La valutazione nel sistema formativo in ambito sanitario: apprendimento, transfer e cambiamento nella pratica quali risultati della formazione La tesi di Dottorato riporta i risultati di un’indagine condotta presso un’Azienda Ospedaliera del Nord Italia con lo scopo di valutare gli esiti di un evento formativo dedicato alla “Movimentazione manuale dei pazienti: metodi, tecniche e posture per la prevenzione dei rischi” (MMPz), rivolto al personale sanitario (principalmente infermieri operatori di supporto). In particolare, nell’ambito degli esiti formativi possibili, la ricerca si è concentrata sul concetto di transfer e sui fattori che hanno inciso positivamente e negativamente sullo stesso e fattori riferibili all’individuo, al programma formativo e all’organizzazione (secondo il modello Integrate Model of Training Evaluation and Effectiveness di Alvarez, Sala e Garofano). Per transfer si intende “la misura in cui una persona che ha seguito un’attività formativa applica effettivamente le nuove conoscenze, abilità e competenze nel proprio lavoro” (Baldwin e Ford, 1988). La formazione è una realtà ormai consolidata e diffusa, che coinvolge diversi contesti collettivi, attraversa molteplici processi sociali e intende rispondere alle differenti domande di acquisizione di conoscenza e di sviluppo di capacità. In ambito sanitario, essa rappresenta la leva strategica con la quale l’organizzazione sanitaria mira a garantire la qualità delle prestazioni erogate. In Italia, dal 1° gennaio 2002, è stato avviato il sistema di Educazione Continua in Medicina (E.C.M.) che ha coinvolto tutti gli operatori sanitari, dipendenti o liberi professionisti. Ma l’acquisizione di crediti formativi è sinonimo di miglioramento, efficacia ed efficienza? L’indagine ha coinvolto 1095 partecipanti all’evento formativo e 46 coordinatori degli stessi. Data la numerosità campionaria e la suddivisione dello stesso in diverse Unità Operative Complesse, si è scelto di costruire di un questionario strutturato e autosomministrato, sulla base delle informazioni raccolte attraverso la conduzione di 6 focus group con i partecipanti all’evento formativo e 10 interviste con coordinatori (in qualità di testimoni privilegiati delle pratiche svolte quotidianamente). Il questionario contiene al suo interno oltre ad item socio-anagrafici item di valutazione con scala Likert a 4 livelli: decisamente no, più no che sì, più sì che no e decisamente sì. L’analisi dei dati dei questionari raccolti (666 partecipanti, pari al 60% del campione e 41 coordinatori, pari al 89,1% del campione) sono stati elaborati attraverso software che ne hanno determinato gli indici di tendenza centrale (moda, mediana, media), di validità (varianza spiegata e deviazione standard) e di attendibilità (alpha di Cronbach). I risultati delineano una realtà positiva, in quanto il personale dichiara di trasferire nella propria attività lavorativa quanto appreso all’evento formativo, sia in termini di conoscenze teoriche, che pratiche, anche con chi non ha partecipato all’evento formativo. Quando ciò non accade, le cause possono essere individuate in fattori legati all’evento formativo stesso (orario, durata e sede del corso che non soddisfano, anzi a volte ostacolano la partecipazione), all’organizzazione (la formazione non ha un tempo dedicato ma toglie giorni di riposo ai partecipanti che spesso partecipano prima o dopo il proprio turno lavorativo, mancanza di tempo, carenza di personale, eccessivo carico di lavoro), e agli individui (in alcuni casi si è evidenziata resistenza al cambiamento e poca collaborazione tra il personale). Il ruolo del coordinatore si evidenzia attivo e fondamentale sia nella gestione dell’attività formativa, che nella valutazione e nel monitoraggio del transfer. La valutazione discrimina tra i due gruppi dei “partecipanti” e dei “coordinatori” in quanto questi ultimi dichiarano di farla (mediante osservazione diretta e/o colloqui individuali e/o di gruppo). A questo punto ci sentiamo di sostenere che questo tipo di valutazione rappresenti un’opportunità di cambiamento e miglioramento che va attuata a livello periferico (ciascun coordinatore nella propria unità operativa) ed in modo continuativo nel tempo: solo in questo modo la formazione può essere considerata non come una spesa, bensì come un vero e proprio investimento in termini di gestione delle risorse umane.
