Gli studi di Ratanawongsa, Wright, & Carrese (2008), indicano che bassi livelli di benessere degli operatori influenzavano i rapporti con i pazienti, le interazioni con i colleghi e le prestazioni sanitarie che vengono offerte. Questo studio confermava, come già mostrato in altre ricerche (Papp et al., 2004), l'esistenza di una correlazione positiva tra il benessere dei lavoratori e la loro percezione circa la qualità delle cure che offrono ai pazienti, e la loro soddisfazione di carriera. Dall’analisi della letteratura inerente le misure della qualità in ambito ostetrico, riferite alla qualità percepita delle “neo mamme”, si evince come la rilevazione della soddisfazione da parte delle donne, e più in generale dell’utenza che afferisce ai servizi sanitari, è diventata sempre più pratica costante, in quanto ritenuta indispensabile anche per la certificazione della qualità dei servizi (Bramadat, Driedger, 1993; Mason, 1989). All’interno della realtà ospedaliera un aspetto importante che riguarda la qualità percepita dai pazienti è derivato dal concetto di percezione della qualità che sottolinea il ruolo fondamentale del soggetto come percettore degli effetti della qualità totale. OBBIETTIVI Osservare la relazione tra gli operatori sociosanitari e i pazienti al fine di indagare se il processo relazionale influenza la qualità percepita degli utenti di un servizio, di ostetricia. Investigare se il burnout è un fattore che influenza la qualità percepita degli utenti. Costruzione di uno strumento valido , la misura della qualità percepita da parte delle “neo mamme” nei reparti di ostetricia. Misurare la qualità percepita da parte delle “neo mamme”. Misurare il burnout negli operatori sociosanitari dei 5 reparti di ostetricia oggetto dell’indagine nel centro Italia. Partecipanti L’indagine ha avuto luogo con gli operatori socio sanitari e le pazienti delle unità di ostetricia degli ospedali di: Firenze, Pistoia, Prato, Poggibonsi e Empoli. Per la parte qualitativa 102 “neo mamme” e 45 operatori sociosanitari. Partecipanti coinvolti per la forma beta del questionario di misura della qualità percepita 133 “neo mamme”; per la parte quantitativa, 259 operatori sociosanitari e 614 “neomamme”. Strumenti Osservazione sistematica e partecipante utilizzando una modalità naturalistica, partecipando al lavoro degli operatori sociosanitari con le cittadine utenti del servizio ricoverate nel reparto. Gruppi di discussione, interviste semi strutturate. Maslach Burnout Inventory ed il questionario appositamente costruito per la misura della qualità percepita da parte delle neo mamme. Procedura Discussioni di gruppo su: i problemi quotidiani, le aspettative, i sentimenti del personale verso l’organizzazione del lavoro, la relazione interpersonale delle neo mamme con gli operatori sociosanitari. Nel reparto di Ostetricia sono stati organizzati piccoli gruppi informali di discussione su tematiche inerenti la vita organizzativa, lo stress, la comunicazione in azienda. Tutti i partecipanti alla rilevazione hanno acconsentito a riempire in maniera autonoma i questionari proposti. Le consegne sperimentali standardizzate prevedevano una breve presentazione dello studio ed un tutoraggio passivo durante la compilazione. Analisi dei dati Tutte le interviste sono state dapprima trascritte e poi analizzate secondo i principi della Grounded Theory (Glaser e Strauss, 1967). Verifica esistenza dei prerequisiti delle analisi inferenziali successivamente condotte; bilanciamento dei campioni prodotti dai fattori d’interesse. Uso dei coefficienti di correlazione, r di pearson, e di statistiche inferenziali parametriche (ANOVA) e non parametriche. Per l’analisi della struttura del questionario costruito appositamente per la ricerca, è stata effettuata un’analisi fattoriale di tipo esplorativo, per verificare l’esistenza dei fattori ipotizzati attraverso l’analisi della massima verosimiglianza, metodo di rotazione Oblimin. Tramite una procedura di cross – validation è stato suddiviso casualmente il dataset in due sottocampioni. Verifica dell’attendibilità della dimensione mediante il calcolo dell’alfa di Cronbach e tramite il calcolo dei coefficienti di correlazione item – totale corretti. Verifica della struttura fattoriale del questionario appositamente costruito con un analisi fattoriale confermativa, con il metodo della massima verosimiglianza. Risultati I soggetti coinvolti nei colloqui hanno lamentato unanimemente difficoltà di comunicazione e relazione, identificando in quest’area l’incomprensione come motivo di conflitti, percependola come un fattore ritenuto stressante nella vita lavorativa. Questionario per la misura della qualità percepita: struttura fattoriale composta da 22 item distribuiti in 5 fattori: Relazione con gli operatori socio sanitari, Momento del parto, Comfort, Cura