L'attuale assetto legislativo porta a considerare l'ambito delle politiche passive oramai imprescindibile da quello delle politiche attive, attraverso un condizionamento reciproco che ne segna una sostanziale metamorfosi. L’intreccio tra attivo e passivo vede la timida comparsa del concetto di attivazione, sino ad un suo progressivo rafforzamento in direzione della condizionalità. Nel primo capitolo coglieremo in particolare gli aspetti dell’attivazione che incrociano il tema delle tutele, e che vanno di conseguenza a condizionare alcuni profili della prestazione previdenziale in caso di disoccupazione o sospensione dal lavoro. In particolare, ripercorreremo nel primo capitolo le tappe fondamentali dello sviluppo degli ammortizzatori sociali nel nostro Paese, dando brevemente conto, e nella forma di cenni, per ogni periodo analizzato, delle principali trasformazione del sistema di collocamento, dal quale derivano e si sviluppano le politiche attive, sino a raggiungere naturalmente una trattazione composita dei due fronti, seguendo la progressiva evoluzione legislativa, che si completa con la l. n. 92/2012. Mediante questa analisi, la ricerca si domanda se l’attuale riforma sia in grado di sciogliere i nodi che da anni caratterizzano il nostro ordinamento in questa materia. In particolare questi aspetti sono approfonditi, da una prospettiva nazionale, nel secondo capitolo. L'approccio parte dai problemi strettamente inerenti agli ammortizzatori sociali, per abbracciarne la dimensione relazionata all'obbligo di attivazione, e quindi alla condizionalità, tentando, nel contempo, di aprire delle finestre su prospettive che possano suggerire percorsi di analisi di ampio respiro: la lettura costituzionalmente orientata del sistema esistente, la necessità di un sistema universale di tutele in caso di disoccupazione e sospensione dal lavoro, il senso della condizionalità e le sue possibili diverse interpretazioni, il sistema di workfare in definizione, soprattutto a fronte dell’accento all’aspetto punitivo e dell’inefficacia dei servizi per l’impiego. La lettura data all'intreccio tra politiche passive e politiche attive si arricchisce dello sguardo ad altri sistemi, quello spagnolo (capitolo III) e quello danese (capitolo IV): il primo, caratterizzato da un sistema giuridico più affine a quello italiano, si inserisce in un contesto occupazionale fortemente problematico, con un tasso di disoccupazione che arriva al 26,1% a dicembre 2012; il secondo preso a modello per anni come sistema virtuoso a cui guardare, chiude lo scorso anno con un tasso di disoccupazione dell'8% contro l'11,2% dell'Italia, ed il 10,7% dell'Europa a 27. Le diverse prospettive nazionali vengono integrate da una trattazione della materia a livello europeo nel quinto capitolo. La ricostruzione storica tenta di cogliere gli elementi della faticosa affermazione di un modello sociale europeo, la cui definizione rimane avvolta da un alone di indeterminatezza, di ambiguità. La relazione tra le politiche attive e passive costituisce un aspetto imprescindibile del concetto di flexicurity: su questo piano si innesca la comparsa del concetto di adattabilità/occupabilità. La presente tesi di dottorato tenta di cogliere il fil rouge tra i diversi ordinamenti nel rapporto tra attivo e passivo, alla ricerca di una prospettiva ampia, desiderosa di chiarire le premesse sulle quali vengono costruiti assunti e concetti considerati oggi quasi dogmatici, approfondendone il senso o, in taluni casi, i sensi: workfare, condizionalità, flexicurity, occupabilità i temi che maggior frequentemente sono stati utilizzati per guardare alla relazione attivo/passivo.