The evaluation of the training system in hospital setting: learning, transfer and change in the professional practice as a result of the training This Ph.D thesis reports the results of a survey carried out in a Regional Hospital in the North of Italy aiming at assessing the outcomes of a training course about the “Manual handling of patients: methods, techniques and postures for the prevention of risks” (MMPz) and dedicated to the hospital staff (mainly nurses and support operators). As for the possible training outcomes in particular, the survey has been focused on the concept of transfer and the factors that have positively and negatively affected on it. These factors can be referred to the singular person, the training program and the entire organization, according to the Integrate Model of Training Evaluation and Effectiveness by Alvarez, Sala and Garofano. The term transfer refers to “the extent to which a person who has attended a training activity effectively applies new knowledge, abilities and competences at work” (Baldwin e Ford, 1988). Training is a consolidated and widespread reality which can be found in different organizational contexts, deals with several social processes and tends to meet different demands about knowledge acquisition and skill development. In hospital setting, it can be seen as a strategic lever thanks to which the hospital organization aims at ensuring quality in performance. In Italy, since the first of January 2002, a system called Educazione Continua in Medicina (ECM – Long Life Learning in Medicine) has been activated. It has involved all the hospital operators, staff or free lance. Question is: is the acquisition of training credits a synonym of improvement, efficacy and efficiency? The survey has involved 1095 participants to the training course and 46 coordinators. Given the sample size and the presence in the sample of different Complex Operating Units, the methodological choice has been made of constructing a structured questionnaire for the self-administration. It was built on the basis of the information collected by carrying out 6 focus groups with the participants to the training course and 10 interviews to coordinators (as privileged witnesses of the practices daily used at work). The questionnaire includes items asking personal details and item asking to assess training activities, with a four-point rating scale: 1 = definitely no, 2 = no more than yes, 3 = yes more than no, 4 = definitely yes. Data analysis (666 participants, equal to 60% of the sample and 41 coordinators, equal to 89,1% of the sample) has been carried out by using a statistical software that has estimated such central tendency indexes as mode, median, mean, such validity indexes as explained variance and standard deviation and Cronbach’s alpha as a reliability index. Results show a positive reality, as the staff declares to transfer what they have learned during the course in terms of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in their work activities. Besides they seem to share what they have learned with people who did not attend the course. When this does not happen, causes can be found in factors related to the training course (time, duration and place of the course), the organization (training does not have a dedicated time and happen during the rest days), and singular people (in some cases resistance to change and little collaboration emerged). The role of the coordinator is resulted to be active and fundamental both in the management of the training activity and in the evaluation and monitoring of the transfer. The evaluation discriminates between the two groups of “participants” and “coordinators”, as the latest declare the do it (by direct observations and individual or group interviews) but the former seem not to realize it. The evaluation represents an opportunity for change and development that should be activated at a peripheral level (each coordinator in their own operating unit) and continually: in this way training could be considered not only as an expenditure, but also as e real investment for human resources management.
The evaluation of the training system in hospital setting: learning, transfer and change in the professional practice as a result of the training This Ph.D thesis reports the results of a survey carried out in a Regional Hospital in the North of Italy aiming at assessing the outcomes of a training course about the “Manual handling of patients: methods, techniques and postures for the prevention of risks” (MMPz) and dedicated to the hospital staff (mainly nurses and support operators). As for the possible training outcomes in particular, the survey has been focused on the concept of transfer and the factors that have positively and negatively affected on it. These factors can be referred to the singular person, the training program and the entire organization, according to the Integrate Model of Training Evaluation and Effectiveness by Alvarez, Sala and Garofano. The term transfer refers to “the extent to which a person who has attended a training activity effectively applies new knowledge, abilities and competences at work” (Baldwin e Ford, 1988). Training is a consolidated and widespread reality which can be found in different organizational contexts, deals with several social processes and tends to meet different demands about knowledge acquisition and skill development. In hospital setting, it can be seen as a strategic lever thanks to which the hospital organization aims at ensuring quality in performance. In Italy, since the first of January 2002, a system called Educazione Continua in Medicina (ECM – Long Life Learning in Medicine) has been activated. It has involved all the hospital operators, staff or free lance. Question is: is the acquisition of training credits a synonym of improvement, efficacy and efficiency? The survey has involved 1095 participants to the training course and 46 coordinators. Given the sample size and the presence in the sample of different Complex Operating Units, the methodological choice has been made of constructing a structured questionnaire for the self-administration. It was built on the basis of the information collected by carrying out 6 focus groups with the participants to the training course and 10 interviews to coordinators (as privileged witnesses of the practices daily used at work). The questionnaire includes items asking personal details and item asking to assess training activities, with a four-point rating scale: 1 = definitely no, 2 = no more than yes, 3 = yes more than no, 4 = definitely yes. Data analysis (666 participants, equal to 60% of the sample and 41 coordinators, equal to 89,1% of the sample) has been carried out by using a statistical software that has estimated such central tendency indexes as mode, median, mean, such validity indexes as explained variance and standard deviation and Cronbach’s alpha as a reliability index. Results show a positive reality, as the staff declares to transfer what they have learned during the course in terms of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in their work activities. Besides they seem to share what they have learned with people who did not attend the course. When this does not happen, causes can be found in factors related to the training course (time, duration and place of the course), the organization (training does not have a dedicated time and happen during the rest days), and singular people (in some cases resistance to change and little collaboration emerged). The role of the coordinator is resulted to be active and fundamental both in the management of the training activity and in the evaluation and monitoring of the transfer. The evaluation discriminates between the two groups of “participants” and “coordinators”, as the latest declare the do it (by direct observations and individual or group interviews) but the former seem not to realize it. The evaluation represents an opportunity for change and development that should be activated at a peripheral level (each coordinator in their own operating unit) and continually: in this way training could be considered not only as an expenditure, but also as e real investment for human resources management.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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