Il tema delle politiche di earnings management appare di estrema rilevanza e di indiscutibile attualità, in particolar modo alla luce dei recenti scandali finanziari legati all’alterazione intenzionale dei valori esposti nel bilancio di esercizio. L’attenzione riservata al tema in parola da parte sia del mondo accademico, sia del mondo professionale, tanto a livello nazionale quanto a livello internazionale, è indice, contemporaneamente, dell’importanza che tuttora riveste il bilancio di esercizio, strumento di informazione e di comportamento per una gamma sempre più vasta di stakeholder, e della delicatezza delle informazioni in esso contenute. Peraltro, la continua evoluzione che caratterizza la normativa e i principi contabili che disciplinano il processo di redazione del bilancio di esercizio consente al management desideroso di raggiungere predefiniti obiettivi di performance di ricercare, in corrispondenza all’evoluzione richiamata, nuovi ambiti di applicazione delle politiche di earnings management. Un esempio emblematico del suddetto fenomeno è identificabile nella introduzione, in ambito europeo, degli IAS/IFRS, obbligatoriamente applicati da parte di tutte le società quotate in un mercato europeo ai fini della redazione del bilancio consolidato a partire dall’esercizio 2005. Ebbene, la transizione al nuovo sistema di principi-guida per la predisposizione del bilancio ha comportato l’adozione di procedimenti tecnico-contabili e di configurazioni di valore nuovi, ed innovativi, rispetto alla tradizione contabile di molti Paesi europei. Una delle novità che ha destato maggiore attenzione è il test di impairment, disciplinato dallo IAS 36 – Riduzione di valore delle attività; il test in parola è finalizzato a verificare la sussistenza – o, viceversa, il deperimento – del valore contabile delle attività patrimoniali esposte in bilancio. La complessa architettura del test e le modalità previste per la determinazione delle quantità su cui lo stesso si basa implicano la formulazione, da parte del management, di numerose ipotesi, stime e congetture, poste alla base dei paralleli processi valutativi richiesti dallo IAS 36. Il test di impairment, pertanto, si configura come una procedura che lascia ampio spazio all’esercizio di scelte soggettive da parte del management, il quale può approfittare dei margini di discrezionalità tecnica ad esso riconosciuti per attuare delle politiche di earnings management. Ebbene, nella letteratura internazionale di Financial Accounting si incontrano numerosi studi che avanzano, in linea teorica, l’ipotesi dell’implementazione di politiche di earnings management nelle valutazioni volte alla verifica delle perdite di valore delle attività patrimoniali; tuttavia, finora si rinviene un numero piuttosto esiguo di ricerche empiriche sul tema, peraltro svolte con esclusivo riferimento al contesto statunitense. Gli esiti delle ricerche in parola sono inequivocabili nel dimostrare come l’impairment test del goodwill sia stato impiegato dal management di vasti campioni di società nord-americane come strumento per la realizzazione di politiche di big bath earnings management. Alla luce delle considerazioni proposte, un approfondimento del tema delle politiche di earnings management applicate all’impairment test con riferimento ad alcune realtà europee possa contribuire allo sviluppo della letteratura di Financial Accounting. Di conseguenza, il presente lavoro indaga il fenomeno delle rettifiche di valore delle attività patrimoniali da parte delle società capogruppo quotate in Italia e nel Regno Unito, con il seguente duplice scopo: — verificare la dipendenza delle impairment loss rilevate in bilancio da politiche riconducibili all’earnings management, e in particolare al filone denominato big bath earnings management; — accertare ed interpretare eventuali divergenze nel modus operandi delle società italiane rispetto alle società britanniche in sede di redazione del bilancio di esercizio, con