The structure of the Research. The aim of the research is to analyze the relationship between passive and active policies in Italy. In specific, the purpose is to verify if the latest labour market reform faces the relevant problems pointed out by legal studies. The reform was introduced in June 2012 by the Law n. 92/2012. The research also analyzes the relationship between passive and active policies in the European Union system, and in two member States: Denmark and Spain. The choice of these countries is based on a particular relevant reason for the research: Denmark has been considered the ALMP (Active Labour Market Policies) best practice example all over Europe in the last years, and Spain is the countries which is facing the highest unemployment rate from the beginning of the crisis. The research is not comparative in nature but provides information to take inspiration from other systems. The research also considers the European Union's system to highlight its influence on the Italian system and the connection of the different system's developments. For passive policies we mean the “social shock absorbers” and the unemployment benefits recognized to workers in case of unemployment or temporary suspension of the labour contract. For active policies we mean policies which aim to help/encourage people to find a job or to improve their professional profile. The methodology adopted for investigating the Italian, Spanish and EU systems is based on the studying of the legislation and the legal studies. On the contrary, the Danish system has been examined in particular by studying sociological scientific articles. The two main reasons of this choice consist in the following: - the considered topic is strictly related to the flexicurity field, which is analysed in Denmark in most cases by sociologists and not though legal studies; - it is complicated to access to translated Danish legislation. From another hand, even if the labour market policy are regulated mostly by agreements signed by social partners, a problem remains the lack of translated documents. The main topics underlined in the research are: - the relevant different treatments granted to Italian workers in case of unemployed and temporary suspension of the labour contract, depending on the dimension of the company, its businesses area, dimensions, etc.; - the lack in Italy of a social security level which protects people without legal requirements to be eligible for the unemployment insurance; - the last years' emphasis put on the “conditionality” on the unemployment benefits and on the punishment's aspect of them: the relationship between job-centres and the unemployed person is also view as a sort of contract with mutual obligations; - the right to work as a right to participate to the civil, political and economic life of the State in term of right of citizenship. This topics have been analyzed by considering the historical development of the national legislation until the actual reform. The same scheme has been followed to study the EU, Danish and Spanish systems: historical development of the legislation until the actual reforms or measures, underling the main issues stressed by legal studies in those systems. These issues have highlighted important aspects very useful for the research: - the European Union's influence on the member State's system, especially regarding the EU-flexicurity approach and the need to reduce the public debt, even to social systems' cost; - the Danish active citizenship concept and the Danish flexicurity model, considerable different from the EU one; - the Spanish legal studies, asking for a different role of the State. The research comes to the conclusion that the latest Italian reform does not face properly the problem of the national unemployment social security system, which remains inaccessible for a relevant part of the workers. This doesn't comply with the State's constitutional obligation to ensure the condition to all the citizens to participate to the social, political and economical life. This obligation involves the citizens' right to work, to be reach in a way affecting different aspects: a proper macroeconomic policy, adequate activation policies, and a protection for the period of works' lack.
L’intreccio tra politiche attive e passive: possibili sviluppi. Analisi critica del sistema italiano con riferimento ai modelli danese, spagnolo e alle tendenze nell’Unione Europea
The structure of the Research. The aim of the research is to analyze the relationship between passive and active policies in Italy. In specific, the purpose is to verify if the latest labour market reform faces the relevant problems pointed out by legal studies. The reform was introduced in June 2012 by the Law n. 92/2012. The research also analyzes the relationship between passive and active policies in the European Union system, and in two member States: Denmark and Spain. The choice of these countries is based on a particular relevant reason for the research: Denmark has been considered the ALMP (Active Labour Market Policies) best practice example all over Europe in the last years, and Spain is the countries which is facing the highest unemployment rate from the beginning of the crisis. The research is not comparative in nature but provides information to take inspiration from other systems. The research also considers the European Union's system to highlight its influence on the Italian system and the connection of the different system's developments. For passive policies we mean the “social shock absorbers” and the unemployment benefits recognized to workers in case of unemployment or temporary suspension of the labour contract. For active policies we mean policies which aim to help/encourage people to find a job or to improve their professional profile. The methodology adopted for investigating the Italian, Spanish and EU systems is based on the studying of the legislation and the legal studies. On the contrary, the Danish system has been examined in particular by studying sociological scientific articles. The two main reasons of this choice consist in the following: - the considered topic is strictly related to the flexicurity field, which is analysed in Denmark in most cases by sociologists and not though legal studies; - it is complicated to access to translated Danish legislation. From another hand, even if the labour market policy are regulated mostly by agreements signed by social partners, a problem remains the lack of translated documents. The main topics underlined in the research are: - the relevant different treatments granted to Italian workers in case of unemployed and temporary suspension of the labour contract, depending on the dimension of the company, its businesses area, dimensions, etc.; - the lack in Italy of a social security level which protects people without legal requirements to be eligible for the unemployment insurance; - the last years' emphasis put on the “conditionality” on the unemployment benefits and on the punishment's aspect of them: the relationship between job-centres and the unemployed person is also view as a sort of contract with mutual obligations; - the right to work as a right to participate to the civil, political and economic life of the State in term of right of citizenship. This topics have been analyzed by considering the historical development of the national legislation until the actual reform. The same scheme has been followed to study the EU, Danish and Spanish systems: historical development of the legislation until the actual reforms or measures, underling the main issues stressed by legal studies in those systems. These issues have highlighted important aspects very useful for the research: - the European Union's influence on the member State's system, especially regarding the EU-flexicurity approach and the need to reduce the public debt, even to social systems' cost; - the Danish active citizenship concept and the Danish flexicurity model, considerable different from the EU one; - the Spanish legal studies, asking for a different role of the State. The research comes to the conclusion that the latest Italian reform does not face properly the problem of the national unemployment social security system, which remains inaccessible for a relevant part of the workers. This doesn't comply with the State's constitutional obligation to ensure the condition to all the citizens to participate to the social, political and economical life. This obligation involves the citizens' right to work, to be reach in a way affecting different aspects: a proper macroeconomic policy, adequate activation policies, and a protection for the period of works' lack.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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