La ricerca ha per oggetto le istituzioni educative residenziali nazionali: gli educandati statali. Il lavoro si sviluppa all’interno della realtà scolastica ed educativa italiana in una trasversalità di obiettivi ed ipotesi di ricerca. Oltre a un’analisi teorica del concetto di capitale sociale, la prima parte del lavoro si rivolge ad una serie di macro-obiettivi di tipo esplorativo, che consentono di osservare in quale modo il capitale sociale intervenga nei processi educativi nella scuola secondaria di secondo grado. Il capitale sociale viene studiato nelle sue diverse forme, in particolare nei suoi tre livelli: micro, meso e macro. Il capitale sociale micro si riferisce ai rapporti degli studenti con la famiglia, il capitale sociale meso viene inteso come relazioni tra pari e con l’istituzione scolastica di appartenenza, ed infine, il livello macro, viene indagato con riferimento alla fiducia interpersonale generalizzata e alla fiducia nelle istituzioni sociali. Tutta l’analisi approfondisce gli aspetti della fiducia e della cooperazione. Particolare attenzione è stata data alla valorizzazione della relazione sviluppatasi all’interno di tali istituzioni educative, entità residenziali ospitanti, aperte agli studenti (detti convittori) per tutto l’anno scolastico. Dentro a questi processi conoscitivi e formativi, si indaga ciò che per le nuove generazioni rappresenta il futuro nel panorama più ampio del capitale sociale, inteso come risorsa per la società nella sua globalità. A partire dalle ipotesi, la seconda parte dell’indagine, cerca di verificare tali dimensioni sociologiche. Vengono utilizzate forme metodologiche sia di tipo quantitativo sia di tipo qualitativo. La specifica istituzione educativa esprime contesti di vita comunitaria molto significativa. Partendo dalla realtà storica del periodo napoleonico, che ha originato queste istituzioni, si vuole far emergere quali furono i valori portanti alla nascita ed origine di queste istituzioni. Ciò è stato possibile attraverso l’analisi semiologica del Regio Decreto (non il testo del 1812 ma quello rivisto nel 1925) e delle regole fondanti, tramite l’analisi del loro testo, con il software Atlas.La medesima metodologia di analisi semiologica viene applicata ai testi provenienti da una serie di focus group e dalle interviste in profondità rivolte alle ragazze studentesse convittrici di oggi e le ex-convittrici della prima metà del secolo scorso. In questo modo si è messa a confronto la diversità generazionale, la diversa visione di genere, i valori della società, la fiducia nelle istituzioni, l’orientamento alla fiducia e alla cooperazione presente in convitto. Si è voluto scoprire la forma del capitale sociale e il suo sviluppo. Dentro a queste manifestazioni del capitale sociale emergono le sue diverse caratteristiche: bridging (proiettato verso relazioni esterne) e bonding (concentrato nelle relazioni interne), indagate attraverso un’analisi quantitativa. La fase quantitativa della ricerca è stata condotta somministrando un questionario ad un campione rappresentativo degli studenti di tutti gli educandati presenti sul territorio nazionale. In particolare il questionario è stato sottoposto alle studentesse, agli studenti, alle convittrici e ai convittori dal secondo anno di frequenza sino al quinto anno di liceo. Il confronto dei dati è avvenuto con un campione di controllo di una scuola pubblica nazionale. Il complesso sistema di raccolta dei dati ha necessitato l’elaborazione quantitativa attraverso il sistema software SpSs. La comparazione tra i dati rilevati con i dati emersi, sia del questionario sia dell’analisi testuale, fornisce risultati significativi e sociologicamente rilevanti.
