La tesi studia il complesso tematico delle architetture meravigliose come topos di enorme fortuna nella narrativa cavalleresca spagnola del secolo XVI. Il corpus testuale preso in esame è costituito da 22 opere appartenenti al genere dei libros de caballerías pubblicate fra il 1508 ed il 1588. Lo studio degli elementi di continuità all’interno del tema ha evidenziato la presenza di strutture “standard” (su differenti livelli, dalla concrezione dello spazio meraviglioso alle sue funzioni nella narrazione, dall’impostazione delle sequenze narrative “minime” alla loro combinazione e disposizione nell’intreccio) e di deviazioni che mettono in risalto il processo evolutivo del genere. Il primo volume si chiude con una Appendice che raccoglie, in ordine alfabetico, le schede riassuntive di 147 architetture meravigliose presenti nel corpus esaminato. Il secondo volume è costituito da un’antologia testuale riguardante una selezione di 15 architetture meravigliose particolarmente interessanti per la ricerca intrapresa.
The thesis studies the overall theme of the magic building as a narrative topos of enormous fortune in the Spanish chivalric novel of the sixteenth century. The textual corpus examined consists of 22 works belonging to the literary genre of the libros de caballerías published between 1508 and 1588. The study of the elements of continuity within the theme revealed the presence of 'standard' structures on different levels, from the concretion of the magic space to its functions in the text, from the setting of the narrative sequences to their combination and arrangement in the plot. The identification of deviations from the standard models has highlighted some sensitive elements involved in the evolution of the genre. The first volume closes with an appendix which contains, in alphabetical order, the summaries of 147 magic buildings belonging to the set of texts examined. The second volume is an anthology composed of a selection of 15 magic buildings of particular interest to the research undertaken.
Le architetture meravigliose nel romanzo cavalleresco spagnolo del Cinquecento
NERI, Stefano
The thesis studies the overall theme of the magic building as a narrative topos of enormous fortune in the Spanish chivalric novel of the sixteenth century. The textual corpus examined consists of 22 works belonging to the literary genre of the libros de caballerías published between 1508 and 1588. The study of the elements of continuity within the theme revealed the presence of 'standard' structures on different levels, from the concretion of the magic space to its functions in the text, from the setting of the narrative sequences to their combination and arrangement in the plot. The identification of deviations from the standard models has highlighted some sensitive elements involved in the evolution of the genre. The first volume closes with an appendix which contains, in alphabetical order, the summaries of 147 magic buildings belonging to the set of texts examined. The second volume is an anthology composed of a selection of 15 magic buildings of particular interest to the research undertaken.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.