particolare riguardo all’implementazione del test di impairment. La struttura del lavoro può essere così sintetizzata: - La prima parte è volta ad approfondire, in chiave perlopiù teorica e con finalità interpretative, le principali “aree tematiche” sulle quali lo studio intende focalizzarsi, ossia, rispettivamente, le politiche di earnings management e l’impairment test. Un primo obiettivo che la ricerca si propone di conseguire consiste nella definizione, sulla base di una review della letteratura esistente, della visione di earnings management assunta a riferimento nel prosieguo del lavoro, passando attraverso un excursus ragionato dei presupposti alla base dell’attuazione delle politiche di earnings management, delle finalità perseguibili mediante l’attuazione delle stesse, degli incentivi che inducono il management a ricorrere ai più svariati artifici contabili e degli strumenti a tale scopo attivabili. Con riguardo, poi, alla seconda area tematica, si procede, innanzitutto, allo studio dei contenuti dell’impairment test, così come disciplinato dal principio contabile IAS 36 – Impairment of Assets. In particolare, dopo aver brevemente ripercorso i caratteri fondamentali del richiamato processo di verifica e l’ambito di applicazione dello stesso, ci si propone di delineare gli ambiti di discrezionalità tecnica a disposizione degli amministratori che si accingono all’esecuzione del test, nonché di identificare i possibili utilizzi in senso opportunistico degli stessi, alla luce di quanto già evidenziato con riferimento alle politiche di earnings management. Inoltre, si riporta una breve review delle ricerche empiriche condotte nel contesto nord-americano sul tema degli earnings management applicati alle rettifiche di valore delle attività patrimoniali, con particolare riferimento all’impairment test del goodwill. La suddetta review della letteratura internazionale consente di pervenire alla “mappatura” delle vie di ricerca già percorse dagli Studiosi di Financial Accounting, dei presupposti su cui si fondano le diverse analisi empiriche, delle ipotesi oggetto di verifica, dei contesti assunti a riferimento, dei metodi di analisi statistica utilizzati, dei risultati conseguiti, nonché degli aspetti considerati meritevoli di ulteriori approfondimenti; - la seconda parte del lavoro è dedicata all’esposizione della ricerca empirica condotta con l’intento di coniugare le due tematiche in precedenza distintamente analizzate. La ricerca empirica in parola è finalizzata all’analisi del comportamento concretamente adottato dal management in sede di conduzione del test di impairment e mira a verificare l’impiego dell’impairment test come strumento di earnings management da parte delle società capogruppo quotate in Italia e nel Regno Unito. La scelta dei due contesti di analisi indicati, Italia e Regno Unito, che saranno dapprima distintamente analizzati, e poi messi a confronto, è tutt’altro che casuale, ma si basa sull’esistenza di significative differenze tra i due Paesi, in termini di dimensioni e vivacità del mercato azionario, di dimensioni delle società ivi quotate, di sistema istituzionale, di cultura contabile, eccetera. In estrema sintesi, la ricerca empirica si propone di conseguire i seguenti obiettivi specifici: — l’approfondimento della conoscenza del fenomeno delle rettifiche di valore del complesso delle attività patrimoniali e di una attività in particolare – l’avviamento –, in termini di numerosità e di intensità delle impairment loss rilevate in sede di prima applicazione della verifica di impairment e successivamente; — la verifica dell’esistenza di segnali di alterazione dei risultati dell’impairment test coerentemente con il perseguimento di obiettivi di perfomance riconducibili alla forma del big bath earnings management – o a configurazioni di earnings management alternative; — l’analisi e l’interpretazione critica dell’evidenza empirica prodotta mediante la conduzione degli appropriati test statistici.
