Passaggi: maestre tra scuola e università è il titolo del mio lavoro che vuole essere un contributo alla conoscenza e alla comprensione dell’esperienza delle maestre chiamate supervisore o tutor di tirocinio per il loro nuovo ruolo assunto nelle università italiane nella formazione delle future insegnanti dei primi gradi di scuola, da quando, nel 1998, è stato istituito il corso di laurea in Scienze della formazione primaria. Passaggi sono quelli che nella storia delle maestre italiane stanno avvenendo proprio grazie al fatto di essere coinvolte nella trasmissione/innovazione del sapere dell’esperienza, nella forma istituzionalizzata a livello universitario: custodi e artefici attive di una cultura della scuola da rimettere nello scambio e nel circuito del sapere. Ho svolto la ricerca avvalendomi di un metodo misto tra l’ermeneutico, basato sulla continua e dialogica interpretazione dei dati raccolti a partire dallo scambio con le partecipanti alla ricerca, e l’approccio etnografico: ho scelto quindi di utilizzare diverse tecniche di indagine (osservazione partecipante, shadowing, intervista, analisi documentale) e di comporre una serie di differenti materiali empirici (taccuini, registrazioni, fotografie, testi redatti dalle partecipanti, materiale documentario). Le domande guida all’attività di ricerca – che cosa sta succedendo qui? come funziona la pratica formativa osservata? - rappresentano il fuoco del mio lavoro e hanno riguardato le esperienze delle maestre supervisore presenti sia nelle aule universitarie sia nelle classi scolastiche. Esse si sono articolate a partire da una questione di fondo: se e attraverso quali modalità le maestre supervisore contribuiscono nella relazione con altri soggetti – le studentesse, le insegnanti accoglienti, le/i docenti universitari, le/i dirigenti ecc. – a modificare la cultura scolastica e la cultura della formazione universitaria. Il processo della ricerca si è articolato in due studi di caso; i contesti scelti sono sati quelli dei gruppi di supervisione dell’università di Urbino e di Bologna. Lo studio delle due realtà si è sviluppato con modalità differenti, rispecchianti le differenti disponibilità date dai soggetti a coinvolgersi nella ricerca. Ho inoltre condotto alcune interviste in profondità a supervisore e studentesse delle città di Milano, Bologna e Urbino, per avere accesso a storie individuali relative all’esperienza di supervisione sia dal punto di vista delle maestre che da quello delle tirocinanti. Relazionalità, essere gruppo, pratica della convivialità, esperienza e mediazione sono le cinque dimensioni che definiscono le modalità proprie dell’interazione tra maestre supervisore, studentesse, università e scuola nel contesto di Urbino. Esse si inscenano in una dinamica istituzionale complicata e determinano un agire formativo che in parte prende le distanze da meccanismi di potere e di divisione interna, in parte li conferma. A Bologna, il gruppo di supervisore patisce un disconoscimento del valore aggiunto introdotto in università con l’esperienza del tirocinio e, tra identità professionali sperimentate, negate, rappresentate non univocamente, mostra quanto la dimensione interistituzionale venutasi a creare non sia sottoposta a elaborazione e venga anzi ostacolata da schemi e logiche vecchie che non è semplice superare, né nella cultura universitaria né in quella scolastica. Le maestre che sono all’università e vivono in una zona di intersezione organizzativa introducono un nuovo orizzonte: potrebbe essere questa un’occasione per ripensare anche profondamente le pratiche formative prevalenti nell’università. La ricerca si riprometteva di cogliere e interpretare eventuali segni di cambiamento rispettivamente della cultura della scuola e della cultura dell’università e, in definitiva, di valutare la significatività del dispositivo messo in atto a seguito dell’istituzione del corso di laurea in Scienze della formazione primaria. Un interesse non secondario dello studio era di mettere a disposizione delle interessate e di un pubblico più vasto la memoria del percorso dei due gruppi di supervisione coinvolti.
