BACKGROUND Gli studi epidemiologici che hanno indagato la mortalità e la salute fisica in pazienti psichiatrici hanno mostrato un eccesso di mortalità e una più alta prevalenza di comorbilità fisica rispetto alla popolazione generale (Harris et al., 1998; Amaddeo et al., 2007, Leucht et al., 2007a, Fleischhacker et al., 2008). I dati emersi sono stati messi in relazione ad un'alta prevalenza di fattori di rischio come la scarsa consapevolezza del paziente per la sua salute e il suo benessere, gli effetti secondari dei trattamenti farmacologici, l’inserimento in contesti sfavorevoli, la scarsa compliance e lo stigma che può spingere gli operatori della salute mentale a non occuparsi della salute fisica dei loro pazienti, cure mediche inadeguate o discriminatorie, il fumo, l’alcool e il consumo di droghe (Marder et al., 2004; Chafetz et al., 2005; Nasrallah et al., 2006; Sartorius, 2007; Vreeland, 2007; Likouras et al., 2008). Sfortunatamente, se da un lato la ricerca scientifica si è interessata alla valutazione delle strategie per aumentare la conoscenza dello stato di salute, per modificare gli stili di vita a rischio e per promuovere la salute, il numero di studi clinici è ancora scarso, e la loro forza scientifica è ancora relativamente modesta. Per quanto è di nostra conoscenza, non è stato pubblicato nessuno studio italiano di questo tipo, ed inoltre la maggior parte degli studi internazionali sulla comorbilità fisica sono stati realizzati retrospettivamente, su dati da registri clinici, piuttosto che con soggetti reclutati allo scopo e direttamente valutati dal gruppo di ricerca. Il razionale di questo progetto di dottorato è colmare tale carenza, aumentando la conoscenza su comorbilità fisica, fattori di rischio e comportamenti a rischio per la salute, e favorendo azioni di promozione che coinvolgano pazienti e operatori della salute mentale in un Servizio Psichiatrico Italiano. OBIETTIVI Gli obiettivi della presente tesi di dottorato sono la revisione della letteratura, la selezione degli strumenti di valutazione e la descrizione del protocollo dello studio PHYSICO. Il protocollo in sé comprende due fasi: i. studio della prevalenza della comorbilità fisica e dei comportamenti a rischio per la salute in pazienti con disturbo mentale grave in contatto con il Servizio Psichiatrico Territoriale (SPT) di Verona-Sud (Fase 1); ii. studio clinico randomizzato e controllato sull’efficacia di strategie di promozione della salute relative ad abitudini alimentari e all’esercizio fisico (Fase 2). La tesi riporta, nello specifico, l’attuazione e i risultati della Fase 1, visti dalla prospettiva del ricercatore direttamente coinvolto in tutta la conduzione del progetto, inclusi gli atti condotti in contesto clinico e di laboratorio. L’obiettivo generala della Fase 1 è di studiare la prevalenza della comorbilità fisica, dei fattori di rischio e dei comportamenti a rischio per la salute (in particolare relativi ad alimentazione ed attività fisica) in persone affette da psicosi funzionale in contatto con il SPT di Verona-Sud. Gli obiettivi specifici sono: i. studiare il consumo di frutta e verdura; ii. studiare le abitudini relative all’attività fisica e iii. confrontare la prevalenza rilevata per questi sogggetti con i dati della popolazione generale. METODI La revisione della letteratura copre il periodo 1995-2010 ed è divisa in tre sezioni riferite a mortalità, comorbilità fisica, stili vita e fattori di rischio. Strutturare il pacchetto di valutazione ha richiesto una revisione degli strumenti comunemente usati, per selezionare tra essi i più appropriati al razionale dello studio e alle aree di indagine che comprendono: caratteristiche socio-demografiche e cliniche dei soggetti, utilizzo dei servizi, qualità della vita relativa alla salute, soddisfazione, terapia farmacologica, stato di salute fisica e comportamenti relativi alla salute. La stesura del protocollo dello studio si è avvantaggiata