Nel mondo romano, un ruolo fondamentale nella comunicazione assumono le reti viarie e i collegamenti. Essi costituiscono il veicolo di penetrazione della lingua, delle idee, della civiltà: la loro efficienza e capillarità consentono alle leggi ed ai messaggi politici e religiosi di raggiungere i punti più lontani dell’impero. Le grandi arterie costituiscono il principale mezzo di penetrazione in ogni territorio sottoposto all’influenza di Roma e nel contempo rappresentano la struttura ordinatrice di ogni attività connessa con il governo del paese. La rete stradale romana si manifesta in tal senso come il fattore principale di unificazione della penisola e del mondo antico occidentale sotto il dominio di Roma, unificazione che non si ferma solamente all’aspetto militare, politico o economico, ma che diviene un fatto sociale, culturale e civile. In tale contesto, le vie acquistano una valenza tutta particolare che le porta a divenire un importante luogo di comunicazione e a conferire ai messaggi posti su di esse un significato che trascende il mero contenuto. Come indica il titolo di questo lavoro, lo studio qui proposto si svolge su due piani di ricerca: uno analitico, relativo ai manufatti oggetto dello studio e alle iscrizioni su essi incise, che costituisce la parte catalografica della ricerca, e uno più interpretativo, mirato appunto ad approfondire forme e modi in cui lungo le strade romane, per mezzo delle iscrizioni, si faceva politica e propaganda. Per quanto riguarda le iscrizioni oggetto di studio si sono considerate tutte le categorie di supporti che potevano avere una relazione con le vie pubbliche: cippi miliari, colonne onorarie, lastre, iscrizioni su ponti, su gallerie e su rupi. Sono state considerate le iscrizioni relative a interventi viari su strade territoriali da parte del governo centrale, escludendo dunque solamente le iscrizioni di carattere urbano, quelle menzionanti funzionari o evergeti locali e infine quelle di tipo privato. I testi epigrafici sono stati esaminati de visu, disegnati e fotografati ogni qualvolta è stato possibile, ovvero quando non sono andati dispersi e quando ne è stata concessa la visione da parte degli enti preposti alla loro conservazione, e sono stati catalogati in schede descrittive, le quali sono state stampate in forma sintetica e allegate a questo lavoro tramite apposito apparato. Esse inoltre fanno parte di un sistema GIS utilizzato per la gestione della ricerca. Nella raccolta si è seguito un ordine topografico: le iscrizioni sono state numerate progressivamente, con numero arabo, e raccolte per tracciati viari, procedendo, nei limiti del possibile, da occidente ad oriente e da sud a nord. Sono stati inseriti nel catalogo talora alcuni cippi oggi anepigrafi, provenienti da un contesto viario del quale costituivano l’arredo, inquadrabili pertanto con buona probabilità in opere di manutenzione stradale; non essendo in genere attribuibili ad un imperatore non sono stati utilizzati ai fini della ricerca, ma si è preferito darne comunque segnalazione per completezza espositiva sul tratto viario di cui fanno parte. Per quando riguarda, poi, l’ambito territoriale della ricerca, ci si è concentrati sull’Italia centro-settentrionale, settore che è sembrato offrire un campione e un contesto storico-geografico rappresentativo, in virtù delle sue eterogenee realtà geografiche, culturali e politico/amministrative. Per la stretta connessione dei messaggi viari con il contesto territoriale, culturale e amministrativo, nella delimitazione della ricerca si sono considerati non tanto i confini e le demarcazioni regionali attuali, quanto le suddivisioni antiche. Seppure l’arco cronologico preso in esame veda evidenziata la grande variabilità dei confini amministrativi, un punto di riferimento importante è sicuramente costituito dalla divisione dell’Italia in regioni attuata da Augusto, a conclusione del lungo processo di romanizzazione e conquista del periodo repubblicano, divisione che viene a dare un nuovo assetto di stabilità dei confini, ripensato e riorganizzato solo con Diocleziano tre secoli più tardi. Nel lavoro sono stati dunque presi in esame quei territori che nella divisione di Augusto costituirono le regiones VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, secondo la descrizione di Plinio il Vecchio. In sostanza, è stato considerato quel comprensorio che ha come confini a Sud i fiumi Esino e Tevere (limiti meridionali delle regiones VI e VII), a nord gli stessi confini amministrativi dell’Italia attuale, a ovest il fiume Varo, a est il fiume Arsa. Per quanto concerne, infine, la scansione cronologica del lavoro, lo studio dei testi è proceduto secondo la ripartizione di età repubblicana ed età imperiale ed organizzato per singolo funzionario e imperatore, cercando di cogliere l’evoluzione storica degli interventi in materia di amministrazione, politica e propaganda.