del neonato, Accettazione; che spiegano il 55,35 % di varianza totale. Misura dell’alpha di Cronbach. se l’item venisse escluso dalla scala, valori compresi fra .91e .70. Analisi fattoriale del second’ordine: si ottiene un buon adattamento del modello teorico ai dati. Pur essendo infatti il chi-quadrato significativo, gli altri indici (NNFI = 0.93 ; CFI = 0.94 ; RMSEA = 0.056) risultano soddisfacenti, (Bentler, 1990; Browne, 1990). L’ANOVA, utilizzata per verificare la differenza tra le medie dei punteggi relativi alla qualità del servizio in relazione alla variabile unità di ostetricia, conferma l’esistenza di differenze significative per tutte e cinque le variabili. Verifica dell’ esistenza di una relazione tra la qualità del servizio e le tre scale M.B.I. I risultati mostrano una correlazione positiva fra la sottoscala Soddisfazione personale del M.B.I. e la scala della qualità percepita rispetto al Comfort nella struttura r = .831, p<0.05; vi è una ulteriore correlazione positiva anche con la scala della qualità percepita per la cura del neonato r =.823, p<0.05. La scala della Depersonalizzzione del M.B.I. correla significativamente in modo negativo con la scala della qualità percepita inerente il momento del primo ingresso in ospedale, l’Accettazione, r = -.941, p<0.01. Tramite la correlazione fra le tre sottoscale del M.B.I. e l’Indice totale di qualità per verificare l’esistenza di una relazione ha prodotto una correlazione di tipo negativo fra l’indice totale di qualità e la sottoscala della Depersonalizzazione r = -.854, p< 0.05 una correlazione positiva fra la sottoscala della soddisfazione personale e l’Indice totale di qualità r = .889, p<0.05. Conclusioni Questo lavoro ha raggiunto il duplice obbiettivo di realizzare uno strumento, con adeguate qualità psicometriche, per la misura della qualità percepita nel settore dell’area nascita da parte delle “neo mamme” e di mettere in evidenza - in accordo con le ricerche di Leiter, Harvie, Frizzell (1997) e Garmann, & Corrigan (2002) - come il burnout negli operatori sociosanitari possa avere un’ influenza rispetto alla qualità percepita dai pazienti. In particolare modo, come la relazione fra operatori e pazienti sia un predittore della qualità percepita. Per quanto riguarda il panorama degli strumenti di indagine della qualità percepita in ambito sanitario, è stato messo a punto uno strumento di rilevazione specifico per il settore dell’area nascita, di veloce somministrazione, e con una struttura psicometrica adeguata. Per quanto riguarda i risultati delle correlazioni fra il M.B.I. ed il nuovo questionario della qualità percepita, si rilevano correlazioni significative fra la scala della depersonalizzazione (DP) e l’indice totale di qualità, a differenza del lavoro di Garman e Corrigan, in accordo con il lavoro di Leiter, Harvie e Frizzell. L’altro aspetto da mettere in risalto; che emerge, a differenza di quanto riscontrato in letteratura; va nella direzione di porre in primo piano l’aspetto della relazione fra operatori e pazienti, rispetto alla mancanza di energia /esaurimento emozionale come fattore che influenza la qualità percepita.
Introduction Work stress and burnout are not just a problem of people but refer to the social environment in which persons work. Both the structure and how the working environment opertes influence the way people interact and how they carry out their work. Ratanawongsa, Wright, & Carrese (2008) studies show that low levels of welfare transaction affect relationships with patients, interactions with colleagues and health services that are offered. This study confirms, as already shown in other researches (Papp et al., 2004) that there is a positive correlation among workers welfare, the way they perceive the quality of the treatement they offer to patients and their career satisfaction. The quality in obstetrics -related to the perceived quality of the "new mothers"- show that appraising women’s satisfaction, and in general that of health services users, has increasingly become a standard for it is essential to certify quality services (Bramadat, Driedger, 1993; Garcia, 1989; Mason, 1989).The relationship between midwife and mother necessarily affects women's experience of childbirth (Niven, 1994; Kennedy , 1995; Halldorsdottir, & Karlsdottir, 1996; Walsh, 1999; Anderson, 2000) which can be negative or positive (Berg et al., 1996; Green et al., 2000). Inside the Hospital organization an important aspect in quality perceived by patients is derived from the concept of perceived quality that emphasizes the fundamental role of the subject as the recipient of the effects of total quality. Goals To observe the relationship between health and social professionals and patients in order to investigate whether the relational process influences the perceived