Il Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA) rappresenta uno dei più promettenti biomarcatori del carcinoma prostatico. E’ infatti un antigene espresso nell’epitelio prostatico normale ma iperespresso in un’elevata percentuale di carcinomi prostatici sia organo confinati che metastatici. Ciò che inoltre, rispetto ad altri antigeni anche di più recente identificazione, rende il PSMA un target molecolare particolarmente interessante, sia a fini diagnostici che terapeutici, risulta essere la sua distribuzione a livello della neovascolatura di tumori a vario istotipo. Il presente lavoro si prefigge di caratterizzare le proprietà di riconoscimento di un nuovo anticorpo anti-PSMA ottenuto mediante tecnologia degli ibridomi, del rispettivo frammento scFv (single chain fragment) ottenuto con la tecnologia del DNA ricombinante ed inoltre di analizzare un loro potenziale utilizzo terapeutico e diagnostico. Anticorpo anti-PSMA D2/B e scFv D2/B L’anticorpo anti-PSMA D2/B ha dimostrato, in analisi condotte mediante citofluorimetria, una notevole specificità di riconoscimento, essendosi dimostrato in grado di riconoscere cellule LNCaP PSMA+ (MFI=8,538) e di non riconoscere, di contro, cellule PSMA- (DU145, Jurkat, SW780, MCF-7, CHO). La specificità di riconoscimento in vitro è paragonabile all’anticorpo J591, attualmente in uso in studi clinici. L’anticorpo D2/B si è dimostrato in grado di spiazzare il legame di J591 all’antigene, condividendo pertanto con esso un analogo/limitrofo epitopo; inoltre l’affinità dei due anticorpi è del tutto similare (5nM e 10nM per D2/B e J591, rispettivamente). Il frammento scFv dell’Mab D2/B, ottenuto mediante tecnologia del DNA ricombinante, dimostra di preservare la specificità di riconoscimento dell’Ab parentale; [riconoscimento di cellule LNCaP con MFI=2495 e di cellule PC3, PSMA-, con MFI=210]. L’affinità del scFv si è dimostrata, prevedibilmente, di circa 20 volte inferiore a quella dell’anticorpo parentale, in ragione del sito di legame monovalente; se resa dimerica tuttavia tale porzione anticorpale differisce, in termini di affinità rispetto all’anticorpo parentale, di sole 5 volte. Immunotossine anti-PSMA Applicando la tecnologia del DNA ricombinante abbiamo clonato la porzione scFv dell’anticorpo D2/B all’interno del vettore per l’espressione in procarioti pET11d contenente la subunità catalitica e quella di traslocazione trans-membrana dell’esotossina A di Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PE40). La proteina di fusione prodotta (scFv-PE40) si è dimostrata in grado di inibire del 50% la proliferazione (IC50) di una popolazione di cellule LNCaP PSMA+ ad una concentrazione di circa 2*10-11M/L, paragonabile a quella della immunotossina (IT) chimica J591-RTA, da noi precedentemente studiata e rilevatasi ad elevata potenza citotossica su cellule PSMA+(IC50=3.5*0-11 M/L). Unitamente ad un’elevata efficacia tale immunotossina si è dimostrata capace di un altrettanto buona specificità; non sono stati infatti raggiunti valori di IC50 su cellule PC3, PSMAnegative, nemmeno ad una concentrazione di 10-7 M/L. Ad ulteriore conferma di specificità tale immunotossina ricombinante si è dimostrata citotossica nei confronti della linea cellulare MCF-7 trasfettata con PSMA, se paragonata alla stessa linea trasfettata con il vettore di controllo (IC50 inferiore a 10-11 M/L vs 3*10-8 M/L). Si è infine osservato che l’attività citotossica di una concentrazione pari a 10-9 M/L dell’immunotossina scFv-PE40 è completamente neutralizzata dalla contemporanea aggiunta, nel terreno di coltura, di anticorpo anti-PSMA ad una concentrazione di 0.7*10-5M/L. La IT scFv D2/B-PE40 ha inoltre dimostrato di non essere inattivata nella sua efficacia citocida dalla presenza di siero umano a diverse concentrazioni derivato sia di pazienti affetti da neoplasia prostatica che da individui sani, evidenziando, compatibilmente ai limiti di un saggio in vitro, una notevole stabilità. Nanoparticelle di oro per imaging dei tessuti neoplastici Le nanoparticelle (NP) rappresentano