In the Roman world, the road networks acquires a key role. They become the vehicle for penetration of the language, ideas, civilization: their efficiency and capillarity allow laws, religious and political messages to reach the farthest regions of the empire. The major arteries are the main way of penetration in any territory under the influence of Rome and at the same time represent the structure that organize all activities related to governance of the empire. So, the Roman road network manifests itself as the main factor of unification of the peninsula and west of the ancient world under Roman rule, unification that does not only includes the military, political or economic aspects, but that also becomes a social, cultural and civic event. In this context, the streets acquire a great relevance that leads them to become an important place of communication and that gives to the messages placed on them a meaning that transcends the mere content. As the title of this work suggest, this study takes place on two levels of research: an analytical study of the artifacts and the inscriptions engraved on them, which builds the inscriptions catalog, and a more interpretative part, focused on investigating in which forms the Roman government made politics and propaganda through these inscriptions. The study includes all categories of support that could be linked with a public highway: milestones, honorary columns, slabs, inscriptions on bridges, tunnels and on rocks. The gathering considered the inscriptions relating to territorial roads and placed by the central government, thus excluding only the inscription from urban contexts, inscriptions referring to interventions by local officers or evergeti and finally inscription about private works. The epigraphic texts were examined visually, they were drawn and photographed whenever it was possible, that is when they went not missing and when they have been granted the vision by the institutions responsible for their preservation. They were categorized into descriptive records, which were printed in a summary form and attached to this work through a special apparatus. They are also part of a GIS system used for the organization of the research. The numbering follows a topographic order: the inscriptions were numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals along each road proceeding, as far as possible, from west to east and from south to north. Sometimes, archaeological findings (miliari) without inscriptions were included in the catalog, coming from a context of road furniture, therefore, most probably in a context of works of road maintenance. These findings, by the reason that are not generally attributable to an emperor, were not used for research purposes but it was preferred, however, to indicate their presence to complete the description of the road where they belong. This work focuses over central and northern Italy, an area taht seems to provide a representative historical-geographical sample by virtue of its geographical, cultural and political / administrative heterogeneity. Due to the close connection between the messages and their cultural and administrative context, in this research ancient divisions were considered instead of current regional boundaries and demarcations. Although these divisions changed widely over the chronological period considered, an important reference point is surely made by the division of Italy into regions implemented by Augustus at the end of the long process of conquest and Romanization of the Republican period. This divisions gave new stability to borders, which were reorganized by Diocletian not before three centuries had passed. Hence, this work considers the territories that, in Augustus' division, formed the regiones VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, as described by Pliny the Elder. In essence, it was considered that district whose south boundaries were the Esino and Tiber rivers (southern limits of the regiones VI and VII), north boundaries were the same administrative boundaries of Italy nowadays, west and east boundaries were the Varo and the Arsa rivers. The study of texts was carried out following the separation into republican and imperial periods and organized for each official and emperor, trying to grasp the historical evolution of interventions on administration, politics and propaganda.
Politica, amministrazione e propaganda lungo le strade romane dell’Italia centro settentrionale. Miliari e altre iscrizioni viarie.
GROSSI, Piergiovanna
In the Roman world, the road networks acquires a key role. They become the vehicle for penetration of the language, ideas, civilization: their efficiency and capillarity allow laws, religious and political messages to reach the farthest regions of the empire. The major arteries are the main way of penetration in any territory under the influence of Rome and at the same time represent the structure that organize all activities related to governance of the empire. So, the Roman road network manifests itself as the main factor of unification of the peninsula and west of the ancient world under Roman rule, unification that does not only includes the military, political or economic aspects, but that also becomes a social, cultural and civic event. In this context, the streets acquire a great relevance that leads them to become an important place of communication and that gives to the messages placed on them a meaning that transcends the mere content. As the title of this work suggest, this study takes place on two levels of research: an analytical study of the artifacts and the inscriptions engraved on them, which builds the inscriptions catalog, and a more interpretative part, focused on investigating in which forms the Roman government made politics and propaganda through these inscriptions. The study includes all categories of support that could be linked with a public highway: milestones, honorary columns, slabs, inscriptions on bridges, tunnels and on rocks. The gathering considered the inscriptions relating to territorial roads and placed by the central government, thus excluding only the inscription from urban contexts, inscriptions referring to interventions by local officers or evergeti and finally inscription about private works. The epigraphic texts were examined visually, they were drawn and photographed whenever it was possible, that is when they went not missing and when they have been granted the vision by the institutions responsible for their preservation. They were categorized into descriptive records, which were printed in a summary form and attached to this work through a special apparatus. They are also part of a GIS system used for the organization of the research. The numbering follows a topographic order: the inscriptions were numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals along each road proceeding, as far as possible, from west to east and from south to north. Sometimes, archaeological findings (miliari) without inscriptions were included in the catalog, coming from a context of road furniture, therefore, most probably in a context of works of road maintenance. These findings, by the reason that are not generally attributable to an emperor, were not used for research purposes but it was preferred, however, to indicate their presence to complete the description of the road where they belong. This work focuses over central and northern Italy, an area taht seems to provide a representative historical-geographical sample by virtue of its geographical, cultural and political / administrative heterogeneity. Due to the close connection between the messages and their cultural and administrative context, in this research ancient divisions were considered instead of current regional boundaries and demarcations. Although these divisions changed widely over the chronological period considered, an important reference point is surely made by the division of Italy into regions implemented by Augustus at the end of the long process of conquest and Romanization of the Republican period. This divisions gave new stability to borders, which were reorganized by Diocletian not before three centuries had passed. Hence, this work considers the territories that, in Augustus' division, formed the regiones VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, as described by Pliny the Elder. In essence, it was considered that district whose south boundaries were the Esino and Tiber rivers (southern limits of the regiones VI and VII), north boundaries were the same administrative boundaries of Italy nowadays, west and east boundaries were the Varo and the Arsa rivers. The study of texts was carried out following the separation into republican and imperial periods and organized for each official and emperor, trying to grasp the historical evolution of interventions on administration, politics and propaganda.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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