A constructive function-theoretic approach to topological compactness
2016-01-01 Petrakis, Iosif
A Density Theorem for Hierarchies of Limit Spaces over Separable Metric Spaces
2017-01-01 Petrakis, Iosif
A Direct Constructive Proof of a Stone-Weierstrass Theorem for Metric Spaces
2016-01-01 Petrakis, Iosif
Algebras of Complemented Subsets
2022-01-01 Petrakis, Iosif; Wessel, Daniel
Bases of Pseudocompact Bishop Spaces
2023-01-01 Petrakis, Iosif
Borel and Baire Sets in Bishop Spaces
2019-01-01 Petrakis, Iosif
Closed subsets in Bishop topological groups
2022-01-01 Petrakis, Iosif
Complemented subsets and Boolean-valued, partial functions
2024-01-01 Misselbeck-Wessel, Daniel; Petrakis, Iosif
Completely Regular Bishop Spaces
2015-01-01 Petrakis, Iosif
Computability Models over Categories and Presheaves
2022-01-01 Petrakis, Iosif
Constructive uniformities of pseudometrics and Bishop topologies
2019-01-01 Petrakis, Iosif
Dependent Sums and Dependent Products in Bishop’s Set Theory
2019-01-01 Petrakis, Iosif
Direct spectra of Bishop spaces and their limits
2021-01-01 Petrakis, Iosif
Embeddings of Bishop spaces
2020-01-01 Petrakis, Iosif
Functions of Baire Class One over a Bishop Topology
2020-01-01 Petrakis, Iosif
Limit spaces with approximations
2016-01-01 Petrakis, Iosif
McShane-Whitney extensions in constructive analysis
2020-01-01 Petrakis, Iosif
McShane-Whitney Pairs
2017-01-01 Petrakis, Iosif
Pre-measure spaces and pre-integration spaces in predicative Bishop-Cheng measure theory
2024-01-01 Petrakis, Iosif; Zeuner, Max
Proof-relevance in Bishop-style constructive mathematics
2022-01-01 Petrakis, Iosif