per le loro peculiari caratteristiche (i.e. dimensioni dell’ordine di 10-100 nm, accumulo a livello delle lesioni neoplastiche) un versatile strumento studiato negli ultimi anni per applicazioni nel campo biomedico. NP coniugate con anticorpi monoclonali o loro frammenti (i.e. scFv) possono essere utilizzate, in ragione della secificità loro conferita dagli anticorpi ad esse legati, quali veicoli di molecole tracers o di sostanze terapeutiche. Abbiamo percio’ deciso di sviluppare, per un possibile utilizzo nell’imaging mediante spettroscopia Raman, nanoparticelle di oro (AuNP) coniugate all’anticorpo D2/B anti-PSMA e caricate con Texas Red, un SERS (surface-enhanced Raman scattering) reporter che permette di generare un segnale Raman di buona intensità. Le AuNP-D2/B dimostrano in citofluorimetria di legare selettivamente cellule LNCaP PSMA+, senza di contro generare alcun segnale su cellule PSMA negative. La specificità di legame su cellule PSMA+ è stata confermata dallo spiazzamento delle AuNP-D2/B mediante l’utilizzo di concentrazioni crescenti dell’anticorpo D2/B. Abbiamo inoltre dimostrato, mediante microscopia confocale, l’internalizzazione delle AuNP-D2/B in cellule PSMA+ dopo incubazione a 37°C; in cellule PSMA negative non è stata di contro rilevata alcuna internalizzazione. La possibilità di rilevare, mediante spettroscopia Raman, cellule tumorali precedentemente incubate con AuNP è stata dimostrata “in vitro” utilizzando colture cellulari PSMA+ e PSMA-; cellule LNCaP incubate a 37°C con AuNP-D2/B mostrano un forte segnale Raman. La stessa misura eseguita su cellule PSMA- non consente di rilevare alcun segnale. Abbiamo ora intenzione di valutare la biocompatibilità “in vitro” ed “ in vivo” di questo reagente ed esplorarne le potenzialità nella diagnostica oncologica in modelli murini di carcinoma prostatico. Validazione in IHC della funzionalità di un Ab anti-hPSMA L’anticorpo anti-PSMA D2/B si è rivelato in grado, similmente all’anticorpo commerciale 7E11C, di riconoscere specificamente l’antigene su sezioni di neoplasia prostatica sia fissata in formalina che congelata. Ulteriori studi sono attualmente in corso per valutare l’efficacia di riconoscimento, da parte del nostro anticorpo, nei confronti dell’antigene espresso sui neovasi tumorali, la cui espressione, limitatamente alle neoplasie epiteliali ovariche, è stata da noi confermata con l’anticorpo commerciale 7E11C. Modelli Murini PSMA positivi : Tra le applicazioni di maggior interesse nell’ambito dell’utilizzo clinico delle ITs vi è il trattamento della malattia micro-/oligometastatica; tra i possibili scenari clinici vi sono pertanto: il trattamento adiuvante dopo un trattamento con intento di radicalità in casi selezionati ad alto rischio di recidiva e il trattamento della recidiva biochimica. E’ per tale motivo indispensabile poter disporre di un modello murino metastatico esprimente l’antigene PSMA. Abbiamo perciò trasfettato la linea cellulare di melanoma murino B16 con cDNA PSMA-specifico. I trasfettanti hanno dimostrato in citofluorimetria una notevole espressione di PSMA, a livello di membrana, (MFI=11,578 contro un MFI=188 del controllo negativo) e si sono inoltre dimostrati sensibili all’effetto citotossico specifico dell’ IT anti-PSMA scFv D2/B-PE40 (IC50=4*10-9 M/L mentre la IC50 su cellule B16 WT è >3*10-7 M/L). Le cellule B16-hPSMA sono state iniettate i.v. in topi C57/BL6 in quantità scalari (0,5, 1 e 2*106); dopo 21 giorni sono stati analizzati i polmoni degli animali, quali sedi preferenziali di metastatizzazione. Il numero di metastasi rilevato è stato di circa 140 per gli animali iniettati con 1 e 2*106 cellule e di circa 60 per quelli iniettati con 0,5*106 cellule; mediante western blot si è dimostrata l’espressione di PSMA nelle metastasi polmonari espiantate dagli animali...
