"Uomini e Macchine" - ACOMA, a cura di Fabrizio Tonello
2019-01-01 MELODIA FESTA, Beatrice
"Writing My Wrongs: Life, Death and Redemption in an American Prison." Shaka Senghor
2019-01-01 MELODIA FESTA, Beatrice
Autonomy, Responsibility and Spiritual Matriarchism: Edith Wharton's Reinforcement of Feminsit Roles through Mythology
2020-01-01 MELODIA FESTA, Beatrice
Depictions of Shame: White Identity and Cultural Blackness in Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom! and Styron’s Confessions of Nat Turner
2021-01-01 MELODIA FESTA, Beatrice
Emotional Violence from the Page to the Screen: Moral Abuse and Psychological Manipulation in The Age of Innocence from Edith Wharton to Martin Scorsese
2022-01-01 MELODIA FESTA, Beatrice
Flânerie and the Transnational Deterritorialization of 9/11 in Teju Cole’s Open City
2022-01-01 MELODIA FESTA, Beatrice
From Prose to Picture: Critical Reflections on the Road and the Journey in John Steinbeck’s and John Ford’s The Grapes of Wrath
2025-01-01 Festa, Melodia
Le Implacabili. Violenze al femminile nell'America tra Otto e Novecento. Anna De Biasio
2016-01-01 MELODIA FESTA, Beatrice
Netflix and the American Prison Film: Depictions of Incarceration and the New Prison Narrative in Ava DuVernay’s 13th (2016)
2022-01-01 MELODIA FESTA, Beatrice
Racial uplift in speculative fiction: technological empowerment and the enforcement of black identity in Colson Whitehead’s 'The Intuitionist' and 'John Henry Days'
2022-01-01 MELODIA FESTA, Beatrice
Racialized Beauty: The Construction of Racialized-Gendered Identities in the Novels of Toni Morrison
2017-01-01 MELODIA FESTA, Beatrice
Recensione di La Grande Distruzione di Jessica Powell
2021-01-01 MELODIA FESTA, Beatrice
Screens and Evanescence in American Literature 2.0: Images, Virtual Platforms and Digital Reproductions in Tao Lin's Taipei
2021-01-01 MELODIA FESTA, Beatrice
Shadowing Femi(ni)cide, Madness and the Politics of Female Control in Louisa May Alcott’s ‘A Whisper In The Dark
2024-01-01 MELODIA FESTA, Beatrice
Telegraphic Literature, Artificial Subjectivity and the Challenges to Communication Technology in Ella Cheever Thayer’s Wired Love (1889)
2020-01-01 MELODIA FESTA, Beatrice
The Gendering of Space: Female Strollers on the Market in 19th and 20th Century New York
2016-01-01 MELODIA FESTA, Beatrice
The Ink of Melancholy. Faulkner's Novels from The Sound and the Fury to Light in August
2017-01-01 MELODIA FESTA, Beatrice
“Revenge is never a straight Line:” Whitewashing Blackness, Blaxploitation and the Development of White Imagery in Tarantino’s Django Unchained
2024-01-01 Festa, Melodia