Nel 1822 a Verona si tenne un congresso che idealmente doveva chiudere i lavori e le tematiche lasciati in sospeso a Vienna 7 anni prima. Il mondo della stampa avrebbe potuto cogliere e raccontare l'evento che vedeva in città l'imperatore Francesco I, principi, regnanti e tutte le loro delegazioni pubblicando libri e opuscoli che noi oggi definiremo Instant book. Era uso che circostanze mondane e politiche trovassero spazio editoriale e sebbene il congresso si risolse in poche settimane la risonanza fu tale da aspettarci una messe di testi che lo raccontassero. In realtà, da quello che i fondi librari ci hanno trasmesso, le pubblicazioni coeve furono esigue e poche altre ne seguirono lasciando alle storie generali il racconto di quanto avvenuto. Nonostante ciò, i testi pervenutici presentano un apparato paratestuale, oggetto dell'analisi, che seguendo i canoni adottati per tali parti racconta il clima, i rapporti e i sentimenti vissuti da parte degli autori che decisero e poterono descrivere quanto accaduto.
A congress was held in Verona in 1822 which ideally should have resolved the work and the themes left in abeyance at Vienna seven years earlier. The world of the press could have captured and retold the event that saw Emperor Francesco I, princes, rulers and all their delegations in the city by publishing books and leaflets which today we would call instant books. It was usual that worldly and political events would find editorial space and although the congress was concluded in a few weeks, its renown was such that an abundance of texts could be expected to have recorded it. In reality, from what is transmitted in library sources, contemporary publications were meagre and few others followed, leaving the account of what happened to general histories. Nonetheless, the surviving sources present a paratextual apparatus of objects for analysis, which in addition to the rule adopted, recount the atmosphere, the relationships and the sentiments experienced by those who made decisions and could describe what happened.
L’arte della stampa ha celebrato il Congresso di Verona?
Federica Formiga
A congress was held in Verona in 1822 which ideally should have resolved the work and the themes left in abeyance at Vienna seven years earlier. The world of the press could have captured and retold the event that saw Emperor Francesco I, princes, rulers and all their delegations in the city by publishing books and leaflets which today we would call instant books. It was usual that worldly and political events would find editorial space and although the congress was concluded in a few weeks, its renown was such that an abundance of texts could be expected to have recorded it. In reality, from what is transmitted in library sources, contemporary publications were meagre and few others followed, leaving the account of what happened to general histories. Nonetheless, the surviving sources present a paratextual apparatus of objects for analysis, which in addition to the rule adopted, recount the atmosphere, the relationships and the sentiments experienced by those who made decisions and could describe what happened.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.