Prostate cancer (PCa) is the second leading cause of cancer death in men in western countries. Whereas primary organ-confined disease can be properly treated and cured by surgery and/or radiation therapy, there are limited therapeutic options for the advanced forms of this disease (metastatic, hormone-refractory). Since the conventional therapeutic approaches are poorly effective in the advanced stages of PCa, several investigations, prompted by the discovery of antigens expressed in organ-specific patterns, have proposed and studied different immunological strategies for immunotherapy and immunodiagnosis. Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA) has recently emerged as one of the most promising biomarkers in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer and its clinical relevance is presently being evaluated in several immunotherapy trials. Aims of my work were: produce and characterize a new mAb anti-PSMA and its scFv format and study their immunotherapeutical and diagnostic applications. Antibody, scFv fragment and Immunotoxins Our anti-PSMA mAb D2/B as whole molecule or in scFv format recognizes PSMA expressed on LNCaP cells with good specificity and affinity; D2/B shows either much affinity than J591 Ab which is currently under phase II clinical trials; at the same time the scFv format of D2/B shows only 20-fold lower affinity in respect to whole Ab. Moreover we have demonstrated that our Ab is able to recognize the PSMA antigen in the native and denaturated form (western Blot, IHC). When compared to the 7E11c, D2/B mAb shows, in IHC analysis, the same pattern of recognition both on criopreserved and on formalin fixed prostate cancer tissues; no labeling was demonstrated on antigen negative normal tissues. D2/B mAb was chemically linked to ricin A chain toxin obtaining a powerful immunodelivered drug (immunotoxin, IT) with specific cytotoxic activity on PSMA+ cells; in a cytotoxic assay on LNCaP cells D2B-RTA IT shows an IC50=10-10 M/L only 35 times higher than the IC50 of J591- RTA IT (3.5*10-11). In order to reduce the molecular mass of this IT and subsequently improve the penetration in the tumor mass, we decided to clone the single-chain (scFv) variable region of PSMA-specific antibody into a prokaryotic expression vector containing the catalytic subunit of Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A (PE40). In an 3H-Tdr incorporation assay the PSMA-specific fusion immunotoxin (IT) inhibit half the proliferation of the PSMA-positive population tested LNCaP at an estimated concentration of approximately 2*10-11 M/L. No IC50 can be defined on PSMA-negative PC3 cell line, neither once tested at a concentration of 10-7 M/L. Similarly our IT shows a great cytotoxicity against hPSMA-transfected MCF-7 cell line (IC50 below 10-11 M/L) but not against mock-transfected one (IC50 3*10-8 M/L). As a further proof of specificity we observed that the cytotoxic activity of 10-9 M/L of the abovementioned IT, on LNCaP cells, is fully prevented by addition of whole molecule PSMA-specific antibody at a concentration of 0,7*10-5 M/L. Gold Nanoparticles Specific targeted delivery and control drug release are desirable properties of a drug for tumor therapy. Nanomedicine, the science which studies the application of nanotechnology to disease treatment, might be of help. Targeted Nanoparticles (NP) for their size and structure are able to enhance the accumulation in the tumor of encapsulated of linked/adsorbed molecules (gene, drug). We have therefore investigated the binding properties of gold-NPs (20 um Æ) charged with a reporter solution (Texas red) and conjugated to mAb D2/B. D2/B-NP binding to LNCaP (PSMA+) cells has been assessed by cytometry. We have measured a MFI (mean fluorescence value) of 1,383 for D2/B-NP whereas the MFI of the negative control (CTRL-) was 68. The binding specificity was confirmed on PSMA– Jurkat cells (MFI of 121 and 101 for D2/B-NP and CTRL-, respectively). Binding and internalization of D2/B-NP in LNCaP cells were assayed by confocal microscopy; detection of D2/B-NP by surface-enhanced Raman scattering also revealed the selective binding of the NPs to Ag+ cells. Our results of specific delivery and internalization support our idea to use mAb anti-PSMA targeted NPs for