Quale ruolo assumono i bambini nel momento in cui entrano a far parte di un processo di ricerca? L’analisi della letteratura scientifica ha consentito di individuare la tesi, largamente diffusa in ambito scientifico, secondo la quale per molto tempo è stata condotta una ricerca on children (Hill, 2006). Alla base di tale approccio si trova una prospettiva che concepisce i bambini come vulnerabili e incompetenti, incapaci di fornire informazioni attendibili e per questo nel processo di ricerca essi ricoprono una posizione di passività e di minimo coinvolgimento nelle varie attività che costituiscono un’indagine. Nei confronti di questa prospettiva è maturato un approccio critico, che trova un significativo momento di formalizzazione nella pubblicazione della Convenzione ONU sui diritti dell’infanzia (1989). La Convenzione rappresenta infatti un punto di svolta nel modo di concettualizzare l’infanzia. In questo processo di cambiamento la sociologia, in particolare quella inglese, si è interrogata su nuovi modi di condurre ricerche con i bambini contribuendo alla formalizzazione di un nuovo approccio di ricerca, la research with children. Tale approccio riconosce i bambini come attori sociali importanti, detentori di diritti, soggetti competenti e fondamentali informatori dei loro mondi (Mayall, 1994). Questa nuova concezione dell’infanzia si è realizzata sul piano della ricerca principalmente attraverso la partecipazione attiva dei bambini ai processi d’indagine, in particolare attraverso l’adozione di strumenti di ricerca che consentano di ascoltare le loro prospettive e una specifica attenzione etica nel loro coinvolgimento. A partire da questo processo di cambiamento, è risultato interessante indagare in un’ottica interdisciplinare se e in che modo le ricerche che coinvolgono i bambini hanno fatto propria questa nuova prospettiva. Con questo obiettivo è stato scelto di analizzare le ricerche riportate nelle riviste scientifiche per vedere se e in che misura esse vengono realizzate facendo riferimento alla research with children e ai fattori che definiscono tale approccio. A questo scopo è stata condotta una systematic literature review (Petticrew e Roberts, 2006), oggetto di questa tesi. La systematic literature review è un tipo di research synthesis, ossia un’analisi delle fonti di tipo secondario che attraverso procedure sistematiche e rigorose consente di produrre nuova conoscenza sull’argomento di indagine, in questo caso la ricerca con i bambini, a partire dall’integrazione di un ampio corpus di singoli studi. L’oggetto specifico di questo lavoro di ricerca è costituito da articoli scientifici relativi a ricerche che hanno coinvolto i bambini e che sono state sviluppate all’interno di diversi ambiti disciplinari nelle scienze dell’educazione (psicologia, antropologia, sociologia, pedagogia). Per ogni disciplina è stata individuata una rivista scientifica di riferimento, rispettivamente Child Development, Anthropology and Education Quarterly, Childhood e Early Childhood Research Quarterly. L’individuazione delle fonti da analizzare è stata dunque effettuata attraverso un’hand-searching of key journals e tramite l’applicazione di criteri di selezione. La systematic review ha prodotto come risultato un quadro relativo alla misura e alla modalità con le quali i principi promossi dalla research with children, la partecipazione, l’ascolto e l’attenzione etica, sono presenti negli studi oggetto di analisi. I dati raccolti mostrano che nella maggior parte delle ricerche i bambini partecipano attivamente come fonte primaria nella fase di raccolta dei dati, sono i principali informants interpellati direttamente dai ricercatori. Solo in una più ristretta percentuale però oltre a rispondere agli stimoli proposti, in base alle istruzioni fornite ed entro un range di risposte già definite, hanno la possibilità di esprimere le loro prospettive, il loro punto di vista sull’argomento oggetto d’indagine. Le “voci dei bambini” vengono ascoltate principalmente in contesti di vita naturale, in particolare attraverso l’utilizzo dell’intervista e su temi che riguardano le loro esperienze scolastiche e familiari. Le attenzioni etiche dei ricercatori, espresse in discreta percentuale e in modo sintetico, si concentrano in particolar modo su aspetti legati ai codici etici di ricerca: il consenso informato e la garanzia ai partecipanti sulla riservatezza dei dati. I risultati della systematic literature review evidenziano la complessità con cui i principi promossi dalla research with children sono presenti nelle ricerche corpus di questa indagine, offrendo alla comunità di ricercatori un quadro di riferimento e di riflessione sulle modalità utilizzate nel fare ricerca con i bambini, utile per la progettazione e giustificazione di nuove ricerche sull’infanzia.
