PERETTI, Alberto
PERETTI, Alberto
A constrained minimum spanning tree problem
2018-01-01 Peretti, Alberto
A linear model for a ranking problem
2017-01-01 Peretti, Alberto
A mapping associated to a quadratic optimization problem with linear constraints
2014-01-01 Peretti, Alberto
A Procedure for Solving a Linear Complementarity System
2023-01-01 Pellegrini, Letizia; Peretti, Alberto
A procedure for solving a linear complementarity system
2024-01-01 Peretti, Alberto
Copula functions: general features and an application to risk management
2007-01-01 E., Colicino; Peretti, Alberto
On a particular mapping in Rn
2009-01-01 Peretti, Alberto
On linear problems with complementarity constraints
2019-01-01 Mastroeni, Giandomenico; Pellegrini, Letizia; Peretti, Alberto
On the mathematical background of Google PageRank algorithm
2014-01-01 Peretti, Alberto; Roveda, Alberto
Parallel nonsmooth optimization by quasidifferential calculus
1990-01-01 Peretti, Alberto; Sutti, Carla
Sequential and parallel implementations of an algorithm for the factorization of a matrix with rare banded matrices
1987-01-01 Peretti, Alberto; Sutti, Carla
Some notes on divisibility rules
2015-01-01 Peretti, Alberto
Some numerical aspects on a method for solving linear problems with complementarity constraints
2021-01-01 Mastroeni, Giandomenico; Pellegrini, Letizia; Peretti, Alberto
Sulla determinazione dei portafogli efficienti nel criterio media-varianza
2001-01-01 Peretti, Alberto
The algebraic approach to some ranking problems
2016-01-01 Peretti, Alberto
The importance of Perron-Frobenius Theorem in ranking problems
2014-01-01 Peretti, Alberto