imaging of tumor sites and to carry toxic drugs inside the tumor. Syngeneic mouse model: A syngeneic mouse models has been created transfecting B16 murine melanoma cells with phCMV3-hPSMA vector. In FACS analysis B16 hPSMA MFI value was 11,578 respect a negative control value of 188; cytotoxic assays performed on this clone with scFvD2B-PE40 IT show an IC50= 4*10-9 M/L; the whole toxin PE shows in the same assays an IC50= 6*10-9 M/L. When B16 WT cells have been used the IC50 values were >3*10-7 M/L and 6*10-9 M/L for scFvD2B-PE40 and PE respectively. To verify the tumorigenicity of our B16-hPSMA in C57BL/6 mice, different amount of transfected cells 0.5, 1 and 2 millions has been inoculated iv; after 21 days we have measured the number of metastasis at the lung level. There are about 140 metastasis/lung in mice inoculated with 1 and 2 millions of cells and 60 metastasis in mice inoculated with 0.5 millions of cells. Immunoimaging The first series of experiments to conjugate Ab D2B with quantum dot, don’t have showed good results. So we have decided to use the fluorocrome Cy5.5; after conjugation with the fluorocrome D2/B mAb Ab preserves its ability to recognize LNCaP cells without altering the specificity and affinity. Therefore we have plan analyze if it was possible to capture “in vivo” the fluorescence signal of labelled LNCaP cells; we have labeled LNCaP cells “in vitro” with Ab D2B-Cy5.5 and than we have inoculated SCID mice sc with 1*106 and 7.5*106 cells. With this experiment we have demonstrated that Explore Optix instrument is able “in vivo” to show the fluorescence signal derived from the tumor labeled cells. At the same time we are able to identify “in vivo” the tumor mass, stable tumor obtained inoculating sc LNCaP cells, injecting iv Ab D2/B labeled with Cy5.5.
Preclinical studies of a new anti-psma (prostate specific membrane antigen) antibody for diagnosis and immunotargeting
Prostate cancer (PCa) is the second leading cause of cancer death in men in western countries. Whereas primary organ-confined disease can be properly treated and cured by surgery and/or radiation therapy, there are limited therapeutic options for the advanced forms of this disease (metastatic, hormone-refractory). Since the conventional therapeutic approaches are poorly effective in the advanced stages of PCa, several investigations, prompted by the discovery of antigens expressed in organ-specific patterns, have proposed and studied different immunological strategies for immunotherapy and immunodiagnosis. Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA) has recently emerged as one of the most promising biomarkers in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer and its clinical relevance is presently being evaluated in several immunotherapy trials. Aims of my work were: produce and characterize a new mAb anti-PSMA and its scFv format and study their immunotherapeutical and diagnostic applications. Antibody, scFv fragment and Immunotoxins Our anti-PSMA mAb D2/B as whole molecule or in scFv format recognizes PSMA expressed on LNCaP cells with good specificity and affinity; D2/B shows either much affinity than J591 Ab which is currently under phase II clinical trials; at the same time the scFv format of D2/B shows only 20-fold lower affinity in respect to whole Ab. Moreover we have demonstrated that our Ab is able to recognize the PSMA antigen in the native and denaturated form (western Blot, IHC). When compared to the 7E11c, D2/B mAb shows, in IHC analysis, the same pattern of recognition both on criopreserved and on formalin fixed prostate cancer tissues; no labeling was demonstrated on antigen negative normal tissues. D2/B mAb was chemically linked to ricin A chain toxin obtaining a powerful immunodelivered drug (immunotoxin, IT) with specific cytotoxic activity on PSMA+ cells; in a cytotoxic assay on LNCaP cells D2B-RTA IT shows an IC50=10-10 M/L only 35 times higher than the IC50 of J591- RTA IT (3.5*10-11). In order to reduce the molecular mass of this IT and subsequently improve the