Passages: teachers between school and university is the title of my work, that aims to be a contribution to the awareness and understanding of the experience of teachers that are called supervisors or tutors of teachers training in their new role assumed within Italian universities in training future teachers for the first school grades, begun in 1998 when a course was started leading to a degree in Science of primary formation. Passages are those that are taking place in the history of Italian teachers thanks to the fact of being involved in the transmission/innovation of the knowledge of the experience, in the institutionalised form at university level: custodian and active artificer of school culture, to be placed once more in the exchange and circuit of knowledge. I developed my research using a mixed method from hermeneutic, based on the continuous and dialogical interpretation of the data gathered at the start of the exchange with the research participants and the ethnographic approach: I therefore chose to use various inquiry techniques (participant observation, shadowing, interviews, document analysis) and to put together a series of different empirical materials (notebooks, tapes, photos, texts written by the participants, documentary material). The key questions for the research - what is happening here? how does the formative practice observed function? - they represent the kernel of my work and dealt with the experience of the supervising teacher present both in the university lecture hall as well as school classes. Right from the start an articulated basic question: if and across which modality the supervising teachers contribute to the relationship with other subjects - students, tutor teachers, university professors, head teachers etc. - in modifying scholastic culture and the university formation culture. The research process was broken down into two case studies; the contexts chosen were those of the groups supervised by the universities of Urbino and Bologna. The study of the two realities in question developed with different methods, mirroring the varying availability on the part of the subjects in their involvement in the research. I have also conducted some in depth interviews to supervisors and students in the cities of Milan, Bologna and Urbino, to gain access to individual accounts in relation to the experience of supervision, both from the teacher’s point of view and that of the trainees. Relating, being part of the group, practising coexistence, experience and mediation, are the five dimensions that define the personal modality for interaction between supervising teachers, students, the university and school within the Urbino context. They are played out within a complicated institutional dynamic and determine a formative acting out that partly takes its distance from power mechanisms and internal division, in part it confirms them. In Bologna, the supervising group suffers from a disavowal of the added value introduced into the university with the experience of the trainees and by the experimented professional identities, negated, not represented unequivocally, it shows how much the inter-institutionalised dimension that was created, did not undergo an elaboration, on the contrary was impeded by old logic, not being a simple thing to overcome, neither in the university culture nor the scholastic one. Teachers that are at the university and live in an intersectional organising zone, introduce a fresh horizon: this could be the chance to re-think in depth the formative practice prevalent at the university. The research gave us the hope of gathering and interpreting any eventual signs of change, respective of the school culture and that of the university and to evaluate in a definite way, the significance of the device put into action following the creation of the Science degree in primary formation. A not secondary interest of the study was to make available to those interested and to an ever wider public the memory of the path undertaken by both groups involved in the supervision.
Passaggi: maestre tra scuola e università.L’esperienza delle supervisore dei corsi di laurea in Scienze della formazione primaria: due studi di caso.
Passages: teachers between school and university is the title of my work, that aims to be a contribution to the awareness and understanding of the experience of teachers that are called supervisors or tutors of teachers training in their new role assumed within Italian universities in training future teachers for the first school grades, begun in 1998 when a course was started leading to a degree in Science of primary formation. Passages are those that are taking place in the history of Italian teachers thanks to the fact of being involved in the transmission/innovation of the knowledge of the experience, in the institutionalised form at university level: custodian and active artificer of school culture, to be placed once more in the exchange and circuit of knowledge. I developed my research using a mixed method from hermeneutic, based on the continuous and dialogical interpretation of the data gathered at the start of the exchange with the research participants and the ethnographic approach: I therefore chose to use various inquiry techniques (participant observation, shadowing, interviews, document analysis) and to put together a series of different empirical materials (notebooks, tapes, photos, texts written by the participants, documentary material). The key questions for the research - what is happening here? how does the formative practice observed function? - they represent the kernel of my work and dealt with the experience of the supervising teacher present both in the university lecture hall as well as school classes. Right from the start an articulated basic question: if and across which modality the supervising teachers contribute to the relationship with other subjects - students, tutor teachers, university professors, head teachers etc. - in modifying scholastic culture and the university formation culture. The research process was broken down into two case studies; the contexts chosen were those of the groups supervised by the universities of Urbino and Bologna. The study of the two realities in question developed with different methods, mirroring the varying availability on the part of the subjects in their involvement in the research. I have also conducted some in depth interviews to supervisors and students in the cities of Milan, Bologna and Urbino, to gain access to individual accounts in relation to the experience of supervision, both from the teacher’s point of view and that of the trainees. Relating, being part of the group, practising coexistence, experience and mediation, are the five dimensions that define the personal modality for interaction between supervising teachers, students, the university and school within the Urbino context. They are played out within a complicated institutional dynamic and determine a formative acting out that partly takes its distance from power mechanisms and internal division, in part it confirms them. In Bologna, the supervising group suffers from a disavowal of the added value introduced into the university with the experience of the trainees and by the experimented professional identities, negated, not represented unequivocally, it shows how much the inter-institutionalised dimension that was created, did not undergo an elaboration, on the contrary was impeded by old logic, not being a simple thing to overcome, neither in the university culture nor the scholastic one. Teachers that are at the university and live in an intersectional organising zone, introduce a fresh horizon: this could be the chance to re-think in depth the formative practice prevalent at the university. The research gave us the hope of gathering and interpreting any eventual signs of change, respective of the school culture and that of the university and to evaluate in a definite way, the significance of the device put into action following the creation of the Science degree in primary formation. A not secondary interest of the study was to make available to those interested and to an ever wider public the memory of the path undertaken by both groups involved in the supervision.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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