The research has as its subject Italian state boarding schools. The work was carried out within the context of the Italian school educational system across a range of objectives and hypotheses of research. Beyond a theoretical analysis of the concept of social capital, the first part of the work revolves around a series of explorative macro objectives, which allow one to observe the way in which social capital intervenes in the educative processes within secondary ( middle) schools. Social capital has been studied in its diverse forms, in particular at three levels: micro, intermediate and macro. Micro social capital refers to relationships between students and the family, intermediate social capital is understood as relationships between equals and with relevant scholastic institutions, and finally the macro level is investigated with reference to generalized interpersonal trust and faith in social institutions. The whole analysis looks in depth at aspects of trust and cooperation. Particular attention has been paid to the evaluations of relationships developed within such educational institutions, boarding schools open to students for the whole scholastic year. Within these cognitive and formative processes we investigated what represents the future for new generations within the wider panorama of social capital, understood as a resource for society in its entirety. Starting from these hypotheses, the second part of the investigation tries to verify these sociological dimensions using both quantitative and qualitative methodological forms. The specific educational institutions offer very significant contexts of communal life. Starting from the historical reality of the Napoleonic period, which originated these institutions, we wish to bring to light the important values at the birth and origins of these institutions. This has been made possible through the semiological analysis of the Royal Decree ( not the 1812 text, but the revised one from 1925), and of the founding rules, through the analysis of their texts, using the Atlas software. The same methodology of semiological analysis has been applied to texts coming from a series of focus groups and from in-depth interviews with present female boarding students and ex boarders from the first half of the last century. In this way it was possible to compare generational differences, the different types of vision, the social values, trust in institutions, orientation to trust and cooperation present in boarding schools. One wished to discover the form of social capital and its development. Within these manifestations of social capital, its diverse characteristics emerge: bridging ( directed towards external relationships) and bonding (concentrated on internal relationships), investigated through quantitative analysis. The quantitative phase of the research has been conducted administering a questionnaire to a representative sample of the students of all the boarding schools in Italy. In particular the questionnaire was handed out to female and male students and boarders from the second to the fifth year of Liceo (Middle School). Data was compared with a control sample of students from a state school. The complex system of collecting data has been elaborated with the use of the SpSs software system. The comparison of the data collected with the data extracted both from the questionnaire and from the textual analysis provide results that are significant and sociologically relevant.
Capitale sociale e istituzioni educative residenziali. Il caso degli educandati in Italia
CARBOGNIN, Alessandra
The research has as its subject Italian state boarding schools. The work was carried out within the context of the Italian school educational system across a range of objectives and hypotheses of research. Beyond a theoretical analysis of the concept of social capital, the first part of the work revolves around a series of explorative macro objectives, which allow one to observe the way in which social capital intervenes in the educative processes within secondary ( middle) schools. Social capital has been studied in its diverse forms, in particular at three levels: micro, intermediate and macro. Micro social capital refers to relationships between students and the family, intermediate social capital is understood as relationships between equals and with relevant scholastic institutions, and finally the macro level is investigated with reference to generalized interpersonal trust and faith in social institutions. The whole analysis looks in depth at aspects of trust and cooperation. Particular attention has been paid to the evaluations of relationships developed within such educational institutions, boarding schools open to students for the whole scholastic year. Within these cognitive and formative processes we investigated what represents the future for new generations within the wider panorama of social capital, understood as a resource for society in its entirety. Starting from these hypotheses, the second part of the investigation tries to verify these sociological dimensions using both quantitative and qualitative methodological forms. The specific educational institutions offer very significant contexts of communal life. Starting from the historical reality of the Napoleonic period, which originated these institutions, we wish to bring to light the important values at the birth and origins of these institutions. This has been made possible through the semiological analysis of the Royal Decree ( not the 1812 text, but the revised one from 1925), and of the founding rules, through the analysis of their texts, using the Atlas software. The same methodology of semiological analysis has been applied to texts coming from a series of focus groups and from in-depth interviews with present female boarding students and ex boarders from the first half of the last century. In this way it was possible to compare generational differences, the different types of vision, the social values, trust in institutions, orientation to trust and cooperation present in boarding schools. One wished to discover the form of social capital and its development. Within these manifestations of social capital, its diverse characteristics emerge: bridging ( directed towards external relationships) and bonding (concentrated on internal relationships), investigated through quantitative analysis. The quantitative phase of the research has been conducted administering a questionnaire to a representative sample of the students of all the boarding schools in Italy. In particular the questionnaire was handed out to female and male students and boarders from the second to the fifth year of Liceo (Middle School). Data was compared with a control sample of students from a state school. The complex system of collecting data has been elaborated with the use of the SpSs software system. The comparison of the data collected with the data extracted both from the questionnaire and from the textual analysis provide results that are significant and sociologically relevant.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.