penetration in the tumor mass, we decided to clone the single-chain (scFv) variable region of PSMA-specific antibody into a prokaryotic expression vector containing the catalytic subunit of Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A (PE40). In an 3H-Tdr incorporation assay the PSMA-specific fusion immunotoxin (IT) inhibit half the proliferation of the PSMA-positive population tested LNCaP at an estimated concentration of approximately 2*10-11 M/L. No IC50 can be defined on PSMA-negative PC3 cell line, neither once tested at a concentration of 10-7 M/L. Similarly our IT shows a great cytotoxicity against hPSMA-transfected MCF-7 cell line (IC50 below 10-11 M/L) but not against mock-transfected one (IC50 3*10-8 M/L). As a further proof of specificity we observed that the cytotoxic activity of 10-9 M/L of the abovementioned IT, on LNCaP cells, is fully prevented by addition of whole molecule PSMA-specific antibody at a concentration of 0,7*10-5 M/L. Gold Nanoparticles Specific targeted delivery and control drug release are desirable properties of a drug for tumor therapy. Nanomedicine, the science which studies the application of nanotechnology to disease treatment, might be of help. Targeted Nanoparticles (NP) for their size and structure are able to enhance the accumulation in the tumor of encapsulated of linked/adsorbed molecules (gene, drug). We have therefore investigated the binding properties of gold-NPs (20 um Æ) charged with a reporter solution (Texas red) and conjugated to mAb D2/B. D2/B-NP binding to LNCaP (PSMA+) cells has been assessed by cytometry. We have measured a MFI (mean fluorescence value) of 1,383 for D2/B-NP whereas the MFI of the negative control (CTRL-) was 68. The binding specificity was confirmed on PSMA– Jurkat cells (MFI of 121 and 101 for D2/B-NP and CTRL-, respectively). Binding and internalization of D2/B-NP in LNCaP cells were assayed by confocal microscopy; detection of D2/B-NP by surface-enhanced Raman scattering also revealed the selective binding of the NPs to Ag+ cells. Our results of specific delivery and internalization support our idea to use mAb anti-PSMA targeted NPs for imaging of tumor sites and to carry toxic drugs inside the tumor. Syngeneic mouse model: A syngeneic mouse models has been created transfecting B16 murine melanoma cells with phCMV3-hPSMA vector. In FACS analysis B16 hPSMA MFI value was 11,578 respect a negative control value of 188; cytotoxic assays performed on this clone with scFvD2B-PE40 IT show an IC50= 4*10-9 M/L; the whole toxin PE shows in the same assays an IC50= 6*10-9 M/L. When B16 WT cells have been used the IC50 values were >3*10-7 M/L and 6*10-9 M/L for scFvD2B-PE40 and PE respectively. To verify the tumorigenicity of our B16-hPSMA in C57BL/6 mice, different amount of transfected cells 0.5, 1 and 2 millions has been inoculated iv; after 21 days we have measured the number of metastasis at the lung level. There are about 140 metastasis/lung in mice inoculated with 1 and 2 millions of cells and 60 metastasis in mice inoculated with 0.5 millions of cells. Immunoimaging The first series of experiments to conjugate Ab D2B with quantum dot, don’t have showed good results. So we have decided to use the fluorocrome Cy5.5; after conjugation with the fluorocrome D2/B mAb Ab preserves its ability to recognize LNCaP cells without altering the specificity and affinity. Therefore we have plan analyze if it was possible to capture “in vivo” the fluorescence signal of labelled LNCaP cells; we have labeled LNCaP cells “in vitro” with Ab D2B-Cy5.5 and than we have inoculated SCID mice sc with 1*106 and 7.5*106 cells. With this experiment we have demonstrated that Explore Optix instrument is able “in vivo” to show the fluorescence signal derived from the tumor labeled cells. At the same time we are able to identify “in vivo” the tumor mass, stable tumor obtained inoculating sc LNCaP cells, injecting iv Ab D2/B labeled with Cy5.5.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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