della consulenza di esperti nazionali e internazionali. Il protocollo è stato approvato dal comitato etico locale. La Fase 1 ha un disegno trasversale ed include tutti i pazienti con diagnosi ICD-10 di psicosi affettiva e non affettiva in contatto con il SPT di Verona-Sud. La procedura di valutazione consiste in una valutazione dello stato di salute fisica, in test di laboratorio e in una intervista per raccogliere informazioni socio-demografiche, sullo stato di salute fisica, sui fattori di rischio, augli stili di vita e sulla qualità della vita. Per valutare il rischio cardiovascolare nel campione sono stati scelti due metodi comunemente utilizzati: l’italiano indice di rischio Cuore (Ferrario et al., 2005, e la diagnosi di Sindrome Metabolica (SM) secondo la definizione ATP III (Grundy et al., 2004). Sono state applicate tutte le disposizioni necessarie a garantire la riservatezza dei dati. Sono state condotte analisi statistiche multivariate per descrivere il campione osservato, per confrontarlo con la popolazione generale e per esplorare l’associazione tra stato di salute fisica e stili di vita. RISULTATI Lo studio descritto nella tesi ha esaurito la Fase 1 di PHYSICO, confermando la possibilità di realizzare questa tipo di ricerca. Il progetto ha inoltre testimoniato un’eccellente collaborazione sia dei pazienti che degli operatori del SPT di Verona-Sud, i quali hanno apprezzato l’assumersi maggiore responsabilità per la salute fisica oltre che mentale. Sono stati inclusi 193 pazienti, che hanno firmato il consenso informato e completato la valutazione. I risultati mostrano che i disturbi del sistema circolatorio, inclusi ipertensione e patologia cardiaca coronarica, hanno fatto la parte da leone. Seguono i disturbi del sistema nervoso, inclusi disturbi gravi come l’Alzheimer e affezioni meno gravi come l’emicrania, e quindi i disturbi metabolici, incluso il diabete e le disfunzioni della tiroide e i disturbi del sistema muscoloscheletrico e del tessuto connettivo. Quasi la metà dei soggetti, per i quali è stato calcolato l’indice di rischio Cuore, sono risultati essere a rischio per disturbi cardiovascolari, in particolare la maggior parte dei maschi tra i 50 e i 69 anni; sette soggetti tra essi sono risultati ad alto rischio e sono stati inviati al cardiologo. La SM è presente in meno di un terzo dei soggetti del campione, principalmente maschi tra i 50 e i 69 anni. Gli stili di vita (abitudini alimentari, attività fisica, fumo e consumo di alcool) sono stati raccolti e analizzati utilizzando il metodo proposto dal report dello studio PASSI (Progressi delle Aziende Sanitarie per la Salute in Italia - 2008). Il confronto con i dati della popolazione del Veneto, ha mostrato che i pazienti del campione PHYSICO presentano una più alta percentuale di sovrappeso/obesità e di abitudine al fumo ed una più bassa percentuale di aderenza alle raccomandazioni OMS per l’alimentazione e l’attività fisica. Una più bassa percentuale di pazienti nel nostro campione, confrontato con la popolazione PASSI, dichiarano di consumare alcool, ma una più alta percentuale risulta farlo secondo le modalità definite a rischio. CONCLUSIONI Scarsa attenzione è dedicata finora alla comorbilità fisica nei pazienti psichiatrici anche nei programmi pubblici come il Piano Sanitario Nazionale per il 2006-2008 (Ministero della Salute, 2006) nel quale si trovano solo accenni a questo argomento. Il razionale sottostante all’intero progetto PHYSICO è di trarre vantaggio dalla conoscenza e dalle buone pratiche già disponibili per mettere a disposizione degli operatori della salute mentale (sia territoriale che residenziale) uno strumento semplice e facilmente utilizzabile. PHYSICO offre infatti tecniche di monitoraggio della salute fisica e interventi per la promozione della salute mentale per pazienti psichiatrici (in particolare con patologia grave) che possono essere facilmente diffusi in strutture e programmi psichiatrici.