What role do children take when they become part of a research process? The scientific literature shows that inquiries has been conducted for a long time on children (Hill, 2006). The “research on children’s” approach considers children as vulnerable, incompetent and incapable of providing reliable accounts; therefore children are passively involved in a research process, confining them in a position of minimal involvement in the various activities of the research. In the last decades this approach have been criticized by a significant moment, which works on the recognition of children’s participation. The perspective of this movement found an important moment in the publication of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989). The Convention represents a turning point in the way of considering childhood. The sociology of childhood (Mayall, 1994) has opened new perspectives for the participation of children in research processes and, in this way, it has made a significant contribution to the definition of a new approach, named the research with children. This new approach recognizes children as important social actors, rights holders and competent, indeed they are considered key informants of their worlds. The competent child takes an active role in a research process, particularly through the adoption of methods that enable him/her to be heard and there has been an increase of attention to the ethics dimension in the child involvement. Starting form this paradigms’ shift, it is interesting to investigate if and how this new approach has impacted the research landscape on childhood. In order to identify the possible changes I conducted a systematic literature review (Petticrew and Roberts, 2006): following an interdisciplinary perspective I analyzed the researches reported in 4 scientific journals to see whether and to what extent they are conducted with reference to research with children and, in particular, the features that define this approach. The systematic literature review is a type of research synthesis: a systematic and rigorous analysis of secondary sources composed by specific procedures with the aim of producing new knowledge on a particular subject; in my case, the research with children. The articles chosen for the review were scientific articles, which describe researches involving children and from different discipline perspectives (psychology, anthropology, sociology, pedagogy). For each of these disciplines a scientific journal has been identified, respectively, Child Development, Anthropology and Education Quarterly, Childhood and Early Childhood Research Quarterly. The identification of the sources for analysis was therefore carried out through hand-searching of these key journals, following by the application of selection criteria. The results of the systematic review is a picture on the extent and the ways in which the research with children has been carry out. In particular, the results outline the principles promoted by this approach: participation, listening to the children and attention to ethics. The data show that most of the children are actively involved in research as a primary source for data’s collection, indeed they are the key informants directly interviewed by researchers. However only a small percentage of the researches analyzed follows a real participation process in which children have the opportunity to express their point of view on the matter. In most of the researches, children respond to suggested stimuli and in accordance with the instructions given to them and, in some case, with a defined range of given responses. The "children's voices" are mostly heard in natural settings, particularly through the use of the interview and on issues that affect their experiences, firstly school and family. The ethical attention of researchers, expressed in percentage, is discreet and it is particularly focused on issues related to ethical codes: informed consent and ensuring data confidentiality. The results point out the complexity of the principles promoted by the research with children, indeed they represent a significant framework for the reflection on the methods used in doing research with children and an useful tool for designing new researches on childhood.
La ricerca con i bambini: una systematic review
MONTÙ, Valentina
What role do children take when they become part of a research process? The scientific literature shows that inquiries has been conducted for a long time on children (Hill, 2006). The “research on children’s” approach considers children as vulnerable, incompetent and incapable of providing reliable accounts; therefore children are passively involved in a research process, confining them in a position of minimal involvement in the various activities of the research. In the last decades this approach have been criticized by a significant moment, which works on the recognition of children’s participation. The perspective of this movement found an important moment in the publication of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989). The Convention represents a turning point in the way of considering childhood. The sociology of childhood (Mayall, 1994) has opened new perspectives for the participation of children in research processes and, in this way, it has made a significant contribution to the definition of a new approach, named the research with children. This new approach recognizes children as important social actors, rights holders and competent, indeed they are considered key informants of their worlds. The competent child takes an active role in a research process, particularly through the adoption of methods that enable him/her to be heard and there has been an increase of attention to the ethics dimension in the child involvement. Starting form this paradigms’ shift, it is interesting to investigate if and how this new approach has impacted the research landscape on childhood. In order to identify the possible changes I conducted a systematic literature review (Petticrew and Roberts, 2006): following an interdisciplinary perspective I analyzed the researches reported in 4 scientific journals to see whether and to what extent they are conducted with reference to research with children and, in particular, the features that define this approach. The systematic literature review is a type of research synthesis: a systematic and rigorous analysis of secondary sources composed by specific procedures with the aim of producing new knowledge on a particular subject; in my case, the research with children. The articles chosen for the review were scientific articles, which describe researches involving children and from different discipline perspectives (psychology, anthropology, sociology, pedagogy). For each of these disciplines a scientific journal has been identified, respectively, Child Development, Anthropology and Education Quarterly, Childhood and Early Childhood Research Quarterly. The identification of the sources for analysis was therefore carried out through hand-searching of these key journals, following by the application of selection criteria. The results of the systematic review is a picture on the extent and the ways in which the research with children has been carry out. In particular, the results outline the principles promoted by this approach: participation, listening to the children and attention to ethics. The data show that most of the children are actively involved in research as a primary source for data’s collection, indeed they are the key informants directly interviewed by researchers. However only a small percentage of the researches analyzed follows a real participation process in which children have the opportunity to express their point of view on the matter. In most of the researches, children respond to suggested stimuli and in accordance with the instructions given to them and, in some case, with a defined range of given responses. The "children's voices" are mostly heard in natural settings, particularly through the use of the interview and on issues that affect their experiences, firstly school and family. The ethical attention of researchers, expressed in percentage, is discreet and it is particularly focused on issues related to ethical codes: informed consent and ensuring data confidentiality. The results point out the complexity of the principles promoted by the research with children, indeed they represent a significant framework for the reflection on the methods used in doing research with children and an useful tool for designing new researches on childhood.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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