La stomatocitosi ereditaria (HSt) rappresenta un gruppo di anemie emolitiche molto rare con ereditarietà per lo più dominante, dovuta a perdita di ioni monovalenti (Na+ e K+) attraverso la membrana. Questa forma di anemia emolitica è clinicamente eterogenea e comprende la stomatocitosi ereditaria con emazie iperidratate (Overhydratated Hereditary Stomatocytosis), la stomatocitosi ereditaria con emazie disidratare (Dehydrated Hereditary Stomatocytosis), la pseudoipercaliemia familiare (Familial Pseudohyperkalaemia FP) e la crioidrocitosi ereditaria (Hereditary Cryohydrocytosis CHC). Lo scopo del nostro progetto è quello di valutare differenze nell’espressione delle proteine di membrana eritrocitaria di 5 pazienti affetti da DHSt (appartenenti a 2 famiglie diverse) provenienti dal sud Italia quando confrontati con 10 soggetti sani tramite 2D-DIGE. Attraverso questo approccio abbiamo ottenuto 1000 spots ed in seguito ad un’accurata analisi statistica nella quale abbiamo isolato tutti gli spots con un p-value inferiore a 0.075 (Student’s paired t test) e un AV.RATIO compreso tra +1,35 e -1.35, abbiamo focalizzato la nostra attenzione su 65 spots ritenuti significativi (36 risultano maggiormente espressi nei pazienti mentre 29 risultano meno espressi). Di questi spots è stato possibile isolare su gel bidimensionale solo 51 spots dei quali 33 risultano maggiormente espressi nei pazienti e 18 meno espressi. L'analisi dei peptidi estratti da ciascuno spot è stata effettuata mediante analisi LC/MS/MS che è riuscita ad identificare 24 proteine differenzialmente espresse ma solo le seguenti proteine sono risultati interessanti ai fini del nostro studio: Peptide C-Band3, Flotillina 1 and 2, Stomatina, perossiredoxina 1 e 2, Catalase, Annexina A1, Citovillina 2, RAP2B e RAP1A che risultano più espresse nei pazienti; Gliceraldeide-3-fosfatodeidroganasi, Aldolase A, proteina G subunità beta che risultano meno espresse. Questi risultati, ed in particolare l’aumento delle perossiredoxine e della catalase A1 suggeriscono che nei pazienti affetti da DHSt vi è un maggiore stress ossidativo, incentivato anche dalla diminuzione di alcuni enzimi della glicolisi importanti per la produzione di NADH e quindi di potenziali riducenti. Un altro dato importante è l’aumento della proteolisi della porzione N-terminale della Banda3 e l’aumento di proteine coinvolte nella formazione di zattere lipidiche (Flotillina 1 and 2, Stomatina e Citovillina 2), nell’adesione cellulare (Annexina A1) e nella vescicolazione (RAP1A e RAP2B). Attualmente sono in corso studi per valutare se vi è un incremento della fosforilazione della banda 3 e un aumento della vescicolazione.
