ABSTRACT Questo lavoro di ricerca di dottorato in Storia Economica, riguardante “I Consorzi di Bonifica Riuniti in Este tra il 1904 e il 1940”, propone la conoscenza delle attività di bonifica effettuate in questi territori, i quali, nel periodo considerato estendendosi per circa 50.000 ettari, racchiudevano una parte consistente dei territori da bonificare della provincia padovana. In prima analisi si è proceduto all’approfondimento del quadro generale della legislazione italiana sulle bonifiche ed alla classificazione, attraverso le Pubblicazioni ufficiali dei Ministeri competenti, delle opere di bonifica nella Bassa Pianura Padovana, dall’Unità al 1940. Quindi, la ricerca è proceduta con l’analisi del quadro storico, economico e sociale dei territori dei Consorzi Riuniti; oltre, l’analisi approfondita dei documenti dell’archivio storico consorziale, riguardanti i Verbali e le Delibere delle Rappresentanze consorziali, i bilanci consorziali, i documenti per gli stanziamenti per i lavori di bonifica, le spese sostenute per i lavori di bonifica e manutenzione nei piccoli e grandi Consorzi della Società, oltre alle operazioni di controllo sulle stesse opere e le somme erogate. L’excursus, sopra descritto, ha permesso l’approfondimento, contenutistico, comparativo e metodologico, avviando la ricerca stessa, verso una conoscenza, approfondita, della vita consorziale e della realtà economica e sociale in cui era inserita la Società dei Consorzi Riuniti. Infatti, da questa analisi, emerge l’attenzione verso le norme promulgate dal Legislatore, la modalità di applicazione delle stesse leggi, le difficoltà economiche, sociali e strutturali, a cui spesso i territori consorziali dovevano sottostare, oltre, ad emergere, in modo determinante, le difficoltà incontrate nell’esercizio di tali attività, le aspirazioni e la vita pratica, della Società, dei dipendenti e degli abitanti degli stessi territori, fornendoci un quadro sociale, economico e politico nazionale e uno spaccato di vita economica, sociale e territoriale, di notevole interesse e di tutto rispetto, per la storia economica del periodo. Infatti, tali documenti legando, in modo ambivalente, il territorio preso in esame, alle attività svolte, la vita interna consorziale e quella esterna sociale ed economica dei territori compresi nella Società, infatti, nei documenti, sono evidenziate, sia le cifre utili per i lavori di bonifica, sia le cifre per le retribuzioni dei dipendenti consorziali, degli agricoltori e degli operai, che lavoravano nei cantieri; portano ad affermare, a ragione, che, il periodo di massima attenzione al fenomeno dell’attuazione delle bonifiche, sia stato quello compreso, appunto, tra la fine del I conflitto mondiale e il 1938, tanto da diventare un momento di modernizzazione economica e sociale, a livello nazionale, regionale e territoriale.
ABSTRACT This research PhD in Economic History, on "The Land Reclamation Consortia Gathered in Este between 1904 and 1940, offers the knowledge of remediation activities conducted in these areas which, during the period extending to about 50,000 hectares , enclosing a large part of the territory to be reclaimed in the province of Padua. In the first analysis was conducted to deepen the general framework of the Italian legislation on reclamation and grading through the official publications of the competent ministries, the land reclamation in the lowlands Padua, Unit 1940. Therefore, research has proceeded with the analysis of the historical, economic and social areas of the consortium brings together, in addition, detailed analysis of the historical documents of the consortium, on records and resolutions of the representations Consortium, budgets Consortium The documents for appropriations for the reclamation, the costs for reclamation and maintenance in small and large consortia of companies, in addition to the checks on the works themselves and the sums paid. The excursion, above, has led to the deepening of content, comparative and methodological starting the research itself, to knowledge, depth of life and the consortium of economic and social reality in which the Company was part of the consortium brings together. Indeed, from this analysis, shows attention to the rules promulgated by the legislature, the mode of application of such laws, the economic difficulties, social and structural areas that are often the consortium had to submit, in addition, to emerge, significantly The difficulties encountered in these activities, aspirations and practical life, the Company's employees and residents of the same territory, providing a social, economic and political national and a cross-section of economic, social and territorial of great interest and great respect for the economic history of the period. Those documents tying so ambivalent, the area in question, activities, life inside the consortium and external social and economic territories included in the Company, in fact, documents are highlighted, and the earnings figures for reclamation, both the figures for the salaries of employees consortium of farmers and laborers who worked on construction sites, leading to say, rightly, that the period of maximum attention to the phenomenon of the implementation of reclamation, has been to lies precisely between the end of World War I and 1938, becoming a time of economic and social modernization, national, regional and territorial.
I consorzi di bonifica riuniti in Este tra il 1904 e il 1940
CANTATORE, Maria Michela
ABSTRACT This research PhD in Economic History, on "The Land Reclamation Consortia Gathered in Este between 1904 and 1940, offers the knowledge of remediation activities conducted in these areas which, during the period extending to about 50,000 hectares , enclosing a large part of the territory to be reclaimed in the province of Padua. In the first analysis was conducted to deepen the general framework of the Italian legislation on reclamation and grading through the official publications of the competent ministries, the land reclamation in the lowlands Padua, Unit 1940. Therefore, research has proceeded with the analysis of the historical, economic and social areas of the consortium brings together, in addition, detailed analysis of the historical documents of the consortium, on records and resolutions of the representations Consortium, budgets Consortium The documents for appropriations for the reclamation, the costs for reclamation and maintenance in small and large consortia of companies, in addition to the checks on the works themselves and the sums paid. The excursion, above, has led to the deepening of content, comparative and methodological starting the research itself, to knowledge, depth of life and the consortium of economic and social reality in which the Company was part of the consortium brings together. Indeed, from this analysis, shows attention to the rules promulgated by the legislature, the mode of application of such laws, the economic difficulties, social and structural areas that are often the consortium had to submit, in addition, to emerge, significantly The difficulties encountered in these activities, aspirations and practical life, the Company's employees and residents of the same territory, providing a social, economic and political national and a cross-section of economic, social and territorial of great interest and great respect for the economic history of the period. Those documents tying so ambivalent, the area in question, activities, life inside the consortium and external social and economic territories included in the Company, in fact, documents are highlighted, and the earnings figures for reclamation, both the figures for the salaries of employees consortium of farmers and laborers who worked on construction sites, leading to say, rightly, that the period of maximum attention to the phenomenon of the implementation of reclamation, has been to lies precisely between the end of World War I and 1938, becoming a time of economic and social modernization, national, regional and territorial.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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