I nuovi scenari della realtà sociale, con cui la programmazione dei servizi si deve confrontare, delineano una situazione complessa in continua evoluzione. È ampio il dibattito tra gli esperti, impegnati nello studio dei mutamenti, per poter definire il concetto di povertà nelle diverse accezioni che oggi può assumere, condizionato da molteplici fattori quali, ad esempio, globalizzazione, migrazioni, andamento demografico, precarietà del mercato del lavoro ecc. In materia di politiche sociali stiamo assistendo, ormai da tempo, alla crisi dello stato assistenziale, che si trova a dover rispondere a bisogni nuovi, adeguando a fatica la propria struttura e potendo contare su bilanci che non paiono mai sufficientemente generosi quanto lo richiederebbero le diversificate esigenze. L'annosa questione della ripartizione delle risorse è oggi cruciale e vede una pressante richiesta di legittimazione da parte del cittadino contribuente. Le scelte da effettuare a questo proposito non sono semplici e chiamano in causa numerosi attori. Con la riforma del Titolo V della Costituzione e il varo della L. 328/2000, la regionalizzazione del sistema ha dato il via alla creazione di diverse modalità di gestione del welfare locale, nate dall'interazione tra stato, regioni, enti locali, soggetti pubblici e del privato sociale. In questo contesto si inserisce il mio lavoro di ricerca, che ha radici nell'osservazione della criticità dell'interrogativo sull'efficacia degli interventi sociali, che viene espresso da cittadini, politici, operatori, dirigenti, utenti ecc., quesito che anch'io mi sono posta, a partire dai miei studi presso la facoltà di Scienze Politiche riguardo la correlazione tra diritti umani e il concetto di sviluppo umano . Da ciò è nato l'interesse che mi ha portato ad approfondire la conoscenza della complessa macchina dei servizi sociali, in particolare in relazione alla programmazione e alla gestione delle risorse economiche destinate ai diversi bisogni emergenti e al ruolo della dirigenza dei servizi nella gestione di questo difficile momento storico di cambiamento. Il mio studio si compone di un approfondimento teorico, riguardante il ruolo del welfare in relazione alla realtà sociale in mutamento e i percorsi di pianificazione delle politiche sociali. Nel corso del lavoro di ricerca, ho trovato interessante cercare di interpretare le dinamiche della programmazione delle politiche sociali alla luce dell’approccio proposto dalla teoria morfogenetica di Margaret Archer. La sequenza morfogenetica infatti, si presta a mio avviso ad un tentativo di applicazione, relativamente allo studio dei processi decisionali che portano alla programmazione degli interventi del servizio sociale, in risposta ai bisogni della realtà attuale, così mutevole e complessa. Per la ricerca empirica ho dunque utilizzato questi strumenti concettuali, che mi hanno portato ad incontrare Direttori Generali e dei Servizi Sociali delle Aziende Ulss, e dirigenti dei Servizi Sociali della Regione Veneto.
Over the last few years, social services planners have been coping with increasingly complex and constantly changing scenarios. Among experts, the debate is currently focusing on the nature of poverty and the various factors that influence it, such as globalization, migration, demographic trends, labour market insecurities etc.. In so far as social policy is concerned, the welfare state is struggling to adapt both its structure and social services to meet the ever emerging and more complex needs given its finite fiscal resources. In this context, the allocation of resources is of crucial importance and implies difficult decisions to be taken. With the reform of the Article 5 of the Italian Constitution and the approval of the 328/200 Act, more decisional power was given to regional authorities to plan and manage their resources for the local welfare system, in an ample and complex net of relationships with the State, private citizens and local institutions. The research that will be discussed throughout this dissertation should be viewed in context to what has been outlined above, and will stem from two main points of view. Firstly, an awareness of the need for effective social interventions, which originates from the objective observations connected to the demands expressed by citizens, politicians, experts and managers. And secondly, my academic studies at the faculty of Political Sciences, which centred on the relationship between human rights and social development. Driven by both of these factors, it was my decision to explore and investigate the complex scenario of social services and, in particular, the planning and management of economic resources to meet the variety of emerging needs, as well as the role of managers and the constant and somewhat critical changes that they have encountered in recent years. This dissertation offers a theoretical analysis of the role of the welfare state and the planning of social policies: its main methodological framework will be based on morphogenetic theory as outlined by Margret Archer. In this work, the morphogenetic approach was applied to the investigation of decisional processes in the planning of social interventions which can meet the real needs of modern and complex societies. Alongside both my experience and direct observations of the social services provided by the Veneto Region, this theoretical framework will also provide the basis for the empirical research that will be illustrated in this dissertation.
Servizi sociali in Veneto: pianificazione tra bisogni emergenti e risorse
Over the last few years, social services planners have been coping with increasingly complex and constantly changing scenarios. Among experts, the debate is currently focusing on the nature of poverty and the various factors that influence it, such as globalization, migration, demographic trends, labour market insecurities etc.. In so far as social policy is concerned, the welfare state is struggling to adapt both its structure and social services to meet the ever emerging and more complex needs given its finite fiscal resources. In this context, the allocation of resources is of crucial importance and implies difficult decisions to be taken. With the reform of the Article 5 of the Italian Constitution and the approval of the 328/200 Act, more decisional power was given to regional authorities to plan and manage their resources for the local welfare system, in an ample and complex net of relationships with the State, private citizens and local institutions. The research that will be discussed throughout this dissertation should be viewed in context to what has been outlined above, and will stem from two main points of view. Firstly, an awareness of the need for effective social interventions, which originates from the objective observations connected to the demands expressed by citizens, politicians, experts and managers. And secondly, my academic studies at the faculty of Political Sciences, which centred on the relationship between human rights and social development. Driven by both of these factors, it was my decision to explore and investigate the complex scenario of social services and, in particular, the planning and management of economic resources to meet the variety of emerging needs, as well as the role of managers and the constant and somewhat critical changes that they have encountered in recent years. This dissertation offers a theoretical analysis of the role of the welfare state and the planning of social policies: its main methodological framework will be based on morphogenetic theory as outlined by Margret Archer. In this work, the morphogenetic approach was applied to the investigation of decisional processes in the planning of social interventions which can meet the real needs of modern and complex societies. Alongside both my experience and direct observations of the social services provided by the Veneto Region, this theoretical framework will also provide the basis for the empirical research that will be illustrated in this dissertation.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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