Hereditary stomatocytosis (HSt) describes a wide spectrum of autosomal dominantly inherited disorders in which the basal red cell membrane cation permeability is increased. The cation leak results in the regulations of cellular volume, which can lead to morphological abnormality. Clinically HSt is very heterogeneous and we can identify four principal form: Overhydrated Hereditary Stomatocytosis (OHSt), Dehydrated Hereditary Stomatocytosis (DHSt), Familial Pseudohyperkalemia (FP) and Hereditary Cryohydrocytosis (CHC). Since, the DHSt pathogenesis is linked to a defect or a decreased in a membrane protein, we studied the red blood cells membrane proteome by 2D-DIGE. In fact we selected 2 DHSt family, for a total of 5 patients to isolate the membrane proteins and compare they with membrane proteins of 10 healthy controls. Approximately, 1000 protein spots were detected, the protein spots were then filtered for the statistically relevant trend of regulation: p-value 0.075 (Student’s paired t test) and +1,35≥AV.RATIO ≤ -1.35. We compared all the spots derived from healthy controls versus all the spots derived from patients and found 65 spots of interest, of these 36 spots were upregulated in the DHSt patients and 29 downregulated. To identify the differentially expressed proteins we performed two preparative gel, but unfortunately the reproducibility of this gel was not 100% and of 65 spots of interest we identified and excised only 51 spots (33 upregulated in the DHSt patients and 18 downregulated). The analysis of peptides extracted from each spot was performed by analysis LC/MS/MS. Mass spectrometric analysis identified 24 proteins. We select 14 protein that could be involved in DHSt, and grouped them on based of their expression: Peptide C-Band3, Flotillin 1 and 2, Stomatin, Peroxiredoxin 1 and 2, Catalase, Annexin A1, Cytovillin 2, RAP2B e RAP1A that resulted up-regulated and G3PD, Aldo A, G protein beta subunit that resulted down-regulated. These data, in particular the discovery of high levels of Peroxiredoxin 1 and 2 and Catalase A1, suggest an increased oxidative stress in patients whit DHSt, also promoted by the decrease of some enzymes of glycolysis are important for the production of NADH and thus reducing potential. Another important data is the increase of Peptice c-Band3 and some proteins involved in the formation of lipid raft (Flotillin 1 and 2, Stomatin and Cytovillin 2) and in the vesciculation (RAP1A and RAP2B). Studies are currently underway to assess phosphorylation of band 3 in DHST patients and red blood cell vesciculation.
Proteomic approach to hereditary stomatocytosis
Hereditary stomatocytosis (HSt) describes a wide spectrum of autosomal dominantly inherited disorders in which the basal red cell membrane cation permeability is increased. The cation leak results in the regulations of cellular volume, which can lead to morphological abnormality. Clinically HSt is very heterogeneous and we can identify four principal form: Overhydrated Hereditary Stomatocytosis (OHSt), Dehydrated Hereditary Stomatocytosis (DHSt), Familial Pseudohyperkalemia (FP) and Hereditary Cryohydrocytosis (CHC). Since, the DHSt pathogenesis is linked to a defect or a decreased in a membrane protein, we studied the red blood cells membrane proteome by 2D-DIGE. In fact we selected 2 DHSt family, for a total of 5 patients to isolate the membrane proteins and compare they with membrane proteins of 10 healthy controls. Approximately, 1000 protein spots were detected, the protein spots were then filtered for the statistically relevant trend of regulation: p-value 0.075 (Student’s paired t test) and +1,35≥AV.RATIO ≤ -1.35. We compared all the spots derived from healthy controls versus all the spots derived from patients and found 65 spots of interest, of these 36 spots were upregulated in the DHSt patients and 29 downregulated. To identify the differentially expressed proteins we performed two preparative gel, but unfortunately the reproducibility of this gel was not 100% and of 65 spots of interest we identified and excised only 51 spots (33 upregulated in the DHSt patients and 18 downregulated). The analysis of peptides extracted from each spot was performed by analysis LC/MS/MS. Mass spectrometric analysis identified 24 proteins. We select 14 protein that could be involved in DHSt, and grouped them on based of their expression: Peptide C-Band3, Flotillin 1 and 2, Stomatin, Peroxiredoxin 1 and 2, Catalase, Annexin A1, Cytovillin 2, RAP2B e RAP1A that resulted up-regulated and G3PD, Aldo A, G protein beta subunit that resulted down-regulated. These data, in particular the discovery of high levels of Peroxiredoxin 1 and 2 and Catalase A1, suggest an increased oxidative stress in patients whit DHSt, also promoted by the decrease of some enzymes of glycolysis are important for the production of NADH and thus reducing potential. Another important data is the increase of Peptice c-Band3 and some proteins involved in the formation of lipid raft (Flotillin 1 and 2, Stomatin and Cytovillin 2) and in the vesciculation (RAP1A and RAP2B). Studies are currently underway to assess phosphorylation of band 3 in DHST patients and red blood cell vesciculation.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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