BACKGROUND Substantial evidence has been produced of an excess mortality and of a higher prevalence of physical comorbidity in mental patients as compared to the general population. (Harris et al., 1998; Amaddeo et al., 2007, Leucht et al., 2007a, Fleischhacker et al., 2008). These findings have been related to a number of risk factors, including patient’s scarce concern with personal health and well-being, medication side-effects, institutionalisation in possibly unsupportive and unhealthy environments, scarce compliance and stigma tending to disaffect health professionals, discriminating or inadequate medical care, smoking, alcohol, street drugs (Marder et al., 2004; Chafetz et al., 2005; Nasrallah et al., 2006; Sartorius, 2007; Vreeland, 2007; Likouras et al., 2008). Unfortunately, while scientific research has also addressed the assessment of strategies to increase knowledge about health, to change unhealthy behaviours and to promote health, the number of clinical trials and intervention studies is still scanty and their scientific strength is relatively modest. To our knowledge, no Italian study of this kind has been published to date and also the majority of international studies on co-morbidity were performed retrospectively on clinical registers rather than on subjects recruited ad hoc and directly investigated by the research staff. The underlying rationale of this of this PhD research project was to fill such potential gap by increasing the knowledge on physical co-morbidity, risk factors and poor health behaviour and promoting preventive actions in both the patients and the mental health staff of an Italian Psychiatric Service. OBJECTIVES This PhD dissertation aimed at reviewing the literature, giving an account of the preliminary selection of assessment instruments and describing the PHYSICO study protocol; it consists of two phases: to study the prevalence of physical co-morbidity and poor health behaviour in patients with severe mental disorders in contact with the South-Verona CPS (Phase 1); a randomised controlled trial on the efficacy health promotion strategies related to dietary habits and physical exercise within a controlled study (Phase 2). The dissertation specifically reports the implementation and the results of Phase 1 as seen from the perspective of a researcher directly involved in a clinical context. The general objective of the Phase 1 was investigating the prevalence of physical comorbidity, risk factors and poor health behaviour (especially related to diet and physical exercise) in people affected by functional psychoses in contact with the South-Verona Community Mental Health Service (CMHS). Specific objectives were: i. to investigate fruit and vegetable daily consumption; ii. to investigate physical exercise habits and iii. to compare the prevalence in these subjects with that of the general population. METHODS The review of the literature covers the period 1995-2010 and is divided into three sections covering mortality, physical co-morbidity and unhealthy lifestyles and risk factors. Developing the assessment package required a review of the instruments of common use to select those appropriate to the study rationale and to the areas of investigation, including: socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of subjects, use of services, health related quality of life, satisfaction, medication, health status and health behaviour. The design of the study protocol took also advantage of consulting national and international experts and implied the submission to the local Ethical Committee. Phase 1 had a cross-sectional design and included all patients with an ICD-10 diagnosis of affective and non-affective functional psychotic disorder in contact with the South-Verona CMHC. The assessment procedure consisted of a physical health examination, laboratory tests and an interview on socio-demographic data, physical health status, risk factors, lifestyles and quality of life. Two current methods were used to assess the cardiovascular risk in the sample: the Italian Cuore risk index (Ferrario et al., 2005, and the diagnosis of the Metabolic Syndrome (MS) according to the ATP III definition (Grundy et al., 2004). All the required provisions to protect the confidentiality of data were applied. Multivariate statistical analyses were performed in order to describe the observed sample, to compare it with the general population, to explore the association between physical health status and lifestyle. RESULTS The Physico study has successfully completed Phase 1 thus confirming the feasibility of this type of research. The project has also witnessed an excellent cooperation of both the personnel and the patients of the South-Verona CPS: they appreciated assuming greater responsibility for physical, besides mental, health. One hundred and ninety-three subjects were included (i.e. provided written informed consent) and completed the assessment. Results showed that the diseases of the circulatory system, including hypertension and coronary heart disease took the lions' share. Nervous systems diseases including severe diseases like