quality of users of a service, that is obstetrics. To investigate whether work stress (burnout) is a factor that influences the perceived quality of users. Construction of an instrument with due psychometric properties for measuring the quality perceived by the "new mothers" in departments of obstetrics. To Measure the quality perceived by the "new mothers". To Measure the burnout of health and social workers in five departments of obstetrics under investigation in central Italy. Method The work had two distinct phases: the qualitative one and the quantitative one Subjects The survey took place with social and health operators and patients of the obstetrics unit of the hospitals of Florence, Pistoia, Prato, Poggibonsi and Empoli. Instruments Systematic and shared observation using a naturalistic mode, sharing the work with operators and with the (health and social service) users admitted in the department. Discussion groups, semi-structured interviews. Maslach Burnout Inventory (Sirigatti, Stefanile, 1993) and a questionnaire specifically constructed to measure the perceived quality by new mothers. Procedure Group discussions on issues relating to: daily problems, expectations, personnel’s feelings towards the organization of the work, interpersonal relations of new mothers with health and social workers. In the obstetrics department small informal discussion groups on (topics) subjects related to organizational life, stress, business communication . All participants in the survey agreed to fill in the questionnaires independently proposed. The experimental standardized deliveries provided for a brief presentation of the study and passive mentoring during compilation. Statistical analysis All interviews have been first transcribed and then analyzed through the construction of an overview on the principles of Grounded Theory (Glaser e Strauss, 1967). Check of the existence of the prerequisites of the inferential analysis carried out subsequently; the samples produced by balancing factors of interest, assess the shape of the distribution of the three dependent variables relating to the M.B.I. size and variables assumed for the purpose-built questionnaire. Use of correlation coefficients, Pearson's r, and parametric and nonparametric inferential statistics (ANOVA). For the analysis of the of the questionnaire’s structure specifically constructed for the research has been conducted an exploratory factor analysis to check the existence of the hypothesized factors by analyzing the maximum likelihood, the method of rotation Oblimin. Through a cross - validation procedure the dataset has been randomly divided into two subsamples. Plausibility check size by calculating Cronbach's alpha and by calculating the correlation coefficients item - total correct. Verification of the factorial structure of the questionnaire specially constructed with a confirmatory factor analysis with maximum likelihood method. Results The participants of the interwiews have unanimously lamented the difficulty in communication and reporting, identifying this misunderstanding as a reason for conflict, perceiving it as a stress factor in working life. Questionnaire to measure perceived quality: factor structure consisting in 22 items distributed in five factors: Relationship with socio health, time of delivery, Comfort, Care of the newborn, Acceptance, explaining 55.35% of total variance. Measurement of the Alpha Cronbach. whether the item was excluded from the scale, alpha values of between .91 and .70 total. Second order factor analysis: The results obtained indicate a good fit of the theoretical model to data. Although the chi-square is significant, other indexes (NNFI = 0.93 ; CFI = 0.94 ; RMSEA = 0.056) are satisfactory, (Bentler, 1990; Browne, 1990). The ANOVA is used to check the difference between average scores for quality of service in relation to the variable unit of obstetrics, confirming for the variables under consideration the existence of significant differences for all five variables. check/ confirmation of the existence of a relationship between service quality and the three MBI scales The results show a positive correlation between staff satisfaction subscale of the MBI and the scale of perceived quality compared to the Comfort in the structure r = .831, p <0.05; There is an additional positive correlation with the scale of perceived quality for the care of the newborn r =. 823, p <0.05. The scale of the MBI Depersonalization significantly negatively correlated with the scale of perceived quality inherent in the time of first admission to hospital, acceptance, r = -. 941, p <0.01. Through the correlation between the three subscales of the MBI and the index of total quality to verify the existence of a relationship produced a correlation between the index and adverse affects overall quality of the Depersonalization subscale and r = -. 