RAGNI, Cristiano
RAGNI, Cristiano
"I have decreed not to sing in my cage”. Melancholy at Court from Castiglione to Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing
2021-01-01 Ragni, Cristiano
2023-01-01 Ragni, Cristiano; Duxfield, Andrew
"Renaissance Drama: Excluding Shakespeare. Criticism: (3a) Marlowe”, in The Year’s Work in English Studies 101:1 (2022)
2022-01-01 Ragni, Cristiano
Dido in Oxford. William Gager’s Ovidian play in Elizabethan England
2016-01-01 Ragni, C
Finding the Sources for Marlowe’s Lucan: A Lexicographical Proposal
2021-01-01 Ragni, Cristiano
Marlowe’s “damnable opinions”. Bruno, Machiavelli, and Gentili in The Massacre at Paris
2016-01-01 Ragni, C
MICHELE MARRAPODI (ed.), Shakespeare and the Italian Renaissance. Appropriation, Transformation, Opposition
2019-01-01 Ragni, Cristiano
Renaissance Drama: Excluding Shakespeare. Criticism: (2b) Marlowe
2019-01-01 Ragni, C
Review of Bigliazzi, Silvia, ed., Shakespeare and Crisis. One Hundred Years of Italian Narratives, Amsterdam and Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 2020, 282 pp. and Ciliberto, Michele, Shakespeare. Il male, il potere, la magia, Incipit, Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2022, 256 pp.
2023-01-01 Ragni, Cristiano
Review of Camilla Caporicci. 2013. The Dark Lady. La Rivoluzione Shakespeariana Nei Sonetti Alla Dama Bruna. Passignano sul Trasimeno: Aguaplano
2015-01-01 Ragni, Cristiano
Review of Domenico Lovascio. 2015. Un nome, mille volti: Giulio Cesare nel teatro inglese della prima età moderna. Roma: Carocci
2016-01-01 Ragni, Cristiano
Review of Valentina Vadi. 2020. War and Peace. Alberico Gentili and the Early Modern Law of Nations. Leiden: Brill. Renaissance Quarterly 74:4 (2021): 1311-1312. (DOI: doi:10.1017/rqx.2021.232)
2020-01-01 Ragni, Cristiano
Shakespeare’s “Quarrel Honourable” and Gentili’s “Iusta Contentio”. Henry V and the Forging of the Nation
2016-01-01 Ragni, C
Shakespeare’s “Quarrel Honourable” and Gentili’s “Iusta Contentio”. Henry V and the Forging of the Nation
2016-01-01 Ragni, Cristiano
«Renaissance Drama: Excluding Shakespeare. Criticism: (2b) Marlowe», in The Year’s Work in English Studies 100:1 (2021): 501-507 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/ywes/maab008).
2021-01-01 Ragni, Cristiano
«Renaissance Drama: Excluding Shakespeare. Criticism: (2b) Marlowe», in The Year’s Work in English Studies 99:1 (2020): 32-44 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/ywes/maaa008)
2020-01-01 Ragni, Cristiano
«“Oh, wrathful France”. Il Lucano di Marlowe e le Guerre di Religione»
2021-01-01 Ragni, C
“[…] nostram solam ex tot linguis perfectam […]”. Paul Greaves’ Grammatica Anglicana (1594) between Latin Influences and Patriotism
2023-01-01 Ragni, Cristiano
“Scorning both god and his ministers”: At the Origins of Marlowe’s Atheism
2024-01-01 Ragni, Cristiano
“Scraps, orts, and fragments”. Shakespearean Echoes in Virginia Woolf
2017-01-01 Ragni, C