stroke or Alzheimer and less severe ailments like migraine followed. Metabolic diseases including diabetes and thyroid dysfunctions came as third, together with diseases of the musculoskeletal system/connective tissue. Almost half of our subjects for whom the Cuore index was calculated were at risk for cardiovascular disease, especially the majority of males of the age group 50-69yrs, among whom seven subjects were at high risk and where referred to the cardiologist. The MS occurred in less than one third of subjects in the sample, mainly males aged 50-69 yrs. Lifestyles (dietary habits, physical activity, smoking habits and alcohol consumption) were recorded and analysed according to the methodology proposed by the PASSI study report (Progressi delle Aziende Sanitarie per la Salute in Italia - 2008). The comparison with the data of the Veneto population showed that the patients in the PHYSICO sample present a higher percentage of overweight/obesity and of smoking habits and a lower percentage of adherence to WHO recommendations for diet and physical activity. A lower percentage of patients in our sample, as compared to the PASSI population, declared to consume alcohol, but a higher percentage resulted doing it according to the pattern defined as at risk. CONCLUSION To date, only little attention has been granted to physical comorbidity in mental patients; including the public programs like the 2006-2008 National Health Plan (Ministero della Salute, 2006), in which no mention is made of this topic. The underlying rationale of the whole PHYSICO Study is one of drawing from knowledge and best practice already available to provide a simple and easy-to-apply tool to support the staff of both community and institute-based mental health services. It offers physical health monitoring means and health-promotion interventions for mental patients, especially the severely ill and can be easily disseminated to mental health facilities and programs. PHYSICO presents some limits and has to face the fact that professional of different specialties have long been accustomed to work separately. However, PHYSICO Phase 1 has already shown that it is possible to improve collaboration and has collected good quality data on health parameters and health-related lifestyles. We look forward to replicating the study in multiple centres with increased confidence and to move forward to Phase 2.
The physical co-morbidity and poor health behaviour of South-Verona patients with functional psychoses. A prevalence study and the design of a protocol of a health promotion randomised controlled study - PHYSICO
BERTI, Loretta
BACKGROUND Substantial evidence has been produced of an excess mortality and of a higher prevalence of physical comorbidity in mental patients as compared to the general population. (Harris et al., 1998; Amaddeo et al., 2007, Leucht et al., 2007a, Fleischhacker et al., 2008). These findings have been related to a number of risk factors, including patient’s scarce concern with personal health and well-being, medication side-effects, institutionalisation in possibly unsupportive and unhealthy environments, scarce compliance and stigma tending to disaffect health professionals, discriminating or inadequate medical care, smoking, alcohol, street drugs (Marder et al., 2004; Chafetz et al., 2005; Nasrallah et al., 2006; Sartorius, 2007; Vreeland, 2007; Likouras et al., 2008). Unfortunately, while scientific research has also addressed the assessment of strategies to increase knowledge about health, to change unhealthy behaviours and to promote health, the number of clinical trials and intervention studies is still scanty and their scientific strength is relatively modest. To our knowledge, no Italian study of this kind has been published to date and also the majority of international studies on co-morbidity were performed retrospectively on clinical registers rather than on subjects recruited ad hoc and directly investigated by the research staff. The underlying rationale of this of this PhD research project was to fill such potential gap by increasing the knowledge on physical co-morbidity, risk factors and poor health behaviour and promoting preventive actions in both the patients and the mental health staff of an Italian Psychiatric Service. OBJECTIVES This PhD dissertation aimed at reviewing the literature, giving an account of the preliminary selection of assessment instruments and describing the PHYSICO study protocol; it consists of two phases: to study the prevalence of physical co-morbidity and poor health behaviour in patients with severe mental disorders in contact with the South-Verona CPS (Phase 1); a randomised controlled trial on the efficacy health promotion strategies related to dietary habits and physical exercise within a controlled study (Phase 2). The dissertation specifically reports the implementation and the results of Phase 1 as seen from the perspective of a researcher directly involved in a clinical context. The general objective of the Phase 1 was investigating the prevalence of physical comorbidity, risk factors and poor health behaviour (especially