854, p < 12:05 a positive correlation between the subscale of personal satisfaction index for total r = .889, p <0.05. Conclusions This work has met the goal to create an instrument with due psychometric quality to measure the perceived quality in the area of the birth by the "new mothers" and to highlight - in agreement with research of Leiter, Harvie, Frizzell (1997) and Garmann, & Corrigan (2002) as burnout in health and social workers may have an 'influence over quality perceived by patients. In particular, how the relationship between operators and patients can foretell the perceived quality. Regarding the outline of investigative tools of perceived quality in health, survey instrument for the sector of the birth has been developed. It is characterized by fast delivery and due psychometric structure. As far as the results of correlations between the MBI and the perceived quality of the new questionnaire are concerned, we can observe significant correlations between the level of depersonalization (DP) and total quality index, unlike the work of Corrigan and Garman, in agreement with the work Leiter, Harvie and Frizzell. The other aspect to emphasize (in contrast to findings in literature) is the relevance given to the issue of relationship between operators and patients, compared to the lack of energy / emotional exhaustion as a factor influencing perceived quality.
La relazione fra cittadini e operatori sociosanitari,Misura della qualità percepita e del burnout,nei reparti di ostetricia.
Introduction Work stress and burnout are not just a problem of people but refer to the social environment in which persons work. Both the structure and how the working environment opertes influence the way people interact and how they carry out their work. Ratanawongsa, Wright, & Carrese (2008) studies show that low levels of welfare transaction affect relationships with patients, interactions with colleagues and health services that are offered. This study confirms, as already shown in other researches (Papp et al., 2004) that there is a positive correlation among workers welfare, the way they perceive the quality of the treatement they offer to patients and their career satisfaction. The quality in obstetrics -related to the perceived quality of the "new mothers"- show that appraising women’s satisfaction, and in general that of health services users, has increasingly become a standard for it is essential to certify quality services (Bramadat, Driedger, 1993; Garcia, 1989; Mason, 1989).The relationship between midwife and mother necessarily affects women's experience of childbirth (Niven, 1994; Kennedy , 1995; Halldorsdottir, & Karlsdottir, 1996; Walsh, 1999; Anderson, 2000) which can be negative or positive (Berg et al., 1996; Green et al., 2000). Inside the Hospital organization an important aspect in quality perceived by patients is derived from the concept of perceived quality that emphasizes the fundamental role of the subject as the recipient of the effects of total quality. Goals To observe the relationship between health and social professionals and patients in order to investigate whether the relational process influences the perceived quality of users of a service, that is obstetrics. To investigate whether work stress (burnout) is a factor that influences the perceived quality of users. Construction of an instrument with due psychometric properties for measuring the quality perceived by the "new mothers" in departments of obstetrics. To Measure the quality perceived by the "new mothers". To Measure the burnout of health and social workers in five departments of obstetrics under investigation in central Italy. Method The work had two distinct phases: the qualitative one and the quantitative one Subjects The survey took place with social and health operators and patients of the obstetrics unit of the hospitals of Florence, Pistoia, Prato, Poggibonsi and Empoli. Instruments Systematic and shared observation using a naturalistic mode, sharing the work with operators and with the (health and social service) users admitted in the department. Discussion groups, semi-structured interviews. Maslach Burnout Inventory (Sirigatti, Stefanile, 1993) and a questionnaire specifically constructed to measure the perceived quality by new mothers. Procedure Group discussions on issues relating to: daily problems, expectations, personnel’s feelings towards the organization of the work, interpersonal relations of new mothers with health and social workers. In the obstetrics department small informal discussion groups on (topics) subjects related to organizational life, stress, business communication . All participants in the survey agreed to fill in the questionnaires independently proposed. The