¬try, many of these studies have been conducted on frozen sections and this has represented a significant limitation in the analysis of large patient cohorts, thus hindering the appropriate clinical significance of TA-PDC. In addition, the most frequently used PDC marker anti-CD123, also stains other cells including endothelial cells, macrophages and other myeloid cells. AIMS. The candidate hypothesizes that the study of TA-PDC can provide a unique perspective on the role and clini¬cal significance of PDCs in this neoplasm. Encouraged by recent upgrades in DigMic technology, the candidate proposes to analyze TA-PDC in a large and clinically-oriented cohort of PCM and benign nevi (NV) to establish their frequency of distribution and clinical significance (AIM1). PDCs produce high amounts of I-IFN, a pleiotropic cytokine with demonstrated clinical ben¬efit for a fraction of PCM patients and which has recently emerged as a coordinator in the interactions between tumor cells and the immune system. Some studies indicate that TA-PDCs are defective in type I IFN production, but instead secrete immunosuppressive soluble factors responsible for tumor progression. PDCs, including those purified from human cancer, might exert a tolerogenic function, pri¬marily by inducing IL-10 producing regulatory T-cells. In human PDCs, this polarization might depend on the expression of ICOS ligand or production of the immunosuppressive enzyme indoleamine-Pyrrole 2,3,-Dioxygenase (IDO). However, recent work has contradicted this view demonstrating a beneficial ef¬fector function of activated PDCs via production of Granzyme B and TRAIL. In this part of the study, the candidate will verify the capability of melanoma-associated PDC to produce I-IFN (AIM2). Results and conclusion. In this large scale clinically-oriented study, we have analyzed the content and function of plasmacytoid dendritic cells (PDCs) in primary cutaneous melanomas (PCM) by using a novel cell count strategy. The latter was based on automated analysis of the entire tumor area by using a digital microscopy approach. The DigMic platform results from the integration of Aperio Scanscope slide scanner with the digital pa¬thology image analysis solution Tissue Studio Definiens. Our findings indicate that PDC infiltration in PCM represents a common event across all stages. PCM-associated PDC infiltration occurs early during tumor evolution. In term of cell density (mm2 of PCM tumor area) and ratio with CD45RP+ LK, PDC content did not correlate with major prognostic endpoints. This is not surprising since major PDC function, such as type I-IFN production, appear to be hijacked by the PCM microenvironment as demonstrated by low MxA expression. Previously published works indicate that the inherent molecular profile of cancer cells can significantly modify cancer cell immunogenicity and the surrounding microenvironment. Emerging findings suggest that blockade of BrafV600E signaling cascade in PCM significantly affect the immunogenicity of melanoma cells in different ways. Remarkably, in our cohort PDC infiltration trended to¬ward an increase in PCM carrying the BrafV600E somatic mutation. This finding indicate that persistent signaling through Braf in melanoma cells might be relevant in the regulation of the chemokine milieu of the PCM. The candidate believe that these findings establish the groundwork for further mechanistic studies clarifying the PDC requirement during melanoma genesis.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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