The issue of earnings management practices is extremely important and of undeniable relevance, especially in light of the recent financial scandals due to the intentional alteration of the values reported in financial statements. The attention devoted to this topic by both the academic and the professional world, at both national and international level, signals, at the same time, the importance of the financial statements as informational and behavioral tool for a growing number of stakeholders, and the sensitivity it information content. Moreover, the constant evolution that characterizes the legislation and accounting standards guiding the preparation of financial statements allows the managers interested in achieving desired performance goals to find out, in correspondence to such evolution, new fields of application of earnings management practices. A topical example of the accounting evolution is identifiable in the adoption of IAS/IFRSs, that are mandatory for European listed companies for the consolidated financial statement, starting from 2005. Indeed, the transition to the new accounting standards has determined the adoption of new, and innovative, technical-accounting procedures and value configurations, different from those previously applied in many European countries. One of the most relevant innovation is the impairment test prescribed by IAS 36 - Impairment of Assets; such test aims at verifying the existence - or, conversely, the decline – of the book value of the assets exposed in the balance sheet. The complex architecture of the test implies the formulation, by management, of a number of assumptions and estimates on which the parallel evaluation processes required by IAS 36 are based. The impairment test therefore leaves ample scope for exercising subjective choices by management, who may use discretionary margins to implement earnings management practices. Well, although this topic is widely discussed, in theory, by Financial Accounting literature, so far the number of empirical research on the topic is really scarce and focused only on the American context. The results of the studies in question are unambiguous in demonstrating that goodwill impairment test has been used by the management of large samples of North American companies as a tool for implementing big bath earnings management practices. All that being stated, a study on the issue of earnings management policies applied to the impairment test referred to some European countries may contribute to the development of the Financial Accounting literature. Consequently, this thesis explores the issue of impairment of assets practices carried out by parent companies listed on the Italian financial market and on the UK financial market, with the following purposes: - verifying the dependence of the impairment loss recognized in the income statement by earnings management practices, in the form of big bath earnings management; - identifying and interpreting any differences in the modus operandi of the Italian companies compared to UK companies in the preparation of financial statements, particularly with regard to the implementation of the impairment test. The thesis structure can be summarized as follows: - the first part aims at studying, mostly in theoretical and interpretive terms, the main "themes" on which the study will focus, i.e., respectively, earnings management practices and impairment test. A first objective of the research is to define, based on a review of existing literature, the vision of earnings management taken as a reference later in this work, through a reasoned survey of the assumptions underlying the implementation of earnings management practices, the objectives pursued through their implementation, the incentives that lead management to make use of a wide variety of accounting tricks and tools in order to achieve the desired purpose. With respect to the second topic, a study of the content of the impairment test, as regulated by IAS 36 - Impairment of Assets, is carried out. In particular, after briefly traced the fundamental characteristics of the said verification process and the scope thereof, the areas of technical discretion available to the managers are traced, and the possible opportunistic uses in terms of earnings management are identified. In addition, a brief review of empirical studies developed in the context of North American on earnings management practices applied to the impairment of assets process, particularly to goodwill impairment test, is here proposed. The above review of international literature permits to create a "map" of the routes already covered by the research scholars of Financial Accounting, the assumptions underpinning the various empirical studies, the statistical analysis methods used to test the hypotheses, and the results already achieved; - the second part of the thesis is devoted to the empirical research, realized with the intent to combine the two subjects previously analyzed separately. Such empirical research aims at analyzing the behavior adopted by management when developing the impairment test, i.e. at verifying whether the impairment test is used as a tool for earnings management by Italian and UK parent companies. The choice of this two contexts of analysis, Italy and UK, which will first be analyzed separately and then compared, it's not random but is based on the existence of significant differences between the two countries in terms of size and vitality of the stock market, the size of the companies listed therein, the institutional system, culture, accounting, etc.. In brief, empirical research aims at achieving the following objectives: - improving the knowledge of the phenomenon of the impairment of assets procedure, in terms of magnitude and frequency of the impairment losses recorded after the first application of the procedure itself and thereafter; - verifying the existence of signals about impairment tests abnormal results consistent with the form of big bath earnings management - or alternative configurations of earnings management; - analyzing and comparing the empirical evidence collected by the appropriate statistical tests with reference, on the one hand, to Italy and, on the other hand, to UK.
