DIPARTIMENTO DI FILOSOFIA, PEDAGOGIA E PSICOLOGIA (attivo dal 01/01/2000 al 31/12/2015)
Biophilia in practice: Children perceive the restorative value of Nature and this improves performance in attention test.
2011-01-01 Giuseppe, Barbiero; Berto, Rita; Pasini, Margherita
Biophilic design triggers fascination and enhances psychological restoration in the urban environment.
2016-01-01 Berto, R.; Barbiero, G.; Pasini, M.; &, ; Pieter, U.
Can the Physical Environment Play a role on Workers’ Safety Outcomes? A Brief Commentary on Restorative Design at the Workplace
2018-01-01 Pasini, M; Berto, R; Brondino, M
E' restorative andare in vacanza?
2007-01-01 Berto, Rita; Pasini, Margherita
How does Psychological Restoration Work in Children? An Exploratory Study
2015-01-01 Berto, Rita; Pasini, Margherita; Barbiero, Giuseppe
How to Measure the Restorative Quality of Environments: The PRS-11
2014-01-01 Pasini, Margherita; Berto, Rita; Brondino, Margherita; Hall, Rob; Ortner, Catherine
Legati alla Natura da bambini, per diventare adulti che hanno cura dell'ambiente (Connected to Nature as children, to become environmentally-conscious adults).
2017-01-01 Berto, R.; Pasini, M.
Measuring the restorative value of the environment: Contribution to the validation of the Italian version of the Perceived Restorativeness Scale(Misurare il valore rigenerativo dell’ambiente: contributo alla validazione della versione italiana della Perceived Restorativeness Scale)
2009-01-01 Pasini, Margherita; Berto, R.; Scopelliti, M.; Carrus, G.
Una scala per la misura della restorativeness dei luoghi
2007-01-01 Pasini, Margherita; Berto, Rita