related to diet and physical exercise) in people affected by functional psychoses in contact with the South-Verona Community Mental Health Service (CMHS). Specific objectives were: i. to investigate fruit and vegetable daily consumption; ii. to investigate physical exercise habits and iii. to compare the prevalence in these subjects with that of the general population. METHODS The review of the literature covers the period 1995-2010 and is divided into three sections covering mortality, physical co-morbidity and unhealthy lifestyles and risk factors. Developing the assessment package required a review of the instruments of common use to select those appropriate to the study rationale and to the areas of investigation, including: socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of subjects, use of services, health related quality of life, satisfaction, medication, health status and health behaviour. The design of the study protocol took also advantage of consulting national and international experts and implied the submission to the local Ethical Committee. Phase 1 had a cross-sectional design and included all patients with an ICD-10 diagnosis of affective and non-affective functional psychotic disorder in contact with the South-Verona CMHC. The assessment procedure consisted of a physical health examination, laboratory tests and an interview on socio-demographic data, physical health status, risk factors, lifestyles and quality of life. Two current methods were used to assess the cardiovascular risk in the sample: the Italian Cuore risk index (Ferrario et al., 2005, and the diagnosis of the Metabolic Syndrome (MS) according to the ATP III definition (Grundy et al., 2004). All the required provisions to protect the confidentiality of data were applied. Multivariate statistical analyses were performed in order to describe the observed sample, to compare it with the general population, to explore the association between physical health status and lifestyle. RESULTS The Physico study has successfully completed Phase 1 thus confirming the feasibility of this type of research. The project has also witnessed an excellent cooperation of both the personnel and the patients of the South-Verona CPS: they appreciated assuming greater responsibility for physical, besides mental, health. One hundred and ninety-three subjects were included (i.e. provided written informed consent) and completed the assessment. Results showed that the diseases of the circulatory system, including hypertension and coronary heart disease took the lions' share. Nervous systems diseases including severe diseases like stroke or Alzheimer and less severe ailments like migraine followed. Metabolic diseases including diabetes and thyroid dysfunctions came as third, together with diseases of the musculoskeletal system/connective tissue. Almost half of our subjects for whom the Cuore index was calculated were at risk for cardiovascular disease, especially the majority of males of the age group 50-69yrs, among whom seven subjects were at high risk and where referred to the cardiologist. The MS occurred in less than one third of subjects in the sample, mainly males aged 50-69 yrs. Lifestyles (dietary habits, physical activity, smoking habits and alcohol consumption) were recorded and analysed according to the methodology proposed by the PASSI study report (Progressi delle Aziende Sanitarie per la Salute in Italia - 2008). The comparison with the data of the Veneto population showed that the patients in the PHYSICO sample present a higher percentage of overweight/obesity and of smoking habits and a lower percentage of adherence to WHO recommendations for diet and physical activity. A lower percentage of patients in our sample, as compared to the PASSI population, declared to consume alcohol, but a higher percentage resulted doing it according to the pattern defined as at risk. CONCLUSION To date, only little attention has been granted to physical comorbidity in mental patients; including the public programs like the 2006-2008 National Health Plan (Ministero della Salute, 2006), in which no mention is made of this topic. The underlying rationale of the whole PHYSICO Study is one of drawing from knowledge and best practice already available to provide a simple and easy-to-apply tool to support the staff of both community and institute-based mental health services. It offers physical health monitoring means and health-promotion interventions for mental patients, especially the severely ill and can be easily disseminated to mental health facilities and programs. PHYSICO presents some limits and has to face the fact that professional of different specialties have long been accustomed to work separately. However, PHYSICO Phase 1 has already shown that it is possible to improve collaboration and has collected good quality data on health parameters and health-related lifestyles. We look forward to replicating the study in multiple centres with increased confidence and to move forward to Phase 2.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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