Le politiche di earnings management applicate all’impairment test: evidenze empiriche in Italia e nel Regno Unito
FLORIO, Cristina
The issue of earnings management practices is extremely important and of undeniable relevance, especially in light of the recent financial scandals due to the intentional alteration of the values reported in financial statements. The attention devoted to this topic by both the academic and the professional world, at both national and international level, signals, at the same time, the importance of the financial statements as informational and behavioral tool for a growing number of stakeholders, and the sensitivity it information content. Moreover, the constant evolution that characterizes the legislation and accounting standards guiding the preparation of financial statements allows the managers interested in achieving desired performance goals to find out, in correspondence to such evolution, new fields of application of earnings management practices. A topical example of the accounting evolution is identifiable in the adoption of IAS/IFRSs, that are mandatory for European listed companies for the consolidated financial statement, starting from 2005. Indeed, the transition to the new accounting standards has determined the adoption of new, and innovative, technical-accounting procedures and value configurations, different from those previously applied in many European countries. One of the most relevant innovation is the impairment test prescribed by IAS 36 - Impairment of Assets; such test aims at verifying the existence - or, conversely, the decline – of the book value of the assets exposed in the balance sheet. The complex architecture of the test implies the formulation, by management, of a number of assumptions and estimates on which the parallel evaluation processes required by IAS 36 are based. The impairment test therefore leaves ample scope for exercising subjective choices by management, who may use discretionary margins to implement earnings management practices. Well, although this topic is widely discussed, in theory, by Financial Accounting literature, so far the number of empirical research on the topic is really scarce and focused only on the American context. The results of the studies in question are unambiguous in demonstrating that goodwill impairment test has been used by the management of large samples of North American companies as a tool for implementing big bath earnings management practices. All that being stated, a study on the issue of earnings management policies applied to the impairment test referred to some European countries may contribute to the development of the Financial Accounting literature. Consequently, this thesis explores the issue of impairment of assets practices carried out by parent companies listed on the Italian financial market and on the UK financial market, with the following purposes: - verifying the dependence of the impairment loss recognized in the income statement by earnings management practices, in the form of big bath earnings management; - identifying and interpreting any differences in the modus operandi of the Italian companies compared to UK companies in the preparation of financial statements, particularly with regard to the implementation of the impairment test. The thesis structure can be summarized as follows: - the first part aims at studying, mostly in theoretical and interpretive terms, the main "themes" on which the study will focus, i.e., respectively, earnings management practices and impairment test. A first objective of the research is to define, based on a review of existing literature, the vision of earnings management taken as a reference later in this work, through a reasoned survey of the assumptions underlying the implementation of earnings management practices, the objectives pursued through their implementation, the incentives that lead management to make use of a wide variety of accounting tricks and tools in order to achieve the desired purpose. With respect to the second topic, a study of the content of the impairment test, as regulated by IAS 36 - Impairment of Assets, is carried out. In particular, after briefly traced the fundamental characteristics of the said verification process and the scope thereof, the areas of technical discretion available to the managers are traced, and the possible opportunistic uses in terms of earnings management are identified. In addition, a brief review of empirical studies developed in the context of North American on earnings management practices applied to the impairment of assets process, particularly to goodwill impairment test, is here proposed. The above review of international literature permits to create a "map" of the routes already covered by the research scholars of Financial Accounting, the assumptions underpinning the various empirical studies, the statistical analysis methods used to test the hypotheses, and the results already achieved; - the second part of the thesis is devoted to the empirical research, realized with the intent to combine the two subjects previously analyzed separately. Such empirical research aims at analyzing the behavior adopted by management when developing the impairment test, i.e. at verifying whether the impairment test is used as a tool for earnings management by Italian and UK parent companies. The choice of this two contexts of analysis, Italy and UK, which will first be analyzed separately and then compared, it's not random but is based on the existence of significant differences between the two countries in terms of size and vitality of the stock market, the size of the companies listed therein, the institutional system, culture, accounting, etc.. In brief, empirical research aims at achieving the following objectives: - improving the knowledge of the phenomenon of the impairment of assets procedure, in terms of magnitude and frequency of the impairment losses recorded after the first application of the procedure itself and thereafter; - verifying the existence of signals about impairment tests abnormal results consistent with the form of big bath earnings management - or alternative configurations of earnings management; - analyzing and comparing the empirical evidence collected by the appropriate statistical tests with reference, on the one hand, to Italy and, on the other hand, to UK.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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