experimental standardized deliveries provided for a brief presentation of the study and passive mentoring during compilation. Statistical analysis All interviews have been first transcribed and then analyzed through the construction of an overview on the principles of Grounded Theory (Glaser e Strauss, 1967). Check of the existence of the prerequisites of the inferential analysis carried out subsequently; the samples produced by balancing factors of interest, assess the shape of the distribution of the three dependent variables relating to the M.B.I. size and variables assumed for the purpose-built questionnaire. Use of correlation coefficients, Pearson's r, and parametric and nonparametric inferential statistics (ANOVA). For the analysis of the of the questionnaire’s structure specifically constructed for the research has been conducted an exploratory factor analysis to check the existence of the hypothesized factors by analyzing the maximum likelihood, the method of rotation Oblimin. Through a cross - validation procedure the dataset has been randomly divided into two subsamples. Plausibility check size by calculating Cronbach's alpha and by calculating the correlation coefficients item - total correct. Verification of the factorial structure of the questionnaire specially constructed with a confirmatory factor analysis with maximum likelihood method. Results The participants of the interwiews have unanimously lamented the difficulty in communication and reporting, identifying this misunderstanding as a reason for conflict, perceiving it as a stress factor in working life. Questionnaire to measure perceived quality: factor structure consisting in 22 items distributed in five factors: Relationship with socio health, time of delivery, Comfort, Care of the newborn, Acceptance, explaining 55.35% of total variance. Measurement of the Alpha Cronbach. whether the item was excluded from the scale, alpha values of between .91 and .70 total. Second order factor analysis: The results obtained indicate a good fit of the theoretical model to data. Although the chi-square is significant, other indexes (NNFI = 0.93 ; CFI = 0.94 ; RMSEA = 0.056) are satisfactory, (Bentler, 1990; Browne, 1990). The ANOVA is used to check the difference between average scores for quality of service in relation to the variable unit of obstetrics, confirming for the variables under consideration the existence of significant differences for all five variables. check/ confirmation of the existence of a relationship between service quality and the three MBI scales The results show a positive correlation between staff satisfaction subscale of the MBI and the scale of perceived quality compared to the Comfort in the structure r = .831, p <0.05; There is an additional positive correlation with the scale of perceived quality for the care of the newborn r =. 823, p <0.05. The scale of the MBI Depersonalization significantly negatively correlated with the scale of perceived quality inherent in the time of first admission to hospital, acceptance, r = -. 941, p <0.01. Through the correlation between the three subscales of the MBI and the index of total quality to verify the existence of a relationship produced a correlation between the index and adverse affects overall quality of the Depersonalization subscale and r = -. 854, p < 12:05 a positive correlation between the subscale of personal satisfaction index for total r = .889, p <0.05. Conclusions This work has met the goal to create an instrument with due psychometric quality to measure the perceived quality in the area of the birth by the "new mothers" and to highlight - in agreement with research of Leiter, Harvie, Frizzell (1997) and Garmann, & Corrigan (2002) as burnout in health and social workers may have an 'influence over quality perceived by patients. In particular, how the relationship between operators and patients can foretell the perceived quality. Regarding the outline of investigative tools of perceived quality in health, survey instrument for the sector of the birth has been developed. It is characterized by fast delivery and due psychometric structure. As far as the results of correlations between the MBI and the perceived quality of the new questionnaire are concerned, we can observe significant correlations between the level of depersonalization (DP) and total quality index, unlike the work of Corrigan and Garman, in agreement with the work Leiter, Harvie and Frizzell. The other aspect to emphasize (in contrast to findings in literature) is the relevance given to the issue of relationship between operators and patients, compared to the lack of energy / emotional exhaustion as a factor influencing perceived quality.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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